Post time 16-2-2014 07:03 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
gogo2 posted on 16-2-2014 06:42 PM
It's already proven there's no god. Why you guys still hallucinate?
If there is no god then how u come to this world? Who create u? Who create animals? Who create this beautiful world? Who create trees, mountains, rivers and other entities in this world?
gogo2 posted on 16-2-2014 07:08 PM
I come from my mum. You?
my mum create me in her womb. You?
aku kesian kan ko la gogo. ko cuma READ teory evolusi yg dah obsolute. ko langsng tak perah follow perkembangan teori evolusi versi modern ke ? banyak bukti bukti baru ditemui, dan banyak teori teori charles darwin dari the origin of species dah tak boleh digunapakai dek kerana penemuan penemuan terbaru zaman modern.
Dan last aku minta ko jngn suruh aku pulak yg tempek link seperti kebiasaan org dalam ni.