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16 Hasil Kejuruteraan Yang Gagal!
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16 Engineering Fails That Make You Wonder How These Engineers Received a Degree.
Civil engineers, construction workers, and designers allow us to marvel at grandiose buildings, bridges, and overall structures that we never would have been thought possible to build. It takes years of studies, dedication and structural design to become a civil engineer, for example, and they're highly respected, rightfully so. However, there are always a few that fall through the cracks and who fail miserably at their job. As long as no one gets hurt (which I don't think anyone has), these images of construction and building blunders will make you laugh.
1. Stairway to nowhere

2. For those of you with half a bum cheek

3. Almoooooost theeeeeeeere

4. Perfect for a vampire

5. Water and electricity: great match.

6. Thomas the Train that couldn't

7. Pointless

8. That cannot be safe for anybody

9. Maybe they have a hover craft

10. Someone should always look at the aerial image first

11. Make sure you duck

12. Go home window, you're drunk

13. Watch your jump

14. Useless balcony is so useless

15. Now no one can see your PIN, not even you

16. An easy but awkward way to be social in the bathroom
For me, this is not fail..
But it's unique! |
Mungkin bukan salah engineer 100% kot.. |
tinggi betul atm |
Nombor 3 jambatan tu nampak photoshop sangat. |
so funny.. epecially atm tu |
No 10 tu ayol x paham lak... |
naya la atm mcm tu hahaha |
no 10 bentuk swastika, simbol NAZI..
tapi no hal, its not fail.
mmg lawak especially dlm toilet tu
" awkward way to be social in the bathroom"  |
landasan ketapi tu mmg mendajalkan ketapi tul la  |
Haha! Oh my my..... Mcm ni pun wujud |
balcony tu mmg betul2 useless...rugi2 |
landasan ketapi tu..haha.. mau terbabas x dan elak.. haha..  |
kesilapan yg x disangka2....tapi lawak lah plak
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