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** HAPPY BIRTHDAY - 1-31 ^MAY 2010**
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Reply 1# ea208964
bestnyaa tapi nape pink xde dlm list nih?  |
uwaaaa nama i takde pun... epy besday to me...epy besday to meeeee...  |
Happy bday tuk gucci-gurl juga... |
Happy Bday tuk Mr Aduka...
bday sama dgn hari ibu ...
klu dah kahwin boleh buat twin ...
ea208964 Post at 9-5-2010 12:11 
blum kawen arrr...ngah carik calon...  |
Happy Birthday Jus...
ea208964 Post at 6-5-2010 13:42 
Tq ea nmpk thread ni  |
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bleh x kalu aku nak ucapkan happy aniversary kt sini? |
carly bukak je thread untuk anniversary tu klu nak buat yg spesel ..klu tak kat cnih pown boleh je.. |
Reply 5# ea208964
ooo xperasan ea kasi komen nih.baru daftar tadi. besday arini hihihihi..dgn selambanya membuat pengumuman.kwang3  |
Reply 17# ea208964
wahhh ea yg kreatif lagi inovatif... terharunyaaa susah2 ajok bikinkan card special to me. thanks a lot yaa. {:1_147:}{:1_147:} |
heheh 15 minutes je.. it's time worth spent doing something for a fren's bday ... |
untuk sesape yg menyambutnya....
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Category: Belia & Informasi