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Ancaman Google pada dunia perisikan

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Post time 13-12-2011 04:30 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by robotech at 13-12-2011 16:31

Google memberi ancaman kepada kerjaya ejen lapangan di agensi perisikan? Kata Sir David Pepper, bekas pengarah UK Goverment Communications Headquarter (GCHQ) yang mengawalpantau perisikan elektronik di UK, sapa2 yang mahir Google & cekap cari / korek maklumat boleh setaraf sepaileman .... sampai ejen perisik lapangan dulu2 yang susah2 korek fail, penyamaran, pelbagai misi berbahaya sebab cari maklumat, bebudak sekarang leh dapat pakai google map ngan google search jerr ....

'Google effect' means spies work harder, says ex-GCHQ chief

The rise of the web and Google means Britain’s spies have to work harder to produce genuinely secret intelligence, according to Sir David Pepper, the former director of GCHQ.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GCHQ in Cheltenham

He said “the Google effect” of so much information being readily available online had “very substantially” raised the “threshold for producing intelligence” for MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.

“Nobody wants the easy stuff anymore and there is no point spending effort and money collecting it,” said Sir David, who was giving the annual Mountbatten Memorial Lecture at the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

“Many of the sort of things for which [officials] once would have turned to the intelligence agencies are now readily available to them online,” he said.

“Thanks to Google Maps and Streeview anyone can today see photographic detail of far away countries which hitherto would have been available only through secret and highly sophisticated national satellites.

“Intelligence producers have had to become very sensitive to this phenomenon and very careful not to put effort into producing intelligence that purports to be secret which is in fact not secret at all.”

Sir David retired as director of GCHQ in 2008 after five years in charge of Britain’s electronic spying efforts. He oversaw a major shake-up of the 5,000-strong agency that aimed to transform its Cold War structure to one “fit for the internet age”.

His predecessor in the job, Sir David Omand, aspeaking after the lecture, agreed that the web and Google had “raised the bar” for spies.

Sir David Pepper also said “the Google effect” meant that officials who use secret intelligence were demanding it quicker than ever before.

“If the intelligence readers are used to getting information online very fast they’re going to expect the intelligence agencies to be able to do much the same thing,” he said.

But online information was offering opportunities as well as challenges to those in the espionage trade, Sir David said.

“You can find out a lot about potential spies without ever meeting them, simply by looking at their online footprints,” he said.

GCHQ now deals with so much data that its vast halls of computers in Cheltenham use many of the same techniques and technologies as Google uses to index the web.

Sir David, who now sits on the advisory board of the French defence giant Thales, also spoke about the growing threat to national security from cyber crime, cyber espionage and cyber attacks that disrupt physical infrastructure. He said the forthcoming update to the government's cyber security strategy should include lessons on internet security for school children.

UK Telegraph

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 Author| Post time 13-12-2011 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Google's Next Victim? British Intelligence Services
from the killing-industries-before-killing-industries-was-cool dept

Google is at it again. Not content to singlehandedly destroy the motion picture, music, news and road map industries, Google's all-seeing eye, combined with its search engine, is now threatening the livelihoods of British intelligence agents, who will now be expected to tell their superiors "something they don't already know."

According to Sir David Pepper, former director of the UK Goverment Communications Headquarter, the "Google effect" of having so much information available online has "substantially raised the threshold for producing intelligence for MI5, MI6 and GCHQ."

    "Nobody wants the easy stuff anymore and there is no point spending effort and money collecting it," said Sir David, who was giving the annual Mountbatten Memorial Lecture at the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

    "Many of the sort of things for which [officials] once would have turned to the intelligence agencies are now readily available to them online," he said.

    "Thanks to Google Maps and Streeview anyone can today see photographic detail of far away countries which hitherto would have been available only through secret and highly sophisticated national satellites.

    "Intelligence producers have had to become very sensitive to this phenomenon and very careful not to put effort into producing intelligence that purports to be secret which is in fact not secret at all."

Now, not only is it going to be tougher for spies to outspy Google, but results will now be expected to compete with Google's famous fractions of a second.

    Sir David Pepper also said "the Google effect" meant that officials who use secret intelligence were demanding it quicker than ever before.

    "If the intelligence readers are used to getting information online very fast they're going to expect the intelligence agencies to be able to do much the same thing," he said.

It's not all bad news, however. The "Google effect" can also be used for good, rather than just as a tool to put industries out of business.

    But online information was offering opportunities as well as challenges to those in the espionage trade, Sir David said. "You can find out a lot about potential spies without ever meeting them, simply by looking at their online footprints,"* he said.

*(Henceforth referred to as the "Facebook effect.")

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2011 04:50 PM | Show all posts
tu yang best tu..siap boleh skodeng exact location kawasan2 penting.

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 13-12-2011 05:00 PM | Show all posts
I mean, dulu nak skodeng tempat2 lokasi risikan ... terpaksa guna satelit risik yang kos juta2 USD atau drop intel team buat physical recon mission yang terlalu banyak risiko ...

Sekarang pakai google map jer ...

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2011 05:28 PM | Show all posts
google map x detail..depa guna google earth with full layer added...huhu

Use magic Report

Post time 14-12-2011 11:22 AM | Show all posts
ciptaan manusia ni memang akan ada kelemahan dia....biasa latu...hehe

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Post time 14-12-2011 11:25 AM | Show all posts
google map nie kalo tak subscribe, dia takkan zoom betul2 kat lokasi yg kita nak....even dapat zoom, kadang2 description lokasi tu salah....

kene ada org local yg sahkan jugak~

aku slalu guna google nie nak identify new locations for development....

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Post time 22-3-2012 11:52 AM | Show all posts
u just know the basic....!!!!

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Post time 31-3-2012 08:13 PM | Show all posts
google map ni die type data near real time, so xberape nk exact

tiada ape yg selamat di dunia masa kini

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Post time 10-11-2023 09:54 PM | Show all posts
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