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Why Islam disallow other religion to fairly compete ?
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It is nearly impossible to defend Islam onits own merits - which is why Muslim societies usually rely on threat of violence to suppress intellectual critique of Islam and the freedom of other religion to fairly compete. According to its own texts, Islam was founded in terror, and its political and social code is deeply incompatible with universal liberal values.
The Qur’an posits an enormous qualitative distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims that is hard to miss. Believers are loved by Allah, whereas infidels are hated to the extent that they are tortured for eternity (3:32, 4:56) merely for not believing. Muslims are told to shun unbelievers (3:118), who are called “helpers of evil” (25:55),“wicked” (4:160), “fond of lies” (5:42) and compared to the worst of animals(8:55, 7:176, 7:179). Members of Islam are told to be merciful to each other, but ruthless to those outside of the faith (48:29). Violence is also sanctioned against those who are obstinate against Islamic rule (8:12-13,9:5).
In Saudi Arabia, women are monitored by religious police and are not allowed to travel abroad without permission from a male guardian. Last year they were told they would be allowed to vote, but not before 2015.
In 2012 Olympic, under pressure from the International Olympic Committee, Saudi Arabia broke its practice of fielding male-only teams by entering Wojdan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shahrkhani in judo and Attar in track and field. Saudi Arabiais one of three Islamic countries, along with Qatar and Brunei, that brought female athletes for the first time, making this the first Olympics in which every national team includes a woman.
And what did Saudi's Islamic cleric said upon Shahrkhani's defeat in jodo ? She raised nothing but scorn from the kingdom's Islamic clerics, who said she dishonored herself by fighting in front of men, including the referee and judges !
Last edited by wkk5159 on 19-6-2013 10:02 AM
by wkk5159
It is nearly impossible to defend Islam onits own merits - which is why Muslim societies usually rely on threat of violence to suppress intellectual critique of Islam and the freedom of other religion to fairly compete. According to its own texts, Islam was founded in terror, and its political and social code is deeply incompatible with universal liberal values.
False religion requires stricter control over its flock. This to ensure that the population produces enough soldiers, contribute wealth and forms vigilance toward any attempt to undermine those in power.
Do you think Saudi Arabia will change? No, cos every year, they get millions from Haj pilgrimages and oil production. That is why they are so cooperative with USA when comes to Talibans who trying to change the system.
Do you think wealthy Muslim nations like Saudi Arabis, Emirates etc wants Palestine-Israel war to end? No, cos if it ends, the Muslim terrorists will have no one to fight and may turn their attention toward Saudi Arabia and other rich nations and question them on how they could hoard all the wealth while 95% of Muslim nations are in poverty. And that could lead to a civil war.
So, Muslim elites MUST control their flock quite well, and that is done through strict laws. |
Hi Wikkitty
I never knew that religions are competing with each other? For gold medal ek? 
Dzulqarnain posted on 19-6-2013 11:48 PM 
Hi Wikkitty
I never knew that religions are competing with each other? For gold medal ek?
What he meant was - to allow the People to choose which religion they wish to follow without any pressure or threats from others. (he can correct me if I'm mistaken here).
I think if Christianity and Islam allows this, within a single generation, both beliefs will perish. 
Sephiroth posted on 20-6-2013 10:37 AM 
What he meant was - to allow the People to choose which religion they wish to follow without any p ...
I thought parents tought their kids of religion? 
Are u saying parents shud be blamed for this and they shud be the first to perish?
Sephiroth posted on 19-6-2013 12:21 PM 
False religion requires stricter control over its flock. This to ensure that the population prod ...
The points you put forward here are mere speculations and not facts.
Sephiroth posted on 20-6-2013 10:37 AM 
What he meant was - to allow the People to choose which religion they wish to follow without any p ...
What do you know about freedom of embracing your own belief(s) ? Apparently you don't. From the image of avatar you chose and the degree of violence used in your language, you have no right to criticize the religion(s) that you hate so much and if you do, this will only make you a biggest hypocrite in this forum !
...chasing-its-tail facts.  |
Dzulqarnain posted on 20-6-2013 11:10 AM 
I thought parents tought their kids of religion?
Are u saying parents shud be blamed for this ...
What nonsense are you talking about?
I'm stating that children should be taught ALL the religious ideals early in life (Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam) and when they reached a matured state (18 yrs old), then they should be given a chance to choose what religion they want. They should be given the chance to change their IC (at the Government Office) to specific religious identification and should be required to attend compulsory religious classes after that which follows the choice they have made. Only then, it could be fair for them.
But do you think your Islam will allow it?
wkk5159 posted on 20-6-2013 04:55 PM 
What do you know about freedom of embracing your own belief(s) ? Apparently you don't. From the im ...
"It is better to be violent, IF there is Violence in your heart; then to wear a cloak of non-violence to hide your impunity" - Mahatma Gandhi.
Meaning, I am (an agent of) violence because my heart has violence in it (fueled by the injustice in this World). I'm not violence just cos some religion had taught me or some Muallah had pointed to me someone and stated that is my enemy. Nor do I pretend that I care for your (Muslims') welfare just to get your damn approval.
If you are too stupid to understand this, Don't bother (me). 
Sephiroth posted on 21-6-2013 10:28 AM 
"It is better to be violent, IF there is Violence in your heart; then to wear a cloak of non-viole ...
Don't take pride in some lame philosophy, a primary school kid can easily understand it.
Again, full endorsement of violence to justify you vengeful soul, you are not even at peace with yourself, don't you ?
Are you a Hindu ? Then you believe in karma right ? Probably you should emulate Buddhist's karma instead of Hindu's karma; Revenge will involve bad karma added to your account. If you are working toward dispassion and detachment, you simply walk away from the event with no ill feelings. In time you will be able to walk away with feelings of amity toward those who vocally abused you.
Got it ?
(1)It is nearly impossible to defend Islam onits own merits - which is why Muslim societies usually rely on threat of violence to suppress intellectual critique of Islam and the freedom of other religion to fairly compete. According to its own texts, Islam was founded in terror, and its political and social code is deeply incompatible with universal liberal values.
(1) Bukan tugas seorang muslim untuk memelihara dan memastikan agama Islam kekal sehingga akhirat.Tetapi Allah SWT yang akan memelihara agama ini.Firman Allah SWT di dalam Al-Quran Nul Karim (Surah At-taubah Ayat 32)
Mereka hendak memadamkan cahaya Allah (ugama Islam) dengan mulut mereka, sedang Allah tidak menghendaki melainkan menyempurnakan cahayaNya, sekalipun orang- orang kafir tidak suka (akan yang demikian).
Fain would they extinguish Allah`s light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).
Last edited by cmf_BeachBoys on 21-6-2013 09:53 PM
The Qur’an posits an enormous qualitative distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims that is hard to miss. Believers are loved by Allah, whereas infidels are hated to the extent that they are tortured for eternity (3:32, 4:56) merely for not believing. Muslims are told to shun unbelievers (3:118), who are called “helpers of evil” (25:55),“wicked” (4:160), “fond of lies” (5:42) and compared to the worst of animals(8:55, 7:176, 7:179). Members of Islam are told to be merciful to each other, but ruthless to those outside of the faith (48:29). Violence is also sanctioned against those who are obstinate against Islamic rule (8:12-13,9:5).
1) Surah Ali Imran Ayat 32
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Taatlah kamu kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Oleh itu, jika kamu berpaling (menderhaka), maka sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang kafir.
Say: "Obey Allah and His Messenger.: But if they turn back, Allah loveth not those who reject Faith.
2) Surah An-Nisa' Ayat 54
Atau patutkah mereka dengki kepada manusia (Nabi Muhammad dan umatnya) disebabkan nikmat (pangkat Nabi dan ugama Islam) yang telah diberikan oleh Allah kepada mereka dari limpah kurniaNya? Kerana sesungguhnya Kami telahpun memberi kepada keluarga Ibrahim: Kitab (ugama) dan hikmat (pangkat Nabi), dan Kami telah memberi kepada mereka kerajaan yang besar.
Or do they envy mankind for what Allah hath given them of his bounty? But We had already given the people of Abraham the Book and Wisdom, and conferred upon them a great kingdom.
3) Surah Ali Imran Ayat 118
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang yang bukan dari kalangan kamu menjadi "orang dalam" (yang dipercayai). Mereka tidak akan berhenti-henti berusaha mendatangkan bencana kepada kamu. Mereka sukakan apa yang menyusahkan kamu. Telahpun nyata (tanda) kebencian mereka pada pertuturan mulutnya, dan apa yang disembunyikan oleh hati mereka lebih besar lagi. Sesungguhnya telah kami jelaskan kepada kamu keterangan-keterangan itu jika kamu (mahu) memahaminya.
O ye who believe! Take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks: They will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin: Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths: What their hearts conceal is far worse. We have made plain to you the Signs, if ye have wisdom.
4) Surah Al-Furqan Ayat 55
Dan mereka (yang musyrik) menyembah benda-benda yang lain dari Allah, yang tidak memberi manfaat kepada mereka (yang menyembahnya) dan tidak pula mendatangkan mudarat kepada mereka (yang tidak menyembahnya) dan orang yang kafir selalu menjadi pembantu (bagi golongannya yang kafir) untuk menderhaka kepada tuhannya.
Yet do they worship, besides Allah, things that can neither profit them nor harm them: and the Misbeliever is a helper (of Evil), against his own Lord!
5) Surah An-Nisa' Ayat 160
Maka disebabkan kezaliman yang amat besar dari perbuatan orang-orang Yahudi, Kami haramkan atas mereka makanan yang baik-baik yang pernah dihalalkan bagi mereka, dan disebabkan mereka banyak menghalang manusia dari jalan Allah.
For the iniquity of the Jews We made unlawful for them certain (foods) good and wholesome which had been lawful for them - in that they hindered many from Allah`s Way -
6) Surah Al-Maidah Ayat 42
سَمَّاعُونَ لِلْكَذِبِ أَكَّالُونَ لِلسُّحْتِ فَإِن جَآؤُوكَ فَاحْكُم بَيْنَهُم أَوْ أَعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ وَإِن تُعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ فَلَن يَضُرُّوكَ شَيْئاً وَإِنْ حَكَمْتَ فَاحْكُم بَيْنَهُمْ بِالْقِسْطِ إِنَّ اللّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ
Mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang suka mendengar berita bohong, banyak memakan yang haram. Jika mereka (orang Yahudi) datang kepadamu (untuk meminta putusan), maka putuskanlah (perkara itu) diantara mereka, atau berpalinglah dari mereka; jika kamu berpaling dari mereka maka mereka tidak akan memberi mudharat kepadamu sedikitpun. Dan jika kamu memutuskan perkara mereka, maka putuskanlah (perkara itu) diantara mereka dengan adil, sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang adil.
7) Surah Al-Anfal Ayat 55
إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِندَ اللّهِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ فَهُمْ لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ
Sesungguhnya binatang (makhluk) yang paling buruk di sisi Allah ialah orang-orang yang kafir, karena mereka itu tidak beriman.
8) Surah Al-A'raaf Ayat 176
Dan kalau Kami kehendaki nescaya Kami tinggikan pangkatnya dengan (sebab mengamalkan) ayat-ayat itu. Tetapi ia bermati-mati cenderung kepada dunia dan menurut hawa nafsunya; maka bandingannya adalah seperti anjing, jika engkau menghalaunya: ia menghulurkan lidahnya termengah-mengah, dan jika engkau membiarkannya: ia juga menghulurkan lidahnya termengah-mengah. Demikianlah bandingan orang-orang yang mendustakan ayat-ayat Kami. Maka ceritakanlah kisah-kisah itu supaya mereka berfikir.
9) Surah Al-A'raaf Ayat 179
Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk neraka jahanam banyak dari jin dan manusia yang mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya (ayat-ayat Allah), dan yang mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya (bukti keesaan Allah) dan yang mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya (ajaran dan nasihat); mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai.
10) Surah Al-Fath Ayat 29
Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w.) ialah Rasul Allah dan orang- orang yang bersama dengannya bersikap keras dan tegas terhadap orang-orang kafir yang (memusuhi Islam), dan sebaliknya bersikap kasih sayang serta belas kasihan sesama sendiri (umat Islam). Engkau melihat mereka tetap beribadat rukuk dan sujud, dengan mengharapkan limpah kurnia (pahala) dari Tuhan mereka serta mengharapkan keredhaanNya. Tanda yang menunjukkan mereka (sebagai orang-orang yang salih) terdapat pada muka mereka - dari kesan sujud (dan ibadat mereka yang ikhlas). Demikianlah sifat mereka yang tersebut di dalam Kitab Taurat dan sifat mereka di dalam Kitab Injil pula ialah: (bahawa mereka diibaratkan) sebagai pokok tanaman yang mengeluarkan anak dan tunasnya, lalu anak dan tunasnya itu menyuburkannya, sehingga ia menjadi kuat, lalu ia tegap berdiri di atas (pangkal) batangnya dengan keadaan yang mengkagumkan orang-orang yang menanamnya. (Allah menjadikan sahabat-sahabat Nabi Muhammad, s.a.w. dan pengikut-pengikutnya kembang biak serta kuat gagah sedemikian itu) kerana Ia hendak menjadikan orang-orang kafir merana dengan perasaan marah dan hasad dengki - dengan kembang biaknya umat Islam itu. (Dan selain itu) Allah telah menjanjikan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal salih dari mereka, keampunan dan pahala yang besar.
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer), seeking Grace from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. On their faces are their marks, (being) the traces of their prostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat and their similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its blade, then makes it strong it then becomes thick, and it stands on its own stem, (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness, and a great Reward.
11) Surah Al Anfaal Ayat 12 - 13
(Ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu wahikan kepada malaikat: "Sesungguhnya Aku menyertai kamu (memberi pertolongan), maka tetapkanlah (hati) orang-orang yang beriman. Aku akan mengisi hati orang-orang yang kafir dengan perasaan gerun oleh itu, pancunglah leher mereka (musuh) dan tetaklah tiap-tiap anggota mereka".
Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips off them."
(Perintah) yang demikian ialah kerana sesungguhnya mereka menentang Allah dan RasulNya dan sesiapa yang menentang Allah dan RasulNya, maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha berat azab seksaNya.
This because they contended against Allah and His Messenger. If any contend against Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment.
12) Surah At Taubah Ayat 5
Kemudian apabila habislah (masa) bulan-bulan yang dihormati itu maka bunuhlah orang-orang musyrik itu dimana sahaja kamu menemuinya, dan tawanlah mereka, dan juga keponglah mereka, serta tunggulah mereka di tiap-tiap tempat mengintipnya. Kemudian jika mereka bertaubat (dari kekufurannya) dan mendirikan sembahyang serta memberi zakat, maka biarkanlah mereka (jangan diganggu). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war) but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Last edited by cmf_BeachBoys on 21-6-2013 10:29 PM
reserve............................................ |
In Saudi Arabia, women are monitored by religious police and are (1)not allowed to travel abroad without permission from a male guardian. Last year they were told they would be allowed to vote, but not before 2015.
In 2012 Olympic, under pressure from the International Olympic Committee, Saudi Arabia broke its practice of fielding male-only teams by entering Wojdan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shahrkhani in judo and Attar in track and field. Saudi Arabiais one of three Islamic countries, along with Qatar and Brunei, that brought female athletes for the first time, making this the first Olympics in which every national team includes a woman.
And what did Saudi's Islamic cleric said upon Shahrkhani's defeat in jodo ? She raised nothing but scorn from the kingdom's Islamic clerics, (2)who said she dishonored herself by fighting in front of men, including the referee and judges !
(1) Berikut adalah dalil pengharusan atau boleh perempuan bermusafir untuk menuntut ilmu dan bekerja dll:Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. bermaksud:Sekiranya engkau (Udai bin Hatim) panjang umur nescaya engkau akan lihat seorang wanita akan bermusafir dari Hirah ke Makkah untuk melakukan tawaf di kaabah tanpa sebarang perasaan takut melainkan kepada Allah.(Riwayat Bukhari).Kebanyakkan para ulama mensyaratkan perempuan yang bermusafir ini ditemani oleh suami atau mahramnya atau sebilangan perempuan lain yang boleh dipercayai. Ini bagi menjaga keselamatan mereka dan mengelakkan dari berlakunya fitnah kepada perempuan.Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. bermaksud:Tidak halal bagi wanita yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat untuk bermusafir sehari semalam melainkan dengan mahramnya.(Riwayat Ahmad).Wallahualam.
Para Ulama’ bersepakat berpendapat bawah aurat perempuan kepada lelaki yang bukan MAHRAMNYA ialah seluruh tubuh kecuali muka dan kedua tapak tangannya. Ini berdasarkan kepada firman Allah SWT dalam surah An-Nur ayat 31, Al-Ahzab ayat 53 dan ayat 59 serta riwayat beberapa buah hadith.
Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka, atau bapa mentua mereka, atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya.
And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband`s fathers, their sons, their husbands` sons, their brothers or their brothers` sons, or their sisters` sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.
Last edited by cmf_BeachBoys on 21-6-2013 10:49 PM
Voila ! The above Quranic verses just consolidate the topic for this thread. |
by wkk5159
Don't take pride in some lame philosophy, a primary school kid can easily understand it.
Again, full endorsement of violence to justify you vengeful soul, you are not even at peace with yourself, don't you ?
Yes, I'm in peace with myself. I don't see why I could not be at peace. Do you think I could lose sleep if I were to hunt down a Muslim and kill him in the street? Nope, I will sleep peacefully, knowing that there is one less monster in the street tonight. So do not assume that I hold you Muslims in high regards. You are nothing more than a cockroach. 
Revenge will involve bad karma added to your account. If you are working toward dispassion and detachment, you simply walk away from the event with no ill feelings. In time you will be able to walk away with feelings of amity toward those who vocally abused you.
But you are mistaken. I follow exactly as you said. I have choose to develop dispassion and deattachment - but I do so in hunting Muslims down. Your Islam is Evil, your Muhammad is a warmongering ba$tard and you Muslims are parasites living off our scraps but acting like our masters. So why shouldn't I feel any emotions in hunting you (Muslims) down and shooting you like dogs?  |
by Dzulqarnain
Meaning, u are not happy with the government's education program?
Then, we shud try what you've stated lor...
- one school for all
Your Muslim government, now run by BN is useless. They have two purpose for championing the One school for all nonsense :
1. To hide the fact that you Muslims are stupid as $hit and incapable of anything remotely educational. Your children are like pigs and dogs, spending their days in Cyber cafes, shopping complex and in parks with each others' hands in their pants. By mingling this animals with our children, your government hopes that at least some of this ba$tards will learn something useful from non-Muslims and become somewhat human-like.
2. To ensure that children of other Muslim species like Bangladesh, Indons, Pakistianis and Sulu can get equal education with non-Muslims. The children from this sub-species comes from low-mental and low-educated group of Muslims so they are naturally stupid and retarded to begin with. A higher level education like that follows by Non-Muslims cannot be followed by them, which in long run will make them remain as a low-level, parasitic race within Malaysian community.
That is why the retarded BN is fighting for One School for all. |
Sephiroth posted on 24-6-2013 10:39 AM 
by wkk5159
Twisted form of karma to be exact.
And funny thing is that why you address me as muslim ? Being a muslim is last thing all human with conscience want to be.
Don't fill your soul with too much hatred because in doing so you are morphing yourself into a personality whom you yourself hate the most.
Trust me, you don't want other to see you as a psychotic hypocrite.
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