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[Tempatan] Medical grads may be posted to other ministries maybe even overseas

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Post time 4-5-2016 01:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
SOURCE: Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR, 3 May 2016:
The Health Ministry has proposed that new medical graduates in this country be allowed to serve with other ministries in tackling the lack of posts for medical officers in the government hospitals.
Health deputy director-general (medical) Datuk Dr S. Jeyaindran said this could be an alternative measure to the problem as many new medical graduates had to wait a long time to serve in government hospitals.
“The current system provides for new medical graduates to work with the Health Ministry only, but now when there is a glut of medical graduates, perhaps we need to have an open mind and think out of the box.
“We need to think whether they should only work in the clinical section or serve in other ministries like in other countries including India.”

He spoke to reporters after officiating at the National-Level Work Safety and Health Day celebration themed ‘Workplace Stress: A Collective Challenge’ at Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL), here, today.

At the event, HKL also introduced the ‘Return to Work – Doctors’ Support Group’ for medical officers experiencing work stress to be counselled and referred to psychiatrists so that they could return to work.

Dr Jayaindran said the ministry’s proposal should be given serious thought – also because many new graduates could not withstand the work pressure and stress during their housemanship and gave up, to the extent that the process of recruiting new medical officers for government hospitals could be disrupted.
“Each year, we receive 5,000 medical graduates to undergo training but from the number, the ratio of 1:5 decide to quit due to work pressure and lack of deep interest in the profession.
“However, we don’t want them to put to waste their capabilities but be able to serve as public servants in other ministries,” he said, adding that the Health Ministry was discussing the matter with the Public Service Department to find a win-win solution.

On the spiralling medical costs for patients in this country that have gone viral on the social media, Dr Jayaindran denied this, saying it could be due to the propaganda by insurance companies.

He said the medical costs at private hospitals in this country were still lower than that in other countries, hence benefiting foreigners seeking treatment here, while foreign migrant workers paid lower fees for medical treatment here than in their own countries.

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Post time 4-5-2016 01:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Lawak hokey...

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 01:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah tak mampu nak tahan stress jadik doctor, nak jadi biawak hidup under JPA pulak kerja kat ministry lain. I hope kerja kat ministry lain pun tak stress ala2 baking cookies gitu.
Iols rasa it wont work for most of them.
1:5 dropout work ratio makna dari 5kper batch, 1k terlibat. Mana nak letak 1k tu? Does this mean grads lain akan di anak tirikan gor placement in other ministries? Tsk6

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 01:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nebulagazer replied at 4-5-2016 01:27 PM
Lawak hokey...

Sangatttt kannn

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Post time 4-5-2016 01:38 PM | Show all posts
20% drop out rate? Ini tinggi ke rendah or normal drop out rate?

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Post time 4-5-2016 01:43 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 4-5-2016 01:44 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 4-5-2016 01:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
La k of post sbb gomen xdop duit nk bayaq gaji. Walhal byk sepital esp kat ulu banat ni kekurangan doctor kot.

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kentel replied at 4-5-2016 01:44 PM

Tq. The rakyat post dated semalam. So meka pun basi jugakla.

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mokcikKSKB replied at 4-5-2016 01:58 PM
La k of post sbb gomen xdop duit nk bayaq gaji. Walhal byk sepital esp kat ulu banat ni kekurangan d ...

Yg ni yg takmo kerja doctor mokcik. Yg tak abih hsemanship.

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Post time 4-5-2016 02:10 PM | Show all posts
cherub replied at 4-5-2016 02:08 PM
Tq. The rakyat post dated semalam. So meka pun basi jugakla.

anyway ckp psl HO, smua buat kerja mcm apa je...wonder cmne dorg boleh jadi HO sedangkan nak buat dressing pun tak kemas n tanggal...

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Post time 4-5-2016 02:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Model gmc camner?
I x rasa idea ni baik sbb ho kena certified dulu then  baru safe to practice as mo.

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 02:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kentel replied at 4-5-2016 02:10 PM
anyway ckp psl HO, smua buat kerja mcm apa je...wonder cmne dorg boleh jadi HO sedangkan nak buat  ...

Ni namanya tak cukup exposure sebab pemalas.
Dressing is an art.
Kena berguru dan takkan diajar dlm syallabus.
Nko jgn kata ho, cuba nko suruh most doctors buat dressing sure hancus.
Time akak student zaman batu dulu takde socmed. So for real fun and interaction kami lepak2 dgn misi dan ma kat casualty belajar dressing esp malam2 staff xcukup so banyak hands on. Silap2 boleh buat macam2 yg mo pun xreti.
Nak lagi tere kena belajar dressing dgn stoma nurse, plastic surgery nurse dan burn ward.
There are many types of dressing dari simple ke yg pakai sophisticated items. Kita boleh manipulate the usage of both in the same wound at diff timing for optimal results.  

Nak tahu depa ni belajar je idak tengok ajela cara meka apply crepe bandage. Kalau tak serong2 tapi lurus je nampak sgt fail. Sekian.

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Post time 4-5-2016 02:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cherub replied at 4-5-2016 02:08 PM
Yg ni yg takmo kerja doctor mokcik. Yg tak abih hsemanship.

Gitu..ingat sama mcm yg uols post aritu. Mokcik ada kawan yg quit jd doc tp sempat habis housemanship. Ingatkan nk tukar profession..sekali masuk balik kkm serve as a doctor lagik.bolehla nk berenti ikut suka masuk balik gomen pon ikut suka sbb omaknya menteri wanita itew.

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 02:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 4-5-2016 02:14 PM
Model gmc camner?
I x rasa idea ni baik sbb ho kena certified dulu then  baru safe to practice as m ...

Mesia kan xde gmc dah zaman batu dulu. Iols fest batch xdapat gmc. So they dont have to deal with it anymore.

Idea ni mmg buruk. Iols tahu asal usul idea ni dari recce yg mendalam baru2 ni. So walaupun berita ni basi tapi at least dibuka dgn pengetahuan. Idea ni pun datang dari a failed psychiatrist. She feels she needs to find a way to upcycle failed me grads. Most are sent for psych evaluation sebab its a legit way to get out of the fire la katakan. Bukan abscond. Ramai yg jadi surirumah buat business online baking buat baju anak etc. Dah takde hati nak jadi doc dan psy pun layan. Masalahnya these ppl owe gomen money in scholarship and bond. Takkan psych nak writeoff reramai camtu kan. Sure gomen marah. So desperate la nak cari solution. Kalau bagi kerja at least hutang gomen terbayar. But placement macam ni defeats the purpose.

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 02:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mokcikKSKB replied at 4-5-2016 02:18 PM
Gitu..ingat sama mcm yg uols post aritu. Mokcik ada kawan yg quit jd doc tp sempat habis housemans ...

Mak menteri and anak quit medicine is malu besar pada omaknya. Musti omaknya paksa dan cari jugak placement.

The problem with medicine is that its not just a job. Its our life. So how to quit on life kan..unless dah pencen macam iols ni pun ada jugak prektis sikit2 a few days a week.

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Post time 4-5-2016 02:29 PM | Show all posts
cherub replied at 4-5-2016 02:17 PM
Ni namanya tak cukup exposure sebab pemalas.
Dressing is an art.
Kena berguru dan takkan diajar  ...

entahla...imo sblum jadi HO pun kena monitor and make sure they're competent to perform their tasks...sbb last week one of my friends buat orchidectomy dgn orchidopexy, baru keluar ward takde doc yang smua dia ade post bleeding, bila panggil HO, smua pun mcm bimbo bebal...nak je i maki sorg sorg..sbb x reti nak decide kena buat dressing baru or etc. jadinya kena tunggu MO datang god, such a waste of time sbb tak boleh nak decide..

and i noticed, ada sorg male HO ni, he really doesn't know how to do a single job...dia keeps on avoiding tasks...ada sorg nurse suruh ambik darah patient, dia boleh pegi suruh HO lain buat..he's really avoiding tasks..ada lagi sorg HO tu, boleh pulak dia ambik darah tu, time needle dalam body, dia boleh buat mcm sthetescope pusing2 needle tu nak cari vein...omg...i rasa nak tampar je HO yang ambik darah tu...for that male HO tu, and by the look on his face, re's really not a convincing to perform asHO..and i remembered his name is Anas (HTAR Klang).

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Post time 4-5-2016 02:32 PM | Show all posts
kalau course lain boleh la nak pergi mana2 ministry...

kalau doctor nak pergi ministry mana...

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 02:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kentel replied at 4-5-2016 02:29 PM
entahla...imo sblum jadi HO pun kena monitor and make sure they're competent to perform their task ...

Kan mmg patut ditampar. Meka ni set2 anak org kaya yg mampu hantar ke med school. Bila kerja nak buat cara ada bibik kat rumah. Bila mak suruh kemas bilik mula lah ngelat.

Sorry to say i think anak marhaen ini mostly elok jadi docs. Yg biasa tolong parents potong getah menebas jual makanan etc. Its hard work. Itu yg many ppl tak paham2. So kena pilih dari background yg biasa membanting tulang. We just train them to use their brains while at it saja.

Ya rabb, sesungguhnya jaga houseman ni kena tahan sabar. Some mos and sp just dont care dgn quality houseman meka. Mana tak. Marah sikit parents datang attack. Nak extend pun nko kena hadap muka dia lagi 3 bulan. Zaman iols dulu ada ho ni satu hapa pun xreti tapi end of posting mos menangis2 mintak boss jgn extend dia. Dan dgn cara itu he finished his housemanship. Boleh?

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2016 02:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sipendiam replied at 4-5-2016 02:32 PM
kalau course lain boleh la nak pergi mana2 ministry...

kalau doctor nak pergi ministry mana...

Jabatan kerja raya hopefully?

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