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Author: maklukpenggoda

[Tempatan] Takut kahwin, anda mungkin penghidap 'gamophobia'

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Post time 15-4-2024 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sweetpea911 replied at 15-4-2024 07:07 PM
Kat X skrg heboh plak nak compare2 beranak 20an dengan beranak 30an disusuli dengan kutukan pada p ...

Yes babe. Dosa gamaknya jadi perempuan lambat kawin ni. Padahal jodoh tu belum tiba lagi. Pastu selalu dikenenkan dengan ntah siapa2. Kadang I hairan la dengan sebilangan orang ni. U nak beli ikan pun, u pilih2 dulu kan. Orang yang konon jadi match maker tu pun, kadang2 main hentam keromo je mengkenenkan dengan siapa2.  

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Post time 15-4-2024 09:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
She-Ra replied at 15-4-2024 02:38 PM
bukan takut kawen lah cuma tak berjumpa lg yg 'bersesuaian'
jodoh kan rahsia Allah.. dan bukan tak  ...

hai uols memilih sangat kot

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Post time 15-4-2024 10:45 PM | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 13-4-2024 09:43 PM
i punya pantang larang :
a) jodoh dari pantai timur atau borneo.
b) jodoh dari adik beradik ramai l ...

Jgn strict sgtlah sis/bro....bagi peluang kat diri.
Maybe  ambik (a)  je...b&c sila consider ...sekadar contoh

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Post time 15-4-2024 11:25 PM | Show all posts
Gamophobia — a fear of commitment or fear of marriage

— can keep you from enjoying meaningful relationships. A painful breakup, divorce or abandonment during childhood or adulthood may make you afraid to commit to someone you love. Psychotherapy (talk therapy) can help you overcome this commitment phobia.

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Post time 15-4-2024 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Meiizu replied at 15-4-2024 02:45 PM
Jgn strict sgtlah sis/bro....bagi peluang kat diri.
Maybe  ambik (a)  je...b&c sila consider ...sek ...

katalah u balik raya happy happy. selang 3-4 hari tiba2
ada saudara sebelah sana meninggal dunia.
u nak balik ke tak . tu setiap kali balik RM 200-Rm300 x lari

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Post time 15-4-2024 11:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Halah kahwin je laaaaaaa....rugi tak kahwin. Kalau cerai, kahwin lagiiii...tapi dgn yg sesuai lah ye..jgn main accept je...sebelum jumpa yg sesuai pasti jumpa yg tak sesuai dulu

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Post time 16-4-2024 01:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 15-4-2024 09:50 AM
Penyakit asalkan berlaki..

kihkihkihkih.. btul!!!. takut kawin dipanggil “gamophobia” , takut cerai kita panggil “jandaphobia” atau pun “dudaphobia”

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Post time 16-4-2024 04:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 13-4-2024 09:43 PM
i punya pantang larang :
a) jodoh dari pantai timur atau borneo.
b) jodoh dari adik beradik ramai l ...

Pantang larang a and b tu tak nak komen.. Apasai pulok nak elak kawin dengan jodoh ank pertama? U ni memang ank sulung ke

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Post time 16-4-2024 05:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adm7 replied at 14-4-2024 09:18 AM
Kat Malaysia ni ko jangan tak kahwin je. Nanti kena kutuk/cerca dengan geng-geng bingai tak takut do ...

Org malaysia punyaa perception..tak kahwin tu dianggap malang....tapi kalau kahwin dpt laki tak gunaa..hidup tertekan dalam perkahwinan..mcm2 masalah bila dah kahwin..tak akan anggap dianggap malang...sebb nyaa asalkan dah berlaki..yg penting berlaki..

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Post time 16-4-2024 05:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 15-4-2024 08:19 PM
Slalunya yg veranak anak luar nikah yg paling senang nak kluaq..
Awat deme tak compare lagu tu?

Senang keluar sebb diorng mengandung dan lahirkan tak dikira pahalaaa...

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Post time 16-4-2024 05:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Mmg ada org yg xsuka bagi commitment dlm relationship. Mcm² hal manusia ni yup hahaha.

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Post time 16-4-2024 06:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bebulu replied at 15-4-2024 09:48 PM
Yes babe. Dosa gamaknya jadi perempuan lambat kawin ni. Padahal jodoh tu belum tiba lagi. Pastu se ...

Kolig dolu2 citer masa dia keje, org2 opis gigih nak kenenkan dia.. tapi kenenkan dgn opisboi, dia pulak pegawai.. mcm tu la..

Iols rasa pompan melayu mmg sejenis asalkan berlaki kott.. dah kerap kena brainwash yg kawen itu better drp single.. padahal donia dah berubah..

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Post time 16-4-2024 06:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hokeypokey replied at 16-4-2024 01:40 AM
kihkihkihkih.. btul!!!. takut kawin dipanggil “gamophobia” , takut cerai kita panggil “jandapho ...

Hahahah.. baguih jugak terminologi2 mcm tu.. hahaha

Gamophobia (prounced 'ga-me-PHO-bia', from the Greek 'gamo' meaning 'marriage') is the fear of getting married, being in a relationship, or commitment. The opposite of 'gamophobia' is 'anuptaphobia'-it is the fear of not being in a relationship (to be single or alone).

Iols baru tau ni..

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Post time 16-4-2024 06:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anggeriklatifah replied at 16-4-2024 05:18 AM
Senang keluar sebb diorng mengandung dan lahirkan tak dikira pahalaaa...

Ekceli hadith org ngandung dan melahirkan ni iols tak dpt jumpa.. tapi mmg ongmelayu suka habaq lagu ni.. tatau la deme dpt dari mana..

What Are the Virtues of Pregnancy in Islam?

Praise be to Allah.

Virtues of pregnancy in Islam
There is no doubt that a woman’s pregnancy and giving birth is fulfilling an aim of Shari`ah that is dear to Allah, which is increasing the progeny of the Muslims who proclaim the Oneness of Allah, the followers of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). This is the most important thing on which the woman should focus her intention during her pregnancy.

Ma‘qil ibn Yasar said: A man came to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and said: I have found a woman who is of good lineage and beautiful, but she cannot have children; should I marry her?

He said: No.

Then he came to him a second time and he told him not to marry her.

Then he came to him a third time and he said: “Marry the one who is loving and prolific (could bear many children), for I will be proud of your large numbers before the nations.”  (Narrated by Abu Dawud, 2050; al-Nasai, 3227; classed as sahih by al-Albani)

Because of this aim to which we have referred, if pregnancy is difficult for the woman and she bears it with patience, there are many benefits which will come to the mother through it, including the following:

Psychological preparation for the task of raising the child which is the most important and most complicated of all tasks, in which they (the parents) raise the child to have a good attitude and become religiously committed for the sake of Allah, and they hope that Allah will decree reward for them because of the actions of their righteous children, so that they will become an ongoing charity for them after they die and thus they may attain a great deal of reward which no one knows except Allah.
The difficulties encountered by the pregnant woman, including pain and sickness, and health, psychological and physical problems in many cases, will all bring great reward that will be recorded for the pregnant woman, in sha Allah. Allah will reward the Muslim for everything that befalls him in this world. Even if a thorn pricks him, Allah will expiate thereby some of his sins, and the pains of labour and pregnancy are far greater than that.
Even if we assume that this woman dies in childbirth, she will die as a martyr. This is indicative of the virtue of her condition. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The woman who dies in pregnancy or childbirth is a martyr.” Narrated by Abu Dawud, 3111; classed as sahih by al-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim, 13/62. And he said: the one who dies in childbirth, i.e., she dies with something (the child) inside, not separated from her.
What acts of worship can a woman do during pregnancy?
As for the acts of worship that the pregnant woman can do, they are all the acts of worship that the Muslim does by day and by night, such as praying, fasting (so long as there is no fear of harm) , giving charity, reading Quran, regularly reciting the adhkar that are prescribed in Shari`ah, treating people kindly, visiting relatives, taking stock of oneself, and striving to attain the best attitudes, actions and words.

Perhaps one of the things that the woman should focus on during this period is learning about sound methods of raising children, reading books on this topic or listening to useful lectures by scholars on it, whether that has to do with moral upbringing, health, psychology, pedagogy, and so on, in preparation for the great mission with which Allah has entrusted the parents, which is the trust of raising and caring for the child, so that the parents may embark upon it with knowledge and insight and achieve the best results, and attain the pleasure of Allah in this world and in the Hereafter.

With regard to specific rituals or adhkar specifically for the woman during pregnancy, we do not know of any such thing in Islam.

Hadiths about the reward of pregnant women
Finally we should point out that there are some hadiths which indicate that the wife’s pregnancy will bring a reward like that of one who fasts and prays at night for the sake of Allah, and that there are many other rewards for giving birth, breastfeeding and weaning the child , but they are all false and fabricated hadiths, so it is not permissible to narrate them or speak of them except by way of warning people about them.

And Allah knows best.

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Post time 16-4-2024 07:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bebulu replied at 15-4-2024 09:39 PM
Hujung2 yang bela mak pak tu anak perempuan juga.
Tapi memang adat dunia sejak dulu lagi mengkast ...

Anak perempuan la yang kena patuh laki (walau laki perangai hansuang)..

anak perempuan la yang tak diutamakan utk dpt pusaka...

Dibesarkan pun dgn penuh discrimination

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Post time 16-4-2024 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Jitu replied at 15-4-2024 09:49 PM
hai uols memilih sangat kot

memilih tu perlu/wajibul tp sangat tu takde la hahahahaa
iols jenis, ada adala.. takde, tenangggg terbang bebas travel sana sini
sunyi? ehh hellooo siapa kata hidup bujang sunyi? lg byk aktiviti adalah


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Post time 16-4-2024 09:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 13-4-2024 09:43 PM
i punya pantang larang :
a) jodoh dari pantai timur atau borneo.
b) jodoh dari adik beradik ramai l ...

Org perempuan pantai timur, ramai la yg ok. Kawan2 saya ok, pembersih, sama je mcm kita kat selatan
Borneo, saya tak pasti. Sbb takde member.

Adik beradik ramai, yg ni, memang kena elak. Dah la bila balik rumah mertua nanti, confirm kena berebut bilik. Saya agak je la. Saya n husband, adik beradik sikit. Masing2 ada bilik kat rumah mak n mertua. Kesannya, saya suka balik rumah mertua

Kalau adik beradik sikit, kahwin dgn anak sulung pun takde hal

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Post time 16-4-2024 09:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 15-4-2024 04:13 PM
masuk jugak. selalu accident kat terowong menora tu kan

Terowong menora tu hala ke utara
Lepas Ipoh, nak naik ke Kedah.
Mana ada kaitan dgn Pahang

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Post time 16-4-2024 10:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jitu replied at 15-4-2024 09:48 PM
Tahniah, iols ucapkan selamat pengantin baru

Thank u uols. Mcm jd je. Iols dh x bole u turn.

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Post time 16-4-2024 10:28 AM | Show all posts
She-Ra replied at 16-4-2024 09:34 AM
memilih tu perlu/wajibul tp sangat tu takde la hahahahaa
iols jenis, ada adala.. takde, tenangggg ...

betul la tu kena la memilih, takkan nak asal ada je kan?

i ada la colig ni, masa umur 24-25 - uuh, i taknak dgn laki orang, i nak bujang, ok tak nak orang kelantan, taknak abg polis, tak nak isap rokok, tak nak tu tak nak ni, nak yg itu nak yg gini

bila 30  an - hehe dia couple dgn laki orang...

35- dia couple dgn laki orang + orang kelantan + polis ( common la polis2 kt selangor KL ni rata dari negari lain, sabah, kelantan, ganu, )

39-40 an - laki orang juga, orang panta timur juga, tp bukan polis...  settle down juga ( badan pn dah gemuk , kalo tak settle down payah la )

itu la dulu tak nak sgt laki orang kan dah attract laki orang...


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