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[Aviation] sekadar nak tanya?..pic inside..
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Post Last Edit by bdk2 at 20-5-2012 12:20
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saya ada pertanyanlah kadang2 tu saya terperasaan nun tinggi diudara tu ada kapalterbang besar lepaskan asap putih panjang...apa ke benda ni?..capt kapalterbang tengah dumping sesuatu ke? ...maaf ya saya hnya seorg civilian... |
kan kapal terbang tu,
yg putih kat belakang tu dipanggil "contrail" ( condensation trail) atau lebih mudah ko samekan dengan asap ekzos kerete la,
minyak kapal terbang gune fossil fuel, biasenye kerosene, cecair hidrokarbon yg terdapat dalam minyak mentah,
engine pulak jenis internal combustion, konsep cam kerete biase gak,
minyak+oxygen=haba, air, carbon dioxida |
Post Last Edit by kelana36 at 18-2-2011 22:53
Nak bagi senang faham..
kata la kita naik genting highland atau kinabalu, outside air temperature sejuk kan. Bila kita hembus nafas keluar, akan terlihat seolah olah asap dari mulut kita. Ia berlaku kerana haba panas dari mulut itu condensed , sejat kot dalam bm ( sorry english medium masa sekolah dulu) . condensed kerana haba panas dari mulut tadi yang mengandungi oksigen dan carbon dioxide bertukar menjadi small water particle or droplet yang visible oleh kerana suhu sejuk. banyak hembus nafas keluar , banyak la asap tu kelihatan..
Begitu la jugak apabila kapalterbang terbang pada kawasan udara yang suhu dia rendah,bayangkan exhaust jet engine itu mulut kita tadi dan exhaust sentiasa menghembuskan exhaust gas keluar. Yang keluar dari exhaust jet engine itu akan nampak seperti asap kerana condensed oleh udara sejuk. Kenapa at high level jer? sebab, purata suhu exhaust jet engine adalah sekitar 600 deg C. Ia memerlukan suhu udara serendah -40 deg C untuk condensation berlaku. Kalau kat malaysia kena terbang pada paras 35000 kaki ke atas baru la boleh sampai ketahap suhu itu. Itu sebab kapalterbang yang terbang tinggi jer ada contrail. Exhaust jet engine mengeluarkan haba secara berterusan sebab itu la contrail tu nampak berterusan keluar dari belakang. My 2 cents. |
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Ni picture contrail at close up, I took this shot when we passed each other at 38000 feet, at 1000 feet separation. |
Reply 1# zvicmorrow
aku pun teringin nk tau apa benda tu.sbb aku dr drjh satu aku perasan bnda tu smpai skg aku 19,aku x dpt lg jwpn die
aku nmpk mcm roket tau,sbb aku nmpk bentuk roket and belakang die ada api and ada kesan asap die tu
tp yg aku pelik stiap hari aku nmpk kot
xkn la stiap hari ada org naik roket kot.pelik giler.
can someone answer my question????? |
Reply zvicmorrow
aku pun teringin nk tau apa benda tu.sbb aku dr drjh satu aku perasan bnda t ...
myralolx92 Post at 19-2-2011 13:30 
Posting no 3 tu still doesn't answer your question? |
Reply 6# kelana36
but i see it everyday.yg tu bole explain x knapa? |
Reply kelana36
but i see it everyday.yg tu bole explain x knapa?
myralolx92 Post at 19-2-2011 16:11 
Yang kau nampak tu fly vertically atau horizontal? kat kawasan mana?
Boleh nampak ke api kat belakang kalau benda tu almost let say at 33000 feet, or 10 km away. |
Post Last Edit by kelana36 at 19-2-2011 19:23
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Ni contrail of Airbus A380. engine besar, contrail pun besar. |
Reply 8# kelana36
vertically la.die menaik ke ats.api tu panjang gak la.aku dduk tmn melawati.time aku kcik aku duk tmn melati.time skola kan bila perhimpunan aku mesti tnmpk benda tu |
Posting no 3 tu still doesn't answer your question?
kelana36 Post at 19-2-2011 18:58 
terimakasih bro ashburn terjawaplah sikit persoalan yg bermain dlm kepala kwn ni selama berbelas tahun,cuma rasa curious kdg2 tu nmpak asap tu muncul dan tiba2 juga nmpak dia hilang tu lah kwn ingat ada switch button kat dlm cockpit tu,dan dlm pemerhatian kwn tu memang ketinggian yg amat tinggi baru keluar asap ni...
ingatkan kapten tu tengah buat kelajuan afterburner ke atau tengah buang sisa kumbahan..kalau dia buang sisa kumbahan tempat kwn teruklah rasanya haha..(kota masai) laluan pendaratan to changi airport dan tak salah airport paya lebar spore |

A farmer was ordered to burn £8,000 worth of crops after human waste was found strewn across his land.
Ian Clegg was horrified to discover faeces and sanitary towels dumped in his fields when he went to tend to his livestock.
He believes it may have fallen from an aeroplane.
An investigation has now been launched into how the waste came to be dumped on Brooklands Farm, near Kettering in Northamptonshire.
'I went out shepherding with my son at about 5pm on Tuesday and we found the stuff spread over an area of about 25 acres,' Mr Clegg said.
'It's spread all across my fields which were growing animal feed which we have been told by the vets we have to dig up and burn now. It's destroyed £8,000 worth of my crops, at a conservative estimate.'
He said he had been forced to move all his livestock and have animals checked over by vets.
'It's my very livelihood at stake here,' he said.
'We don't have a spare £8,000 to pay for winter feed. We've been told by we won't be able to use the field again until the spring.
It's a major incident covering a vast area. I've had to move my sheep and cattle indoors and have them all checked over by vets at great expense.
'I have heard of ice falling from aircraft but never this. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was a scene of devastation.'
An officer from the Environment Agency were on the scene yesterday morning amid fears the pollution may have affected a stream which runs through the site. |
Reply kelana36
vertically la.die menaik ke ats.api tu panjang gak la.aku dduk tmn melawati.ti ...
myralolx92 Post at 20-2-2011 04:28 
Kalau macam tu , serupa rocket la, tapi kat malaysia mana ada rocket launcher..
kita nak sent out satellite astro pun kena tumpang, bayar pada russia. lagi pun kat kawasan tu restricted airspace untuk activity macam tu, banyak sangat commercial plane lalu lalang depart and landing for KLIA and Subang airport. |

An officer has been to the site to check the water course for pollution and luckily there appears to be none,' a spokesman said.
'A lot of the waste seems to have washed away overnight in the heavy rain,' a spokesman said.
'At the moment we understand the waste has come from a plane, although that is not something we have ever heard of before.'
Civil Aviation Authority spokesman Richard Taylor confirmed the organisation had launched an investigation to try to find out which planes were in the area at the time.
'I have to stress that aircraft do not flush their toilets into the air during flight,' he added.
'There can be faults with the pipes that carry water through the aircraft, a washer may wear out and fail before it is replaced, but this would only release water rather than solid waste and the planes would be so high up that it would immediately turn to ice.
'We are investigating using radar records to see what planes were in the area at the time, the difficulty is we don't have an exact time that the waste landed.
'In incidents where we can identify the aircraft involved, we write to the airline first of all to investigate whether it was their aircraft and there was a fault.
'We cannot prosecute airlines ourselves for this, but people who have suffered damage can pursue them for costs and the airline's insurance would cover this.'
The authority confirmed the airspace above Kettering was busy, with planes flying into Stansted, Luton and East Midlands Airports and a trans-atlantic route at 30,000 feet.
kwn confiuse dgn laporan ini,bole ke kejadian ini berlaku dlm keadaan tertentu...? |
terimakasih bro ashburn terjawaplah sikit persoalan yg bermain dlm kepala kwn ni sela ...
zvicmorrow Post at 20-2-2011 06:14 
outside air temperature yang boleh buat benda tu napak terputus putus. kalau dia terbang kat kawasan panas sikit dari -40 deg C, exhaust gas tu tak condense dah..
memang kalau vapour keluar macam minyak bocor atau fuel dumping , pun nampak benda yang serupa. Yang ni tak perlu terbang tinggi dan cuaca sejuk sebab yg keluar tu memang dah cecair, tak perlu condense lagi. Plane yang buat airshow ada special equipment ,smoke generator untuk generate smoke , boleh letak warna warna lagi. Kalau tak ada smoke generator, boleh modified buat satu extra oil tank, tube untuk siphon ke exhaust area, bila keluar ,kena heat up nampak la macam asap. yang ni baru boleh di ibaratkan macam exhaust kereta yang mengalami kebocoran minyak hitam.. |
An officer has been to the site to check the water course for pollution and luckily there appear ...
zvicmorrow Post at 20-2-2011 07:05 
Tak tau la dia ni saja nak creat story nak claim macam macam. Mana ada plane yang boleh dump out toilet waste in the air. Tak ada switch pun for that. Benda tu dibersihkan semasa on ground jer. Segala benda tu akan dikumpul dalam satu tangki, bila on ground, ada toilet servicing, akan buka valve dan suck benda tu out into septic tank. Tak tau la kalau valve tu terbuka in the air. |
Reply 15# kelana36
crystal clear bro..sekarang kwn dah ada sedikit ilmu pasal benda ni,next time bila ada rakan2 yg pusing kepala tengok wasap ni kwn dah ada jawapan utk mereka...mesti dah terbayang jawapan mereka wooo..ooohhh...iya...woooo...mana kau tau?... |
Reply 13# kelana36
tu yg aku pelik jgk.malaysia manada rocket mcm tu.aku pasti bkn ilusi.nnt klau ada masa aku ambk gmbr |
Reply kelana36
tu yg aku pelik jgk.malaysia manada rocket mcm tu.aku pasti bkn ilusi.nnt klau a ...
myralolx92 Post at 20-2-2011 14:02 
Waktu assembly, waktu pagi ker? maybe apa yg you nampak tu adalah kapalterbang, at 35K and above, early morning, matahari kat horizon, baru timbul dan cahaya matahari tu membuatkan kapalterbang tu memancar, sama la kaedahnya macam bulan mendapat cahaya,satelit dan planet2 nampak bersinar macam bintang. |
[img]http://cdn- [/img] Reply 16# kelana36
bro ni ada pertanyaan lagi ni,kalau pandu kereta ada pedal minyak,brek dan clutch..kwn konfiuslah kat k/terbang tu pedal apa?kalau throttle kwn tau, terletak dkt tengah tolak pakai tangan kan, |
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