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GOOD VS EVIL (symbolism)
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The story of Moses and Pharaoh (in the Quran)
"And say: "TRUTH has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished: for FALSEHOOD is (by its nature) bound to perish."
(Al-Isra 81)
Truth = good / miracle / sign / portent /mookjizaat
Falsehood = evil / magic / sorcery / sihr
Said the CHIEFS of the people of Pharaoh: "This is indeed a SORCEROR well-versed.
"They said: "O Moses! wilt thou throw (first), or shall we have the (first) throw?"
"Said Moses: "Throw ye (first)." So when they threw, they BEWITCHED the eyes of the people, and struck TERROR into them: for they showed a great (feat of) magic."
"We put it into Moses's mind by inspiration: "Throw (now) thy rod": and BEHOLD! it swallows up straight away all the falsehoods which they fake!"
(Al Araaf)
"Said Moses: "Say ye (this) about the truth when it hath (actually) reached you? Is SORCERY (like) this? But sorcerers will not prosper."
"When they had had their throw, Moses said: "What ye have brought is SORCERY: Allah will surely make it of no effect: for Allah prospereth not the work of those who make mischief."
(Yunus 77-81)
"So the MAGICIANS were thrown down to prostration: they said, "We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses".
(Taha 70)
Pharaoh - King / Prime Minister / President / Raja
Chiefs - Mayor / Duke / Minister / MP
Sorceror / Magicians - Priests / Rabbis / Scholar / Ulama / Ustaz / Syeikh
Staff of moses - symbol of truth
staff of sorceror - symbol of falsehood
the truth - al quran / torah / injeel (kitabullah)
falsehood - talmud / gospel / hadith / man made)
"Likewise did We make for every Messenger an enemy,- evil ones among men and jinns, INSPIRING each other with FLOWERY DISCOURSES by way of DECEPTION. If thy Lord had so planned, they would not have done it: so leave them and their inventions alone."
"To such (deceit) let the hearts of those incline, who have no faith in the hereafter: let them delight in it, and let them earn from it what they may."
(Al Anaam 112-113)
God Revelations (torah, injeel , al quran) as miracle / mookjizaat
"A. L. R. These are the ayats of the Book of Wisdom."
"Is it a matter of wonderment to men that We have sent Our inspiration to a man from among themselves?- that he should warn mankind (of their danger), and give the good news to the Believers that they have before their Lord the lofty rank of truth. (But) say the Unbelievers: "This is indeed an EVIDENT SORCEROR!"
(Yunus 1-2)
"They said (to Moses): "Whatever be the SIGNS thou bringest, to work therewith thy SORCERY on us, we shall never believe in thee."
(Al Araaf 132)
"Then said he: "This is nothing but MAGIC, derived from of OLD;"
"This is nothing but the word of a mortal!"
(AL Muddathir 24-25)
Similarly, no messenger came to the Peoples before them, but they said (of him) in like manner, "A SORCEROR, or one POSSESSED"!
(Adh Dhariyaat 52)
They followed what the Shayatin (devils /evil peoples) gave out (falsely of the magic / falsehood / talmud / gospel / hadith /man made words) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic (falsehood) and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, HARUT and Marut, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their ownselves, if they but knew.
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #102)
Salaam.. Peace...
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