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Author: wartakita

perebutan kuasa di LCS - update: Pesawat China ceroboh Senkaku

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Post time 20-4-2012 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Saya rasa gitu bro, sdh jelas CLS akan direbut china, hutang amerika serikat sekarang pun sdh ba ...
viewx Post at 19-4-2012 16:52

cina bagong loe

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Post time 21-4-2012 09:00 PM | Show all posts
cina bagong loe
eltoro Post at 20-4-2012 21:20

loe bagong semua komen loe ngga mutu, gue suka gaya loe, pertahankan ya

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Post time 27-4-2012 10:34 PM | Show all posts
loe bagong semua komen loe ngga mutu, gue suka gaya loe, pertahankan ya
viewx Post at 21-4-2012 21:00

anak bagong marah udah sono masuk kandang dulu gong

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Post time 30-4-2012 02:42 AM | Show all posts
anak bagong marah udah sono masuk kandang dulu gong
eltoro Post at 27-4-2012 22:34

eltoro = e-tolol = iq 5cc = idiot kahkahkahkah

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Post time 1-5-2012 09:35 PM | Show all posts
eltoro = e-tolol = iq 5cc = idiot kahkahkahkah
4bugs Post at 30-4-2012 02:42

otak loe cuma 0,1 % yg berfungsi idiot kuadrat ...jiahahahaha

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Post time 2-5-2012 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply 3# gede-bab

   statement x agak2. Hahaha. sedar la diri tu sape.

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Post time 3-5-2012 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply  gede-bab

   statement x agak2. Hahaha. sedar la diri tu sape.
Zxfg47 Post at 2-5-2012 21:01

apa salahnya ngan statement aku tu??? kan betul TLDM menghalau kapal2 perikanan China yang menceroboh perairan Malaysia...

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Post time 5-5-2012 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Salah la, sbab kau ckp China takut dgn Malaysia. Hormat tu ye la kot. psl isu spratly ni China lebih suka selesaikan secara damai je.

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Post time 28-9-2012 07:13 AM | Show all posts
PH-China tension eases
Roxas, Chinese VP swap messages of peace
By TJ Burgonio
Philippine Daily Inquirer 12:13 am | Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

Interior Secretary Mar Roxas met with China’s leader-in-waiting on Friday and told him that Manila hoped to have friendly relations with Beijing and overcome difficulties caused by a territorial row in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping said he appreciated President Benigno Aquino III’s sending Roxas as special envoy to China’s trade fair with Southeast Asian nations in Nanning City and promised to relay the Philippine leader’s message of peace to Chinese President Hu Jintao.

Mr. Aquino missed meeting with Hu during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) leaders’ summit in Vladivostok, Russia, earlier this month because of conflicts in their schedules.

But the Chinese side asked the Philippine government to send a special envoy to the China-Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Expo, indicating they wanted to mend relations after tensions caused by a two-month maritime standoff at a disputed shoal in the West Philippine Sea.

Mr. Aquino sent Roxas to China to meet with Xi and ask the Chinese vice president to relay his original message for Hu at the Apec summit: that the Philippines wanted to maintain good relations with China and that it was working on a peaceful resolution of the territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea.

Exchange of views

Roxas arrived in Nanning on Thursday and met with Xi, widely expected to take over from Hu in a leadership change next year, after the opening of the expo on Friday.

“We had a frank and candid exchange of views and I am satisfied that I was able to faithfully convey President Aquino’s message,” Roxas said in a statement released by Malacañang on Saturday.

“The discussions were constructive and the talks were conducted in a cordial atmosphere,” presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said.

The meeting focused on the “current outstanding issues between the two countries, and other dimensions of their bilateral relationship,” Lacierda said.

Xi said Mr. Aquino’s decision to send a special envoy to the trade fair showed the importance he “attaches to Philippines-China relations,” according to Lacierda.

He said Xi promised to bring Mr. Aquino’s message to Hu. Xi also responded to the matters raised by Roxas and Roxas promised to convey the matters raised by Xi to Mr. Aquino, Lacierda said.

Lacierda, Foreign Undersecretary Erlinda Basilio and Chargé d’Affaires Alex Chua of the Philippine Embassy accompanied Roxas to the meeting.

Recovery of ties

China’s official news agency Xinhua on Friday quoted Xi as telling Roxas he hoped ties hurt by a territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea could recover.

Trouble flared in April when vessels from the two countries faced off with each other at Panatag Shoal (Scarborough Shoal), a rich fishing ground within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

Both sides later agreed to withdraw their vessels, defusing some of the tension.

“I hope this [situation] will not appear again and again, allowing bilateral relations to return to the track of normal development,” Xinhua quoted Xi as saying at his meeting with Roxas.

“China-Philippine relations have encountered some difficulties. However, through effective communication between the two sides, the situation has already eased,” Xi said.

Philippine defense officials acknowledge that tensions in the West Philippine Sea have eased, but they say Chinese vessels remain at Panatag Shoal.

“This is one of the reasons why Secretary Roxas went there. There’s a slight easing of tensions. There’s a chance for Secretary Roxas to build on this easing of tensions,” Communication Secretary Ricky Carandang said on Friday.

Xinhua quoted Roxas as telling Xi that the Philippines hoped to have friendly ties with China and overcome current difficulties.

Overlapping claims

China claims sovereignty over nearly all of the South China Sea, including parts now known as West Philippine Sea, which is believed to hold vast deposits of oil and gas, is a rich fishing ground, and is home to shipping lanes vital to global trade.

But the Philippines, Brunei Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan also have claims to parts of the sea, some of them overlapping.

In his opening speech at the trade fair on Friday, Xi sought to assure Southeast Asian leaders that China wanted peaceful relations with them, and wanted a peaceful resolution of its territorial disputes with its neighbors.

He said China was committed to “common development and steadily improving cooperation mechanisms in various fields.”

With two-way trade growing 20 percent annually to $362.8 billion last year, China and its southern neighbors are increasingly intertwined, Xi said.

In Manila, deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said in an interview on dzRB radio on Saturday that Malacañang would disclose the details of the meeting after Roxas had made a report to the President.

She could not say, however, when Roxas would return to Manila. With reports from AP and AFP

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Post time 28-9-2012 07:19 AM | Show all posts
Japan, Taiwan fire water cannon near disputed islands

Agence France-Presse 10:29 pm | Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 Share on facebook_likeShare 10

In this photo released by Taiwan’s Central News Agency, a Taiwan Coast Guard patrol boat, left, sprays its water cannon towards a Japan Coast Guard patrol boat off the disputed islands called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, in the East China Sea, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. On Tuesday morning, about 50 Taiwanese fishing boats accompanied by 10 Taiwanese surveillance ships came within almost 20 kilometers (about 12 miles) of the disputed islands- within what Japan considers to be its territorial waters. AP Photo/Central News Agency

TOKYO—Coastguard vessels from Japan and Taiwan duelled with water cannon Tuesday after dozens of Taiwanese boats escorted by patrol ships sailed into waters around Tokyo-controlled islands.

Japanese coastguard ships sprayed water at the fishing vessels, footage on national broadcaster NHK showed, with the Taiwanese patrol boats directing their own high-pressure hoses at the Japanese ships.

The large-scale breach of what Japan considers sovereign territory — one of the biggest since WWII — is the latest escalation in a row over ownership of the islands that pits Tokyo against Beijing and Taipei.

The intrusion complicates an already volatile territorial dispute with China, which is also locked in a separate row over the strategic South China Sea against claims by several nations including the Philippines.

Adding to the tensions, China’s first aircraft carrier entered service Tuesday, marking an expansion of its blue-water fleet that will bolster its military and diplomatic clout.

Beijing says the carrier will mainly be used for training and development purposes, but military commentators say China is developing strike aircraft and support vessels which would help it become fully operational.

In Tuesday’s dramatic incident, a dozen Taiwanese coastguard and 40 fishing boats spent several hours in Japanese waters, the Japan Coast Guard said.

Taiwan has said that officers aboard some of the patrol ships sent to the area were fully-armed elite coastguard personnel.

“We’ll do everything to protect our fishermen. We do not rule out using force to fight back if Japan were to do so,” Wang Chin-wang, head of the Coast Guard Administration, said in parliament.

A spokesman for Taiwan’s coastguard confirmed that nearly 60 boats got close to the islands, some coming within three nautical miles — well inside the 12-nautical-mile territorial zone.

Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou on Tuesday voiced support for the flotilla’s “patriotic actions and acknowledges the coastguard for claiming our sovereignty while protecting the fishermen,” his office said in a statement.

“Ma urges the Japanese side to respect our fishermen’s rights in their ancestral fishing ground… and hopes that all parties involved will peacefully resolve the disputes to share the resources in the East China Sea.”

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said Tokyo has complained to Taipei about the move, but that Tokyo was handling the situation as delicately as it could.

“Japan’s position is that, in light of good Japan-Taiwan relations, we must solve the issue peacefully. We wish to respond calmly,” he said.

Tokyo later sent an envoy from the Interchange Association, the body that deals with Taiwan in the absence of diplomatic relations, to Taipei for talks.

Japan administers the uninhabited, but strategically well-positioned archipelago under the name Senkaku. Beijing says it has owned the islands for centuries and calls them Diaoyu.

Taiwan also claims the islands, which lie around 200 kilometers (125 miles) from its coast.

Ownership of the islands has become an important tenet of identity for all three claimants; the possible presence of energy reserves in the nearby seabed adds to the mix.

The last large intrusion into Japanese waters was in 1996, according to a spokesman at the Tokyo headquarters of the Japan Coast Guard.

He said at that time 41 ships carrying activists from Hong Kong and Taiwan entered waters around the islands with the intention of asserting sovereignty.

Relations between Japan and China have scraped long-unseen lows in recent weeks following Tokyo’s nationalization of three of the islands, which it bought from a private Japanese landowner.

Several days of sometimes violent protests erupted in cities across China, where Japanese businesses were targeted by rioters.

In high-level talks over the rival claims Tuesday, China told Japan it “must abandon any illusion” and that it will “absolutely not tolerate” violations of sovereignty.

“The Japanese side must abandon any illusion, face up to its erroneous actions and correct them with credible steps”, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun said in the meeting with Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Chikao Kawai.

Japan’s coastguard said Monday that of two of China’s maritime surveillance ships had spent seven hours in territorial waters around Uotsurijima, the largest island in the chain, in the latest of a series of incursions.

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Post time 28-9-2012 07:25 AM | Show all posts
With East Asian Missile Defense, U.S. Sends a Clear Message to China
By Yogesh Joshi, on 26 Sep 2012, Briefing

The U.S. and Japan recently concluded an agreement to expand their joint missile defense program by installing a new X-Band radar in southern Japan, in addition to the one already located in Shiriki, Japan. Reports also suggest that the U.S. is looking to deploy another of these highly intrusive and sensitive systems somewhere in Southeast Asia, further complementing the missile-defense capabilities of Aegis-equipped U.S. warships that patrol international waters in the region. Combined, the developments suggest that the U.S. intends to build a string of missile defense systems around the arc of the South China Sea.

Obviously unhappy with these plans, China registered its protest during U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's visit to Beijing last week. Russia, which already felt threatened by NATO missile defenses on its western borders, is also likely to resent feeling the pinch to the east as well.

What purpose does missile defense in East Asia serve for the U.S. and its allies? The official narrative in Washington and Tokyo is straightforward: Missile defense is insurance against any unwarranted aggression on the part of a rogue North Korean regime in possession of increasingly robust missile capabilities. However, the strategic calculus driving East Asian missile defense extends beyond Pyonyang and is driven by three principal considerations.

Of these, U.S. alliance commitments top the list. China’s growing assertiveness coupled with the relative decline of the U.S. has made traditional American allies in the region nervous. Beijing’s assertiveness is most evident in the changing tenor of Chinese diplomacy when it comes to its territorial disputes in the region. Its simmering conflict with Tokyo over the Senkaku Islands has taken an ugly turn, with Beijing resorting to retaliatory economic measures and tacitly approved anti-Japanese demonstrations to back up its claims. The Philippines and Vietnam, which also have territorial disputes with China, are feeling similarly bullied by the East Asian giant. In this environment, to keep its allies assured of their security, the U.S. needs to demonstrate both its intent and its will to take on the Chinese. Missile defense engenders confidence in the U.S. military umbrella while also addressing the credibility problem that accompanies alliance politics.

Second, the U.S. shift in strategic focus from the Atlantic to the Pacific will primarily be driven by the U.S. Navy, and in particular its carrier fleet. It is no coincidence, then, that the People's Liberation Army's new Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2AD) strategy specifically seeks to target U.S. aircraft carriers in future conflict scenarios involving Taiwan, thereby neutralizing U.S. power-projection capabilities in the Taiwan Strait. To implement the A2AD strategy, China has focused increasingly on anti-ship ballistic missile technology and has demonstrated its ability to successfully attack and destroy naval platforms in the South China Sea. Defending U.S. aircraft carriers and other expensive naval platforms against Chinese missiles is therefore another factor driving Washington’s move toward Asian missile defense.

Finally, as the world’s sole superpower, the U.S. is responsible for providing public goods, such as open sea lanes of communication in East Asia. However, China’s extended maritime claims in the region risk turning the South China Sea into Chinese territorial waters, a goal that is incompatible with Washington’s commitment to guaranteeing unimpeded access to the South China Sea for all other littoral states in the region. this raises the likelihood that conflicts will arise between the U.S. and China in the future. Missile defense is one way to reduce the perceived advantages in Beijing of initiating hostilities against the U.S. and its allies in the region.

Many analysts nevertheless argue that a U.S.-backed East Asian missile defense architecture could destabilize the precarious balance of power in the region, while others point to the frequent criticisms of missile defense systems as inefficient and ineffective.

The principal source of instability in the region, however, is the shifting balance of power in East Asia toward China. As its economy has grown, China has redoubled its efforts to accrue military might. Unsurprisingly, all the smaller states in the region are growing ever more wary of Chinese power. In this context, missile defense must be understood as a response by the U.S. and its allies to the imbalances created by China’s growing power.

Second, while it is true that missile defense cannot provide total security against a barrage of enemy missiles, this criticism misses two important points. First, even if missile defenses have gaping holes, they are better than nothing at all, especially at the tactical level. Second, the value of deploying weapons systems lies not only in their practical use, but also in their ability to communicate seriousness of intent to the adversary. Asian missile defense sends a clear message to China that any revision of the status quo in East Asia will not go uncontested.

In fact, in one key respect, U.S. military commitments in East Asia are actually to China’s advantage. Asia is already witnessing a region-wide military buildup. If the Unites States cuts down on its security commitments in the region, that trend is only likely to accelerate. In particular, Japan may rethink its pacifist constitution, which, given its advanced technical capabilities, could result in Tokyo quickly achieving robust military capabilities. A U.S. pullback would also force states in the region to rethink their nuclear nonproliferation commitments, as they would increasingly doubt the credibility of the U.S. nuclear umbrella.

Though China is unlikely to find such an argument persuasive, its opposition to U.S.-backed missile defense in East Asia will not outweigh the logic of balancing Beijing's growing power, which will continue to drive the efforts of the U.S. and its allies in the region.

Yogesh Joshi is a doctoral student in international politics at the Center for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and a CSIS-Pacific Forum young leader. He recently joined the steering committee of the International Network of Emerging Nuclear Specialists and represented India at Global Zero World Summits in Paris (2010) and London (2011).

Photo: U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta in Tokyo, Japan, October 2011 (Defense Department photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jacob N. Bailey).

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Post time 28-9-2012 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Jepun tidak akan berkompromi dengan China
LOS ANGELES 27 Sept. - Perdana Menteri Jepun, Yoshihiko Noda bertegas tidak akan berkompromi dengan China berhubung pemilikan ke atas Kepulauan Senkaku yang turut dituntut China dan Taiwan dan mengecam serangan ke atas kepentingan Jepun.

Ketika bercakap kepada wartawan pada Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNGA), di sini Noda berkata, China salah faham tentang isu pemilikan kepulauan itu dan beliau menuntut ancaman ke atas rakyat Jepun dan kepentingan perniagaannya di China ditamatkan.

"Kepulauan Senkaku adalah wilayah kami mengikut sejarah dan undang-undang antarabangsa.

"Pemilikan tersebut adalah jelas dan tidak ada isu pertikaian wilayah yang timbul dan kami tidak akan berkompromi berhubung perkara ini.

"Resolusi tentang isu ini tidak sepatutnya dibuat dengan kekerasan tetapi secara aman iaitu dengan menghormati undang-undang antarabangsa," katanya.

Semalam, Menteri Luar China, Yang Jiechi memberitahu rakan sejawatnya dari Jepun, Koichiro Gemba bahawa negara itu bersalah 'menceroboh' wilayahnya, menurut Kementerian Luar Beijing.

Seorang pegawai Jepun di New York mengesahkan rundingan itu yang diadakan di luar persidangan UNGA berlangsung dalam keadaan 'tegang' tetapi menyatakan kedua-dua pihak bersetuju untuk meneruskan dialog.

Pertikaian ke atas kepulauan itu memuncak selepas Jepun membeli beberapa buah pulau di kepulauan Senkaku, tetapi Noda menegaskan tindakan itu telah disalahtafsirkan.

"Pemindahan beberapa pulau di Senkeku daripada milik persendirian kepada kerajaan adalah untuk memastikan kestabilan pengurusan.

"Kami telah menjelaskannya kepada China dengan panjang lebar tetapi mereka masih tidak memahaminya," tegas Noda.

Sementara itu, syarikat penerbangan Jepun, All Nippon Airways (ANA), awal semalam berkata, sebanyak 40,000 tempahan untuk penerbangan dari Jepun ke China sehingga November ini telah dibatalkan.

Syarikat gergasi pengeluar kereta Toyota dan Nissan turut mengumumkan untuk mengurangkan pengeluarannya di negara itu. - AFP

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Post time 28-9-2012 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Krisis China-Jepun: ANA batal 40,000 tempahan
TOKYO 27 Sept. - All Nippon Airways (ANA) semalam mendedahkan bahawa syarikat itu telah membatalkan 40,000 tempahan tempat duduk bagi penerbangan pergi dan balik antara Jepun dan China ekoran pertikaian wilayah antara kedua negara.

Pembatalan penerbangan itu dibuat bagi perjalanan bermula bulan ini hingga November dengan kira-kira 12,000 tempahan bagi penerbangan ke China manakala selebihnya ke Jepun.

Pesaing ANA, Japan Airlines pada Isnin telah melakukan perkara sama dengan 15,500 tempahan tempat duduk bagi kumpulan pelancong juga dibatalkan.

``Kami faham permintaan bagi laluan yang menarik permintaan ramai pelancong agak sukar buat masa ini namun penerbangan kargo yang memberi pendapatan besar kepada syarikat tidak terjejas,’’ kata Presiden ANA, Shinichiro Ito. - AFP

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Post time 28-9-2012 01:48 PM | Show all posts
China tak faham isu pulau: Jepun

2012/09/28 - 04:23:37 AM Cetak Emel Kawan
NEW YORK: Perdana Menteri Jepun, Yoshihiko Noda, kelmarin menegaskan pihaknya tidak akan bertolak ansur dengan China mengenai pemilikan kepulauan yang menjadi rebutan dan mengecam serangan ke atas kepentingan Jepun.

Bercakap kepada wartawan di Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNGA) di New York, Noda berkata China tidak faham mengenai isu itu dan menuntut ketegangan ancaman terhadap warga Jepun dan kepentingan perniagaan negara itu di China oleh penunjuk perasaan. “Sepanjang saya tahu, Pulau Senkaku adalah sebahagian wilayah kami berdasarkan sejarah dan undang-undang antarabangsa. Itu amat jelas dan tidak timbul isu wilayah dan sebagainya. Oleh itu, kami tidak akan bertolak ansur. Saya perlu jelaskan perkara itu.
“Penyelesaian isu itu tidak sepatutnya guna kekerasan, sebaliknya, dengan tenang menerusi alasan dan dengan menghormati undang-undang antarabangsa,” katanya, merujuk kepada gugusan kepulauan di Laut China Timur dikenali sebagai Diaoyu di China.

Menteri Luar China, Yang Jiechi, memberitahu rakan sejawatannya di Jepun, Koichiro Gemba, di PBB Selasa lalu Jepun bersalah kerana melanggar kedaulatannya, menurut Kementerian Luar Beijing.

“China tidak akan bertolak ansur dengan sebarang tindakan sehala yang diambil Jepun di Kepulauan Diaoyu,” kata Yang kepada Gemba, menurut pejabatya.

Pegawai Jepun di New York mengesahkan rundingan sukar tetapi menegaskan kedua-dua pihak bersetuju untuk terus mengadakan dialog.
Perbalahan meletus menjadi luahan perang lisan antara Beijing dan Tokyo selepas Jepun menjadikan kepulauan yang dimiliki secara persendirian kepada pemilikan awam, tetapi Noda menegaskan langkah itu disalah anggap.

“Sebahagian Senkaku yang dimiliki oleh orang perseorangan dipindahkan kepada pemilikan kerajaan dalam usaha memastikan pengurusan stabil. Ia bukan pengambilalihan baru. Ia dibuat menurut pemilikan persendirian warga Jepun dan ia adalah pemindahan pemilikan menurut undang-undang Jepun. Kami sudah menjelaskan panjang lebar perkara ini kepada China,” katanya, menurut terjemahan rasmi.

Beliau berkata, kekurangan pemahaman mengenai perkara itu menyebabkan serangan, tindakan ganas dan pemusnahan terhadap warga dan harta Jepun di China.

Serangan ke atas kilang dan premis perniagaan Jepun di China dilakukan secara spontan oleh penunjuk perasaan tetapi bantahan seumpama itu selalunya dikawal ketat di China.

Noda enggan mengulas lanjut sama ada Jepun akan menuntut pampasan dari China di atas kerosakan itu tetapi masalah ekonomi berikutan perbalahan antara dua rakan niaga terbesar dunia itu semakin memuncak.

Sejurus sebelum Noda berucap, syarikat penerbangan Jepun, All Nippon Airways (ANA), mendedahkan 40,000 tempahan penerbangan Jepun ke China dibatalkan sehingga November depan. – AFP

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Post time 28-9-2012 03:46 PM | Show all posts
nani shitten nen kichi kichi

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Post time 28-9-2012 05:37 PM | Show all posts
Pindah Kilang Jepun dekat Malaysia, Thailand atau Indonesia jer lah.....

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Post time 30-9-2012 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Semoga saja tak jd perang di sana, ASEAN harus nya bersatu walau tak mudah...

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Post time 30-9-2012 06:35 PM | Show all posts
Lama x nampak yipun post kat sini... Harap mpsa akan revive semula mcm zaman aktifnya.

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Post time 1-10-2012 06:55 AM | Show all posts
zainmahmud posted on 30-9-2012 06:35 PM
Lama x nampak yipun post kat sini... Harap mpsa akan revive semula mcm zaman aktifnya.

err saya memang x posting sangat kecuali paste artikel je ... sekarang ni semua berita macam xde feel je kecuali bajet 2013 untuk anggota

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Post time 1-10-2012 07:04 AM | Show all posts
Friday, September 28, 2012

U.S. call for "cool heads" in China-Japan island dispute goes unheeded

By Paul Eckert and Chris Buckley

NEW YORK/BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has urged China and Japan to let "cool heads" prevail in a dispute over a cluster of East China Sea islands, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as Chinese and Japanese diplomats again traded fierce words.

A policeman gestures at a photographer to stop taking pictures as he and other police officers block a protester shouting anti-China slogans in front of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo September 28, 2012. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Clinton met Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on the sidelines of this week's U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York and said it was important to cool the quarrel over the islands that has soured ties between Asia's two largest economies, a senior State Department official said.

The uninhabited islets, whose nearby waters are thought to hold potentially rich natural gas reserves, are known as the Diaoyu islands in China and the Senkaku islands in Japan. They have been under Japan's control since 1895.

"The secretary ... again urged that cooler heads prevail, that Japan and China engage in dialogue to calm the waters," the official told reporters.

"We believe that Japan and China have the resources, have the restraint, have the ability to work on this directly and take tensions down, and that is our message to both sides."

Yang, however, used a portion of China's annual address to the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday night to forcefully restate Beijing's stance that the islands had belonged to China from ancient times and were seized in 1895 after Japan defeated the Qing Dynasty in a war.

Yang also condemned the Japanese government's purchase of the islands earlier this month from their private owner, a step that sparked protests across China and prompted Beijing to curb bilateral trade and tourism.

"The moves taken by Japan are totally illegal and invalid," he said of the purchase, which Tokyo says was done to ease the dispute by preventing the islands' use by Japanese activists.

"They can in no way change the historical fact that Japan stole the Diaoyu and affiliated islands and that China has sovereignty over them," Yang told the General Assembly.


Japan restated Tokyo's position that no sovereignty dispute exists and that Japan began surveying the islands a decade before deciding to incorporate them in 1895, and there exists no evidence that the islands belonged to China.

"It has only been since the 1970s that the government of China and the Taiwanese authorities began making their assertions on territorial sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands," said Kazuo Kodama, Japan's deputy U.N. ambassador.

"Before then they did not express any objections."

China has declared the islands "sacred territory," and Taiwan has also asserted its own sovereignty over the area.

China's U.N. Ambassador Li Baodong accused the Japanese envoy of "resorting to spurious, fallacious arguments that defy all reason and logic".

"The recent so-called purchase of the islands is nothing different than money laundering," he said, accusing Tokyo of buying stolen property when it acquired the islands this month.

Continuing the barrage of rhetoric on Friday, Assistant Foreign Minister Le Yucheng told a forum in Beijing on the 40th anniversary of China-Japan diplomatic ties that the island purchase decision was "like lobbing an atom bomb at China".

"If Japan continues to act erroneously despite advice to the contrary and keeps going down the wrong path, then Sino-Japanese relations could sink like the Titanic," Le said, according to a transcript of his remarks carried on the ministry's website (

Both China and Japan have sent patrol boats in a game of cat-and-mouse in the waters near the disputed islands, raising concerns that an unintended collision or other incident could escalate into a broader clash.

In a further sign of economic fallout from the dispute, Chinese buyers and Japanese sellers of refined copper have postponed agreement on terms for 2013 shipments.

Chinese and Japanese companies failed to reach a deal in talks this week, even though Japanese sellers were willing to cut price premiums by about 10 percent from last year, a Chinese executive familiar with the talks said.

(Additional reporting by Paul Eckert; Editing by Jeremy Laurence)

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