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Author: Elle_mujigae

❤ The Korean 10-Step Skincare Routine ❤

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Post time 15-12-2017 02:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 15-12-2017 02:01 PM
what do you meannn iols baru riki2 ingat nak tukar lepas cleanser sedia ada habis

bukanke cetaphil ada sls ada propylparaben metylparaben all those shit

tula yg meols pakai setiap hari hahahaaaa

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Post time 15-12-2017 02:25 PM | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 15-12-2017 01:02 PM
bukanke cetaphil ada sls ada propylparaben metylparaben all those shit

tula yg meols pakai seti ...

ooooo yeke? eh tapi tak silap iols propylparaben & methylparaben ni safe kann.

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Post time 15-12-2017 02:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 15-12-2017 02:25 PM
ooooo yeke? eh tapi tak silap iols propylparaben & methylparaben ni safe kann.

meols sesaja baca artikel pasal paraben sls ni semua..tu yg jumpa

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Post time 15-12-2017 06:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sorry kalau out topic...nak tanya kalau korang yang bekerja kan...time zohor korang solat cuci muka guna wet tissue atau cleanser? Pastu of coz la tak buat 10 step sebab kat opis, tapi korang tepek apa kat muka? Saja tanya sebab I tak keje selalu kalau outing cuci pakai cleanser pastu tepek bedak je...tapi lately muka nampak kering buat camtu..

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Post time 16-12-2017 10:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 15-12-2017 06:54 PM
Sorry kalau out topic...nak tanya kalau korang yang bekerja kan...time zohor korang solat cuci muka  ...

Kalau mcm mzz, 10 steps hanya pagi and malam sebelum tidur saja. In between eg utk solat zohor and asar, mzz cuci guna micellar water and bilas dengan air biasa je. Lepas tu tepek moisturiser and mekap macam biasa. Same thing if you ada program malam, buat yang basic je..sebelum tidur baru buat 10 steps ni.

Since micellar water ni sangat gentle, and effective in cleaning off make up, tak payah cuci dengan sabun sebab over washing boleh strip off your natural skin moisture. Kulit jadi kering lepas tu akan jadi lebih berminyak dari biasa sebab our skin produce lebih banyak minyak utk cover kekeringan tu.

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Post time 16-12-2017 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mzz follow routine blog iman abdullah..

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Post time 16-12-2017 11:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hishhh tak boleh nak tepek pic pula

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Post time 16-12-2017 11:37 AM | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 15-12-2017 06:54 PM
Sorry kalau out topic...nak tanya kalau korang yang bekerja kan...time zohor korang solat cuci muka  ...

I cuci pakai wet tissue je. Lepas solat i pakai moisturizer and sunblock then tepek bedak sikit.


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Post time 16-12-2017 03:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mieymiey replied at 12-12-2017 07:10 AM
Hai sis, sekarang i tengah pakai exfoliator yang ni. Jenama Cosmoderm untuk anti kulit kusam. So f ...

ni utk scrub ke

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Post time 16-12-2017 03:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kalau muka jerawat pakai toner kena pakai jugak ke
belum pakai scrub lagi
lagi la jerawat lagi banyak

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Post time 16-12-2017 07:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 16-12-2017 10:55 AM
Kalau mcm mzz, 10 steps hanya pagi and malam sebelum tidur saja. In between eg utk solat zohor and ...

U pakai micellar water brand apa?

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Post time 16-12-2017 07:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 16-12-2017 10:58 AM
Mzz follow routine blog iman abdullah..

Nama penuh blog plzz

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Post time 16-12-2017 11:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 15-7-2017 06:42 AM
nampak mcm betul susunan..jom csi..
Step 1. make up remover and oil cleanser
-biore cleansing o ...

Hi elle sori I tgh mengkaji thread ni so nk tny yg low ph cosrx ni dikira sbg exfoliate ke? Bukan cleanser ek? Kalo bc description pon suruh pakai lepas primary cleanser. Apekah... mohon dibantu

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Post time 17-12-2017 09:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 16-12-2017 07:45 PM
U pakai micellar water brand apa?

Mzz first guna garnier biru..sekarang pakai nivea pula. Dua2 best and rasa sama je effect dia.

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Post time 17-12-2017 09:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 16-12-2017 07:46 PM
Nama penuh blog plzz

Sori2..bukan iman abdullah..iman abdul rahim. U google je iman abd rahim korean routine solat version.

Mzz ada pic routine tu tapi tak boleh nak tepek pula pakai fon ni.

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Post time 17-12-2017 03:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 17-12-2017 09:11 AM
Sori2..bukan iman abdullah..iman abdul rahim. U google je iman abd rahim korean routine solat vers ...

Ok...mzz ...tq...I google

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Post time 17-12-2017 03:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 17-12-2017 09:09 AM
Mzz first guna garnier biru..sekarang pakai nivea pula. Dua2 best and rasa sama je effect dia.

Lap-lap dengan kapas je kan? So skang ni kapas kena ada dalam beg I kalau nak outing, selalu bawak tisu lembab je...ok..thanks...mzz

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Post time 18-12-2017 07:46 AM | Show all posts

Ya, scrub. Tapi dalam bentuk gel, tepek sikit kat muka kemudian massage. Lembut. I lagi suka yang ni banding dengan scrub yang ada beads kasar-kasar tu.

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Post time 18-12-2017 09:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 15-12-2017 06:54 PM
Sorry kalau out topic...nak tanya kalau korang yang bekerja kan...time zohor korang solat cuci muka  ...

wet tissue lepas tu guna cleanser, lepas solat topup toner, moisturizer dgn sunscreen balik

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Post time 18-12-2017 10:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
My skin care practice
1. Make up remover - I pakai micellar water ....mmg tanggal lah make up2 I....I pakai jenama Garnier je. Sebelum ni I pakai Dr G make up Garnier nye pun bagus & berkali2 murah.

2. Cleanser - I pakai Mary Kay  & Harrogate sulphur soap. Kdg2 pakai Mary Kay...kdg2 pakai Harrogate ...kalau uols nak tau kenaikan Harrogate sulphur soap...uols boleh google. It's safe & imported from ada je jual di shopee.

3. Toner- I pakai Mary Kay

4. Moisturizer- I pakai Mary Kay

5. Serum & essence - I pakai Mary Kay & essential oil serum (anti aging serum & whitening serum )

7. Scrub - I pakai natural scrub....guna gula + madu ke....gula + tomato ke....gula + potato ke....gula + betik ke...ikutlah yg mana ada. Urut slow2 je....sbb xnak cederakan lapisan kulit muka yg nipis.

8. Exfoliator -i guna natural exfoliator jugak...sama mcm scrub td....,kdg guna oatmeal + madu+ kunyit. Sebelum ni I pakai dermalogica exfoliant mask.... , Dermalogica guna fruits enzyme....utk digestkan sel2 kulit yg mati..., So kite pun boleh je buat sendiri di rumah. Guna je lah betik yg ada papain enzyme....mmg utk breakdown protein (sbb sel dibina drpd protein)

9. Mask - I guna sleeping mask Mary Kay....& Guna natural mask.
Tomato ke....betik ke....potato+madu ke....timun ke....yogurt+kunyit ke.

10. I pun slalu spray rose hydrosol ke muka....yg tu selepas toner

& Minum air putih secukupnya.
Kalau ada jerawat tumbuh 1-2....I sapu spot treantment oil (tea tree essential oil+ frankincense essential oil + olive oil....I blend sendiri je guna  eo...letak dlm botol kecik...., I sapu pd affected area shj)

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