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Geng Diabetes, Darah Tinggi, Kolesterol. Citer2 la

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Post time 12-1-2023 01:02 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Nak tanya bagi yang disahkan Diabetes Type 2(Kecuali yg mengandung xyah la) , Darah Tinggi, Kolesterol dan dah perlu ambil ubat2 ni selamanya

1. Bila umur korang disahkan ada penyakit salah satu tersebut? atau tiga3 ada?

2. Macamana doktor diagnosis penyakit korang?
3. Sekali chek terus doktor bagi ubat ke atau doktor chek kali 2, 3 kali untuk confirm?
4. Doktor bagi ubat terus ke atau bagi masa 1 - 3 bulan untuk diet, senaman

5. Ada simptom2 tak sebelum kena penyakit2 tu?
6. Bila mula ubat? Ubat tak boleh berhenti makan kan? Ubat hospital gov ke swasta? atau kadang2 both?
7. Berapa biji ubat kena mkn hari2?
8. Masa mula disahkan kena, apa bacaan Hba1c(%), Darah tinggi(cth: 150/100), Kolesterol (cth 5.2)?
9. Korang buat chek darah (lengan), urin, darah tinggi tiap2 tahun ke atau dah lama tak buat, tiba2 kena?

10. Kalau ada cerita2 ayah/mak, pakcik makcik pasal penyakit2 di atas, cerita la.



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Post time 17-1-2023 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Good sharing , hope ada yang free to share exp.

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Post time 18-1-2023 12:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sue_0684 at 18-1-2023 12:09 AM

bnyk nye soklan tt
1. Bila umur korang disahkan ada penyakit salah satu tersebut? atau tiga3 ada?
umo 38-darah tinggi (EH)
2. Macamana doktor diagnosis penyakit korang?
Test urine (i punye doc buat 36 hours urine),blood test (lipid test..bla..bla2..bnyk test x ingt dah nama), buat test2 nk rule out punca.
3. Sekali chek terus doktor bagi ubat ke atau doktor chek kali 2, 3 kali untuk confirm?
3x check. 2 months.
4. Doktor bagi ubat terus ke atau bagi masa 1 - 3 bulan untuk diet, senaman.
Bagi masa 1-2 bln kurang kan stress / overworked.Sbb bmi ok.
5. Ada simptom2 tak sebelum kena penyakit2 tu?
2 years back pernah short breath dan kepala rasa berpusing masa tgh jog.3bln sebelum diagnosed sakit kepala teruk.
6. Bila mula ubat? Ubat tak boleh berhenti makan kan? Ubat hospital gov ke swasta? atau kadang2 both?
mula last june 22.tak boleh stop.ubat gomen.
7. Berapa biji ubat kena mkn hari2?
Sebiji tp 2 jenis.(twynstar)
8. Masa mula disahkan kena, apa bacaan Hba1c(%), Darah tinggi(cth: 150/100), Kolesterol (cth 5.2)?
Darah tinggi 170/100.
9. Korang buat chek darah (lengan), urin, darah tinggi tiap2 tahun ke atau dah lama tak buat, tiba2 kena?
Biasa skali sethn masa pi klinik  ,GP check BP.
10. Kalau ada cerita2 ayah/mak, pakcik makcik pasal penyakit2 di atas, cerita la.
parent mmg ada hypertension (EH).mak pernah kena mild stroke
sbb tu i mkn ubat x berani nk skip.



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Post time 18-1-2023 04:30 AM | Show all posts
sue_0684 replied at 18-1-2023 12:04 AM
bnyk nye soklan tt
1. Bila umur korang disahkan ada penyakit salah satu tersebut? atau tiga3 a ...

tinggi BP dia
degil makan ubah kah saudari?

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Post time 18-1-2023 09:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 18-1-2023 04:30 AM
tinggi BP dia
degil makan ubah kah saudari?

ni masa 1st time detect high bp. ni pon doc x on meds lagi sbb dia mintak sy kurang kan stress keje dulu.2x follow up lepas tu baru dpt ubat.

jgn marah doc.
nnti kena jual.

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Post time 20-1-2023 05:47 AM | Show all posts
sue_0684 replied at 18-1-2023 09:56 AM
ni masa 1st time detect high bp. ni pon doc x on meds lagi sbb dia mintak sy kurang kan stress kej ...

dah makan ubat eh?
kena consistent tau

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Post time 20-1-2023 07:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 20-1-2023 05:47 AM
dah makan ubat eh?
kena consistent tau

dah.since end of june 22..doc dah tmbh ubat pun dari oct lepas.telmisartan  +  Amlodipine.. sbb checkup last oct diastolic reading tinggi plak 95.
tu saya x pernah skip ubat lagi2 mak sy pernah kena mild stroke.
bp sy naik 140(systolic) pun sy dah sakit belakang kepala.

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2023 07:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sue_0684 replied at 20-1-2023 07:57 AM
dah.since end of june 22..doc dah tmbh ubat pun dari oct lepas.telmisartan  +  Amlodipine.. sbb ch ...

nak tanya if bp tinggi 140/90 ke atas, ada simptom sakit kepala

saya 135/100 chek kt umah hari2 3x
tghari, petang sakit kepala ringan

tapi lepas subuh nk tdo, 7am je mata tbuka, selang 20min smpai bgun dri tido 9am, kepala mcm nk pecah. ni dah 2 bulan

tu efek darah tinggi ke? dgrnya darah tinggi kemuncak waktu pagi

tapi dgr kata darah tinggi takde simptom melainkan lebih 180/120

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Post time 22-1-2023 12:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
akuman1981 replied at 20-1-2023 07:31 PM
nak tanya if bp tinggi 140/90 ke atas, ada simptom sakit kepala

saya 135/100 chek kt umah hari2 3 ...

yg pasal sakit kepala mcm nk pecah tu better pi jumpa pun ada sakit kepala mcm tu tp sy ada tension headache.sbb overstressed.

pasal simptom darah tinggi ni better tanya forumer @ipes2.dia lebih arif.

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Post time 23-1-2023 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 23-1-2023 10:49 PM
akuman1981 replied at 20-1-2023 07:31 PM
nak tanya if bp tinggi 140/90 ke atas, ada simptom sakit kepala

saya 135/100 chek kt umah hari2 3 ...

simptom ada pelbagai so lain org lain, kalau sakit kepala berpanjangan it is best jumpalah doctor so baru dapat some hint,

your bp 140/90 slightly stage 2, tapi still x precise. normal usually under 140/90

so kenalah gi check, u tak check nnt tetiba boleh stroke tau..if u betul ada BP. as i have BP, pernahla i skip ubat lama and rebounce and bp myself i akan saking tengkuk and i xleh fokus also x pening but sakit kepala bisa atas leher tu and side kiri kadang it depends... btw sakit kepala you mcm mana pening ke kepala pusing ke cemana so its hard to tell over the text.

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Post time 29-1-2023 10:25 PM | Show all posts
akuman1981 replied at 20-1-2023 07:31 PM
nak tanya if bp tinggi 140/90 ke atas, ada simptom sakit kepala

saya 135/100 chek kt umah hari2 3 ...

BP jika elevated, selalunya boleh dpt symptoms eg sakit kepala, dizzy atau mcm nk pitam. Juga sakit dada dan generally rasa unwell.

Nak tido lepas subuh mata tak boleh pejam? Sy kene pesan that it is not advisable to sleep after subuh, or to sleep again after u dah bgn dipaginya.

In any case, BP after 135/85 elok di treat.

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Post time 23-8-2023 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Saya makan Lecithin .
Kita kan tiap tiap hari makan ikan goreng dan kuah kuah yang berminyak  serta bersantan kan.

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Post time 21-9-2023 07:45 AM | Show all posts
me start kene consume ubat kolestrol - simvastatin 10mg dalam sebulan lebih dah.

starting kene vertigo attack doktor ckp gula darah n bp tgi. so ke KK n buat blood test. doktor advise amik bacaan bp everyday sblm tido malam n jaga diet. n dia bg ubat kolestrol sbb tgi katenya.
now jaga makan n amik bp reading every morning plak. ubat kolestrol makan ikut nasihat doktor. n i buat diet low carb no sugar almost nak dkt 2 months. berat turun dh 5kg. tapi masik kategory overweight.

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Post time 21-9-2023 10:12 AM | Show all posts
watachiwa replied at 21-9-2023 07:45 AM
me start kene consume ubat kolestrol - simvastatin 10mg dalam sebulan lebih dah.

starting kene vert ...

hope u will feel much better sooner. Hmm  jaga diet and continue control hope nnt cholesterol you back to normal as well your bp.

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Post time 21-9-2023 03:34 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 21-9-2023 10:12 AM
hope u will feel much better sooner. Hmm  jaga diet and continue control hope nnt cholesterol you  ...

TQ2. Bp buat masa skarang dah normal kdg2 jd low bp. huhu
smalam jumpa pakar ENT dia pon advice suh jaga makan. n SAY NO to cafein n dia ckp koelstrol boleh back to normal InsyaAllah

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Post time 23-10-2023 01:13 PM | Show all posts
watachiwa replied at 21-9-2023 03:34 PM
TQ2. Bp buat masa skarang dah normal kdg2 jd low bp. huhu
smalam jumpa pakar ENT dia pon advice su ...

alhamdulillah ..keep it up

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Post time 23-10-2023 01:14 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 29-1-2023 10:25 PM
BP jika elevated, selalunya boleh dpt symptoms eg sakit kepala, dizzy atau mcm nk pitam. Juga saki ...

I nak tanya...let say kalau duduk normal sitting...or baring bila bangun tapak kaki kiri je sakit, like few seconds..then hilang. kenapa ya? bila berjalan x pulak sakit...

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Post time 23-10-2023 03:10 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 23-10-2023 01:14 PM
I nak tanya...let say kalau duduk normal sitting...or baring bila bangun tapak ...

itu mungkin hanya musculoskeletal effects dari physical stress kaki kita lalui sahaja
tiada yang specific
dan dari description awak pun, ia agak berbeza dari, say, sciatica etc

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Post time 24-10-2023 08:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I’m 42. Family members semua high cholesterol. I pun high in LDL since my early 20s but semua doctors tak nak bagi medicine yet because ratio cholesterol/HDL is still ok. In March 2023, the ratio was 3.4 and in Sept, it was 3.1. My triglycerides dropped from 0.9 to 0.6 and my HDL increased from 1.7 to 1.8. Doc said the only way to keep the ratio low is to continue to increase my HDL since my LDL is very likely due to hereditary.

My dad had stroke at 52. He survives but I did my full cardiovascular test last year. The consulting cardiologist was very concerned cos I’m just 10 years away from 52. But Alhamdulillah, still as fit as early 30s.

Family pun diabetic. So my hba1c reading in March 2023 was not very good. It was 6.2. Doc kata repeat after a year. But I did another test after 6 months. It has dropped to 5.9. Still have to continue working on this.

What I did after the March test was, I started taking Pristine oat bran with unsweetened chocolate drink every morning. And I also started talking fish oil and amla/amalaki religiously. I ada acute gastritis and acid reflux since 2021, so I memang dah cut down salt, sugar and oily food since. I asked doc, do I really have to eat like bird to lower my cholesterol then? She said don’t or else I will be very depressed.

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Post time 24-10-2023 08:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Taking about high BP, haritu my husband did an experiment on me. My BP is always normal. His is high. Dia buat jus beetroot (campur orange/lemon supaya sedap sikit). I minum half a cup. My BP jatuh mendadak. Satu minggu i pening dan lemah. For him pula, now dia dah kurangkan dos ubat. Almost 6 months dia minum jus tu. Every 3 months, dia test dgn doc sampai doc to agree to decrease the dosage. Now dia jumpa beetroot powder. Lagi senang. Just bancuh dan minum.

For blood sugar, dia rebus half a cup of kacang kuda. Makan daily. Letak sikit garam utk rasa. Considering my husband’s BMI, his hba1c reading is fantastic compared to mine

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