Alkisah nye aku ni keje kt hsbc, so far xde problem ape pon keje sini.benefit ok.cuma awl taun haritu gatal tangan gi apply keje kt central bank.n xsangka plak dpt.
So i dunno whether i should resign from hsbc n go to central bank or not.
Aku just nk tau kt central bank work style nye mcm mana.ofcoz benefit tiptop tp in terms of the people there, mcm mana?
Byk politic ke..minda xberkembang ke..mcm gov staff punya style ke..career blh berkembang x kat sana..etc2
Aku dpt masuk ke IT dept kat sana..so kalo sesape staff bnm yg ada experience tlg la kongsi2 sket |
aku ade kawan yang left bnm. she was with the recruitment team. she said diorang keje teruk, takde work life balance. she had to travel to regional offices, etc. sebab bnm punye hiring process mmg diorang buat from end to end. she said sane majority malay. tapi cina pun dah ramai bcs scholars ramai chinese. |

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Post time 6-8-2015 08:24 PM
From the mobile phone
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blythes replied at 4-8-2015 10:38 AM
aku ade kawan yang left bnm. she was with the recruitment team. she said diorang keje teruk, takde w ...
Yeke?hmm curently mmg selesa dgn hsbc, worklife pon ok balance jgk la blh work from home kdg2.tgk benefit dua2 ada yg lebih ada yg kurang, cuma kat hsbc mungkin senang nak get promoted kalau betul2 rajin.mcm bnm ni dgr kata bonus byk, tapi increment ciput.n susah jgk nak naik pangkat.
Baca pulak harini rm jatuh..kat hsbc bonus semua dlm usd..kat bnm ofcoz guna rm kan.n yg buat aku pk byk kali ni sbb bnm mmg janji nk bagi permanent position, tp kena contract setahun dulu.bg increment sikit je, konon dh confirm nanti baru bagi berapa byk yg aku mintak.tp dlm agreement xde tulis mcm tu pun
50-50 sekarang ni  |
Tt, i nk offtopic jap.
Nk tanya. Tt ni it admin di hsbc ke? Kat hsbc ni, ada post juruteknik it x? |
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