Solution tothe question
Analisa soalan:-
1. Objek yang ditanya – percentage ofthe decrease 2. Jumlah keseluruhan yang asal – 2010was 3,750,000 3. Number ofdecrease -300,000
4. Apa yang dicari /ditanya soalan? – What is the percentage of decrease in the number of foreigntourists in 2011 compared to 2010.
Macam mana nak cari ? 1.We know that in term of number, the decrease in 2011 = 300,000 tourist 2. Percentage of decrease = ( number of decrease in 2011 /total number oftourists in 2010 ) X 100
Gunakan maklumatitu untuk cari jumlah 100%.
Gunakan formula berikut:-
Decrease in 2011 —————————— 300,000 tourist
100% —————————— Total number of tourists in 2011
Percentage of decrease = ( number of decrease /total number of tourists in2011 ) X 100
300,000 X 100 3,750,000
= 8%
Answer = The percentage of thedecrease in 2011 is 8%
To double check the answer. 8% of total number of tourists in 2011 must be 300,000
8 X 3,750,000 100
= 300,000
So, the answer, the percentage ofthe decrease in 2011 is 8% is correct!