nih aku jumpa kat internet.x tau la boleh pki ke x.ko try je la, pastu repot kat sini sama ada berjaya ke x teknik ni.
kene ada cd winXP sp2( sp1 pon okay, tapi makesure version korang pon sp1)
2. masuk kan cd masa start,
3. boot from cd
4. Licensing Agreement - F8
5. Setup screen, pilih repair " If one of the following Windows XP installations is damaged, Setup can try to repair it”
6. Pilih "select your XP installation" press R
7. Tunggu masa copying Files Stage
8. then reboot
9. Takyah buat apa2 biar dia reboot, masa stage installing Windows, tunggu
10. Masa installing devices picit SHIFT+F10
11. then akan ada command console
12. type NUSRMGR.CPL enter
13. Akan ada USER ACCOUNT appear
14. then masa ni terpulang nak remove atau nak tukar password, administrator access password pon boleh.
15. kalau xnak langsong winxp prompt asking to log on guna password, type control userpasswords2 kat console.
16. after dah abes close command box tuh, then continue dgn repair process
17. then abes. |