What Happens When Hipster Dudes Imitate Miranda Kerr’s Super Sexy GQ Spread?April 6, 2014 by Joanna Schroeder 79 Comments

Miranda Kerr’s GQ shoot is undeniably hot. But what happens when an Aussie hipster decides to duplicate the shots… starring himself?- NSFW! When I saw these photos in my timeline this morning, shared by our awesome partner site Mamamia in Australia, I stopped in my tracks. What was happening? What was I seeing? A dude posed like the stunning Miranda Kerr in her GQ shoot? I immediately reached out to the Bondi Hipsters, some funny guys who offer hilarious “hipster” commentary on pop culture, news, and basically anything they want, and asked about the motivation behind these funny, gorgeous shots. ADVERTISEMENT
Adrian Archer, Creative Director, explained: “We thought it would be interesting to re-shoot Miranda Kerr’s recent UK GQ shoot, using a man as the subject. We also wanted to re-quote some of the things that she said in her GQ interview – but coming from the perspective of a male… As you can see, the shoot comes off very differently… It’s an interesting case for either the over-sexualisation of the female body in the high fashion world, or perhaps the under-sexualisation of the male body in the high fashion world?! Depending on how you look at it… But either way, as soon as you put a man in there, and have a man talking about same sex curiosity and masturbation on public transport it’s an entirely different thing that we aren’t used to seeing in the media.”

These ads are more than just a joke… Though they are sort of funny. They are also sexy in their own way and force us to look at why we’re disturbed by men showing their bodies, the outlines of their most private parts through underwear, their actual nude butt cracks. Dom has managed to capture the sexy, wistful expressions, and he is (I’m willing to admit) a really good looking guy. But you can’t help but go, “Holy male buttcrack, Batman!” when you see it.
“It’s an interesting case for either the over-sexualisation of the female body in the high fashion world, or perhaps the under-sexualisation of the male body in the high fashion world?!”
This isn’t a mockery of the male body. Rather, it is an exploration of what we consider “hot” from women and why seeing so much of the female body in mainstream media has become so normal, but that much of a male body is pretty shocking.
The quotes from Dom are awesome, too.
Make sure you’re following theBondi Hipsters on Facebook. They’re amazing.
Model: Dom Nader
Creative Director / Photographer: Adrian Archer
Photographer: Pat Stevenson

Special thanks to Mamamia.com.au for sharing!