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Author: Cari-Saiful

Iqram Dinzly Nak Ceroboh Persembahan, Nyaris Kena Tumbuk Dengan Altimet

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:05 PM | Show all posts
ntah la attention seekeeeeerrrr

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:06 PM | Show all posts
coco replied at 14-2-2018 11:37 AM
layan tak layan orang masih ada hati nak jaga air muka n maruah si iqram ni.

nak jaga watpe...dia sendiri x reti jaga air muka dia...hmmmm

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
renko replied at 14-2-2018 11:33 AM
sebab menang
boleh berlagak poyo la cakap
adat kami lain konon

Tau xpe. Mamak ni dr dlu aku perhati je poyo nak mampuih. Joe pun xde poyo camni.

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
beeeee replied at 14-2-2018 11:22 AM
dah takde rupa depression la camtu miong tahan gaban tah tah mendadih haha

Aku dah cakap banyak kali dgb member iqram nj dah level skizo bukan depress lagi dah. Ramai tak caya. Org depression selalu hide in silent. Sampai national campain semua enforce org depress come out and seek help.

Iqram suffer in silent? Naaaaaaaa he craze for attention sampai gila jadinya

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:11 PM | Show all posts
tupai_tupai replied at 14-2-2018 12:02 PM
Dia kan tgh bertanding.
Focus tgh nyanyi bagai.
Mstila angin kalau tiba2 org crash buat persembah ...


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Post time 14-2-2018 01:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Someone needs to drag iqram ni pegi jumpa doktor...

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:16 PM | Show all posts
lilagrace replied at 14-2-2018 12:55 PM
aku x suka princiqy ni. tp altimet poyo. adat hip hop?

aku pun x rase nk kecam setelah membaca komen2 kt fb dia & penyokong2 dia serta dia sekali...terasa poyo yg kau ckp itu adalah betol....huhu..

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Memang patut pun altimet marah

Tak paham aku org dok kesiankan iqram ni
Awal2 dulu yela kesian
Ni makin org melayan makin menjadi2
Dah mcm dibuat2
Adik beradik dia tak tegur ke?


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Post time 14-2-2018 01:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Debik debik jugak... Tapi kalau tak sempat buat, better kau diam jer kot...  Lagi pun ko pun dah nak bersara kan? Does it really matter?

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:22 PM | Show all posts
lepas ni bila ada event besar - besar mohon tapis supaya prince chiki tak dapat masuk. haru bila dia kacau event orang.

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bukan_ustazah replied at 14-2-2018 12:33 PM
Mohon tok parid tampar si Chikie ni sekali .. moga heols tersedar dari lamunan gila heols

Yg ni lawak. Aku sokong

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:33 PM | Show all posts
sukacactus replied at 14-2-2018 12:37 PM
Xsempat tengok part last ajl
Sebaik umum juara terus tutup tv, masuk tido
Terlepas drama la plak!

Sama ngan meols..
Lepas umum juara, terus meols masuk tido...esok Senin..nak keje weh..
Tak tau pulak si Iqram naik atas
Dah knp Iqram tu??
Ko dah lah setakat berlakon aje, x ada kna mengena dgn duinia nyanyian tapi kau pulak yg lebiih2
Hantar Tanjung rambutan je eloknya dia tu

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tv3 memang sengaja jemput Iqram or Iqram tu mmg datang beli tiket sendiri mcm penonton2 biasa tu? apa2 pun, to be honest, memang iqram annoying habis la that night. Artis2 yg datang pun agaknya terpaksa je la tunjuk gelak2 suka. Karang kalau tak gelak buat muka annoyed nnti org kata tak sporting, tak have fun bagai pulak kan.

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sah gila kot

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Post time 14-2-2018 01:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
main point ny d sini si iqram tu yg gila.. yg korg bash altimet apasal..

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Post time 14-2-2018 02:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
c_apple replied at 14-2-2018 01:18 PM
Memang patut pun altimet marah

Tak paham aku org dok kesiankan iqram ni

dah mak die sendiri kate die normal luar nk buat camane udah maknye sendiri kate die ok..
tapi serius kalau i jadi artis2 yg dikacau camtu oleh iqram ni,memang penendang la jawabnye..nk gile pegi gile sorang2,jgn susahkan org lain

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Post time 14-2-2018 02:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shailyvelera replied at 14-2-2018 01:16 PM
aku pun x rase nk kecam setelah membaca komen2 kt fb dia & penyokong2 dia serta dia se ...

poyo to the max lol altimet. nice jg dia bersara. lagu dia xde pn wow sgt

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Post time 14-2-2018 02:10 PM | Show all posts
chicky ni macam mintak penampar


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Post time 14-2-2018 02:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia ni bodoh xley diajar dah...rasa hormat,maruah agaknya mmg dah xde..jgn ckp depresi laa,xde org gila pegi majlis anugerah cani,tetiba bt perangai bodoh cm princechicken ni..malu siot kalau jd family member dia..

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Post time 14-2-2018 02:12 PM | Show all posts
aku sokong altimet ni bagi 2-3 bijik kat iqram tu
kot2 lepas tu normal balik kepala otak dia

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