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Author: Coffin69

[Pelbagai] Berapa kronik level OCD korang?

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Post time 13-1-2019 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Belek-belek cincin...cuit-cuit hidung...kawan la kata suka buat

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Post time 14-1-2019 06:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Yang mengaku ada OCD tu hmm... I don't want to argue

Benda-benda ni dah jadi kebiasaan, kalau luar biasa, saya akan ubah balik supaya jadi biasa sekarang dah malas nak fussy ke perfectionist ke, janji tak bersepah

1. Lipat kain 15 cm x 15 cm sejak zaman asrama lagi. Dulu ukur pakai pembaris, lepas tu ada template, sekarang dah tau 15 cm tu panjang mana sape tak suka susunan baju nampak kemas

2. Susun hanger ikut warna, dan ada jarak antara hanger2 tu. Kalau hanger tak sama jenis, saya bagi orang lain. Hangers saya kena sama jenis, baru nampak kemas, tak serabut closet tu

3. Susun barang2 dalam rumah ikut warna, saiz, ketinggian. Ada hari2 saya bolayan jer semua tu
dan lain-lain, malas nak list kat sini. Not for u to find out

Yang pasti, saya tak suka nampak bersepah, kotor. Kena organized, senang nak bagitau orang kat mana benda tu masa diorang nak. Habits ni dilatih sejak dari zaman sekolah, sekarang dah kertu, itu kebiasaan, bukan OCD, perfectionist ke apa

Nak suruh doktor check laa



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Post time 14-1-2019 08:37 AM | Show all posts

@zulra tu awek aku

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Post time 14-1-2019 10:14 AM | Show all posts
kesian lak yg ada sifat-sifat yg OCD ni, benda-benda yg org biasa anggap remeh, jadi masalah besar lak kat dia, belum campur nak pikir masaalah berat yg lain.. semuanya nak risau.. penatnyaaaa

mcm mr monk lak - citer tv, detective yg OCD



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Post time 14-1-2019 10:47 AM | Show all posts

betul2 ke ni
ke tgh 'try'?


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Post time 14-1-2019 11:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rasa diri x OCD tpi org sekeliling ckp ai OCD

1. sejenis klu sidai baju kena ikut jenis n saiz
2. Hanger baju kaler mesti sama cth baju harian kaler hitam, baju keja kaler merah
2. Duit dlm wallet kena susun ikut amount
3. Klu buat keja, segala kertas kena susun elok2



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Post time 14-1-2019 11:44 AM | Show all posts
1) Pantang tengok stove top dapur kotor..sebelum dan selepas masak confirm lap sampai berkilat. (biasanya housemate tak buat mende iols la yang kena sental)

2) Pantang tengok sekeliling sinki dapur basah lencun. Dah selesai basuh pinggan mangkuk, kena pastikan lap kering2 keliling sinki

Biasanya dua benda ni la yang paling pantang. Ada lagi benda-benda lain tapi ni yang paling kerap. So, spekuan iols ialah ni bukan OCD, cuma kepantangan nampak benda tak bersih je



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Post time 14-1-2019 11:51 AM | Show all posts
diri aku, aku x kelaskan sebagai seorg ocd.. aku sekadar sukakan kebersihan..tu jek.. mmg family pon tak tahan kdg2 dengan perangai aku.. tp mata aku lg tak tak tahan tengok sepah, selerak & tak kembali ke tempat asal..

keratan daripada mymetro: Katanya, pesakit OCD mempunyai simptom yang terbahagi kepada empat kategori iaitu kebersihan, keselamatan, kepercayaan (spiritual) dan susun atur (struktur) yang mana terdapat pesakit yang memiliki lebih daripada dua kategori berkenaan. ... pesakit-ocd-metrotv



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Post time 14-1-2019 03:06 PM | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 13-1-2019 02:13 AM
1 . Lipat baju kena sama saiz. Orang lain yang lipatkan baju saya, saya akan bawa masuk bilik, pungg ...


sy bkn pakar psikiatri on ocd
tp dr tv show yg sy tgk sblm2 ni
you are sooo ocd person

tp jgn ambil pendapat peribadi sy ni
klu rs terganggu dan stress dgn rutin tu semua
you better seek for medical attention

btw, i always admire for ocd person
for their determination in order makes everything MUST be in order
and the cleanliness outcome tu

sometimes i wish i ada ocd yg bab pembersihan tu
especially pembersihan rumah
coz i so malas nk bersihkan rmh
nak mula tu
once dh start mmg cuci habis2



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Post time 14-1-2019 03:10 PM | Show all posts
ada sikit smpi tahap sebok betulkan susunan kat kaunter bayaran..ikut saiz

tapi kaka selalu reconcile diri..mana tabiat yg baik tapi belebihan pon tak bagus..slow2 let go.



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Post time 14-1-2019 03:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
supernaturalee replied at 14-1-2019 03:06 PM

sy bkn pakar psikiatri on ocd

taraklah.habit je tu.ada was2 sikit biasalah tu.kan?


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Post time 14-1-2019 09:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I takde OCD. Tapi I suka and prefer benda yang organize and bersih.

1. Basuh baju ikut jenis. I akan asingkan seluar, tshirt, kemeja, tudung, lingerie. Once dah basuh, wajib rendam downy 1 jam. Hanger mesti sama color and jenis. Lepastu bila sidai mesti color coded. Husband I pernah tolong I sidai, I marah dia sbb susun tak ikut color. Pernah 2-3 kali detergent I habis tapi yg I selalu pakai takde stock, so I akan basuh SEMUA balik baju yang bersih dalam almari guna detergent baru so that semua baju I bau yang sama.

2. Bila baju dah kering, I susun dlm almari. Mana yang kena lipat, I ada 1 template utk ikut size lipatan. Lepas dah lipat, kena susun ikut jenis baju, color & brand. Cth short sleeves dgn long sleeves ada tmpt dia sendiri.

3. I basuh pinggan ikut jenis. Cthnya sblm I basuh, I akan asingkan piring, mangkuk, periuk dgn sudu garfu. Kalau pinggan kena gosok atas 5 kali, bwh 5 kali. Kalau periuk, kena gosok sampai berkilat. Kalau sudu garfu, kena gosok 10 kali tmpt pemegang (bwh), 10 kali bhgn atas. I mmg kira 1-10 utk each side for sudu & garfu.

4. Bedsheet dgn pillow case I akan iron & pin setiap penjuru so that sentiasa kemas & tegang.

5. Kalau I guna 1 product, kena ada 1 set complete. Kalau tak I asyik teringat and tak tenang kalau tak cukup. I beli St. Ives facial scrub. So I nak ada semua jenis dr apricots, acne control, green tea, coconut & coffee etc. Kalau beli mask Freeman, I nak kena ada semua jenis mask Freeman. Kalau beli glass cleaner Mr. Muscle, I nak ada semua pencuci brand Mr. Muscle eventhough I tau I tak guna and tak suka.

Kadang-kadang I penat and tau tak perlu pun semua tu. Tapi I jenis asyik terfikir, teringat. Hati tak tenang kalau semua tak ikut macam yang I nak.



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Post time 15-1-2019 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Dah masuk keta kena keluar balik cek swiches, pintu toilet pintu bilik walaupun rasa mmg dh tutup... Katil kena tegang, hanger baju kena sama... Sidai baju ikut warna... Sebelum tido turun naik berkali cek gate n pili air luar..



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Post time 15-1-2019 05:06 PM | Show all posts
LostStar replied at 14-1-2019 11:51 AM
diri aku, aku x kelaskan sebagai seorg ocd.. aku sekadar sukakan kebersihan..tu jek.. mmg family pon ...

keratan daripada mymetro: Katanya, pesakit OCD mempunyai simptom yang terbahagi kepada empat kategori iaitu kebersihan, keselamatan, kepercayaan (spiritual) dan susun atur (struktur) yang mana terdapat pesakit yang memiliki lebih daripada dua kategori berkenaan.

ocd aku tegolong dlm simpton susun atur tu je lah..hahah patutla meroyan tgk benda susun tk kena dimata time dulu tu..selamba pegi susun barang2 atas kaunter. kalau lepas makan kt luar biasanya akan susun pinggan cawan nicely kemas meja.

even hidup pon aku kena structured..bukan kronik kes la..tak koser aku jadi saiko sbab benda remeh camni..cuma kena folo step disiplin yg asas senang tkde apa yg terlepas so on.

its how u manage ourlife..jgn terbeban benda yg tk perlu.



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Post time 15-1-2019 10:46 PM | Show all posts
I tak OCD tapi certain things memang particular, some of them other forummers dah mentioned.

1. Arrangement of furnitures kena aligned.
Eg: Kaki my dining chairs kena aligned dgn line carpet underneath. Line tu mmg part of the carpet design so kalau x aligned mmg I akan betulkan.

2. X semua orang boleh tolong I kat kitchen. So far, the only person yang tahu my regimes is my sister. Kalau orang yang x biasa dgn I, I will say politely x payah susah2 rehat je kat luar. I memang serabut kepala kalau things are not done my way and I pulak x pandai selindung airmuka bila dah stressed.

3. Susunan baju yang dah basuh kena ikut left to right. Last washed mesti paling kanan. Kalau husband I sometimes bila mintak tolong dia main letak je tengah2...ish! Kalau folded items like t shirt last washed mesti paling bawah.

4. Notes dalam wallet kena ikut color and denomination. Yang paling depan duit singgit

5. Kalau dine out I will wash the cutlery, tapi kalau kat Madam Kwan x la buat gitu haha

6. Wipes mmg benda wajib dalam kereta and handbag. Very handy kalau ada kotor sikit2 tu. I think this is very common



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Post time 15-1-2019 10:46 PM | Show all posts
Edited by lo_la at 15-1-2019 11:29 PM

I think sometime within these 10 years, there are some common misconceptions about OCD, lagi2 dengan advanced nya social media where people are relating it to being organized, particular about a thing or something, neat freak and etc.

So upon googling, memang ada common myths about OCD. This is what I've found.

Here are 4 common myths about OCD and the facts that prove them wrong.

1. MYTH: People with OCD love keeping things neat and organized.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard someone playfully say,“I’m so OCD,” while organizing a desk or cleaning a room. In many ways, this is the equivalent of saying, “I’m such a cancer patient,” because you feel like staying in bed all day or, “I’m so anorexic,” because you choose to avoid dessert after dinner.

OCD is a serious mental illness marked by high levels of anxiety and emotional distress. People with OCD might have cleanliness rituals,but they don’t enjoy them. They keep things clean and organized because otherwise they will experience crushing anxiety.

Then again, it’s also important to remember that not everyone with OCD has compulsions related to cleanliness.

2. MYTH: OCD is just about cleaning, hand-washing and being a “germaphobe.”
OCD is a heterogeneous disorder — in other words, it manifests differently in different people. In fact, only a portion of individuals with OCD are afraid of germs or have compulsions related to keeping themselves (and their world) clean.

Common fears, or obsessions, in people with OCD include:

- Fear of germs or contamination
- Fear of committing a sin
- Fear of harming themselves or others
- Fear of a loved one dying
- Fear of certain numbers, colors, words, etc.
- Fear of becoming a sexual predator

People with OCD perform rituals to mitigate the anxiety associated with their obsessions. These are known as compulsions.
Common compulsions in people with OCD include:

- Counting
- Repeating certain movements
- Hand-washing
- Praying
- Cleaning excessively
- Ordering or arranging things in the “right” way
- Hoarding
- Tapping or touching objects

These symptoms vary from individual to individual and can even change over the course of a person’s lifetime.

3. MYTH: When a person has OCD, it’s obvious.
Although it may be hard to believe, you’ve likely encountered many individuals with OCD and haven’t realized it. People with OCD are often able to hide or suppress their symptoms in public, especially if they’re receiving proper treatment.

There is also a contingent of patients with OCD who demonstrate no visible compulsions, even when they’re alone. Pure obsessional OCD, also known as Pure-O, is a subtype of OCD that involves compulsions that are largely performed inside the patient’s head. People with Pure-O often don’t even recognize that they have OCD, since their symptoms don’t resemble the more traditional depictions of the disorder.

4. MYTH: People with OCD are weak-willed and just need to relax.
For a healthy individual, the symptoms associated with OCD might seem absurd or even comical. (No one likes it when their life-threatening illness is seen as a joke.) The solution seems obvious:

      “Just stop washing your hands.”
      “Calm down! Nothing bad will happen.”
      “The stove is off. You don’t need to check it again.”
      “Why can’t you throw away all this useless junk?”
      “Can’t you just be realistic?”

OCD isn’t a personality quirk — it’s a disease. If curing a chronic illness were as simple as just “calming down,” no one in the world would be sick. People with OCD have brain regions that are literally malfunctioning, making it difficult — if not outright impossible – to fight their disorder without treatment. Certain antidepressants can be used to recalibrate the brain and soothe some of the symptoms, and exposure and response prevention (ERP) can help patients train their brains to respond less severely to their anxieties. Despite all of this, OCD is still a chronic condition that can follow a person for his or her entire life.

The next time you hear someone bring up one of these common OCD myths, tell the person the facts instead. Don’t let this misinformation continue to harm the very real people struggling with this condition.




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Post time 16-1-2019 12:32 PM | Show all posts
lo_la replied at 15-1-2019 10:46 PM
I think sometime within these 10 years, there are some common misconceptions about OCD, lagi2 dengan ...

klu tgk rncgn obsession dgn hoarders tu mmg kesian
smpi ganggu kehidupan harian
ada yg nk drive keluar rmh takut sbb husband accident smpi meninggal kt highway
ada yg xblh tidur
2 - 3 pagi kena bangun exercise


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Post time 16-1-2019 04:46 PM | Show all posts
lo_la replied at 15-1-2019 10:46 PM
I tak OCD tapi certain things memang particular, some of them other forummers dah mentioned.

1. A ...

I rasa macam I faham perasaan U bab dekat dapur. Kalau tetamu datang rumah I, diaorg nak tolong basuh pinggan ke gelas ke, I memang akan cakap tak payah. Biar je, tak payah susah-susah.

I selalu gaduh dengan husband I pasal ni. Ada satu hari tu, I penat sangat, I biar dalam sinki kejap. Lepastu I tertido. Sebelum tido, I pesan dekat husband I jangan basuh, nanti I basuh. Masa tengah tido, I dengar macam bunyi air sinki dkt dapur. I terus bangun lari and nampak dia tengah cuci pinggan semua. I tak sedar I jerit dekat dia "JANGAN BASUH!". Lepastu dia kata dia nak tolong, tapi I terus menangis. I cakap janganlah basuh sebab kalau dia basuh macam mana pun I akan basuh lagi sekali. I macam stress sangat sebab I rasa husband I basuh tak bersih walaupun sebenarnya bersih je I tengok.



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Post time 16-1-2019 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
My colleagues mmg suka tengok meja iols sbb walaupun byk brg but bersih tersusun, sampai sampah pun dipenyet licinkan baru buang dlm tong sampah.

Lagi satu bila deyols tengok cara iols arrange folders and subfolders dlm komputer, naming each of the files supaya menjadi sgt mudah utk cari.

Kat rumah pula mmg bersih tersusun dan iols jenis yg kalau beli satu set pinggan mangkuk then set tu je yg iols simpan dan guna. Takde jenis hoarder brg2 yg bermcm jenis.

Toys anak2 pun tak byk, dan iols susun ikut size & jenis (huhu) every time after kiddos main.

But the thing of being OCD ni... mmg puas hati tengok sbb rumah, keta, office sentiasa kemas tetapi penat ok nak maintain. Sometimes iols menangis2 bila arrangement brg2 tak ikut susunan yg sepatutnya walhal badan dah penat utk mengemas. Boleh gaduh lakibini bila husband bgn lambat dan tak tegangkan bedsheet.

Mujur juga iols bukan jenis OCD tg kronik kot, sbb bila iols dah give up I would trash everything mcm rumah redneckers. Seriously!

So rumah iols sentiasa dlm keadaan terlalu bersih & kemas (most of the time) atau terlalu bersepah (bila dtg baran).



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Post time 16-1-2019 06:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I tak ada OCD kot. Cuma beli & guna satu warna hanger untuk almari (velvet hitam) dan untuk sidai baju (biru). Kalau pakai pants & tak bawa handbag, poket kiri untuk small/loose change; poket kanan untuk note besar. Hp letak poket sebelah kiri, wallet poket kanan. Kalau tertukar boleh jadi kalut sebab ingat tertinggal etc.
Rak pinggan susun ikut saiz pinggan mangkuk.
Come to think of it, I am not at all organised. But I know where I put my stuff when I need it. I lebih pentingkan kebersihan (tak ada habuk etc).



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