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Water Wax kaedah spray, mudah dan cepat - BSY watch video
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Post Last Edit by udeman65 at 24-6-2012 16:40
[SIZE="3"]Kini kerja polish kenderaan anda dah tak susah sehingga berpeluh-peluh atau mengambil masa berjam-jam lagi. Sekiranya anda menghantar kenderaan anda ke pusat Car Wash untuk polish atau wax, pasti ia akan menelan belanja yang mahal!
BSY Water Repellent - Satu Produk terbaru dan inovatif yang menggunakan kaedah semburan ! [B]MUDAH, JIMAT MASA DAN RINGGIT!![/B]
BSY Water Repellent menutupi dan melindungi lapisan atas permukaan kenderaan supaya ia licin dan tidak senang menjadi kotor.
Ia juga boleh digunakan di cermin, bumper dan sport rim kereta. Malah ia juga boleh digunakan didinding-dinding dapur dan bilik air anda untuk mengelakkan dari kekotoran melekat ke atasnya!
- Campur 1 sachet kedalam 1.5 liter air yang telah ditapis/mineral water
- Pindahkan 500ml kedalam botol spray dan simpan selebihnya untuk penggunaan berikutnya
- Pastikan kenderaan dibawah keadaan teduh dan tidak panas
- Untuk kesan lebih baik, basuh dan syampu kenderaan anda terlebih dahulu
- Selepas bilas syampu, goncang botol spray dan semburkan serata diseluruh permukaan kenderaan, cermin dan rim
- Seratakan wax ke seluruh permukaan dengan kain yang lembab (ataupun tunggu lebihkurang 3 minit)
- Bilas dan lap permukaan kenderaan anda sehingga kering
Sepeket BSY Water repellent berupaya mengilatkan 4-5 kereta dan setiap cucian mampu kekal bersih dan berkilat sehingga 3 - 4 minggu !!
Harga hanya RM60 untuk 2 sachet termasuk kos pos dalam Malaysia
Ahmad 012-283 2092
COD Cheras
- Protect vehicle and preserve its original shine
- Enhances wax protection even after multiple washes
- Restoring the missing link between wax and car wash
- Ease of application, completes in less than 10 minutes
- With just 1 sachet able to wax 4 - 5 cars
- Most convenience to use
- Mix 1 sachet to 1.5 liter of filtered water
- Transfer around 500 ml into Spray Bottle and keep balance for next use
- Make sure your car is cool and in the shade
- To ensure best results, wash your car with car wash shampoo
- After rinse the shampoo away from surface
- Shake and mist BSY Water Repellent to the body, rims & windscreen
- For better result, wipe surfaces sprayed with wet cloth (to distribute wax to whole body/area)
- Once completed, rinse surface and wipe clean[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Testimonial from the user
QUOTE(ssyyy @ Mar 17 2011, 09:22 AM)
bought this from the TS quite some time ago but only recently able to test the product.
works EXACTLY like the video he posted. I tried before/after effect, really the water bleed totally went away. noticeable extra glow & shine after applying and when you run your fingers through the body, theres a smooth texture on the car body. In this rainy season usually car gets dirty very fast, but it seems like my car still looks cleaner than usual after 2 rainy days (I guess is because of less dirty rain-water staying on the car body).
Basically its like rain ex for the entire car. works for windscreen too. I usually apply rain-ex on my windshield but I didnt this time to try the wax and my windscreen behaved exactly like it had rain-ex. Cost efficient if you want my opinion (because rain-ex is expensive?)
Good buy for guys like me who sayang kereta and enjoy washing car yourself - considering the cost and amount of times per sachet can be used (of course entirely depends on how much u spray on your car each time).Cheers
QUOTE(ss1st @ Jan 26 2011, 03:43 PM)
COD 1 sachet with TS yesterday @ Bangsar Baru.
Went to car wash this morning and use almost half a bottle (around 700ml) to spray the whole car, except for rims.
And as usual, if u never wash ur car, it never rains, once u wash ur car, it rains...
So below are photos i took after rain:
Here's my "testimonial"
1. very friendly seller
2. quite satisfied with the result
3. i don't think i can achieve 5-6 cars wash per sachet, maybe 2-3 cars wash max over all: 8.5/10
QUOTE(ss1st @ Jan 29 2011, 07:49 PM)
Brader, I just washed my car 3 days ago la, some more almost raining everyday, so not yet go for car wash.
Anyway, I do noticed that the usual parts whr always become dirty after rain (btw the front & back door at the bottom part, below side mirrors, below no. plate, etc) are "clean" now
So here u go, another selling point for u to sell ur product.
(remember to give me commission if ur sales increase)
QUOTE(afiqms @ Mar 5 2011, 11:09 PM)
item received two days ago~ only today i had opportunity to wash my car and wax it using this product~ been busy with plant turnaraound and always came back home late... the result is very good indeed~ thank you bro!
QUOTE(chalex @ May 9 2011, 05:15 PM)
good product and easy to apply than conventional wax , rememeber just dont apply it under the hot sun
Kos mengecat semula kereta anda sememangnya tinggi, oleh itu lindungi cat kereta/motor anda dengan BSY Water Repellent..
Last edited by udeman65 on 28-11-2012 11:32 PM
memang berkesan..serta merta..cuba dulu baru tahu.. |
kalu buat selalu da menjejaskan warna ke? |
Post Last Edit by udeman65 at 31-1-2012 18:09
kesan wax ni serta merta ...dan boleh tahan 3-4 minggu berkilatnya.. |
ni iklan salah tempat lah, ps saya pun pakai utk kenderaan saya. tapi saya beli kat lyn. |
nk ble speket je x ble ke untuk try dulu hehe |
ni iklan salah tempat lah, ps saya pun pakai utk kenderaan saya. tapi saya beli kat lyn.
batu_bergolek Post at 30-1-2012 20:32
hang dah pakai ke batu? kasik laa review skittt... (barula tak consider iklan maa) hehe |
kalu buat selalu da menjejaskan warna ke?
pepatung Post at 23-11-2011 17:07
warna tak terjejas walau selalu guna sebab wax cuma menyelaputi permukaan luar cat kenderaan aje.. |
en udeman65... nak order boleh.... boleh pm detail pada saya... |
hurmm..klu kne ujan dia kuar x?
i means dia hilang x?
tringin nk try tgk.. |
hurmm..klu kne ujan dia kuar x?
i means dia hilang x?
tringin nk try tgk..
tripple_M Post at 2-2-2012 21:04
kalo ujan dia x kuar, malah air ujan cm x lekat d cermin dan body (water repellent) dan turun mcm air meleret atas daun keladi tu je.. dan setiap waxing mampu bertahan kilat sehingga 3 minggu !! ..
pm sya kalo berminat nak mencuba bro .. |
en udeman65... nak order boleh.... boleh pm detail pada saya...
lincute Post at 2-2-2012 15:08
ok dah pm details yer boss.. |
hang dah pakai ke batu? kasik laa review skittt... (barula tak consider iklan maa) hehe
takumi86 Post at 31-1-2012 14:14
Nak bagi review detail tak reti lah, tapi benda ok jugaklah. dulu saya pakai turtle wax liquid wax, tapi mahal sikit dan saiz dia kecik sikit kadang sebotol tak sampai 3 bulan dah habis bila apply kat semua kereta saya. sbb tu saya pakai benda nih. so far tahan jugaklah, ada satu kereta saya, parking tempat takde bumbung, kena panas dan hujan pun ok lagi (dari mata kasar lah, takde pakai alat special ke aper). turutama bila lepas hujan nampaklah air hujan kat kereta tu "beading" . |
Nak bagi review detail tak reti lah, tapi benda ok jugaklah. dulu saya pakai turtle wax liquid ...
batu_bergolek Post at 3-2-2012 15:17
askm tuan, tenkiu for d review .. boleh la dikira positive ye... |
pm pliz...
tripple_M Post at 3-2-2012 02:08
tuan, maaf lewat.. saya dah pm details yer.. |
pm details pls...mcm menarik jek |
sape yang da dapat n test product dari udeman ni sila2 la upload pic..nk la tngok jugak hasilnya |
Reply 16# udeman65
wsalam, dari mata kasar saya ok. tapi saya takda alat yg boleh ukur secara objektif. diharap kalo ada yg pakai boleh la review kat sini. |
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