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Dragonica- Free codes for Cari Members

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Post time 6-5-2009 05:39 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Anaeon ago, Elga's betrayal of the Dragon Lord Vyvern plunged the raceof Dragons into conflict, and divided them into two warring factions.

Seeking mysterious artifacts ofpower believed to be hidden in the realm of Dragonica, Elga mounted abloody invasion 1000 years ago, but was finally defeated at great costand entombed in a hidden fortress, presumably for all time.

But Man might yet be the engineer of his own downfall.

Powerful and hungry to be raised above all mankind, abeautiful enchantress named Paris has freed the Dark Lord from hisimprisonment. Now, a sinister force is spreading through the lands oncemore, corrupting its adorable creatures and turning them against theinhabitants of the realm.

As a young hero whosepeaceful world is rapidly deteriorating due to the evil influencessweeping across the continents, your task is to grow into one of theforemost warriors in the land and to stand with the Dragonians in thefight against the forces threatening to devour the world.

Pick one of 4 paths, as a Warrior, Magician, Archer or Thief, and find your own destiny!

Set Armor


UI Control

1. Chat Window: Displays announcement, system notice, trade and user chat messages.
May be minimized or extended using the (-) and (+) buttons at the corner of the chat box
Channels can be conveniently sorted using the individual channel tabs.

Choice of channels can be made by using your F1 - F5 keys as well.

2. Quick Slot: Pull skills and items into the 8-slot bar under your chat bar to access them quickly while in battle.
(Your Pg Up and Pg Down keys will scroll your Quickbars 1-6 up and down.)

3. Character Info Display: Shows character's Level, HP, MP, EXP, as well as stats.

4. Right Menu: Displays Character, Inventory, Quest, Journal,Community, PvP, Trade, Cash Shop, System Menu buttons. Click for therelevant window pop-ups.

5. Mini Map: Displays geography and NPCs around the player character. Click the +/- buttons to minimize and expand.

"You'vegot Mail!" When your Mail icon flashes, you've got new mail. (Pleaseexercise precaution when receiving items in the mail, in order to avoidscams from Cash-on-Delivery mails!)

7. Money: Displays the amount of money possessed by the player.

100 coppers = 1 silver

10,000 coppers = 100 silvers = 1 gold


Use directional keys to move up, down, left, and right.

¡°Z¡±: Charge Attack. Power-Attack or Use-Portal key

¡°X¡±: Attack. Press X key to attack enemies
¡°C¡± Jump.

"C" + Directional Key: Executes a Recovery Roll when you are downed in combat. (Needs to be executed within 0.5secs of being downed.)

¡°Spacebar¡± Pick-up/Interact

Quick Slots: Use ¡°Q, W, E, R, A, S, D, or F¡± keys to map skills and items that you need to access often\

Pop-up Pages: Community ¡°Y¡±, My Info ¡°U¡±, Inventory ¡°I¡±, Skill ¡°K¡±, Quest ¡°L¡±, Mini Map ¡°N¡±, and World Map ¡°M¡±

1 - 8 : Make your character Cry, Laugh, Wave, Bow, etc by pressing number keys

Chatting: Register chat messages such as Normal, Friend, Party, and Guild chats via the F1-F5 keys
Enter¡±: open Chat Prompt

¡°ESC¡±: access the System Options Menu

¡° PrtScn¡± to take Screenshots, which will be stored in your ¡°My Documents/Dragonica¡± folder

F10: Toggles UI on/off


DragonicaPVP takes place in room-based matches you can enter anytime, anywhere.Simply click the PVP button in your browser to access it, then join anexisting room or create one yourself!

Single PVP
Death Match: Time-based match where players are matched with up to 9other opponents and re-spawn after defeat. Player with the highestaccumulated score wins at the end of the match.

Group PVP
Death Match: Time-based 5v5 match where players accumulate an overallscore against the opposing team. May also be played with less than 5v5players.
Elimination Match: 5v5 match where players do not re-spawn after death. the last man standing wins for his team.

Combo system

Combatin Dragonica is built on an addictive combo-system where each hitregisters as 1 combo. The more hits you get consecutively withoutinterruption, the higher your combo count, and the higher the EXP bonusyou receive!

Saving (Recovery) rolls
Even if you find yourself downed by enemies, the fight is not over!
Now, gamers can perform recoveryroles by pressing ¡°C¡± (jump) + directional key the moment they arethrown to the ground by an attack. A timely save can allow you to rollout of harm¡¯s way, thus avoiding as much damage as possible..

No Mouse!
Dragonica is a fast-paced gameplayed fully on the keyboard. If you like, you can map your keys onto aUSB gamepad for console-style fun!

[ Last edited by  carisupport at 6-5-2009 17:56 ]

Use magic Report


Post time 6-5-2009 05:55 PM | Show all posts
mana nak download ni

Use magic Report

Post time 19-6-2009 09:14 AM | Show all posts

Dragonica free code Request

nak code balloon banyak2 bole?

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2009 10:39 PM | Show all posts
takble send pm website rosak!!

aku da lvl 27. esok 30 laa hahaha
sesapa ade twink eq bagi aku laa

Use magic Report

Post time 2-7-2009 06:37 PM | Show all posts
I want DraGONICA CODE plz.....can send me asap?

Use magic Report

Post time 2-7-2009 06:42 PM | Show all posts
XML Parsing Error: junk after document element Location: ... get=floatwin_sendpm Line Number 58, Column 11:

I got this error when i want to pm CariSupport

Use magic Report

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Post time 13-7-2009 02:39 AM | Show all posts
Can we still get this code? If so, I'd like one =) Thanks! I already PM you my request.

Use magic Report

Post time 14-8-2009 12:29 PM | Show all posts
me also pm already pls give me 1 code plss

Use magic Report


Post time 20-8-2009 07:43 PM | Show all posts
free code please

Use magic Report

Post time 23-8-2009 10:29 PM | Show all posts
game nih main kena berbayar tak??

Use magic Report

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