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Filem Cinta/Kasih Sayang/Kemanusiaan Yang Rugi Kalau Tak Tengok
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Jom kita listkan... 
Life Is Beautiful
The Beautiful Mind
Lagi...? |
Filem SEPI dengan CINTA pun OK gak aku rasa...  |
{:1_144:}melayu-syurga cinta.
2# juwaini
kongsi jawapan ekk..hehehe |
Post Last Edit by pawangBuaya at 23-12-2009 10:06
glory road
remember the titans
gridiron gang
persuit of happiness
the notebook (aku rekemen memang romantik giler)
october sky |
tambah due gi..
good will hunting
the legend of 1900 |
Filem corak cinta dan kasih kemanusiaan segala ni yg aku minat dan recommend antaranya Dan in Real Life, The Mist, Central Station (filem Brazil), The Reader, Lars and the Real Girl, Jerry Maguire, Slumdog Millionaire, Pans Labyrinth, 8 Below |
nk add gak ..citer...
1. american beauty
2. the green mile
3. shawshank redemption
4. forrest gump
5. dumb and dumber
6. click
7. now i pronounce u chuck and larry
8. anu dalam botol ....hahhahahaah |
filem cinta yg best...eternal sunshine of a spotless mine..
love happens...very nice short movie is not the plot, it 's pretty cliche though but it is the content tu....the take home message...interesting road of discovery of an author ...interesting but still ...biasa jer but it is deep... |
TEAM MEDICAL DRAGON ('s not a film...tapi drama bersiri jepun yg memang besh giller dan mempunyai nilai2 murni yg tinggi!) :pompom::pompom::pompom: |
hari tu ai tgk citer french summer hours...
boleh ker masukkan dlm kategori ini...
tapi tema cerita tu very much relate to our lives selepas kematian mak bapak kita...
ai meratib sendu lepas tgk cerita tu terkenangkan apa akan terjadi kat weols adik beradik lepas kematian parents kita...
sbb konsep sekarang biasa weols balik kg.. berkumpul ramai2 sbb parents weols masih ada...
tapi kalau dah takde kelak...mcm mana? adakah weols mostly bawak diri masing2??
wah gitu persoalan nya.... |

mesti ingatkan ke arwah bapak aku
500 days of summer best gak |
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