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Gantian kepada Alkohol dalam Masakan
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Sya selalu berfikir kalo ada yg boleh ganti benda2 alkohol ni bile kite masak ikut resipi omputih, so search jumpe yg ni.. semoga membantu kalo2 ada yg terfikir benda yg sama.. sorry kalo dh ada..
Beer - ganti dengan - air rebusan ayam, air halia, air anggur putih, stok daging, stok cendawan
Brandy - ganti dengan - jus epal, jus aprikot, jus ceri, jus pic, jus raspberry, jus anggur
Champagne - ganti dengan - jus anggur putih sparkling, air halia
Red Wine - ganti dengan - air rebusan daging, stok ayam, jus tomato, jus anggur, air dari cendawan dalam tin
Rum - ganti dengan - jus nenas campur almond sikit
Sake - ganti dengan - rice vinegar
Sherry - ganti dengan - jus oren, jus nenas
White Wine - ganti dengan - air rebusan ayam, jus anggur putih, air dari cendawan dlm tin,
macam mana nak buat air halia? macam buat air minuman tu ke? blender kan halia dgn air atua didihkan halia dalam air? sorry tak tau. mmg tak tau |
Red wine: air ribena atau sparkling wine (grape)
tipuware posted on 17-5-2013 01:41 PM 
macam mana nak buat air halia? macam buat air minuman tu ke? blender kan halia dgn air atua didihkan ...
mcm air ginger ale atau gingerbeer yg ada kt kedai tu kot..
Majoriti omputih nie selalu guna red wine.
aku selalu nengok kitchen boss.
c buddy tue slalu guna wine.
terbantut trus aku nak ikot resipi dia
bedewe,, thank you for sharing. sonang den nak msok kang~  |
Day_ng posted on 23-5-2013 02:34 PM 
Majoriti omputih nie selalu guna red wine.
aku selalu nengok kitchen boss.
c buddy tue slalu gun ...
tu la, sya g beli buku2 nigella ng jamie oliver masa big bad wolf tu, kene la tukor wine2 segala nih..
syasyafina posted on 24-5-2013 09:04 AM
tu la, sya g beli buku2 nigella ng jamie oliver masa big bad wolf tu, kene la tukor wine2 segala n ...
Wah , msti rajin masak ni kn ,. Kalo sya rjin2 je py library bca buku jamie oliver ,. Huhu 
Day_ng posted on 24-5-2013 09:42 PM 
Wah , msti rajin masak ni kn ,. Kalo sya rjin2 je py library bca buku jamie oliver ,. Huhu
hehe, mane2 yg rasa teringin lerrr
saya rasa tajuk thread ni agak mislead.. Biasanya alkohol tidak digunakan dalam masakan.. Yang digunakan ialah perisa minuman beralkohol itu.. So untuk substitute bahan itu, boleh aja cari minuman perisa yang sama tanpa alkohol. Alkohol bersifat meruap bila dipanaskan. yang tinggal hanya perisa didalamnya. |
aku kalau time hari raya aku suke buat kek buah2an kering then letak rhum or red wine....cantik dan moist aja tekstur dia, rasa dia pun sedap dan pure...kalau masa tak raya pun aku ada gak buat kalau teringin nak makan...lagi pun boleh simpan lama kek ni dalam 1 weeks withou freedge...
abgBenzo posted on 25-5-2013 03:24 PM 
saya rasa tajuk thread ni agak mislead.. Biasanya alkohol tidak digunakan dalam masakan.. Yang digun ...
ooo ye ke.. sorry la kalo tak releven, saya tak pandai sangat bahan2 masakan ni.. kire sama la mcm konsep yg chef wan pernah cakap dulu, die pakai alcohol dlm masakan, bile alkohol tu meruap, kire dh takde alkohol dlm makanan tu, n halal la dimakan ye? bab ni saya pun confuse..
syasyafina posted on 28-5-2013 04:34 PM 
ooo ye ke.. sorry la kalo tak releven, saya tak pandai sangat bahan2 masakan ni.. kire sama la mcm ...
Eh kalau macam tu tak buleh la.. Makanan dah bercampur dengan barang haram..
- Saya rasa Isi posting awak betul cuma tajuk kurang tepat. itu je .
thanks for sharing... tetiba terjumpa thread nie.. sangat la bermanfaat..  |
syasyafina posted on 28-5-2013 04:34 PM 
ooo ye ke.. sorry la kalo tak releven, saya tak pandai sangat bahan2 masakan ni.. kire sama la mcm ...
Kalau x silap Kero penah baca yg makanan yg dimasak dgn alcohol x 100% meruap pun.. masih ada beberapa percentage alcohol yg tinggal.
Kejap..nak google dulu ye 
Source: / sheikh yusuf estes
"Cooked Alcohol?" HARAM?
Is it permissible to eat dishes cooked with alcohol? It is well-known that alcohol evaporates with heat?
Thank you so much for your Email and your question regarding Islam. It is wonderful to see people like yourself taking the time and interest to learn more about the correct teachings of Islam. This in itself is a sign of guidance from the Almighty Above. May He grant us the wisdom to know the right knowledge and the ability to put it into practice, Ameen.
Now as regards your question:
First of all, as in many questions these days, there is a comment or statement lying underneath the question in an effort to perhaps influence the answer. Let us ask the question as a question should be asked.
"Does alcohol totally evaporate while heating, cooking or flaming?"
The answer, according to the United States Federal Department of Agriculture is, "No. It does not all evaporate."
Some, but not ALL of the alcohol evaporates during cooking. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has published the following table of alcohol content in cooked foods.
Amount of Alcohol Retained During Cooking
Source: USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
Process Used Evaporation Retention
Alcohol added to boiling liquid, then removed from heat 85% 15%
Alcohol flamed 70% 30%
No heat, stored overnight 75% 25%
Many people believe that because alcohol is sensitive to heat, it is eliminated with cooking. However, not all the alcohol content of alcoholic drinks is removed with heat; it depends on the type and time of cooking.
For instance if you add beer or wine to boiling liquid, then immediately remove it from the heat, 85 per cent of the alcohol content will remain. If you light the alcohol, as in flambé dishes, 75 per cent will remain. Even after simmering the dish for one and a half hours, it will still have 20 per cent of the original alcohol content.
It is only if you simmer the mixture for two or more hours, (as you would with a wine-based beef casserole), that as much as five to 10 per cent of the original alcohol content still remains.
Now as regards the status of this in Islam according to the Quran and the accurate Hadiths (sayings and teachings of Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him); Any and all alcohol is totally Haram (forbidden).
Thanks for the info. Berguna ni bila nak try resipi western. |
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