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Moderator: Tinot7, dexa
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali Perdana Menteri Malaysia (4) - exposed attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   10-9-2021 12:10 AM    |   View:1461   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 1
peacock.bass 10-9-2021 10:58 PM
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali Perdana Menteri Malaysia (6) - exposed attachment agree  ...2
Tinot7    |   10-9-2021 12:12 AM    |   View:3272   |   Reply:26    |   Likes: 1
Janjimanismu123 10-9-2021 10:32 PM
Edisi tambah tacang : Kenali Perdana Menteri Malaysia (5) - exposed attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   10-9-2021 12:11 AM    |   View:1801   |   Reply:16    |   Likes: 1
peacock.bass 10-9-2021 10:32 PM
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali Perdana Menteri Malaysia (3) - exposed attach_img agree  ...2
Tinot7    |   10-9-2021 12:08 AM    |   View:3026   |   Reply:29    |   Likes: 1
peacock.bass 10-9-2021 10:23 PM
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali Sejarawan Malaysia (3) - exposed attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   9-9-2021 02:40 PM    |   View:1789   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
Scheherazade 10-9-2021 07:16 AM
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali Sejarawan Malaysia (6) - exposed attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   9-9-2021 02:50 PM    |   View:2384   |   Reply:9    |   Likes: 1
Mulotkoyak 10-9-2021 03:17 AM
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali Sejarawan Malaysia (4) - exposed attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   9-9-2021 02:45 PM    |   View:1561   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
peacock.bass 10-9-2021 02:58 AM
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali Sejarawan Malaysia (5) - exposed attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   9-9-2021 02:47 PM    |   View:1802   |   Reply:14    |   Likes: 0
Tinot7 10-9-2021 02:57 AM
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali Sejarawan Malaysia (2) - exposed attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   9-9-2021 02:36 PM    |   View:1447   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
peacock.bass 10-9-2021 02:55 AM
Lagenda Wales: kisah cintan Myfanwy yg tragis attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   10-9-2021 02:50 AM    |   View:1691   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
Tinot7 10-9-2021 02:53 AM
Edisi tambah tacang: Kenali sejarawan Malaysia (1) - exposed attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   9-9-2021 02:28 PM    |   View:1708   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
peacock.bass 10-9-2021 02:31 AM
Hari ini dalam sejarah: 10 September
Tinot7    |   10-9-2021 12:47 AM    |   View:1272   |   Reply:13    |   Likes: 0
Tinot7 10-9-2021 12:57 AM
Isteri-isteri Henry VIII digest agree
Tinot7    |   2-9-2021 03:34 PM    |   View:2908   |   Reply:13    |   Likes: 1
fatinandreanna 9-9-2021 11:21 PM
Ini Adalah Ritual Kematian Kaum Yanomami agree
Raline    |   7-9-2021 08:16 PM    |   View:2049   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
Tinot7 9-9-2021 02:17 PM
Lelaki Ini Nekad Buat ‘Photoshoot’ Bersama Rangka Orang Tuanya
Raline    |   7-9-2021 08:39 PM    |   View:1314   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
Tinot7 9-9-2021 09:38 AM
Saintis Muslim Dengan Penemuan Yang Mengubah Dunia agree
Raline    |   9-9-2021 06:38 AM    |   View:1833   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 3
Raline 9-9-2021 06:38 AM
Rezeki Temui Duit, Lelaki Ini Terkejut Peti Ais Terpakai ‘Berisi’ RM360 Ribu agree
Raline    |   7-9-2021 08:18 PM    |   View:2222   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 0
chinta89 8-9-2021 03:36 PM
Digelar Sebagai ‘Bandar Hantu’, Apa Yang Berlaku Di Chernobyl? agree
Raline    |   30-8-2021 08:20 PM    |   View:2138   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
lurve82 2-9-2021 11:21 PM
Hari Malaysia agree
Tinot7    |   2-9-2021 02:51 PM    |   View:1631   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 2-9-2021 08:11 PM
Follow Us
J.K. Rowling Dedahkan Terdapat 11 Sekolah Ahli Sihir Selain Hogwarts! agree
Raline    |   30-8-2021 07:56 PM    |   View:3165   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 0
yenil95 2-9-2021 04:18 PM
Edisi tambah tacang: Gambar mengenai Malaysia attachment agree  ...23456..23
Tinot7    |   2-8-2021 11:17 AM    |   View:64062   |   Reply:458    |   Likes: 1
Tinot7 2-9-2021 02:45 PM
10 Hari Sebelum MERDEKA attach_img agree
Syd    |   21-8-2021 10:29 PM    |   View:2283   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 0
abnegation 2-9-2021 10:59 AM
Bagaimana Selipar ‘Jepun’ Tat Sing Ini Beri Ilham Kepada Rekaan Selipar Seluruh agree
Raline    |   30-8-2021 08:02 PM    |   View:2496   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
cucutokwan89 1-9-2021 09:35 PM
Ini Senarai 5 Hackers Paling Bahaya Dan Mengemparkan Dunia agree  ...2
CARI-HBZ    |   23-10-2020 03:33 AM    |   View:7973   |   Reply:27    |   Likes: 2
whitebeard 1-9-2021 04:43 PM
Billy Milligan – Perogol Dengan 24 Personaliti Berbeza digest agree  ...234
OttoVonBismark    |   15-4-2020 10:46 PM    |   View:18425   |   Reply:76    |   Likes: 7
fly_in_d_sky 1-9-2021 01:41 PM
Wildlife in the Amazon
buttergal    |   21-9-2012 10:13 PM    |   View:7473   |   Reply:19    |   Likes: 0
halenaagk 31-8-2021 05:51 AM
Ada Augusta - Pogrammer Pertama Yang Tenggelam Dari Sejarah digest agree  ...2
OttoVonBismark    |   23-4-2020 06:05 PM    |   View:7055   |   Reply:26    |   Likes: 1
whitebeard 30-8-2021 10:16 PM
Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Sniper Wanita Terhebat Sepanjang Zaman digest agree  ...23456
OttoVonBismark    |   15-4-2019 10:26 PM    |   View:23926   |   Reply:105    |   Likes: 6
whitebeard 30-8-2021 09:49 PM
Vasili Arkhipov - Lelaki Yg Menyelamatkan Dunia Dari WWIII & Nuklear War attachment digest agree  ...23456
OttoVonBismark    |   10-4-2019 09:10 PM    |   View:21637   |   Reply:102    |   Likes: 1
whitebeard 30-8-2021 08:54 PM
Hiroo Onoda - Tentera Jepun Yang Pantang Mengalah Even Selepas WWII Tamat 29 Tah digest agree  ...234
OttoVonBismark    |   6-4-2019 07:03 PM    |   View:18343   |   Reply:69    |   Likes: 3
whitebeard 30-8-2021 08:07 PM
Eva Braun - The Unhappy Hitler Wife. digest agree  ...23456..9
OttoVonBismark    |   12-5-2019 04:48 AM    |   View:35494   |   Reply:164    |   Likes: 11
whitebeard 30-8-2021 06:58 PM
Putera Sultan Perak Ke 2 Diangkat Menjadi Sultan Aceh Ke 8 agree
Raline    |   25-8-2021 06:08 PM    |   View:2304   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
whitebeard 30-8-2021 06:45 PM
Marie Curie - Kuasa Cinta Yang Mengubah Dunia attachment digest agree  ...23456..8
OttoVonBismark    |   25-10-2019 02:15 AM    |   View:29888   |   Reply:143    |   Likes: 8
whitebeard 30-8-2021 01:11 PM
The Night Witches - Pilot Wanita Yang Digeruni Nazi German attach_img digest agree  ...23
OttoVonBismark    |   6-5-2019 04:24 AM    |   View:12521   |   Reply:54    |   Likes: 1
fly_in_d_sky 30-8-2021 10:01 AM
Gempa bumi Fukushima, gempa bumi yang terkuat sejak 3/2011 attach_img agree  ...2
FussioAnwar    |   14-2-2021 02:16 PM    |   View:6698   |   Reply:26    |   Likes: 1
green~tea 24-8-2021 11:08 PM
Lantai Masjidil Haram Sejuk Walaupun Suhu Panas, Ini Sebabnya.. agree
CARI-HBZ    |   2-2-2021 01:14 AM    |   View:3449   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 1
fatinandreanna 24-8-2021 04:04 AM
Gambar Lama Kuala Lumpur Dulu-Dulu Pada Tahun 1975 digest agree  ...2
hanglipolopo    |   20-2-2019 09:45 AM    |   View:18557   |   Reply:29    |   Likes: 2
fatinandreanna 24-8-2021 02:30 AM
Mitos Ireland: Anak2 Lir attach_img agree
Tinot7    |   9-8-2021 02:09 PM    |   View:2142   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
Tinot7 23-8-2021 01:56 PM
Bagaimana Elizabeth mengatasi perkauman dan tampil di Istana Buckingham pada tah agree
Raline    |   11-8-2021 01:22 PM    |   View:1582   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
spankee_fili 23-8-2021 01:07 PM
Nathuram Godse - Pembunuh Mahatma Gandhi digest agree  ...23456
OttoVonBismark    |   16-5-2019 04:10 AM    |   View:25642   |   Reply:113    |   Likes: 5
OttoVonBismark 23-8-2021 01:43 AM
Laika - Anjing Pertama Yang Mati Di Angkasa digest agree  ...2345
OttoVonBismark    |   2-6-2019 05:43 AM    |   View:20318   |   Reply:97    |   Likes: 9
OttoVonBismark 23-8-2021 01:41 AM
Yuri Gagarin - Misteri Kematian Manusia Pertama Ke Angkasa. attachment digest agree  ...23456..8
OttoVonBismark    |   1-6-2019 06:02 AM    |   View:36678   |   Reply:152    |   Likes: 8
OttoVonBismark 23-8-2021 01:40 AM
Notre Dame Cathedral - Cerita Disebalik Sejarah Dan Tragedi. digest agree  ...23456..7
OttoVonBismark    |   22-5-2019 05:27 AM    |   View:27770   |   Reply:129    |   Likes: 8
OttoVonBismark 23-8-2021 01:27 AM
Edisi tambah tacang: Sejarah Caligula attach_img  ...23456
Tinot7    |   9-8-2021 10:45 AM    |   View:13280   |   Reply:110    |   Likes: 4
Tinot7 22-8-2021 11:49 AM
10 Rumah paling termewah di dunia agree
Raline    |   2-4-2021 11:43 AM    |   View:4161   |   Reply:16    |   Likes: 0
iena_jr 22-8-2021 04:23 AM
Sitting Bull - Lagenda Hebat Seorang Pahlawan. digest agree  ...234
OttoVonBismark    |   3-10-2019 08:50 PM    |   View:18300   |   Reply:78    |   Likes: 3
OttoVonBismark 21-8-2021 11:48 PM
August Landmesser - The Man Who Refused To Salute Hitler digest agree  ...23
OttoVonBismark    |   23-6-2019 03:11 PM    |   View:13046   |   Reply:46    |   Likes: 7
OttoVonBismark 21-8-2021 11:34 PM
Jumbo - Kisah Tragik Seekor Gajah Sarkis digest agree  ...2345
OttoVonBismark    |   21-6-2019 02:55 AM    |   View:22247   |   Reply:93    |   Likes: 6
OttoVonBismark 21-8-2021 11:34 PM
Arnold Sommerfeld - 84 Kali Tercalon Dalam Anugerah Nobel. digest agree  ...234
OttoVonBismark    |   24-5-2019 04:30 AM    |   View:14862   |   Reply:69    |   Likes: 2
OttoVonBismark 21-8-2021 11:31 PM
Sarjan Stubby - Anjing Pertama Dapat Pingat Keberanian Dalam Sejarah Amareka. attachment digest agree  ...23456
OttoVonBismark    |   14-5-2019 04:45 AM    |   View:24333   |   Reply:103    |   Likes: 3
OttoVonBismark 21-8-2021 11:27 PM
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