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Post time 17-9-2013 09:16 AM | Show all posts
putra01 posted on 11-9-2013 06:59 AM
katanya punya duit banyak, tapi beli ngeteng ma nrimo hibah.
lantas duitnya di apain? di kunci? ...

emang bokap loe jadi presidennya, emang engkong loe jadi ketua DPR, emang keluarga loe semua jadi anggota DPR, kalo IYA???
Loe naikin anggaran TNI jadi 2,5% dari GDP jadinya 250 trlliun, terus tambah anggaran MEF I, II masing 300 Trillion jadi tiap tahun dapat alokasi dana 60 trilliun, Jadi anggran TNI + anggaran MEF = 310 Trillion, nah tong loe beli tuh sesuka loe... beli griffen 10 sqd, su35 beli 2 sq, beli pakfa 2 sq,
TAPI ngga gitu juga kan, dinegeri ini banyak yang diurus bukan cuma TNI doang, banyak yang harus dibenahin.., BUKAN berarti loe punya duit seenak hati beli itu beli ini, Tambahan sedikit seandainya loe beli alutsista yang seabrek kya gitu lah SDM loe sudah sediain belum, untuk alutsista seabrek kya gitu loe perlu sediain SDM paling tidak 5-10 tahun


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Post time 17-9-2013 09:36 AM | Show all posts
The_New_Cabul posted on 15-9-2013 03:42 AM
Pembentukan Tim Anti Teror TNI

pasukan elit TNI

Pembentukan Satgas anti Teror itu penting ... tetapi yang lebih penting saat ini adalah pembentukan satgas yang dapat bertindak keras menghadapi preman dan koruptor yang sedang marak saat ini ....

Khusus untuk pemberantasan kroruptor .... jika SBY memang betul-betul serius dan berniat baik ... bukankah SBY bisa memperkuat lembaga semacam KPK agar mereka bisa bekerja lebih efektif .... tetapi sayang tidak ada niat baik seperti itu bahkan ada kesan SBY takut jika KPK suatu nanti ikut "menerkam"  dia dan keluarganya ....  

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Post time 18-9-2013 03:14 AM | Show all posts
wongedandotcom2 posted on 16-9-2013 04:50 PM
@BotakChinPeng   meninggal donia bro... berangkat takziah gak?? ...

Telah meninggal dunia salah satu pahlawan besar melayu

Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa2nya

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Post time 18-9-2013 12:10 PM | Show all posts

Indonesia, South Korea Celebrate 40 Years
By Bhimanto Suwastoyo on 8:30 am September 18, 2013.
Category Asia-Pacific, International, News
Tags: foreign direct investment, South Korea-Indonesia

Kim Young-Sun, South Korean ambassador to Indonesia. (JG Photo)

With 40 years of history between them, Indonesia and South Korea are now enjoying the golden years of their relationship but much remains to be done to enhance, if not maintain, ties at this level.

“Frankly there are so many developments to report, particularly in the past three to four years. Dare we say that it is the golden period of our cooperation, and our cooperation is now at its highest,” Kim Young-Sun, South Korea’s ambassador to Indonesia, said.

Speaking to journalists to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Kim said that with the two countries having no political issues between them, bilateral relations have focused on the development of trade and investment as well as other non-political sectors.

He said one milestone in the development of bilateral ties was the signing of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries in 2006.

Trade stood at $29.62 billion in 2012 with Indonesia posting a $1.7 billion surplus, Korean figures showed. Korea mostly exports diesel, gasoline, textile, hot rolled/cold rolled steel and synthetic rubber to Indonesia while importing natural gas, bituminous coal, crude oil, natural rubber and copper ore from the country.

Indonesia is the seventh largest destination for Korean investors and the second largest among member countries of Asean. In 2012, South Korean investment in Indonesia reached nearly $2 billion.

Kim characterized the strategic partnership as one concerning a sustainable relation with cooperation encompassing a wide range of sectors and areas. He said cooperation now ranged from traditional areas such as manufacturing and garments to advanced technology like steel, information technology, renewable energy and defense.

In the defense sector, the countries have been cooperating in advanced weaponry.

Kim said two of the 16 T50 advanced jet trainers ordered by Indonesia arrived in Surabaya last week and that the rest would be delivered by the end of the year.

Indonesian Navy chief, Adm. Marsetio, is scheduled to visit South Korea to attend the steel-cutting ceremony marking the start of the construction of two submarines commissioned by the Indonesian navy, he said. Three submarines of the U-209 type have been commissioned for delivery in 2015 and 2016. Two will be built at the Daewoo shipyard in Busan, South Korea while the third will be build at the state-owned shipyard facility of PAL Indonesia in Surabaya.

The two countries are currently also preparing to cooperate on jointly designed and build KFX/IFX next-generation fighter planes. In 2010, Indonesia agreed to assume 20 percent of the KF-X project cost in return for around 50 airplanes build for its air force after project’s completion.

Kim said he hoped a final decision on the cooperation will come before the year ended. “What is important is that everyone, both parties, like each other and trust each other,” he said.

He said evidence of this trust was not only the rising volume in trade and investment between the two countries but also the scale of investment involved. The ambassador cited the Posko-Krakatau investment in steel production worth $7 billion completed this year and the Hankook Tire factory worth $1.2 billion in Bekasi, West Java.

“The frequent exchange of views and communication is a very effective way to improve relations,” he said.

The two countries, he said, are also currently working on a comprehensive economic partnership agreement, rather that just on a free trade agreement. “With CEPA, we can become more than just strategic partners.”

“We are committed to an early conclusion and negotiations are still on the way,” he said, adding that a CEPA was preferable as it covered a wider range of economic cooperation not only in non tariff trade but also in industrial cooperation, capacity building and freer flow of people that could form the basis of a stronger partnership.

He said the negotiations allowed both countries to get a better understanding of each other, and in the process build confidence and trust.

“Indonesia is still a good destination for Korean investment but recently the business environment is getting more difficult,” he said, citing frequent worker demonstrations and demands for increased minimum wages.

He said that although wage increases were desirable, the speed at which it was taking place did not allow Korean employers to make adjustments. “It is very important to make the labor unions understand the consequences of demanding and getting high wages.”

There are now around 2,000 Korean companies investing in Indonesia and the South Korean community in Indonesia numbers around 50,000.

Assuring predictability and transparency as well as certainty, is also very important for investors, including South Koreans, he said, adding that a transparent mechanism of consultations between the government, businesses, investors and other stakeholders was vital to reach a compromise.

“Generally speaking, Indonesia remains a good destination for Korean investment although there are some stumbling blocks. But I think we can get over them with closer cooperation between the governments,” Kim said. ... celebrate-40-years/

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Post time 18-9-2013 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Tentara Nasional Indonesia
Tim Perenang TNI Kalahkan Peserta dari Berbagai Negara di Lebanon
Selasa, 17 September 2013 21:59 WIB

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Tim perenang Indobatt (Indonesian Battalion) Satgas Konga XXIII-G/UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon) keluar sebagai Juara Umum dengan memboyong 8 Emas, 3 Perak dan 1 Perunggu sekaligus the best of player kepada Serda Rizky, dalam perlombaan renang Inter Kontingen tingkat UNIFIL, bertempat di Kolam Renang Markas Besar UNIFIL, Naqoura, Lebanon Selatan, Minggu (15/9/2013). Demikian rilis yang diterima redaksi, Selasa (17/9/2013).

Penyerahan Piala sekaligus Piagam kepada para pemenang diserahkan secara langsung oleh Force Commander UNIFIL, Mayor Jenderal Paolo Serra.

Pertandingan renang Inter Kontingen tingkat UNIFIL diikuti oleh 10 tim perenang dari Kontingen Negara yang tergabung dalam misi perdamaian Unifil, antara lain :  Italia,  Austria, Spanyol, Indonesia, Perancis dan Ghana.

Force Commander Mayor Jenderal Paolo Serra dalam sambutannya mengatakan antara lain, sangat senang karena kejuaraan renang Inter Kontingen tingkat UNIFIL dapat berlangsung dengan baik dan lancar, serta mengucapkan selamat kepada tim perenang Indobatt atas kemenangan yang diraihnya. “Tim perenang Indobatt, berenang seperti ikan”, ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Komandan Satgas Indobatt Konga XXIII-G/Unifil, Letkol Inf Lucky Avianto yang turut menyaksikan lomba tersebut sangat puas melihat prajuritnya dengan penuh semangat, hingga keluar sebagai Juara Umum pada lomba renang Inter Kontingen tingkat UNIFIL 2013 dan meraih the best of player.

“Dengan dikumandangkannya lagu Indonesia Raya di Lebanon, maka bertambah pula prestasi yang dihasilkan oleh Prajurit TNI di Lebanon, sehingga gema serta gaung Indobatt dan Indonesia pada umumnya semakin di segani di mata Internasional.

Last edited by wongedandotcom2 on 18-9-2013 12:25 PM


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Post time 18-9-2013 12:31 PM | Show all posts
yindon menang berenang sajalah..bab combat mencicit naik taksi kabur..

p/s maen bola pun asyik kala sama mesia..

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Post time 18-9-2013 12:53 PM | Show all posts
asher posted on 18-9-2013 12:31 PM
yindon menang berenang sajalah..bab combat mencicit naik taksi kabur..

Macam ni tentara jaguh..even combat pun takde dah terkulai dan pengsan..

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Post time 18-9-2013 08:01 PM | Show all posts

Alhamdulillah,nah ini yg gue tunggu beritanya "Indonesian Navy chief, Adm. Marsetio, is scheduled to visit South Korea to attend the steel-cutting ceremony marking the start of the construction of two submarines commissioned by the Indonesian navy".....

Sebab CBG walaupun mutant tp teknologi perakitannya penting menurut gue, tinggal tunggu progress lanjutan "MidgetSub" buatan lokal.
Dan target 24 Kapalselam (MEF III) ....rakyat Indonesia InsyaAllah tidur tenang
Oia Midget sub gak masuk hitungan lho, jumlah 24 itu terdiri dr U-209+CBG+Kilo hibah+(sssstttt rahasia)......MEF II here we come ....

Last edited by Panabithea on 18-9-2013 08:05 PM


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Post time 18-9-2013 11:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
asher posted on 18-9-2013 12:31 PM
yindon menang berenang sajalah..bab combat mencicit naik taksi kabur..

mampos..... AFF Indonesia winning over Malaysia. Just now!!!!!!

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Post time 19-9-2013 11:14 AM | Show all posts
SemarMendemX posted on 18-9-2013 11:11 PM
mampos..... AFF Indonesia winning over Malaysia. Just now!!!!!!

waduh baru menang skali riuh sekampung..mesia udah biasa menang x kecoh pun..

mentaliti tempe caprut sungguh yindon..

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Post time 19-9-2013 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Rabu, 18/09/2013 13:24 WIB
Pindad dan TNI AD Uji Sertifikasi Amunisi Meriam 105 mm di Kebumen
Arbi Anugrah - detikNews

Kebumen - PT Pindad (Persero) bersama TNI AD melakukan uji coba amunisi meriam 105 mm yang merupakan amunisi kaliber besar dengan jangkauan mencapai 10,5 kilometer di lapangan Buluspesantren, Kecamatan Ambal, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah. Uji coba amunisi ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi penilaian kualitas produk sebelum amunisi tersebut dipasarkan.

"Untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi kualitas produk sebelum dapat dipasarkan, kami harus melakukan uji coba," kata Deputi Direktur Bidang Litbang PT Pindad, Triono Priohutomo, Rabu (18/9/2013).

Ujicoba amunisi meriam 105 mm ini meliputi uji bertahan, uji redam, dan uji keamanan yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Penelitian dan Pengembangan TNI AD. Setelah melalui uji coba tersebut, nantinya akan dinilai dan diolah hingga keluar rekomendasi terkait kelayakan senjata tersebut.

"Kalau di Pindad sendiri sudah dilakukan uji coba dan hasilnya memenuhi persyaratan, tapi itu kan uji intern. Sedangkan uji amunisi ini meliputi dua tahap penguji yakni Pindad dan lembaga luar yakni TNI AD," ujarnya.

Triono menjelaskan, uji tersebut termasuk meliputi senjata amunisi yang ditembakkan tidak meledak dalam jarak kurang dari 100 dengan ditabrakan ke dinding pelat dalam jarak 100 meter, variasi jarak, serta ukuran ketahanan amunisi tersebut.

"Setelah lulus memenuhi persyaratan itu, produk Pindad sudah boleh dijual dan dipasarkan," jelasnya.

Meskipun masih diuji sertifikasi, amunisi tersebut sudah banyak di pesan. "Sudah ada beberapa, TNI kan latihan terus jadi ada kebutu*an amunisi," ungkapnya.

Produk lain dari PT Pindad juga banyak dipesan di antaranya produk amunisi kaliber kecil untuk dalam negeri. Misalnya senapan, mortir, amunisi mortir. Sedangkan kebutu*an untuk luar negeri lebih pada pemesanan amunisi khusus. Last edited by wongedandotcom2 on 19-9-2013 11:18 AM


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Post time 19-9-2013 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Джакарта может докупить российские истребители

Индонезийские военные планируют купить у России еще 16 истребителей компании «Сухой».

О какой именно модели самолетов идет речь, пока неясно. Предполагается, что сделка будет заключена в рамках масштабной программы по модернизации вооруженных сил Индонезии, предусматривающей выделение из бюджета 15 миллиардов долларов в течение пяти лет.

Также военное командование планирует купить 17 патрульных кораблей и три легких фрегата индонезийского производства. В рамках модернизации в Джакарте собираются приобрести танки и ракеты, однако их точное количество пока неизвестно.

Ранее Россия и Индонезия подписали контракт на поставку шести истребителей Су-30МК2 на сумму 470 миллионов долларов. Этот оружейный контракт стал самым крупным за всю историю российско-индонезийского военно-технического сотрудничества

Jakarta may buy more Russian fighter jets

The Indonesian military plans to buy from Russia another 16 fighters of "dry".

About what kind of model aircraft in question is unclear. The transaction will be concluded within the framework of an ambitious program to modernize the armed forces of Indonesia, entailing a budget of $ 15 billion over five years.

Also, the military command is planning to buy 17 patrol ships and three light frigates Indonesian production. As part of modernization in Jakarta are going to buy tanks and missiles, but the exact number is still unknown.

Earlier, Russia and Indonesia signed a contract for six Su-30MK2 fighters in the amount of $ 470 million. This weapon was the largest contract in the history of Russian-Indonesian military-technical cooperation.

16 su-35
HELP................ tidakkkkkkkk


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Post time 19-9-2013 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Kamis, 19 September 2013 | 02:04
TNI Terus Pantau Kapal Freedom Flotilla Agar Tak Masuk Perairan Indonesia

Kapal Freedom Flotilla. (sumber: Guardian)

Jakarta - Panglima Tentara Nasional (TNI) Moeldoko mengatakan TNI Angkatan Laut terus memantau pergerakan kapal Freedom Flotilla yang berasal dari Australia. Begitu kapal tersebut akan masuk perairan Indonesia maka TNI kata dia siap menghalau.

"Sebenarnya kita ikuti terus mereka tapi tidak kontak langsung. Kita pantau terus,” demikian kata Moeldoko di kantor presiden, Jakarta, Rabu (18/9).

Hal tersebut disampaikannya menanggapi pergerakan kapal Freedom Flotilla yang digagas para aktivis dari Australia yang bermaksud mengkampanyekan kemerdekaan terhadap Papua.

Kapal TNI AL sendiri menurut panglima akan “membayangi” Flotilla memastikan kapal kampanye separatis tersebut nekad memasuki Indonesia

"Pasti kita halau dong,” kata dia tentang kemungkinan Flotilla masuk ke wilayah Indonesia.


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Post time 19-9-2013 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Chinese, Indonesian Defence Universities Step Up Cooperation

BEIJING, Sept 19 (Bernama) -- The defence universities of Indonesia and China will step up cooperation by launching exchange programmes for lecturers and sending Indonesian students to China, said assistant rector Maj Gen I Wayan Medio from Indonesia's Defense University.

"We will send students to pursue further education at the Chinese University of Defense on defense economy, management and disaster handling," Wayan said on the sidelines of Indonesia's 68th independence anniversary celebration earlier this week.

Wayan said that Indonesia had so far only exchanged cadets and sent students to China to undertake certain study programmes, Indonesian news agency ANTARA reported.

And as China is now the world's second biggest economic power, "We want to experience it first hand by sending a number of students to study defence economy beginning next year," said the assistant rector.

"China has also displayed preparedness in handling natural disasters. We will also send students to study disaster management in China and in Japan, which also has natural disasters similar to those taking place in Indonesia," Wayan said.

Indonesia's Defence University will also sign an agreement with Tshinghua University for Indonesian students to study public policy, defense economy and disaster management.

It also plans to sign an agreement with the Naval Postgraduate School and Norwich University in the United States.

At present, 14 students from the Indonesian Defence University are studying defence economy and natural disaster management programmes in China.

-- BERNAMA Last edited by wongedandotcom2 on 19-9-2013 02:54 PM


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Post time 19-9-2013 02:58 PM | Show all posts
wakakka mo posting disebelah salah kamar... wakakakakak... ampunn... Last edited by wongedandotcom2 on 19-9-2013 08:59 PM


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Post time 19-9-2013 07:45 PM | Show all posts
wongedandotcom2 posted on 19-9-2013 02:58 PM

What's foto siapa itu mas bro


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Post time 21-9-2013 10:59 AM | Show all posts
The_New_Cabul posted on 19-9-2013 12:52 PM

Su-35Bm hmmmm ......  
Thanks Uncle Bear


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Post time 21-9-2013 01:42 PM | Show all posts
senjatanya mirip vita berapi,

jangan2 malay sudah ekspor ke cina atau cina copy model vita berapi.

syabas malaysia boleh

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Post time 21-9-2013 01:48 PM | Show all posts

ternyata dipakai pasukan elit dan sepertinya TNI berminat pakai senjata ini...

vita berapi jaguh...

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Post time 22-9-2013 01:07 AM | Show all posts

welcome home..

source :
Last edited by jonitralala on 22-9-2013 01:16 AM


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