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wanita dipaksa bungkus diri dgn kai...

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Post time 29-12-2012 12:03 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
wanita Islam dipaksa membungkus diri dengan kain selimut

http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogsp ... an-headmasters.html

In the dry desert you can wear jubah, tudung, burka and its ok. The bone dry desert air dries your sweat almost instantly. You should not smell as much. I mentioned that the humidity in our country is very high. If you cover everything up, all the heat will be trapped, you will sweat and the high humidity means your sweat will not dry quickly. More bacteria growth and bad smells will be the result. These are all common sense.

Saya sorang nenek tua dari kampung pun dah lama tahu hal ini tetapi orang lain fierce fierce cakap pakai tudung tutup aurat.Rambut sikit pun tak boleh nampak.Budak tadika pun sekarang ibupbapa mereka bungkus mereka cukup cukup walau pun cuaca kita amat panas.Bila balik rumah anak anak buat perangai tak faham faham .Anak tu panassss laaa.Yang paling untung dalam hal tutup ini adalah saudagar kain/tudung.

Argument macam ni tak sampai ke mek-minah biasa antara kita.Yg sedeh sekali pakaian macam ni tidak mengalakkan aktiviti2 senamam. Lagi dengan cuaca kita d Msia ni. Ppuan melayu semakin gemuk gedempol. Umur pendek atau berpenyakit sentiasa! Honestly,they dont have the slightest idea what it is they are missing!

You can write all you want, the schools are already talibanised. My daughter insist on wearing tudung because the teacher said that she can't be a prefect without wearing it. Out of school the first thing she does is to take it off.
Directives be damned, they will do as they like and the minister or anyone else is impotent to do anything about it.
The teachers especially the Agama teachers seems to the The LORD OF THE SCHOOLS.Woe to anyone who tries to cross them.
Syed you are absolutely right wearing of the tudung only enriches the shampoo companies.

I have come across Muslim women and girls with allergic reactions on their forehead and especially below their chins. The skin looks horrible and yet they will not remove their "tudung" which is definitely causing the bad skin reactions. I really pity them as some of them said " Nie kat dunia, diakhirat kang baiklah kulit kita" do you fight with a moronic statement? So I told them to go pray and not to come and ask for medications (researched and discovered by "infidels")

in the Malaysian context, the Malay Muslim wears a "tudung" and locks her body in a "baju kurung" but then she wears all sort of makeup on the face and perfume on her body, don't those attract the males? My friend who is a cosmetic distributor for "Avon" in A Setar laughs his way to the bank everyday, and almost 99 % of his clients are Malay Muslim women. If you "tudung" here and "Kurung" then why the trouble of trying to look and smell attractive! it beats the purpose of "Tudung" and "Kurung."

I saw some Arabs couples on holidays in KL,while their wives were bundled up like parcels with only two eyes looking through thin veils (Pitiful), the males wore Khaki shorts above the knees. Aren't they showing their male "aurat" ? What about their (sexy) curly beards, aren't they hair ? Couldn't they arouse our female Muslim women here??? They should also cover their beards since hairs attract sex. Nonsense! Double standards. It is simply sexist.

When "tudung" and "Kurung" become racial and religious symbols, they create more issues and problems. I take pity on young girls aged 3,4 or 5 forced to "tudung" and "kurung." Can you imagine how the hair sweat and subsequently stink in the tropical sun ?

If we do not change our perception of women and womanhood, sex and sexuality, then no amount of "covering" or "uncovering" can settle the issue.

Last edited by padangpasir on 29-12-2012 07:47 PM


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Post time 29-12-2012 01:41 PM | Show all posts
TT tulis sendiri ke

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Post time 29-12-2012 02:14 PM | Show all posts
Health Benefits of the Hijab
By Dr  Gazala Ishaq
(Research Scientist & Freelance Writer,Nottingham,UK)

U V Radiation of the Sun and Skin Cancer
Medical experts have always warned us against the damaging effects of the suns’ harmful rays, particularly the ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The UV rays from sunlight penetrate the atmosphere and are responsible for causing many health conditions such as premature skin aging, eye damage (including cataracts), and skin cancers. They also suppress the immune system, thus, reducing the ability to fight off diseases and other maladies.

A leading medical magazine has brought to attention and increasing problem of “melanoma”, a deadliest form of skin cancer that arises due to long term exposure to direct sunlight. It is highly prevalent amongst women, mainly because the dress sense that they usually adopted means that large parts of their bodies are uncovered and thus, exposed to the harmful effects of UV radiation.  The legs are the most common part of the body that is largely afflicted by this disease, mainly because of the short length skirts that women commonly wear.

As UV rays can penetrate through clouds, fabric and glass, wearing transparent clothing will not provide sufficient protection from this type of cancer.

Medical experts recommend people to cover up with loose-fitting clothing, especially those made with tightly woven fabrics as they provide a greater barrier between the skin and the sun. Bright or dark-coloured clothing tend to reflect more UV radiation than pastel coloured clothing and bleached cottons.

Effects of Hot Weather
Spending long hours in hot weather without sufficient protection can be damaging to health, particularly, the brain. Long term exposure to heat can deplete many essential elements present in the body, namely phosphorous.

Phosphorous provides strength to bones and teeth and is potent in performing essential activities for different body parts like the brain, kidneys and heart.

A leading health specialist discovered that phosphorus depletes at temperatures of 108 °F.  A human body can easily reach such temperatures when exposed to the hot sun for any length of time without sufficient protection. Frequent and long term exposure to such temperatures can result in overheating of the head that increases the risk of irreversible brain damage and memory loss.

For this reason, health advisors recommend people to wear a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses to help shield sensitive skin on the head, neck, and around the eyes as these are the areas that usually sustain a lot of sun damage.

Effects of Cold Weather.
Exposure to cold weather conditions upsets the equilibrium of the human body that results in ill-health. Frequent exposure to cold and windy conditions without sufficient protection increases the risk of suffering from colds and flu with aches, pains and shivers.

Medical tests revealed that 40-60% of body heat is lost through the head and people are advised to protect their heads in such wintery conditions.  It is proven that wearing a hat during the winter months provides 50% more protection from heat loss than being without a head covering. It is also advised to wrap up warm to stay away from drafts.

In some professions, workers are required to wear some sort of head covering for hygiene purposes such as, nurses, fast food workers, health care providers and many more.

The head-covering ensures cleanliness and purity and prevents cross contamination and spread of infections and diseases.

Summary of Protective Measures
Health specialists advise people to protect themselves from UV radiation, both indoors and out. It is advised to:
- Remain in the shade between 10 am to 4 pm.
- Cover up with loose-fitting clothing, especially those made with tightly woven fabrics
- Wear a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses
- Apply suitable sunscreens especially on babies over the age of six months.
- Examine the skin from head-to-toe every month.
- and see the doctor every year for a professional skin exam.

In wintery conditions, health officials advise people to:
- Wrap up and keep warm
- Cover the head
- and keep away from cold drafts

Islamic Dress Code
Over all, health officials have perfectly described the ‘Islamic dress code’ by recommending that the best form of clothing to wear should be good quality, loose fitting clothing that cover the maximum amount of skin.

The versatility of this type of clothing is that it can be cool and comfortable to wear during the summer months and yet warm and insulating in the winter months.

The headscarf or any form of head covering provides protection from both extremes of temperatures and guards the vital organs from sustaining damage from each of the extremes.

The Islamic dress maintains a state of balance within the human body that helps keep it healthy through out its lifetime. This proves that there are always valid reasons behind any divine rulings and regulations given to mankind and it is clear that the wisdom of Allah in prescribing such rulings related to hijab and the Islamic dress code provides protection not only from sociological and psychological issues but from a health perspective too.



NYATA article DR GAZALA ISHAK ..lebih tepat & lebih baik berbanding artkle TT...

Hehehe...maaf TT....Article tu hanya base on stupidity.....

Kalau benar...pasti Doktor perempuan kat Malaysia ni lama dah bagi statistik & menetang hijab...

&  sekeliling kita berjuutaa wanita berhijab.....

Kenapa pandangan "kurang bijak" ni merupakan minoriti...hehee..

Kat sini.. (CARI) pun ramai berhijab.....O.K....siapa ada masalah sebab hijab..angkat tangan!...




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Post time 29-12-2012 04:18 PM | Show all posts

Mohon untuk bawa isu ke  board CI ... hehehehe

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Post time 29-12-2012 09:56 PM | Show all posts
Saya nampak kejahilan penulis sendiri....
I saw some Arabs couples on holidays in KL,while their wives were bundled up like parcels with only two eyes looking through thin veils (Pitiful), the males wore Khaki shorts above the knees. Aren't they showing their male "aurat" ? What about their (sexy) curly beards, aren't they hair ? Couldn't they arouse our female Muslim women here??? They should also cover their beards since hairs attract sex. Nonsense! Double standards. It is simply sexist.

Aurat lelaki dari pendapat Shafie termasuk pusat dan lutut.

Sementara mazhab lain 'antara' pusat dan lutut.  dimana lutut dan pusat itu bukan sebahagian aurat.

Ini dua pendapat berbeza sebab Shafie lebih mahu selamat dalam tafsiran "..... antara pusat dan lutut..."

Kalau point yang ni pon TT dah kecoh berhujah ikut akal yang lain-lain tu belum tentu lagi betul.  Mungkin hanya akal dia saja yang bercakap sebab apa atau saja ikut suka nak tulis.  lebih baik berikan bukti-bukti fakta untuk hujah-hujah berikut:

In the dry desert you can wear jubah, tudung, burka and its ok. The bone dry desert air dries your sweat almost instantly. You should not smell as much. I mentioned that the humidity in our country is very high. If you cover everything up, all the heat will be trapped, you will sweat and the high humidity means your sweat will not dry quickly. More bacteria growth and bad smells will be the result. These are all common sense.

Common sense katanya!!!!!!

Syed you are absolutely right wearing of the tudung only enriches the shampoo companies.

Orang tak bertudung tak pakai shampoo ke?

When "tudung" and "Kurung" become racial and religious symbols, they create more issues and problems. I take pity on young girls aged 3,4 or 5 forced to "tudung" and "kurung." Can you imagine how the hair sweat and subsequently stink in the tropical sun ?

entah mak bapak sendiri yang pengotor.....

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Post time 29-12-2012 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Allah ini amat dan Maha Penyayang kawan kawanku sekalian.

Lihatlah betapa jemari penulis  yg menaip setiap cemuhan dan hinaan itu  , bayangkan otot kecil jemari menaip setiap aksara di atas keyboard menterjemah setiap idea dari penulis ini yg mulanya wujud sebagai 'idea - amat abstrak konsep ini pada mulanya di minda  ...... dan pada peringkat   sel sel otak itu  di bhgn tertentu pada  otak dan ketika  
dalam keadaan nyata yg dapat dilihat manusia [ we can see hanya bhgn otak diaktifkan   but proses berfikir ialah minda we cannot see...kan???] , idea ini dicetuskan dalam mana sel sel neuron tu   menghantar isyarat isyarat electric - we called it impuls , ke otot otot tangan, bhgn bahasa dan segala etc etc lantas berlakulah pergerakan dan perlakuan menaip kesemua ayat ayat biadap itu ,  berbentuk penghinaan terhadap siapa ?  ..terhadap Penciptanya  yg telah menjadikannya  
dalam sebaik baik kejadian takes that much of mind - [psychological] - physiological process  to do this dan ini with Allah's will...u know .....and it is very easy for her to forget this fact ....yg dia hanya kuli.

ohhh jiwa kuli betul ....inilah sikap kuli ....kalau hamba Allah dia tentunya berterima kasih ...dan meneliti fakta dan bukan emosi...

yg iingin ditegur  ialah cara teguran org yg tersebut terhadap anak tapi yg mangsanya hukum Allah ...

hmm....liberalist ....takutnya dapat mak ayah sebegini to be honest , tak takut ke mendapat isteri sebegini kalau begitu resistant terhadap hukum ?


kehairanan penulis yg menyangkakkan bhs dirinya di'sedarkan'  atau enlighten dan matanya sahaja yg terbuka kan?

lantas dia terus mencerca hukum walhal yg ingin ditegur cara barangkali dabn yg mesti dicari ialah kefahaman ...

so penulis juga jgn lupa bahawa org gelakkan saja kejahilan itu

jahil satu liabiliti ummah dan membahayakan ...not to liberalist of course. Last edited by mbhcsf on 29-12-2012 10:41 PM


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Post time 30-12-2012 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Kes ragut meningkat atas sbb si pemakai menayangkn perhiasannya...
Umpama ke hulu ke hilir mengusung penuh makanan di Somalia
dgn label 'bkn utk dijual'...private property katanya~

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Post time 31-12-2012 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Prasangka dan leka itu meransang nafsu ..
Mungkin budaya arab ...
Ambil yang selesa dan santun ...

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Post time 6-1-2013 03:13 PM | Show all posts
tq for sharing...

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 Author| Post time 19-1-2013 02:22 PM | Show all posts
wanita dipaksa bungkus kepala dgn kain lap meja



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Post time 19-1-2013 10:15 PM | Show all posts
Salam..nak tau TT muslim ke?

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Post time 19-1-2013 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Kolotnya pendpt..dia duduk mana eh?  dlm gua ke? sekrg ni pompuan yg pakai tudung rammmmaiiii sgt yg mementingkn kebersihan..di keliling sya semua yg bertudung mempunyai personality..bijak,modem,kemas,sopan,bersih,cantik,putih gebu,wangi dan mnjaga penampilan yg elegan..tapi x taulah kalau ada golongan yg tinggal dlm gua.hrmmm

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Post time 19-1-2013 10:29 PM | Show all posts
Org yg pengotor ttp akn jd pengotor tak kisah samada dia berhijab atau tdk manakala org yg pembersih ttp akn bersih dgn atau tanpa hijab..hijab bukn penyebab..hamba tuhan yg berkeliaran di rumah maksiat dgn arak dn rokok dn bergaul bebas lelaki dn perempuan mungkin baunya harum tp hakikatny????? hingga menyebabkn siplis sbb terlalu bersih..tapi benda ni x penting bg org2 yg jahil



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Post time 20-1-2013 02:12 AM | Show all posts
burungantu posted on 29-12-2012 02:14 PM
Health Benefits of the Hijab
By Dr  Gazala Ishaq(Research Scientist & Freelance Writer,Nottingham,U ...

bagus sangat artikelnya..thank u

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