SOLDIER OF FORTUNE is one who will serve in any army or undertake risky tasks for personal gain or love of adventure, a freelance fighter who works as a soldier for any country or group that will pay them
a mercenary....
Salam dari Lela. I call this my mini journal. Sesuatu yang ingin Lela kongsi bersama-sama dengan rakan-rakan di sini. Lela juga ingin menyatakan bahawa sepanjang bersama Lela membaca catatan ini, diharap semua dapat menerimanya dengan minda dan fikiran yang terbuka dan lihatlah sesuatu itu dengan mata hati, insyaAllah, sama-sama kita akan mendapat sedikit sebanyak pengajaran dari apa yang ingin Lela sampaikan. Sekiranya coretan ini menyingung hati dan perasaan mana-mana pihak, terlebih dahulu Lela ingin memohon maaf. In this journal, I record mostly photographs, for it never lies and because a picture paints a thousand words....
Kenalkah anda sudah siapakah soldier of fortune? They came in various forms,ages, sizes, nationalities, colours and believes. Tahukah anda kerosakan yang dialami? Bersediakah anda untuk menerimanya?
From Lela's point of view..he has no conscience, he has no mercy, he knows no boundaries, he knows no limits, he fears no one, and obeys only that casts fear in himself, with nemesis a many ... and thou shall perish with Allah's promise.....
so friends and foes alike, take my hand and I'll show you what I mean........
Brutalities comes in various forms...genocides, murder, starvation, rape, infringement of human rights to name a few. Examples of crime of genocides are seen in Palestine, Cambodia, Rwanda, Vietnam, Germany and many more....
Jurugambar Perang Teluk Pertama, Ken Jarecke menceritakan pengalaman beliau dalam tahun 1991 yang menyentuh tentang gambar askar Iraq yang mati terbakar. Ramai pengarang akhbar antarabangsa menganggap gambar tersebut akan mendatangkan gangguan emosi kepada sesiapa yang menatapnya. Gambar ini juga adalah antara fotografi terbaik dalam era Perang Teluk Pertama. Ken Jarecke pernah membuat kenyataan berikut 'I dont' really get my jollies out of making pictures of dead people...but if I don't make pictures like this people like my mother will think what they see in war is what they see in movies..'
self immolation monk June 11, 1963, Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk from Vietnam, burned himself to death at a busy intersection in downtown Saigon to bring attention to the repressive policies of the Catholic Diem regime that controlled the South Vietnamese government at the time. Buddhist monks asked the regime to lift its ban on flying the traditional Buddhist flag, to grant Buddhism the same rights as Catholicism, to stop detaining Buddhists and to give Buddhist monks and nuns the right to practice and spread their religion. He was protesting the american appointed catholic leader, who was oppressing a mostly buddhist populace with a catholic agenda. More monks burned themselves in protest, but in the end it took an army coup to topple the government and make things right. His death proved many things, one that when the ignorant view something with meaning they dont understand, they are all to ready to dismiss it.This picture caused a lot of friction amongst the modern vietnamese. [Credits to AP]
while burning Thich Quang Duc never moved a muscle
This black-and-white image captured the exact moment Brig. Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, then serving as the national police chief of South Vietnam, fired a bullet at the head of a Vietcong prisoner NLF Captain Nguyen Van Lem standing an arm's length away on a Saigon street.The picture received the Pulitzer Prize for breaking-news photography in 1969.
A Palestinian father,Jamil ad-Durra, trying to protect his son from israeli gunfire moments before the boy was shot dead, the father wounded and a Palestinian ambulance driver who came to rescue them, also killed.Reporters watched helplessly as the boy and his father became trapped against a wall with nothing but a small concrete block for cover as bullets rained around them on a road near the Jewish settlement of Netzarim in the Gaza Strip. Mohammed crouched weeping behind his father, who tried in vain to shield him with his arms and body. At one point, the father raised his head and wagged his finger,as if to scold. Some time later, both were shot and Mohammed slumped into his father’s lap. [courtesy of Reuters]
The picture depicts a hunger stricken child crawling towards a United Nations food camp in Sudan, located a kilometer away.The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat him. This picture shocked the whole world. No one knows what happened to the child, including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken. Three months later he committed suicide due to depression. The photo is the 'Pulitzer Prize' winning photo taken in 1994 during the Sudan Famine.
This photograph showing a starving Sudanese child being stalked by a vulture won Kevin Carter the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for feature photography.
Most everyone with an internet connection has probably seen the picture. Maybe a lot of you have heard the story. Just in case you are one of the people like me that had not heard the back story, let me enlighten you. n March 1993 Kevin Carter made a trip to southern Sudan and took this photograph. The picture would later bring him the Pulitzer prize. The girl had stopped to rest while struggling to reach the food drop (we were told a refugee camp), nearby a vulture is waiting her to die. It is a horrific picture that gave people a true look at the dire condition in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kevin then came under a lot of scrutiny for spending over 20 minutes setting up the photo instead of helping the child. Three months after taking the photo, he committed suicide.
Agent Orange is the code name for an herbicide and defoliant, a contaminant used by the U.S Military during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange was used by the United States in Vietnam, Cambodia, and parts of Korea. In addition to being a highly effective herbicide, Agent Orange has turned out to have a number of alarming health effects which have made it into a very controversial subject. Major manufacturers of Agent Orange, have contended with lawsuits and considerable public outrage as a result of their roles in the production of this chemical.
It may seem a bit odd to be using an herbicide as a military weapon. However, one of the reasons the United States encountered such difficulties in Vietnam was the thick and abundant jungle, which sheltered enemy forces along with their camps. The goal of using Agent Orange was to deprive the enemy of shelter, forcing them out into the open and theoretically making it easier to fight them. 40 million pounds (roughly 18 million kilograms) of Agent Orange were dropped on Vietnam alone between 1965-1970
Agent Orange also caused problems for returning veterans, many of whom struggled with “Agent Orange Syndrome” in themselves and their families, thanks to the Agent Orange residue they brought home on personal possessions.
Millions of Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange during the war. It is estimated that today approximately a million people have disabilities or other health problems associated with Agent Orange, according to a number of pilot studies made in Vietnam.
Hitler was a fierce dictator of Nazi Germany; according to an estimate he killed approximately more than 4 million Jews across Europe and this massacre is known as Holocaust in history. Hitler’s hatred for Jews can be gauged from the fact that he tried to kill Jews all across Europe. Hitler introduced new methods of mass murder, he used gas chambers and death camps for the execution of Jew.[/url]
Vietnamese photographer Nick Ut in June 1972 photographed a nine-year-old girl, Kim Phuc, fleeing her village after being attacked by US army - a picture that won him a Pulitzer prize.
Kim is seen fleeing her village after a U.S. Air Force plane dropped napalm incendiary bombs during the height of the Vietnam war; her clothes and much of her skin have been burned off by the fireball that engulfed her village.
South Vietnamese forces follow after terrified children, including 9-year-old Kim Phuc, center, as they run down Route 1 near Trang Bang after an aerial napalm attack on suspected Viet Cong hiding places on June 8, 1972. A South Vietnamese plane accidentally dropped its flaming napalm on South Vietnamese troops and civilians. The terrified girl had ripped off her burning clothes while fleeing. The children from left to right are: Phan Thanh Tam, younger brother of Kim Phuc, who lost an eye, Phan Thanh Phouc, youngest brother of Kim Phuc, Kim Phuc, and Kim's cousins Ho Van Bon, and Ho Thi Ting. Behind them are soldiers of the Vietnam Army 25th Division. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)
Depleted Uranium is a waste obtained from producing fuel for nuclear reactors and atomic bombs. America is causing the deformation and deaths of an untold number of babies in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine and employs these weapons with impiety on civilian targets.
A mob of 10,000 whites took sledgehammers to the county jailhouse doors to get at these two young blacks accused of raping a white girl; the girl's uncle saved the life of a third by proclaiming the man's innocence. Although this was Marion, Ind., most of the nearly 5,000 lynchings documented between Reconstruction and the late 1960s were perpetrated in the South. (Hangings, beatings and mutilations were called the sentence of "Judge Lynch.") Some lynching photos were made into postcards designed to boost white supremacy, but the tortured bodies and grotesquely happy crowds ended up revolting as many as they scared. Today the images remind us that we have not come as far from barbarity as we'd like to think.
The Nanking Massacre on December 13, 1937 was a six week period where the Imperial Japanese Army exercised extreme brutality. During the following six weeks, they murdered and tortured countless civilians whose only crime was being Chinese. Over 300,000 were killed and over 20,000 women and children brutally beaten and raped. To this day, the Japanese still deny that this atrocity ever happened. They've tried to hide their disgusting actions from society, and that is why so few are aware of The Rape of Nanking. Picture shows the heads of beheaded bodies of the civilians.
After Yugoslavia fell apart with the end of the Cold War, Serbs in Bosnia still saw themselves and the land they lived on as part of Milosevic's "Greater Serbia." The European Union tried mediation, without success. The UN refused to intervene, apart from providing some troop convoys for humanitarian aid. Later its peace-keeping force, UNProFor, undertook to protect six "safe areas," mainly Muslim and including Sarajevo and Sebrenica; it failed. Each so-called safe area, except Sarajevo, fell to the Serbs and was "ethnically cleansed." This was the Serbian term accepted by the USA and other members of the UN Security Council to avoid any reference to 'genocide,' which would by international law demand their intervention.
THE SUFFERING OF BOSNIAN MUSLIMS In order to prolong the suffering of innocent victims, Serbs around Sebrenica would barricade Bosniac women, children, and elderly men in abandoned houses and then set them on fire alive (a practice known as "live pyres").
Remains of a baby bottle and baby clothing containing multiple bullet holes were excavated from the mass grave Suha in the Sebrenica region, near Bratunac. The massacre was committed by Serbs around Sebrenica in 1992, more than 3 years before the Sebrenica genocide. The mass grave Suha contained bodies of 30 Bosniac women and 8 children with the youngest child being 2 days old.
The Tak Bai incident is an event that occurred on October 25, 2004 in Tak Bai, Thailand which resulted in at least 85 deaths of muslims in southern Thailand.
North Koreans Selling Human Flesh on Black Market.Due to severe famines, human flesh is reportedly being sold on the black market in North Korea. When the sellers are found, they are publicly executed. Starvation in North Korea appears to have reached a point where people are abandoning their humanity. Meats are precious food for the North Koreans. However, on the black farmer's market, live pigs, goats, chickens and rabbits can be found.Sometimes, pork and mutton are also available. Those meats are expensive. Only privileged people such as local executives of the governing Labor Party and high-ranking military officials or smugglers who make money from the trade with China can afford them. Children are often abandoned in North Korea due to hardship and starvation. So they have resort to selling human meat where they will kidnap a wondering child, feed him and prepare him for the slaughter.
Khmer Rouge, Communist movement that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. The regime, which was headed by Cambodian guerrilla commander Pol Pot, came to power after years of guerrilla warfare. While in power the Khmer tortured to death, or killed by starvation close to 1.7 million Cambodians, or more than one-fifth of the country’s population.
Haing S Ngor as Dith Pran, the Cambodian-born journalist whose harrowing tale of enslavement and eventual escape from that country's murderous Khmer Rouge revolutionaries in 1979 became the subject of the award-winning film "The Killing Fields".
a mother pleading for her life moments before her death
Cambodian woman with her baby about to be execute
Millions of other Cambodians were forcibly relocated, deprived of food, tortured, or sent into forced labor. Of about 425,000 Chinese Cambodians, only about half survived the Khmer Rouge regime. While most of about 450,000 Vietnamese Cambodians had been expelled by the Lon Nol regime, more were driven out by the Khmer Rouge; the rest were tracked down and murdered. Of about 250,000 Muslim Chams (an ethnic group inhabiting the rural areas of Cambodia) in 1975, 90,000 were massacred, and the survivors were dispersed. By 1979, 15 percent of the rural Khmer population and 25 percent of the urban Khmer population had perished.