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That's a real man !!!!
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Edited by abgsedapmalam at 12-2-2015 12:26 AM

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This is a rare photo of Jack Bonavita. What you see here is an actual trick that Jack Bonavita performed in his act. This photo has not been tampered with. At the time of this photo Jack was with the Frank Bostock wild animal circus in England the year 1910. Frank Bostock was a wild animal trainer as well and quiet famous…………. The name of this trick that Jack is performing is called ” The Arm- Chair”.
Captain Jack Bonavita, of Coney Island’s Dreamland. 1905.
Captain Jack lost his arm when it was clawed by one of his lions, Baltimore, in 1904, resulting in a blood infection that required amputation.
Dreamland was destroyed by a fire caused when sparks from exploding lightbulbs caught on a bucket of tar, engulfing an attraction called (appropriately) Hell Gate. Captain Jack risked his biscuits to get his cats to safety. Sadly, one of his terrified lions, Black Prince, escaped and was shot by police.
Captain Jack was killed in an animal attack in 1917. His obituary read, “Captain Jack Bonavita died on Monday, March 19, following a short and fierce fight with a polar bear at the menagerie in Los Angeles.”
(via norselion)
Source: historicaltimes

[size=13.358401298523px]Capt. Jack Bonavita with a group of lions featured with the Frank C. Bostock Wild Animal Arena.
[size=13.358401298523px]Originated by E.H. Bostock and George Wombwell, famous British Menagerists, in the 1870's. Lion Whisperer
mmg real..
yang lelain semua singa |
Comelllllnyeeeee singa2 tu  |
Sedihh jer muka singa2 tu?? Sesuatu..
Pendekatan macamana orang tu gunakan utk menambat singa2 tu?? Cara lembut atau cara sadis??
Kalau sadis caranya,, dia bukan lelaki sebenar lah. Malah lebih keji dari haiwan.
Kalau cara lemah lembut, memang dasyat laki ni. |
muke laki tu pun dah macm singa.. version kecik huhu |
ni lukisan jer kan  |
kalau benar memang hebat...  |
tipu la....yg lain blur, tang lelaki tu je sharp!! |
singa sini ok la berani...singa kat rumah?...  |
kalau kena kenduri tu kenyang dak-2 singa tu. nyumss! |
photo cut ler..
kamu tgk betul2, tepi singa tu ada potongan , crop bagai..
tgk kepala laki tu, dh dipotong.. |
kan...muka sedih kena dera jer
wwwwwooowwwww... daebakkk.. |
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