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Author: Rahah

[tvN/Netflix 2021] HOMETOWN CHA CHA CHA - Shin Min A, Kim Seon Ho

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Post time 20-10-2021 02:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 20-10-2021 01:18 PM
sorry  emo sikit sebab nyampah geram dengan watak Chhon Gi dalam lovers of the red sky semalam...

a ...

kan rase nak lempang je muke dia, org dh pesan jgn kuor dia kuor jgk..dahla mawang tu cari mata dia..dia plok sibuk nak masuk campur jgk

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Post time 20-10-2021 02:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
skrg ni dah terbalik plok bile kim sunho minta maaf, ex dia plok kena kutuk sbb ex nye umur 37 dan janda..dorang ckp ex nye dok matang duk sibuk citer hal ni kat luor...knet ni dok berapa betul jgk kejap marah kejap kutuk


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Post time 20-10-2021 02:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
loveammar replied at 20-10-2021 10:00 AM
abis le career dia, dia dah ngaku salah dia..rugi rugi sayang bebenor la buat scandal time name tgh  ...

taboo ke kalau ada anak luar nikah kat korea tuh?
bior je le gf tu nak buat apa dgn baby dia, dah dia yg pregger..
yg si ksh ni nak menyedap je, time gf tu tgh low, x nak support..
knp la tak pikir panjang, kalau sama2 ambik responsibility lg la org respect..

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Post time 20-10-2021 02:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 20-10-2021 02:31 PM
taboo ke kalau ada anak luar nikah kat korea tuh?
bior je le gf tu nak buat apa dgn baby dia, dah ...

Kat sana taboo nya pelik2 jugak..anak yatim pun taboo.

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Post time 20-10-2021 03:15 PM | Show all posts
solarlunar replied at 19-10-2021 07:32 PM
I haven't written and then deleted any comments.I am quite curious about those who photoshopped comm ...

mcm boleh hadam apa dia rasa...yelaa sayang..pastu sambil promise sambil ber crocodile tears...janji macam2...bukan laa nak sokong ex dia tp tulaaa apa ko buat ko dapat....buat baik dpt laa baik...cemtu laa the other way round, cuma cara pembalasan tu cpt atau lambat je laa mana2 fans yg ckp kenapa skang....kenapa x dulu...dah dulu dia bukan sapa2 nk buat apa jatuhkan...jatuhkan pun ex dia xdpt apa..skang kalo jatuhkan sedap laa sket....jauh sket pegi dia kan....mendapatlaa..setiap perbuatan mmg akan ada pembalasan....depa pun percaya apa benda sebab tu laa dia terus ngaku je dan xde eloborate apa2...
nasib ko laa hong banjang....sana punya culture bukan ko xtau..ko pun dr sana kan....len kali belajar dgn kwangsoo...tu baru betul budak baik.

mana2 yg ckp syg laa bakat dia apa seme...ala korg kalo dpt actor yg lagi hensem dan pandai belakon dr kim seon ho ni terus korg lupakan dia..minat dia pun dr start up...padahal dia dah byk belakon sebelum2 tu.....hahahaha....

u reap what u sow laa cerita dia....semoga ada sinar harapan laa utk kim seon ho di masa hadapan...

p/s - benar laa kata ati ku heshe ni fake...yg susah nk rs suka gila kt heshe seperti kdrama actor yg lain...kih3


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Post time 20-10-2021 03:20 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 20-10-2021 02:31 PM
taboo ke kalau ada anak luar nikah kat korea tuh?
bior je le gf tu nak buat apa dgn baby dia, dah ...

even they're non-muslim, they are still conservative dlm beberapa perkara termasuklah mengandung anak luar nikah..
kalau tgk dari perspektif KSH je of courselah kita memihak kat dia atas alasan yg benda ni peribadi x perlu campurkan dgn hal2 berkaitan kerjaya...
kena tgk dari perspektif the ex-gf jugak...i think she has gone through hard time that's why dia buat apa yg dia buat...
x adillah kan dah bersedap2 2 org tapi yg kena tanggung akibat sorang je...yg sorang lagi pulak seronok2 mendaki puncak populariti...
nasib baik semua ni bocor lepas drama dah habis...

kalau tgh on air the drama will suffer and not only involve KSH...

walau apa pun, KSH is irresponsible and the way both of them handle the situation is immatured walaupun umur dah menjangkau 30an...
bukannya budak2 lagi pun...


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Post time 20-10-2021 04:29 PM | Show all posts
ermm..sayang kan....bakat ada...rupa ramai...mmg tgh mendonia....byk company berebut2 nak tulaa...sayangg...kalau dia take responsibility...jaga exgf dia...terus terang ngn parents..myb jadi lain...

tak tau nak ckp...cuma mmg sedih n frust KSH mmg kena la tanggung damage yg dia buat sendiri...myb dia ingt pompuan ni x rasanya exgf mmg tgu homecha abis sbb taknak effect production and other actors.

tak tau la bape lama dia akan hiatus...atau mmg x buat skang ni KSH mmg kena la belajar dr kesilapan dia ni...

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Post time 20-10-2021 04:35 PM | Show all posts
fahdramli replied at 19-10-2021 09:07 AM
Bukan takat seon ho ja yang kena, shin min ah pun tunggu masa aja ada ledakan. Katanya dia tengking  ...

wahh..shin min ah pon ada gosip2 tak best jgk ker?
dimple bukan sebarang dimplee..
dimple yg suka tengking? woww..


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Post time 20-10-2021 04:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 20-10-2021 02:31 PM
taboo ke kalau ada anak luar nikah kat korea tuh?
bior je le gf tu nak buat apa dgn baby dia, dah ...

mgkin kot, anak yatim yg xdok mak ayah pon diaorg pandang serong ape tah lg anak luor nikoh

dia nak jage name ngan takut bayar penalti je..sbb tu cut off terus ngan ex nye..kalu same2 tanggungjawab lg la org respect, ni buat lagu ni mmg x patut la ....ramai je actor/actress yg pregnant dulu br kawen. dia je x fikir panjang lebih fikir ke femes ngan duit

betul2 frust la jgk sbb tgk dlm kshow innocent je, baik je...umur pon dah matang. kalu idol tu boleh gak kate x mature ade je idol kawen ngan gfriend bile pregnant..idol lg la ramai peminat

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Post time 20-10-2021 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hunny_bunny replied at 20-10-2021 03:15 PM
mcm boleh hadam apa dia rasa...yelaa sayang..pastu sambil promise sambil ber crocodile tears...jan ...

betul2...lagipon kes ni pon br je la dlm tahun 2020 mase tu dia start femes..bknnye zaman dulu kala...ade jgk fans dia backup..minat pon berpada2...mende yg salah ke akui. jgn duk sokong je..ce bayang kalu kite duk kat tempat pompuan tu mcm mane...dh la kena gugur, janji nak kawen peh kena tinggal siap bayar duit lg...kalu gentlemen dia x buat gtu tinggal bodo2 je ex nye..sanggup kejar duit ngan femes lg.

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Post time 20-10-2021 04:59 PM | Show all posts
loveammar replied at 20-10-2021 04:43 PM
betul2...lagipon kes ni pon br je la dlm tahun 2020 mase tu dia start femes..bknnye zaman dulu kal ...

kalo dia jd mcm sapa tu chen ke apa nama dia kump exo....dgn sapa lagi sorg tah idols juga.....bertanggungjwb...terus kwen....biasalaa manusia bernafsu...yg salah tu diri sendiri...jgn ler salah kan org lain...siap jual nama parents takut parent living in streets la apa laa.....skang btl2 dpt...malu dpt....nak naik balik pun mungkin laaa bertahun2 balik dpt naik...

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Post time 20-10-2021 05:54 PM | Show all posts
former weather broadcast kt kbs ropernya ex gf dia...laju gila knet buat keje..lawa juga org nya...

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Post time 20-10-2021 06:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alahaiii ksh ni pun... Sayang bakat ada.. Hmm x dptlah nak tgk dia berlakon lepas ni... Btw ex gf tu lebih tua sikit dan janda kan

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Post time 20-10-2021 06:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Silap2 ksh pun kena game dgn perempuan ni sbb dah terlanjur hehe

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Post time 20-10-2021 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Sorry guys tak dpt nk reply satu satu. I take note every komen yang diberi

Sayang betul dgn career KSH nie. Die boleh ganti Lee Seung Gi kot sbb Nation's Boyfriend.

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Post time 20-10-2021 06:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 20-10-2021 06:36 PM
solarlunar replied at 20-10-2021 06:29 PM
Sorry guys tak dpt nk reply satu satu. I take note every komen yang diberi

Sayang betul dgn c ...

Kannn.. sib baik seung gi ritu ngaku je pacaran walopon tak dpt restu knetz. Ye ya korek famili gefren nye dirt takut kang dok menempel jd pisau cukur.

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Post time 20-10-2021 07:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So kesalahan dia sbb ada gf dan termengandung dan abort kan? Kalu x abort ok kot? X paham la culture sana. Duduk sekali dan having sex takpe plak asal jgn termengandung... Lain la kalu dia married, then ada skandal dgn betina lain.

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Post time 20-10-2021 07:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hunny_bunny replied at 20-10-2021 03:15 PM
mcm boleh hadam apa dia rasa...yelaa sayang..pastu sambil promise sambil ber crocodile tears...jan ...

Ye..aku pun ada instinct yg dia ni fake...mmg tak boleh nak suka

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Post time 20-10-2021 07:27 PM | Show all posts
On October 20, actor Kim Seon Ho released a formal statement of apology toward his ex-girlfriend 'A', after becoming wrapped up in controversial accusations related to his private life.

Read Kim Seon Ho's statement, below.

"This is Kim Seon Ho. First, I sincerely apologize for my belated statement. When I first saw the news articles with my name on them a few days ago, I experienced a fear like I had never felt before, which is why I am only now presenting myself in writing.

I dated this person with good feelings. But during the relationship, I hurt this person due to my incompetence and lack of consideration. I had hoped to meet with this person again in order to deliver my sincere apology, but I am currently unable to do so and am waiting for that time when I am able to do so.

In the meantime, I hope to relay my apology in earnest through this letter. I would also like to apologize to all those who trusted me and cheered me on until the end, for disappointing you. I was only able to stand tall as actor Kim Seon Ho because of the people who cheered me on, but I had forgotten this fact. I also take this time to apologize to the many people who worked with me on various productions for the harm which I have caused, due to my mistakes.

Once again, I want to sincerely apologize to all who may have been hurt by this incident. I know that these ramblings are insufficient to reach many people earnestly, but I offer my honest thoughts in any way that I can. I am truly sorry."

Previously on October 17, an anonymous netizen, who revealed that they dated an 'Actor K' in 2020, claimed that 'K' has persuaded her into getting an abortion, under the pretense of marriage.

Update: KBS has announced that Kim Seon Ho will be leaving 2D1N allkpop

The production staff of '1 Night, 2 Days' stated, "Hello, this is the staff of KBS2's '1 Night, 2 Days' season 4. The production staff has officially decided that actor Kim Seon Ho will be leaving the program, after his recent controversy. He will also be edited out to the best of our abilities in upcoming episodes which were already filmed prior to the controversies, in order to minimize the discomfort inflicted on viewers. The production staff of '1 Night, 2 Days' will continue to do our best to create a good program moving forward. Thank you."

According to various media outlet reports, the cast members of '1 Night, 2 Days' have also been notified of Kim Seon Ho's departure from the show earlier today. As of now, the next filming for '1 Night, 2 Days' is scheduled to take place on October 29.

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Post time 20-10-2021 07:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
loveammar replied at 20-10-2021 04:37 PM
mgkin kot, anak yatim yg xdok mak ayah pon diaorg pandang serong ape tah lg anak luor nikoh

dia n ...

Mcm minhwan kan..comel lote anak2

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