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Economy woes - get them right?
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JK's Digest No. 16 of March 2009 (28-37 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 1
1. Imports and exports down in January 2009
2. The Bahasa Melayu Speech Contest held on 5th March 2009.
3. The bank interests are so low next to zero soon (see item 9)
4. Mazu case and Perak case
5. Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission is no different from ACA
6. CHILL by Gerakan should be replaced by FAITH
7. What do you understand by an Islamic state from an economy perspective?
8. Tsunami in Aceh where the Islam arrived first in SEA
9. Now RM35 billion in new economic stimulus on 10th March...
1. Imports and exports down in January 2009
The Imports down by 32% and exports down by 27.8% if compared with January 2008. If this monthly trend is maintained, then it is going to be troubles for the nation as the people especially the middle, low and fixed income groups would not have the purchases power hence their lifestyle would be affected to be healthy in society. What do you think the illegal Government can do even with the RM7 billions economic stimulus package to restructure the economy?
See the illegal Governments due to rigged General Election 2004 & 2008
2. The Bahasa Melayu Speech Contest held on 5th March 2009.
How much was spent on the luxury when it is a dream that Bahasa Melayu not Bahasa Malaysia to be a global language when the standard is still very poor? Could not the fund wasted in filling up Putrajaya International Convention Centre be used to boost the economy to help the oppressed people? Even consumerism effort in Sabah is not given any/little fund to perform the function neglected by the illegal Governments (Federal & State).
CASH has submitted several memorandums but largely ignored
3. The bank interests are so low next to zero soon (see item 9)
How would this be justified that the middle, low and fixed income people be bearing the burden of the profligacy of the nation of RM30 trillions with such low interests for their savings in the bank? When Bank Negara cuts its interest rates, the small and poor people have to bear the blunt of the corrupted illegal Governments (Federal & State) as reported in so many places especially in my 27 Police Reports. Would the people have any faith in the banking system when the banks do make billions of Ringgit of annual profit while dabbling in loss making companies here and overseas with a hidden agenda.?
Http:// - 27 Police Reports
4. Mazu case and Perak case
Here in the Mazu Case, the illegal Chief Minister was represented by private lawyers without any objections from the Judge when the State AG resigned abruptly. In the Perak case the Speaker must be represented by the State Counsel which may not favour the Speaker in the handling of the important issues.
Mazu case is here : where the illegal Chief Minister is alleged to have abused all the projects of the Tourism Ministry of RM60 m. What about the other projects of the other State Ministries?
5. Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission is no different from ACA
The same modus operandi favouring the illegal Government is maintained and so what is this MACC any good at all? MACC is incapable to address the profligacy of RM30 trillions. So it is very important to have an Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) so that the wealth and resources as plundered and blundered especially in the allegation of incoming Prime Minister of one billion EUROs in French submarine contracts can be positively dealt with.
Read it here:
6. CHILL by Gerakan should be replaced by FAITH
Is that an anniversary indication of that tsunami of 8th March 2008 that still need CHILL to re-motivate the lost politicians to be still shocked by their own misdeeds of 51 years? The BN and UMNO greedy politicians have stolen everything in CHILL namely capital, housing, incentives, implementation, labour and land in the following respective manners such capital all depleted; housing are beyond the means of people hence plenty of squatters in Sabah; incentives are there only to fool the powerless and out of reach of the needy;. Implementation is just simply lopsidedness favour those in power and cronies; labour is so dependent on illegal and foreign contribution as very cheap one; land is all grabbed by the powerful landlords for speculative purposes. So what is the CHILL strategy for when I remember Dr Koh Tsu Soon used to wear the "rain" jacket in his early day when he became Chief Minsiter of Penang? We should reverse the CHILL strategy to FAITH strategy namely Food, Agriculture, Infrastructures, Training, Homes.
7. What do you understand by an Islamic state from an economy perspective?
Like the word "Allah" and other prohibited ones, we need to address the expectations of an Islamic State? Is there any model of that in our region? Is Brunei a model of an Islamic state where the Government may think all land belong to Allah or Allah’s land? Like the controlled word "Allah", and so it likely Allah’s land is only for those believers and the kafirs would be left landless and homeless. That is possible that land ownership by non Muslims in an Islamic State could be reviewed. There is also a possibilty that land ownership (important for economy) could be reverted to short leases or on rental basis as the rights of Muslims could be enforced that way. I am not speculating but we need to get an assurance that these possiblities would not be implemented in Malaysia with the new leadership who had been fond with the Kris of UMNO over Chinese Blood. Even the word Allah had been held in great impasse over the right to use it or not for non Muslims. One piece of history is important here. Borneo was once under the Sultan of Brunei before he converted to Islam. Later over time, that dominion just diminished into what is left of Brunei Kingdom today. Is that a blessing or a curse, you decide?
8. Tsunami in Aceh where the Islam arrived first in SEA
Incredible it may sound, the tsunami in Dec 26, 2004 had changed the livelihood of South East Asia like the early days when Islam came to Aceh in Sumatra. There was a great pride that amongst the few buildings still standing after the tsunami was a Mosque but likely millions of Muslims were unaccounted for. So was the mosque more important than the lives of the people who perished suddenly? Today, we need to ponder deep and wide as how we view the tsunami past present and future in the context of natural disasters. The economy of Aceh was wiped out and the gradual restoration was made possible with foreign assistance irrespective of race, religions and creeds. May I ask why Islam and why Muslims had to go through that?
9. Now RM35 billion in new economic stimulus on 10th March...
Where would this fund come from - robbing the poor to pay the rich because the greedy rich fail in their over greedy projects to be bailout. (see item 3)
When the banks make plenty of money, they don't give back to the poor but instead wasted money on projects of themselves and cronies by investing in questionable projects including foreign ones.
How much of RM7.4 billion eaten by corruption by whatever names? How much of that actually came to Sabah to feed the greedy and illegal politicians? How much of RM35b would reach the target groups of the poor..
I think it is meant more likely to reward the cronies of Najib now his several major corruption is exposed. When the corruption holes are exposed, they need to be covered up hence money would be needed to serve his hidden agenda.. I would like to know what happened to the alleged EU1Billion under-table-payment for Najib and his cronies in the French deal that led to the death of Altantuya???
Would a white paper be produced for the RM7.4 b economy stimulus plan? Would RM35 b be really adequate if only he knows how much the global impact to Malaysia? Would the two stimulus plans make fools of the early premature budget - hence the profligacy of the illegal Government?
Part of these RM35 b would be wasted on the 3/4 upcoming byelections.
NB: It is timely for the Interim Government of Good Governance helmed by Joshua Kong
Joshua Kong
[ Last edited by 13Friday at 19-3-2009 08:55 ] |
Economy woes - get them right? - part 2
JK's Digest No. 17 of March 2009 (38- of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 2
I do not know what is the basis of the confidence when the global financial woes were already known that Malaysia and Sabah brush the worry aside saying it won’t affect the nation and the State.
Is it they find assurance in Islamic support for the economy especially in Islamic finance to tide the nation out when the finance crisis gets worst?
Some may think Islamic economy would be sound and I don’t know if this is that assuring. Many nations in Europe have also introduced Islamic banking.
Where would the Islamic economy be reliable and solid when the Islamic countries in the middle east is dependent on the oil economy? It would be sound if the crude oil is in the region of above US$80 per barrel. I maybe wrong but it all depends on the security of the massive fund accumulated by these oil rich islamic nations. Such funds are also likely to be deposited in the US economy already badly hit.
So how assuringly is the wealth of the Islamic countries deposited elsewhere in similar decline?
Actually this global financial crisis is affecting most countries when food and fuel crisis are causing economy havoc to the people. This crisis is now exacebated by the global food prices level when the oil is hovering below US45 per barrel. So most Arabs nations without agriculture is dependent on expensive foods imports. How would they fare?
Also the world is tethering on the collapse of several national Governments and insecurities of some mutinies already taking place in Bangladesh and Madagascar.
So how Malaysia can rely on the Islamic economy after Malaysia had proposed the Gold Dinars but not for global trade due to limited Gold; after Bank Islam lost nearly RM2 billions in two years recently now likely to bailout merging with a national bank; and all those uncertainties in the nation and Islamic arab nations.
In the meantime we may not realise how the Islamic system has eroded the wealth and resources of the nation of 51 years in so many areas outside the Federal Constitution namely the implications of Islam as the official religion. A whole range of items on Islam such as syarie, hudud, Islamic family laws, polygamy, inheritance/legacies; tudung or not; haram/halal; kafir/infidel; apostasy; bans of Allah and societal agitations have important bearing on the economy of the nation in the context of profligacy of anything of RM30 trillions. Most of these items have to go through much diatribe costing the nation to bleed with nothing to gain in the economy perspective as productivity is adversely affected.
While there is some truth on the Islamic economy and Islamic funding, there is also a reality that our exports largely dependent on the American economy is on the decline with the worst yet to be seen. Our imports had already declined due to our declining purchasing power with untold social implications to emerge on the health front of the people.
Malaysia may have a mixed economy namely an international one with a significant Islamic portion trying to shift to Asia, it is undoubtedly that when the Islamic portion runs into trouble, is there any other backup security net for such likely scenario?
Sabah is actually vulnerable to several fronts when our costs of living is much higher than nationwide partly due to the cabotage policy in transport. In the meantime, how long would Sabah be benefited by the low airfares of Air Asia and also MAS for the tourism sector when Air Asia has a debt of RM5.5 billions? The air and sea transport may present the question of affordibility when the general economy diminishes. Sabah’s major export in palm oil has already shrunk when the price declines by more than half recently. The other fossil oil revenue may now contribute much less to the national and state coffer when the crude oil is less than US$45 per barrel when production costs may have increased comparatively much more.
So my piece of though need to be substantiated by the actual trend occuring in the nation and the state. It is sad that we only react at moments too late like in all past experiences.
Even the two economy stimulus packages -one RM7.4 billion and another believed to be RM35 billion - are nothing to reverse the global ill affecting the nation already rotten at the root.
So we need to change and change the system of 51/45 years to survive this 2008/2009 economic stagnation.
NB: It is timely for the Interim Government of Good Governance helmed by Joshua Kong
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... 9135895316752982134
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// - 27 Police Reports for appreciation & action now.
Http:// - Consumers’ Association of Sabah & Labuan FT |
Economy woes - get them right? - part 3
JK's Digest No. 18 of March 2009 (39- of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 3
We are in a mess for 51 years as it was since 13 May, 1969 and Sabah’s own version of 6th June 1976 plus deadly riot in march 1986. These are all ripples towards tsunami of 8th March 2008 now the worst is to come when the socalled Prime Minister just change like that in April, 2009.
All the illegalities in the nation especially with the illegal Governments for General Election 2004 and GE 2008 (see below) have done tremendous damages to the economy and well being of the nation as they have incurred those public fund largely for a small group of people (cronyism) plus all those illegal people in Malaysia especially in Sabah where 5 million MyKad had been issued to foreigners including illegal and Sabah alone has 1-2 millions out of 4 millions.
Http:// ... nterest-appeal.html (illegal rigged GE and illegal Governments)
How can the economy get better even with RM60 billion stimulus package as it is the same within the parameters of the annual fiscal budget but re-designed with a small new name - mini budget as where would the extra money come from?
The country never recovered from the 1997’s financial crisis but it just passed by with the nation losing its as part of the continuing profligacy of RM30 trillions of 51/45 years. All those money gone into bailout of cronies of UMNO and the socalled illegal elite group worth a few hundred billions Ringgit over the years plus all those corruption always denied and "protected" by the then Anti Corrruption Agency (ACA) now re-dressed as MACC - same animals more fierce to bit those not in the good books of the illegal Governments. All my previous reports to ACA or MACC are not attended to as ill gotten wealth just disappeared.
27 Police Reports unattended to? -
Najib said that RM60 billion would resolve the economic crisis as it was in 1997 - just to stay in power when he has to subject himself to a vote of confidence in Parliament first.
The past practice must be done away with and the Federal Constitution must be restored to the original one in 1957/1963 and respected as well.
The Perak’s constitutional crisis is an appropriate one to note and there is no way that the incoming UMNO president elected by a couple thousands of members including illegal members of illegal people be allowed to assume Prime Minister be default. The Sabah’s power grab in 1994 was a farce created by UMNO then aided by Anwar Ibrahim - now also trying to be the Prime Minister. So who had been mastering all those illegal Governments and illegal people be citizens by dubious identity cards? You can call that a nation and that is definitely a FAILED one. A nation in favour of the illegal against the genuine local and you call that what?
So the economy of the nation is very much dependent on a sincere and decent Government when our illegal Government of questionable characters only know how to strive on illegalities. What is this nation heading for? A change must be imminent.
Now the new rumours would be over the lunch meeting of Abdullah Badawi and Anwar Ibrahim and the politicking would become more intense and extensive - all not good for the nation. What kind of political infarction would appear on the scene now?
Can the economy be sustained with so much politicking without any change to the rotten system? So it is better to have a new Interim Government of Good Governance after so long of illegal Governments of Abdul Rashid - the ex Chairman of Election Commission who said that he kept the Malay in power by hooks and by crooks. You call that fair and free elections wasting tons of money in fictitious socalled democracy in rigged election evident in large arithmetic discrepancies of issued ballot papers and I now call this "bouncing ballot papers" (BBP).
NB: It is timely for the Interim Government of Good Governance helmed by Joshua Kong
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... 9135895316752982134
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// - 27 Police Reports for appreciation & action now.
Http:// - Consumers’ Association of Sabah & Labuan FT
Http:// - Consumers’ Association of Sabah & Labuan FT
Http:// MENACE |
Economy woes - get them right? - part 4
JK's Digest No. 19 of March 2009 (40- of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 4
PM: 2nd stimulus package will save nation from recession
The RM60 billion second stimulus package tabled in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday will generate economic activities and insulate the economy from slipping into recession, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said yesterday.
Anwar Ibrahim- the opposition leader said "As far as the package is concerned, there is no sign of reforms," he said. "Our fundamentals are cracking, we are facing a major crisis. Will (Najib) stop the practices of awarding contracts to cronies through direct negotiation?"
Anwar also said "On the contrary what has been supported by the stimulus package are the government companies. Khazanah Nasional has been given close to RM1 billion for prawn farming... can you imagine that?
Joshua Kong says where is the RM60 billion coming from while at the same time raising the deficit to 7.6%. Actually it is just a manipulation of the annual fiscal budget for 2009 and 2010 as the mini budget is for two years. Some (cronies and the rich) will gain and some (largely the poor) will lose from the prevailing budget. The rich cronies will gain as the rich ones are well taken care of under socalled NEP. The low income and the poor will suffer more as they will likely have one meal a day (lucky to be so) as the fuel prices remain very high at RM1.80 per litre of petrol in oil rich Sabah. When the credit rating goes down according to the banks, loans may not be forthcoming to sustain the deficit. When that happen, the illegal Governmemt’s only way as it has always been done is the printing of extra currency notes with adverse impact resulting in further profligacy when the productivity is in decline. The productivity will decline due to the rising costs of living and the mobility of the people. Mass transportation and public transport is not addressed in the mini budget as the nation wants to sustain the declining motor industries.
Sincerely, the nation cannot get out of the rot mainly due to corruption, lopsided deals in negotiated contracts, tolled roads with many tolls centre on major roads, and feeding of the people in cronyism and apartheid in the same old system of 51/45 years. For Sabah it is the ethnic cleansing using illegal people given genuine identity cards of 1-2 millions while the nation has issued 5 million mykad to 5 million illegal people. People on both side - local and outsiders have been dying/disappearing in Sabah due to these bias and rotten policies in Sabah. Such development cannot give an impressive economic image. The nation relies on cheap foreign labour equivalent to slavery for both the outsiders and the local alike. The local are forced to take up the low paid jobs (sort of slavery) when the outsiders are in slavery, hence the standard of living has been stagnant for decades in Sabah as those with money migrate while foreigners are disposed off in human trafficking.
There is this case where there are thousands of jobs in the plantations and the local are not interested to go for them. What are the reasons? The pays are considered to be good but many are worried about their own security as all sorts of weird things happen in those plantations. Those who have worked and survived in the plantation should be able to tell us of the many weird stories in the destruction of human lives exacerbated by the presence of foreign workers including many illegal ones.
The silverlining in the 1997’s Asian financial crisis did not really remove the inclination towards corruption. Instead much of the socalled recovery funds were directed to rescue those cronies in trouble. So that is part and parcel of the profligacy irreversible. The nation continues to bleed while the socalled illegal leaders smoothen the hidden agenda with lips service to maintain their hold on power despite the electoral tsunami of 8th March 2008.
Today in 2009 after almost half a year of denial in 2008 of the impending global financial and economic crisis, we have this socalled mini budget of RM60 billion after an earlier November 2008’s first stimulus package of RM7.4 billion which had failed to address the decline in January 2009 of massive decreasing figures in exports and imports. So the socalled illegal leaders in denial think RM60 billions would do the job when corruption is not getting lesser. In fact the corruption is conducted by the same illegal leaders when they offer RM100 m and more for two elected representatives to change ships. How much would be needed if more than two jump ships? You want to believe that RM60 billions would be getting the results when continuing corruption would swallow a big portion of that. Honestly speaking most of them should be in good prisons based on my 27 Police Reports - not acted upon - by the relevant authorities including the ACA or MACC, when my Police Reports are worth RM30 trillions which is considered as irrecoverable profligacy in the nation after a rotten system of 51/45 years.
27 Police Reports unattended to? -
In Sabah we cannot handle the health scenario after the ‘corrupted’ hospital tower QEH was declared unsafe for 6 months causing much hardship to those seeking medical assistance. There go our wellbeing, prospects and productivity of ordinary people when some rich people can seek facilities elsewhere. Actually some rich people still prefer the public hospital.
So in short sentence - the solution is to have a total change of the prevailing system. No need to talk of the Government of unity derived from rigged elections since the beginning especially now proven in General Election 2004 and GE 2008.
Http:// ... nterest-appeal.html (illegal rigged GE and illegal Governments)
Have the Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG now.
: It is timely for the Interim Government of Good Governance be helmed by Joshua Kong
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance |
Economy woes - get them right? - part 5
JK's Digest No. 20 of March 2009 (41 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 5
This is an endless inspiration to write on as the rotten system in the countries needs drastic changes and the most basic now is the Federal Constitution. To do that we need to have a change in the political system. The root of the political system is the United Malays National Organisation UMNO and its UMNO baru had ruled the nation since 1957(Merdeka)/1963 (Malaysia).
After 51/45 years of UMNO, we have seen all those profligacy never ending till today.
We may ask where would UMNO derive all those funds to manage its massive organisation especially in the recent decades after Tun Dr. Mahathir at the helm?
Ask Mahathir now before he passes on.
If he is reluctant to do that, we have seen enough of all those corruption and profligacy especially since Mahathir came to be the PM in 1981. He retired in 2003 after 22 years of catch 22 now that economy is in the fore front of the woes of the nation. At this junction, the traxxfm (7.40 am) says a China’s woman had been howling like a wolf for decades. She did this as pain was gone by howling for years. So the nation is howling of sort over the terrifying economic crisis yet again after the nauseating nasty years after 1997’s Asian financial flu.
So UMNO has been the beneficiaries of all those hanky panky deals including all those negotiated contracts including operation of Khazanah Holding now again to be bailed out by RM1 billion in the latest mini budget of RM60 billion in the likely disguise of prawn farming or pawns farming of cronyism? It will be denied but is MACC going after those questionable deals like those very long privatisation projects on those roads supposedly to be built by Government from public funds. Instead those projects are costing the taxpayers dearly as the compensation over tolls shortfalls are regularly paid to the concessionaires even in bad times due to the lopsided deals with cronies.
Think positively, how can race or religious based parties like UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC be sustainable when such policies would have the built-in narrow challenge against the others against public interest? So the nation is in constant ‘battle-like’ whenever some issues deemed taboo or sensitive are raised by some people who demand justice for all. How costly can that be for every endless issue emerge? The nation just draining itself economically, financially, socially, mentally, as well as physically cum spiritually by excessive politicking with many dramas thrown in mostly likely promoted by the public funded mass media on triviality.
Every general elections and by elections would give those politicians an excuse to make some easy money in campaign funds derived from ill gotten gains which seem to be never ending. Was the RM64 million of public fund as per my 27th Police Report via the overpriced purchase price of the Sabah Amanah Saham in August 2008 diverted to private pockets and then some of that channeled to the by election in Permatang Pauh ?
Would the illegal Sabah’s Chief Minister cum Finance Minister come clean on this?
27 Police Reports worth RM30 trillions unattended to? -
This is just a glaring case -tip of the iceberg - of how Sabah’s money had been likely used for projects elsewhere while Sabah is in need of much more funding for its own projects including a new hospital in Kota Kinabalu. RM640 million could be used to build a good hospital in Kota Kinabalu.
Now, how much of public funds had been wasted by the illegal leaders for as long as rigged elections now confirmed in General Election 2004 and GE 2008 (The court does not want to know) in all their futile efforts of internal squabbles and then use illegals to boost the UMNO’s memberships especially in Sabah to enable UMNO in 1994 to grab the State Government by the well paid frogs. The exChairman of Election Commission Abdul Rashid is now confirmed to be guilty of rigging all 7 General Elections under his care.
Http:// ... nterest-appeal.html (illegal rigged GE and illegal Governments). ... /Joshua-Kong-cover/
Do you know who fund those UMNO candidates in their campaign for party’s election? The public fund are paying for their time and their travelling expenses in groups around the nation in the run up to the polling day in end of March, 2009 amidst claims of corruption. These candidates are paid by public fund as they are likely to be elected representatives not to do public duties but their own selfish pursuits for self glory. If they are really serious to serve the people who put them there albeit illegally via rigged election, they should refund all their allowances and remunerations when in private matters. If they perform well in public matters, there is no need for the Consumers’ groups who fund their own operation privately. In fact , why need to campaign nationwide if they are educated as they should use the official UMNO magazines and other literature to do that. Instead of using the printed material ways, they choose to waste money of the public to show how incapable they are in the educational proficiency. How many UMNO senior members and leaders are really qualified in the way of the those paper qualifications they hold? Should they come clean on their MBA and PHD? All these qualifications are relevant and material in the management of the economy.
To stop all the rot getting worst and possibly out of hand, it is timely (actually lone overdue) to de-registered all those political parties based on race and religion. They can remain as social associations.
The Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) is the only option as a Government of Unity from rigged general election is unsustainable.
: It is timely for the Interim Government of Good Governance be helmed by Joshua Kong
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// - 27 Police Reports for appreciation & action now. |
Economy woes - get them right? - part 6
JK's Digest No. 21 of March 2009 (42 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 6
How do you think we can resolve the economy woes when the same old system is in place? Can we really come to terms with reality? What the present illegal governments are doing are just dealing with the bubbles of corruption of 51/45 years especially since 1981 when the trend began rising and irreversible with the same old system.
What is RM60 billion when compared with the profligacy of RM30 trillions of 51 years and beyond? RM60 billion is only 0.2% of the RM30 trillions that had been wasted for futile programmes and projects. Now the Bursa Malaysia had lost 11 points the day after the mini budget.
Is the Parliament an important avenue for addressing the economy woes after it had become the abattoir of 10 goats and 6 cows in July 2007? Since General Elections 2004, the Parliament had seen substantial squabbles. The little girl of Hindraf even brought red roses to the Prime Minister to coincide with Valentine Day in 2008 but was sort of rejected. Then there was an unusual event where the long time Member of Parliament in a wheel chair was harassed at the entrance of the Parliament building over some disputes.
On 12 March 2009, two members of parliament were simply thrown out for minor offence.
So after witnessing what happened in Perak over the legitimate/illegitimate State Government now with an impasse of two Menteri Besar and the Assembly convened under a very old rain tree near the closed Assembly Building recently, would this contagious development be witnessed in the Parliament? This may happen when there is likely a change of Prime Minister without referring to the Parliament for a vote of confidence.
All these adverse developments are occurring because of the rigged general elections for as long as from the beginning since the early sixties. Now for Gen0eral Election 2004 - the first time Sabah State General Election held simultaneously with the Parliament, the discrep0ancies of ballot papers issued had surfaced to confirmed the rigging and repeated in General Elections 2008. Such discrepancies are to be known as "Bouncing Ballot Papers" (BBP).
Electoral rigging is further confirmed by such circumstances as follows:-
Malaysian General Election 2004 and General Election 2008
I have published a book on "Malaysian General Election March 2004 - A Case of Victory -landslide or rigslide"
And the Election Chairman now retired on 30th December 2008 has been challenged in the following ways especially to explain those massive Issued Ballot Papers discrepancies of the Parliament seat and the respective State seats within it.
Also he has to initiate whatever actions necessary to clear his name in the following items apart from what he had said he had done nothing wrong and if proven wrong he was to resign. The fact that he avoid the Court cases by legalities prove only one thing - mens rea.
For Malaysian leaders including (Tan Sri) Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman. ... =17934&Itemid=1
About the 400 acres awarded to Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman in Pahang for the arithmetic discrepancies in Pekan, Pahang where the deputy Prime Minister when he was returned in Pekan with a very big majority of 22,922 in Pekan in GE 2004 after only 241 majority in GE 1999.
UMNO Pahang anugerah 400 ekar tanah pada Pengerusi SPR?
New Year’s Eve celebration tonight has been cancelled!
By Raja Petra Kamarudin 31st December 2008
Rashid’s reply to the proposal to abolish the postal voting system is that if they do that then none of the cabinet ministers would be able to retain their seats. When the shocked assembly asked Rashid is not the purpose of the Election Commission to ensure that they run a fair and free election, he shocked the assembly even further by retorting that the purpose of the Election Commission is to ensure that the Malays do not lose political power.
The Malaysian election system is rife with fraud and manipulation.
So, sue me Rashid. Take me to court, you slime-ball, scumbag and poor excuse for a human, and let all these details surface in my trial. I eagerly await your Writ of Summons.
Http:// ... malaysian-12th.html
MAFREL BERSIH? – To monitor the Malaysian 12th General Election; EC Chairman: "I Will Resign" If Court said there is rigging in any GE or By Election [November 20, 2007]
Http:// 20 November, 2007
Prove rigging and I'll quit, says Election Commission Chairman ... /Joshua-Kong-cover/ ... nterest-appeal.html
How can we have a good governance when the General Elections had been rigged since 1957
especially proven in GE 2004 and GE 2008?
So the rigged General Elections are the root cause for the profligac0y.
The Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) is the only option as a Government of Unity from rigged general election is unsustainable.
It is timely for the Interim Government of Good Governance be helmed by Joshua Kong
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// - 27 Police Reports for appreciation & action now.
Http:// - Consumers’ Association of Sabah & Labuan FT
Http:// - Joshua Kong’s photo gallery
Http:// MENACE |
Economy woes - get them right? - part 7
JK's Digest No. 22 of March 2009 (43 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 7
Again and again, it is lopsided deals for the nation divided by South China sea into Malaya and Borneo’s states of Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan FT.
As usual the allocations for Sabah and Sarawak are comparative smaller as compared with that for Peninsula Malaysia when we take into consideration the size of the land and population of Sabah and Sarawak vis-a-vis the mainland. Actually Sabah and Sarawak together are as big as the mainland of Malaysia. Population wise, the two states in Borneo have almost 6 millions out of the 26 millions in Malaysia and that is slightly more than 20% of the nation.
In terms of economy woes, Sabah and Sarawak are worst off if we want to consider the much to be desired infrastructures in the two states as compared with those in the mainland Malaysia. In fact infrastructures are the key element to impact the economic development of the nation as far as costs of doing business are concerned. Without good infrastructures, mobility of the people and work force would affect the productivity of the region especially in the urban and rural areas. On the otherhand, in mainland Malaysia especially in the industrial and commercial zones, there are too many tolls centers which actually inhibit mobility and productivity at competitive prices. Sabah and Sarawak imports the manufactured products of Mainland Malaysia with those tolls paid by the consumers on the imputed costs of tolls which are high for those concessions linked to UMNO. So it is a nation which is unable to deal with the rising costs due to corruption. Another factors to the cost of Sabah and Sarawak are the cabotage policy (transportation cartel) giving rise to more expensive items coming to Borneo.
Sabah & Sarawak had already lost out in as many years since forming Malaysia in 1963 for very low allocations in fiscal and development funds. At least RM100 billion should be crawled back to Sabah in a trust not managed by the illegal State Government and also a similar amount for Sarawak as these two states are still rich in petroleum resources.
We would have thought that if the nation is to go forward as truly a nation, then fair treatment must be accorded. Instead Sabah and Sarawak are only allocated RM1.2 billions out of the RM60 billions in the mini budget of 10th March 2009. That is only 2% while 20% is more appropriate. The other set back is that all those contracts for Sabah and Sarawak could be awarded in Kuala Lumpur or Putrajaya for the companies over there. So how much of that is going to reach the target groups in Sabah? Both sides of the South China seas may have to bear the blame for this phenomenon as it is considered that the Borneo counterparts had been unreliable in completing many projects while the UMNO in mainland has to feed their own cronies to keep UMNO cash rich.
It is quite difficult to comprehend that most of the funding are retained in the mainland and largely used for certain parts and pet projects of the nation. Hence any nation with such lopsidedness cannot sustain itself against the outside world. The irony is that despite much fund are geared for the mainland, a large area of that is also neglected but not so bad as Sabah and possibly Sarawak (I don’t intend to complain on behalf of Sarawak).
Why is it that we cannot get out of this rotten system even after 51/45 years with repeated reminders - 1969 (deadly riots Peninsula), 1976 (air crash), 1983 (recession), 1986 (deadly riots KK), 1988 (illeg0al UMNO), 1997 (Asian financial flu), 2008 (political tsunami diluted by rigged election) ? If we cannot get out of this in 2009, our economic woes are only to be getting worst as profligacy is already incredibly massive hence unjustifiable. So who are to remove the rotten system with obvious diagnosis - lopsidedness, cronyism, official corruption, bias policies, lack of meritocracy, lack of transparency, abuses of power, excessive politicking, taboos items as sensitive exploding every now and then, anarchic as some authorities are one sided, the lack of good governance in Legislative, Executive, Judiciary plus the Monarchy. Unless we remove the stagnation, it is a dream with RM60 billion to stop the recession or the economic turmoil spilling over to other areas in society.
The rotten system now should be identified to the present illegal Governments (Federal & States) and this can also be attributable to another supportive group less visible in Malaysia but very visible in many developed countries. Many would know what I am saying here and this group is definitely up to no good whether in the chair of power or not, but the network still make themselves influential nevertheless detrimental to the society at large. It is very important that this group in Sabah is truly illegal with a concrete building in the city up the little hill without proper windows yet as a public building. This group is up to all sort of harm in society (evil deeds likely done by mercenaries or proxies) and should be sent to the mental hospital to be treated and seriously they all need the electric shock to wake them up. For Sabah or North Borneo in particular, this group was in power once but had to leave North Borneo prematurely for a spiritual reason. That is a judgement on them. Even the building named after the Governor is now in dilapidated and abandoned state in the Sabah College old site. I do not want this story repeated in Sabah a special place for the peace loving pioneers according to the letter in Daily Express forum 8 Feb 2009 titled "Unlikely word ‘Dusun’ was coined by Hakkas" such as ‘Because many of the agrarian Hakkas in Borneo were Christians, there were less gangster problems" Enough is enough for this less visible group but creating havoc seen or unseen.
The true change must come so that good money is not thrown into bad deals and rotten system like incurable cancers or a patch of rotten cloth or wine in old wine skin. It should be new wine in new wine skin. Some people just talk about change but no change can come. We cannot have any true and good change when most of the rigged general elections had produced illegal Governments to do harm to society with impunity.
So it is the Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) for now.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Governme0nt has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong |
Economy woes - get them right? - part 8
JK's Digest No. 23 of March 2009 (44 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 8
How good is our public health and medical services and facilities in Sabah for 3.5 million people? Is there any thing to shout about except that the only Tower Block known as Queen Elizabeth Hospital was declared unsafe after 27 years when such concrete building is expected to last 50 years.
With poor public health and medical services and facilities, the economy of the State is bound to expedite the decline as the productivity of the people is badly affected. It is not only that the disuse of the QEH’s Tower Block had affected such quality and quantity, poor public health facilities had been neglected for decades.
Some people are just talking about building new tower blocks either in the existing site or new sites but faraway from the City. People may not be aware that some land of the QEH had been stolen for personal usage to build own houses. It is more viable to expand the existing facilities on the same site if those stolen land is now returned to the hospital in Kota Kinabalu.
Some people are just talking because funds for the said new towers may not be available easily given the constraint on the hospitals commitments largely incurred on the illegal people who seek assistance and the hospitals had to comply on humanitarian grounds.
So some people are also considering converting an old office building of 30 years to replace the unsafe one in Kota Kinabalu. Since big lifts are important for hospitals, how would such lifts be constructed? Could some of the walls and pillars be damaged by knocking off some parts of the internal section? Could the building also be rendered unsafe like the QEH tower block?
We all know how important to have good medical and health facilities to be available easily in times of need. There are all sorts of reasons that we need to see the doctors when we are sick including emergency treatments.
But this is a reality that whenever we feel unwell we do avail ourselves to some simple medicines by ourselves like pain killers or cough mixtures. There are times such approaches do not work. There are times we go straight to the doctors or the hospital just to be sure to get quick healling but sometimes it does not work that way. Some of our sicknesses are unusual and we get worried over prolonged suffering.
However, there are cases where simple herbs or even foods or any thing can provide the simple healing. Herbs or medicinal concoctions may be considered good at times but we do not really know what are the additives in those manufactured items. We may not know the side effects of such items. We have to consider the simple things in life and sometimes consuming big quantity of some foods can harm our bodies hence balanced diet is important to be healthy.
I don’t intend to discourage you to go to the doctors. But I have come across many times myself self treating myself. I have come across two cases lately where a person had terrible headache and went to the hospital for head scan and given prescription without getting any better (actually worst). Then this person was advised to have some simple herb of less than RM1. That did the job within hours. Another person was advised to have simple food item we do eat daily, that person was relieved of the terrible cough for less than RM1 after suffering for about two weeks.
If we can get well by the most normal and natural ways by eating the right simple item including foods, why not? Otherwise, we may jam up the clinics and the hospitals losing out the hours at work by queuing in the hospitals. All these efforts are part and parcel of economy. When the nation and the world is sick economically, we can seek God for answers just like when we are bodily sick, we can seek answer from God first. There are many cases of sickness or unwellness due to some evil black power which can cause other serious complications unless we go to God first. We all can go to God direct without any medium and middleman but intercession by other faithful people is worth to be considered.
Do we hear our nation having a day of prayers for the economy crisis we have?
We all know how difficult it is in the present scenario for many thousands and even millions of people in the world. We also know no matter how hard we may try, the economy based on our own system is difficult to recover because of a few factors known and unknown.
We may find the answers by going back to basic, which we also know is quite impossible. Globally, we have managed our economy with many great divides. How do we handle all those great disparities or we perish in those rotten systems? I have written the God’s inspired book "New Wealth Order" as revealed to me on 4th July, 1999 but only managed to publish it on 11th September 2001 (after some hindrances) - both dates are significant for the United States of America. Now we are going through an American malaise which is contagious to the world. Had the world especially America considered New Wealth Order, we would have less problem to deal with today’s financial and economic crisis. Nevermind, we can go on rejecting New Wealth Order and some promoting New World Order and whatever that may be we would find ourselves ‘worthless’ without New Wealth Order. In simple terms, unless we try to go back to basic, we may find ourselves as humanity had been wrong since the time of Adam and Eve and in one word - self-destruction.
In the Malaysian context, we all know that we have a rotten system for 51/45 years. Blame - as we like - the superpowers (USSR and USA) before, but now left with USA also in its own of worst crisis. So we cannot live in the rotten system in Malaysia when the rest is also rotten (no comfort in that). So it is timely we have a change in Malaysia as it has been a lull (nation doing well?) before another major storm (an unexpected one). The change is a system change. We may be a religious nation but for the wrong thing.
Incredible it may sound, we are told that the richest billionaires in the world had lost a couple of Trillions of greenbuck (paper losses). In that context, how much would Malaysia lose financially again in this current turmoil? Malaysia is not only losing paper values but as in 1997 and all previous periods, profligacy of RM30 trillions in real terms had occurred - that is our sweat and blood money- including our chances of future earnings.
So it is the Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) for now as the right prescription.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong |
part 9
JK's Digest No. 24 of March 2009 (45 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 9
How can any illegal Government be in power for so long especially the General Elections had been rigged as confirmed by the exChairman of Election Commission Tan Sri Abdul Rashid who had been involved with the conduct of 7 General Elections over more than 35 years- earlier as Secretary and then a Chairman. Then rigging is proven by the data of the General Election 2004 and General Elections 2008 when the discrepancies of the Issued Ballot Papers for the Parliament and State seats under it (now known as Bouncing Ballot papers - BBP) had been massive.
In GE 2004, 16 such seats had BBP of more than 500 ballot papers while 30% of the Parliament seats had more 51 BBP. In GE 2008, 15 such seats had BBP of more than 450 ballot papers while 30% of the Parliament seats had more than 51 BBP. Actually any discrepancies of this nature BBP must be verified prior to declaration of the results.
In the seat of P85 Pekan where the next Prime Minister is to be from, he had a small majority in GE 1999 of 241 when that figure jump to about 22,000 in GE 2004 when the BBP is 1,502.
What do we expect from illegal Governments for so long except to cause profligacy via corruption and abuses of power of RM30 trillions for 51/45 years.
Details of my two High Courts cases on GE 2004 and GE 2008 when the Courts just struck out the cases apparently not willing to know the truth are as in this link
Http:// ... nterest-appeal.html
Also my 27 Police Reports not acted upon in the link which I believe is worth RM30 trillions of profligacy irrecoverable. Http://
We may blame the global scenario for our economic woes, but how can any illegal Governments without the legitimacy to rule be entrusted the important function to handle the resources of the nation?
The nation will never progress despite all those resources depleted and the only way forward is worsening decline no matter how many economic stimulus packages are offered. Malaysia is only good at printing more paper money and give to those who demand them with depreciation of value going on all the years.
The scourge of the nation is corruption, cronyism and abuses of power wherever there are opportunities by those in illegal positions of power. So whatever economic packages, it is going to deal with the bubbles of corruption and ill gotten gains in the hands of those socalled leaders.
Tun Mahathir was aware of that when he was in power of 22 years because he was more interested to keep a record as the longest Prime Minister in Malaysia. Now, he warns Najib of this scenario albeit too late as Mahathir's contagious attitude is part of the culture now.
Take the EPF's case as an example, the dividends over a few decades had been half of that the other smaller funds could offer. EPF's agenda is obvious as who are the stakeholders in EPF. EPF's funds had been utilised for bail out of those companies linked to the illegal elite and UMNO. EPF must have lost more than RM200 billions over the years to mismanagement and abuses of power represented by the lower dividends and the bad debts written off.
We must identify all those rottenness in the rotten system. Then we can do something.
The present illegal Governments are incapable even to put their records straight.
Just to elaborate on the incoming Prime Minister who claim that himself and wife can be stronger by the challenge that has been exposed publicly after so many articles on them in several major items of such exposures of 'good or bad' deeds. Some of the stories can be made into several songs or swan songs. Maybe it is just to fit into RAHMAN where it is still unknown what N means here when the voice is getting louder with the call for an end of the rotten system. The reality is that how would Najib be treated by other world leaders now that the French press had come out with great details. It is not Najib to suffer alone but it is going to bring the nation down further into the bigger drain of profligacy like straining all the energy (personal and official) to put off all the fires. How much did Dr Mahathir pay for the meeting with the US President George Bush?
About Tengku Razaleigh, is he involved with the double 6 tragedy in 1976 over the crash of the small plane in Sabah killing some prominent personalities?
So it is the Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) for now as the right prescription.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// - 27 Police Reports for appreciation & action now.
Http:// - Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT
Http:// - Joshua Kong's photo gallery
Http:// MENACE |
part 10
JK's Digest No. 25 of March 2009 (46 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 10
Who want to say that animals are not part of the national economy? Animals rather than politicians for a change in this series.
10 cows and 6 goats were slaughtered in the Parliament house as an ad hoc abattoir on 10th July, 2007. Since then quite a few members of parliament had got themselves in abnormal trouble including the outgoing short lived Prime Minister possibly next month or never to be another illegal BN Government. The incumbent BN losing the two third in Parliament on 8th March, 2008 despite rigged elections.
Actually most people do not realise that dogs - yes animal hated by many people-are indeed very important for the sustenance of the economy in society. You know of how the orang utan sanctuary had earned a lot of money for Sabah's tourism sector.
But this is a special story of a yellow strayed dog named Boy dwelling in a tyres shop in Inanam. At the beginning there was a pair of them - dog and bitch. After the bitch was run over by a car infront of the shop, the male dog used to bark in a haunting voice at night over a certain period like mourning for the partner. Most people would say that dogs has no spirit and why this male dog was sounding like that in that fatal spot ?
Boy has been earning a good living at the shop resting inside the shop during the day and don't disturb the customers. At night Boy would work very hard guarding the corner shop very diligently while there is a night guard. The place only in recent years started to employ a night guard for it was reported many thefts and break-ins. Boy would follow any visitors at night who come to the place and when the visitors get near to the corner shop, Boy would turn aggressive to chase the intruders away. The row of shops does not have any fencing.
So my special experience of this Boy is that I had not been to the shop for a long time. This time I had to attend to 5 tyres and I had to go to the shop three times. The second times I brought some bread crumbs and some chicken bones and Boy did enjoyed the food. The third time, I brought some bread crumbs only. After I had placed some bread crumbs for Boy, he looked at me as if asking for some chicken bones. Then realising that I did not have any chicken, Boy finished the bread crumbs and even asked for a second serving. So we cannot ignore the intelligence of dogs as we can learn much from them even those not trained by any dogs trainers. So how many tens of thousand of dogs had been shot and we lost so much of non quantifiable value in these animals. I believe every young one should adopt a pet for the better development of the child rather than spending their times on watching videos or TV - of course with some tutoring to handle animals.
Animals are in our midst as created by God for a purpose so that our economy can be strong and sustainable. For every faithful and useful dog including strayed one that we have shot, society has lost a great deal.
For Sabah with the symbol of a dog's head and some call that wolf/fox head, we need to give special attention to these animals. A few dogs sanctuaries in Sabah can earn us lots of tourists' money. Kuching - the city of Sarawak has its priority in cats as kuching sound like cat although Kuching is not necessarily derived from that animal.
In some Peninsula states like Johore tens of thousands of dogs were shot in 2006 and then followed by the worst natural disaster of floods and the burning ferry Seagull (dead dogs) completed the misadventure of the Government.
So we can only blame ourselves in the rotten system which is undergoing the worst economic turmoil in 80 years as we have not only ill treated the people but those innocent animals in our midst. God in the book of Genesis tells us to take care of all the animals on earth. Most people may think this is small order but very important to the Creator.
When the prevailing system is against keeping those dogs- strayed or abandoned - then we are going to be hopeless as dogs if properly handled can teach us how to rule in justice as dogs are incorruptible as faithful guards and guardians of our personal properties round the clock. Please don't let the fox to guard the animal farms.
So it is the Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) for now as the right prescription.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// - 27 Police Reports for appreciation & action now.
Http:// - Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT
Http:// - Joshua Kong's photo gallery
Http:// MENACE |
part 11
JK's Digest No. 26 of March 2009 (47 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 11
The role of Judiciary in economic woes...
6 were charged for web offence against the Sultan of Perak on 13th March 2009 and black Fridays for them throughout the nation. One admitted guilty and fined RM10,000. 2 others were on bails of RM3,000 and RM4,000. 3 others were also on bail with unknown amount. Two more were charged on Monday.
Now YB Karpal Singh is charged for sedition also insulting the Sultan of Perak but his bail is only RM2,000 with one surety. Why are the 6 not charged under Sedition Act?
Whatever I do not know what are consequences of these charges when the nation is undergoing economic turmoil? Exacerbation of the decline to occur?
Meanwhile the Courts of Malaysia are very busy as usual with many unexpected cases in Perak and in Sabah a deserving case on the Constitutional issue on judiciary was filed on 13th March 2009.
Retired cop sues govt over judicial reforms ... /Article/index_html
How many millions of Court cases despite the known bias of the judiciary are ongoing active in the Courts of the Nation? Are these Court cases going to bring economic recovery for the nation?
I believe if there is an official statistics on the status of all the cases in all the Courts, the causes of many such cases would likely be due to corruption and the abuses of power with a major contributory factor from the illegal Governments. Because of the many disputes due to the rotten system in a wide ranging circumstances, the Courts are reaping millions of Ringgit in filing fees and other related legal costs daily. Do you think if the system we have is orderly, would there still be so much litigation in the Courts? Even those who applied for the GREEN cards and other work permits, much legal costs would be incurred and all these costs would likely be borne by the employers also lacking in finance.
I do not know how much of these legal costs would add up. Would all these up front expenditures really benefit the economy of the nation especially when the desperate people are forced to incur such expenses in more difficult times?
So may I ask where have all those revenue of the Courts gone to when Judiciary is an important body to put things in proper order that is called Justice but not to be so in many scenarios as distorted?
So may I also ask where have all those revenue derived from the levies of foreign workers gone to? Is the nation going to rely on these foreign workers forever especially to destroy the nation when all the destruction trails are left behind in society in families, in the schools, in the towns, in the plantations? What happen to our own local people? There are people out there who would use the illegals and foreign people to do vindictive activities. Isn't the illegal Governments also in this kind of activities as we have witnessed enough of that over 51/45 years as there are enough of dramas in the short history of the nation? Has the Judiciary any role to contribute to the issues of genuine identity cards to the illegals by validating documents with false information?
So when there is a great deal of money in the hands of the illegal Governments with its own agenda and with explosive population especially in Sabah, we have lost directions in how we spend the public funds when corruption is substantial in any project?
The latest ingredient of corruption is obvious in the way most UMNO members fare in the new challenges over the party's polls. Would the MACC or formerly ACA go in now when disciplinary actions were taken? How do these politicians get so rich or obtain their funds to buy others for their positions to be more corrupt later? Is there an UMNO tree where money can be grown?
Are not all UMNO members corrupt and involved in abuses of power when they spend the public fund in the pursuit of long campaigning for positions in UMNO via the earlier divisional nominations? Who can take them to account for their 'EXTRAVAGANZA' and wasteful effort spending so much money also derived from public fund? This is happening when the country is undergoing economic turmoil as it has been declining for almost 51 years. This economic turmoil now with a profligacy of RM30 trillions is like a balloon blowing up caused by the irresponsible illegal leaders as ex Election Commission Chairman as corrupted had said that he ensured that Malays cannot lose power in Malaysia by rigged General Elections over 35 years.
So unless the four arms in Legislative, Executive, Judiciary and Monarchy perform their duty accordingly to get rid of the rotten system, the illegal leaders are all responsible for 27 millions facing doom not gloom. When the three arms of Governance have failed, would the Monarchy be reliable to perform now?
So it is the Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) for now as the right prescription.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// - 27 Police Reports for appreciation & action now.
Http:// - Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT
Http:// - Joshua Kong's photo gallery
Http:// MENACE |
part 12
JK's Digest No. 27 of March 2009 (48 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 12
Crisis of the illegal power taking its toll on an ascending mode...more doom.
One hour of power switch off on 28th March, 2009 to coincide with the last day of UMNO's Elections. So the illegal power of UMNO be switched off permanently. But if everyone switches off the power for one hour, what would happen to the power that is generated that has not been utilised? Would there be an internal explosion for storage of such unused power? Maybe the power operators would reciprocate with switch off some of their generators to avoid any possible explosion. So UMNO is likely to have an internal explosion to conclude the demise of UMNO long overdue.
How is this UMNO's explosion building up?
1. One of the contenders for the deputy President of illegal UMNO was barred from contest for the corruption of his aides. Mohd. Ali Rustam's political secretary suspended. According to Ahmad Rithauddeen, action was taken against Mohd Ali as under the Umno code of ethics, he was liable for the acts of his agents. He said that Mohd Ali's political secretary Saadun Basirun and two other agents were found guilty of being involved in vote buying. No other details were however revealed. Saadun and the other two Mohd Ali's agents were suspended from the party for three years. Why Ali is not similarly suspended?
2. Commenting on Najib, Mahathir said: "Legally he has cleared his name (over Altantuya). But whether people will perceive that he has cleared his name or not is something he cannot decide." He added that one of the ways that Najib can fight back against negative perceptions is to stamp out corruption in Umno and Barisan Nasional. "Today the problem with Umno is that people see it as a corrupt party and it has no credibility and they really look down on Umno as being irrelevant," said Mahathir who led the party for more than two decades. If Umno fails to tackle corruption, he warned that it would lose power to the opposition and Pakatan Rakyat leader Anwar Ibrahim. Mahathir also took a swipe at the opposition leader, saying: "He (Anwar) is not to be trusted. He will do anything to become prime minister. "During the time when he was my deputy, he was involved in cronyism. He supported a lot of his own people, they became very rich, because he gave contracts to them," he added.
[so Najib and Anwar are both the questionable prodigies of Tun Dr. Mahathir and the products of illegal UMNO].
3. Charm under the table of the President of illegal UMNO's meeting room at the 39th Floor of the PWTC as discovered by the Bomb squad which did a routine check just before the last meeting of the outgoing Exco of UMNO. Was it a charm with some evil intention of the people who placed it there? Whether this socalled charm of three items with some scribbling of socalled Jawi as reported is potent or not, the damage of this perception is already done. Normally, something invisible to the eye are sprayed on the seat that would work on the person who sits in that chair. Now that something visible is seen, the general belief of a charm is playing up on the likely victims. This further confirms that the socalled illegal leaders are up to something that is in the long tradition of harming others using such tactics. Such tactics of fear have been one of causes of profligacy of the nation hence the rotten system can only be removed by new people who can overcome such evil tactics if such charms are deemed to be of evil intention. The socalled charm can generate all sorts of perception, assumption and rumours in a nation steep in sorcery resulting in unproductive activities. When such scenarios prevail in the nation at such a high level albeit illegal Governments, the nation is held on a ransom towards more doom. Would the investigation reveal any thing except the nation burns away?
Many people believe that such charm items are potent and many victims can end up dead. Personally, I had endured tens of thousands of such charms that come in various forms daily and I thank my God that I have survived the wilderness of 40 years since I left Sabah College. I do go through much sufferings that have made me stronger in the spirit trusting in my God in Christ. It is part of this national profligacy that these people had used the ill gotten gains to pay people who are experts in the practice of charms of good (love charms for the wrong reasons ), bad (disturbing and unsettling) and evil (death curse). That is itself rooted in official corruption as these people are so prepared to pay for those demonic and undesirable practices of hidden agenda. Such people would also hold the view that these senseless practices are justifiable as in vendetta of sort.
So away from all these for the nation to progress despite the global economic turmoil (GET). GET as part and parcel of global demonic end game and also self induced for Malaysia is largely due to the illegal leaders of the rotten system, and so we cannot blame others. So it is also the rot of RAHMAN - a national curse of profligacy - that must be addressed immediately.
So it is the Interim Government of Good Governance (IGGG) for now as the right prescription.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong |
JK's Digest No. 28 of March 2009 (49 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 13
Has this ongoing crisis or chaos in UMNO now emerging got to do with economy?
Of course, it is important to arrest the profligacy of RM30 trillions still going on as long as the illegal UMNO is in the helm of the illegal Governments (Federal & State).
We need an Interim Government of Good Governance -IGGG.
PAS talks of Unity Government (UG) but Nik Aziz - the spiritual advisor disagrees.
Tengku Razaleigh also agrees to UG. Who else agree to that?
Right now, what is gripping the nation is the curse of RAHMAN - sort of prophecy for the illegal leaders in the nation - made believe by some greedy people.
You ask how Razak - the father of Najib gets his job in 1970? Since Razak is not around, then ask Mahathir as how Razak got his job after the first PM was pushed out after May 13, 1969.
Then how did Hussein got his job in 1976 after Razak and Ismail (Razak's deputy) died prematurely.
Then how did Mahathir got his job so fast in 1981 after Hussein was sick so quick?
So two words describe the fulfillment of the RAHMaN - impatience and ugliness - resulting in the profligacy of the nation of 52/46 years.
When A present so much visible effort on the way to Abdullah, while the earlier ones were less visible, Mahathir has got the answer since Tunku Abdul Rahman as his mentor. Mahathir got rid of three deputies Musa Hitam, then Abdul Ghafar Baba, then Anwar (three in row) after UMNO was de-registered in 1988 and re-registered in the same year with UMNO Baru (never used it now).
So it is again Mahathir at his best when he is still around in this prophecy of RAHMAN where I believe this N is End of the prophecy. Mahathir is still moving in this sort of ugly sequence after C4 had been used. Actually N can mean anything, but some people has engineered it to be the chopping board of BN or Be eNd.
So how can this N be a reality when the illegal UMNO after the earlier ISA (jesus) was banned and now Mohd. Ali Rustam (MAR). Whatever these names may mean, it is already obvious the illegal UMNO Baru- first with dropping its 'Baru' in its registered name - now decide to ban MAR for the number 2 position contests after it was ruled corruption by proxy in party elections to be held next week. Would MAR convey the message of the illegal UMNO especially in Sabah loaded with members from those illegal people given Project IC. The Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) in RAHMAN must end. Governments' Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction (GREED) had done massive losses to the nation. So double GREED must be stopped at all cost.
Najib is only talking of the way to handle corruption as a deception of the illegal Government when he must have read about this rotten system which is beyond repair for any Governments expecially those of the illegal BN for 51 years worsened in recent decades.
Mahathir had expedited the demise of UMNO as he was the one who authorised the Federal Task Force in Sabah in 1990 which was actually tasked to given 400,000 identity cards to illegal people so that UMNO could wrest the power of the State Government from the PBS. So Mahathir and Anwar should give us a White paper on this power grab in Sabah in 1994.
So today the economy woes of Malaysia are self inflicted bit these same greedy people blame others for the global turmoil. Is UMNO paying for those TV advertisements on the AGM 2009?
Who want Najib be the next PM? Go there for the obvious polls.
If we go by the Rukun Negara or Pillars of the nation, the first one is believe in God and the second is believe in the King and the third is the national Parliament.
So when the Parliament has failed by virtual of its illegal status, the King or YDP Agong is the person the nation can look up to and if the YDP Agong failed as in many similar scenarios, then it is left to God for the destiny of Malaysia. So people of Malaysia please don't blame God when we have failed ourselves for whatever that may come to the nation.
.So it is IGGG for a new system in Malaysia as soon as possible.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// - 27 Police Reports for appreciation & action now.
Http:// - Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT
Http:// - Joshua Kong's photo gallery
Http:// MENACE |
part 14
JK's Digest No. 29 of March 2009 (50 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 14
How can the economy be good when it is the illegal Governments in GREED-twin for 52/46 years.
Even senior Federal Minister Rafidah Aziz had omitted to sign her nomination form in three copies - a sign of the failed Government. Were the same things be applied for those Aps which made several billionaires?
I have written the Tsunami of illegalities and illegals in Sabah and we have seen enough of the these scenarios every where in the nation.
Malaysia has still to repeal those emergency powers since independence. Today we are still on the verge of yet another one when C4 had been used to destroy evidence. Should this be applied again, there will be more illegalities which have already a way of life in Malaysia.
The Federal constitution amended as many times as the years of independence with too many changes to take away the most basic rights of the people, is also violated in glaring items giving the illegal leaders so much power only to be abused further.
Retired cop sues govt over judicial reforms ... /Article/index_html
GREED-twin are Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) in RAHMAN and Governments’ Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction (GREED) resulting in profligacy of RM30 trillions.
What else do we expect with illegal governments (Federal and State) in good governance so lacking due mainly to the electoral frauds of the Election Commission and the inactive Police on my 27 Police Reports as found in the following websites:-
Http:// ... nterest-appeal.html
Now the former Finance Minister Tengku0 Razaleigh said that RM29 billions of the RM60 billions economic stimulus package go to the Khazanah groups which is also the money pocket of the illegal UMNO. So what is this if it is not to bail out own self created scenario mainly due to corruption and abuses of power?
I have written enough on all the downsides of the failed nation.
So it is the only way UP if there is a new system.
It is IGGG.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance |
JK's Digest No. 31 of April 2009 (52 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 15
Are we to chew over the latest deception known as 1Malaysia before our economy woes with fundamental disparities can be addressed?
There is a saying some people earns RM1 and spends RM1.20 and that is not true for some race as America is also doing that on credit now precipitated into a credit crunch blamed on subprime facilities. A deception not acceptable as it is the work of the secret society in many countries or illuminati.
We can go on stirring something known as "Selfish hideous Illegal Trap" [SHIT] and we remain mirred in shit. No chance of new direction but regression into more profligacy of RM30 trillions and more.
So how can we resolve the long self created economic woes just by coining a term like 1Malaysia and do nothing substantial about it. The nation does not have adequate resources to do that unless the once rich resources of Sabah had been syphoned into other areas in the nation making Sabah more deprived, depressed and depraved in all aspects of life
We have a 1Borneo which is believed to be struggling to survive. Now we are asked to repeat 1Malaysia in our lips just to get the good feeling when our stomachs go hungry and more desperate.
So wake up to these KNOWN terms:- GREED-TWIN are Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) in RAHMAN and Governments’ Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction (GREED) resulting in profligacy of RM30 trillions.
Now how to deal with "Selfish hideous Illegal Trap" [SHIT]"? It is selfish because of the way Federal Constitution FC had been designed, amended, corrupted, abused and diluted in favour of a small group of people including illegal ones as long as it serves the elite despite largely rigged General Elections since the beginning. Even the FC is silent on how the Prime Minister can change hands simply by socalled party election process involving less than 3,000 people including illegal ones. That is how selfish it is for the elite to dominate 27 million people under the GREED of RAHMAN.
How hideous has the rotten system of 52/46 years is known to the illegal leaders under the fundamentally flawed and rigged General Elections? The policies of restructuring society may have good intention but how can such policies be bias towards certain groups of questioned immigrants. According to Syed Imran, an Arab-Malaysian born in Penang, Malaysia, an ex-Bernama journalist (1971-1998) and former press secretary to the Minister in PM's Department, Malaysian are largely immigrants.
Race of Formula1 on 5th April, 2009 was forced to stop due to heavy rain and lightning, and it was something that never happened before in the Sepang Circuit, Kuala Lumpur.
"What we hope would not happen...happened. We had a very, very heavy rain. Unfortunately, they have to stop the race very early and the race was ended without having a restart," said Mokhzani.
Don’t blame it on the presence of the newly minted illegal Prime Minister (great expectation) on the 3rd April, 2009 at the race but the common thing is Formula1 and 1Malaysia both coming to an end of sort. Formula1 is likely to end because of climatic and energy consideration while 1Malaysia would never be reality because of the rotten system and lack of natural resources as already depleted.
The new illegal Cabinet and illegal Government of Malaysia under the new 6th PM is dependent on rejected leaders reappointed via senatorship as the failed nation is sliding further into profligacy from the pool of rotten people. Is this not GREED-TWIN? So that is how hideous the Government dominated by the illegal UMNO as there are 25 portfolios excluding the positions of Prime Minister and Deputy PM. Of the 25 portfolios, 15 are helmed by UMNO while 10 are held by non UMNO. Of the 30 Cabinet Ministers including PM and DPM, 19 are from UMNO and 11 from other component parties.
The 30 ministers in 25 portfolios are still too big especially BN does not rule in 5 States (Perak in doldrum) hence some of the Ministeries concerned would have nothing much to do except to be the blocking walls for such states in the helm of the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and also the Kuala Lumpur FT also in the hands of PR.
The illegal aspect is known as UMNO is loaded with illegal members from two factors namely illegals given genuine identity cards (5 millions in Malaysia with 1-2 millions in Sabah) and the definition of Malay as Muslims irrespective of racial origin. There are lots of other illegalities as many departures from the Federal Constitution. Another observation is that illegals are given favours in many implementation of policies because of race and religion. When the State Assembly of Perak was held under a rain tree, it was considered illegal, and so what happen to the latest Cabinet sanctioned in the unofficial Palace in Kuala Lumpur? You can see many of those illegalities in my blogs as and ... terest-appeal.html?
We are all in the trap of the rotten system of 52/46 years rather than the initial intention of lifting the people out of the poverty/backwardness trap in those colonial days. We can pretend that such trap does not prevail in an already failed nation. Many would deny the existence of the ingredients of ethnic cleansing and worsened apartheid in Sabah where illegal given identity cards are automatic bumiputra with all those privileges and entitlement against the local of the indigeneous population. Natives should now be redefined when natives means local birth rather than the Ordinance as the said ordinance can give rise to confusion. When 1Malaysia is to be of any meaning, then the status of all citizens born in nation legally of legal parents should be considered in proper order.
How do we now address the SHIT, and GREED-TWIN so that we can progress in our effort to bring about an economic recovery?
We maybe talking about 1Malaysia, but Bank Negara has come out with a rate of return of 5% while the domestic banks can only offer 2.5% and less for their similar investment. So disparities would go on.
Differential or preferential treatments would go on in the rotten system even with the new Cabinet.
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty. This opportunity is still available.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// MENACE
[ Last edited by 13Friday at 10-4-2009 17:23 ] |
JK's Digest No. 32 of April 2009 (53 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 16
When the Asean Summit in Pattaya did not take, how would the economy woes be addressed?
Is it PM Abhisit and Thailand's internal problem alone be blamed?
There maybe a Najib factor and the blind people in power in Malaysia would like to deny that.
So whether Najib would receive similar treatment in other countries in official visits is yet to be seen.
Is it not the curse of the scourge of a murder case which was actually alerted by the Mongolian Embassy in Bangkok and the recent publication of the detailed article of the French press whose journalist worked hard from Bangkok?
Is it another bad omen of Najib assuming power hoping that BN would win all the seats in the by elections hence the urgency of the takeover of the Prime Ministership prior to 7th April, 2009?
The three byelections in Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau and Batang Ai were also arranged in delayed manners to coincide with the conclusion of the UMNO's AGM.
Also in the run up to the by elections, Najib did not go to the campaign ground on 5th April, 2009 after the appointment on 3rd April, 2009. Instead he chose to go to the Formula 1 race on 5th April, 2009 which was a washed out for the first time at Sepang circuit.
Earlier, Najib gave out a message on 1st April, 2009 in such unprecedented manner prior to his new appointment for a 1Malaysia. He saw it fit to disclose it on April Fool's day unintentionally as he kept on repeating it until today. Whether that was an April Fool or not, Malaysians cannot be fooled anymore even with 1 Malaysia. By repeating many times over, it does not make any recovery for the economy. The recovery of the economy which had gone through a rotten system with a profligacy of RM30 trillions is very hard when 1 Malaysia is a foolish or even evil deception when everything else stays status quo for 52/46 years. What have changed since 3rd April, 2009 are only some faces in different positions of the same rotten system.
So for Najib in first 100 days, we have seen three major disappointments namely the washed out Formula 1's race on 5th April, the failure to wrest the two seats in Peninsula Malaysia on 7th April, and the cancelled Asean summit in Pattaya on 11th April. On 9th April, 2009 when Najib named his new cabinet at 3 p.m., that day two Policemen were sentenced to death in the morning. Not a replay of the myth of Masuri of Langkawi for a similar demon slaying???
All these are so familiar with the scourge of the socalled prophecy of leadership in RAHMAN which did not occur naturally but force had been applied to be self fulfilling.
This scourge is linked to GREED-TWIN in Malaysia. GREED-TWIN are Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) in RAHMAN and Governments' Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction (GREED) resulting in profligacy of RM30 trillions in rotten system.
With so much profligacy, there is nothing to speak of the economy except further decline.
The first foreign assignment of the new Foreign Minister is also a futility. BN= be end.
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty. This opportunity is still available.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance (now blocked) |
JK's Digest No. 33 of April 2009 (54 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 17
You may want to know how we waste our resources since 1957/1963?
This is no small matter but we can be in denial mode all the time until we find ourselves in a very big hole so big that nothing can be done about it.
So in simple term it is profligacy of RM30 trillions? How much is that in Malaysia - a small nation trying to act big and many have pocketed these fund for ill gotten gains.
That is why we are still far behind in term of financial strength as Malaysia has little reserves to depend on.
Like USA, it had been a long road to financial ruins so much so that great USA had been living on borrowed money term favoured name -BOND- not james bond. USA owes the world hundreds of Trillions dollars so much so that USA cannot now find the resources to repay those creditors who may decide to enforce their debts against USA.. So would the assets of USA be owned by their bonds holders of trillions of dollars? Where has all those wealth of USA gone? It may be the end of the roads for China and Japan to forclose the assets of USA lest these two nations find themselves in financial traps too.
Malaysia would never get the economy right as it is still on the same way to doom and this time with much less resources unlike in those early years of independence. Malaysia has only 27 millions people and I would not know what if the population is 50 millions when growth and wealth would be too thin for all.
Even once oil rich Terengganu which had been wasteful on whatever projects had been advised to plan its expenditure according to the wealth from the oil royalties. Actually Terengganu as part of Malaya should not get any oil royalties for oil extracted in the shores of Malaya. Unlike Sabah, Sabah is cheated of its royalties of a higher percentage. So it is the flaw of the Petroleum Development Act 1974 [act 144] which was targetted at Sabah and Sarawak and so Terengganu - the only state in Malaya - was given same oil royalties. I call for a proper review of PDA and its application. This is one way that Sabah's wealth also national one had been lost by stupid, corrupted and illegal earlier leaders. The present crop of illegal leaders are too scared to fight for better deals for Sabah. The oil issue is now a boiling one for the present BN's Terengganu State Government.
So what happened in Sabah is of more concern for me. I failed as an early whistle blower at the time USNO was in power in the late 1960s to block those illegal leaders to squander the wealth of Sabah. The conduit for those lost wealth was set up by Syed Kechik who was likely sent to Sabah with the blessing of Mahathir who was very active in UMNO. These leaders were 'foxes' guarding the 'chicken farms' in Sabah.. It would make me sick to bring back those senseless memories. I as a small poor man have survived two most powerful persons or dictators especially with the passing of the latest one in Syed Kechik (SK) on 10th April, 2009 also Good Friday. Was SK sick or disabled for so long since he left Sabah in 1976 and kept alive by annual blood transfusion? Nobody cursed him but he was cursed by his own deeds in Sabah as public wealth belong to God and should be shared amongst people born in the land of Sabah..
Have you seen a little book titled "Kechik di Sabah:Kisah sebenar" by Syed Mamood Syed Ismael published in 1981 in Hong Kong? Was this book banned in those years? That book gave an account how SK was enriching himself with the wealth of Sabah while Tun Mustapha fiddled overseas especially in Lebanon in his casinos destroyed later by the civil war of Lebanan in 1975. So how can Sabah's early wealth was plundered that way? So what happen may I ask as to how did SK dispose off his ill gotten gains as he had been alive for than 30 years possibly bed ridden much of the time? It is a coincidence of sort that his son in law and also nephew is also very rich with his own trust fund? May I ask how did his son in law obtain so much wealth to be donated for selective charities? So may I ask how much has SK and his families had accumulated wealth for his role in Sabah? So Sabah had been heartbreaks or heartaches for those who have abused the land below the wind. Many have also migrated with the ill gotten wealth when the sole purpose of "natives" or strictly people (meaning of natives) born here is to remain here to develop the mother land. How long and far can we run away from birth place on earth?
So how many millions of Malaysians have perished and migrated with their wealth - illgotten or otherwise?
With all those profligacy of the resources and the wealth, how can we address our economy in recent decades since 1980s, 1997, and now 2008/9 except to be depressed by further decline after every economic recessions especially the latest one when food and fuel are beyond the capability of many people.
It is no coincidence that Malaysia under the helm of UMNO and BN since independence is the reason for the profligacy. This scourge is linked to GREED-TWIN in Malaysia. GREED-TWIN are Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) in RAHMAN and Governments' Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction (GREED) resulting in profligacy of RM30 trillions in rotten system.
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty. This opportunity is still available.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance (now blocked)
Http:// Lodgement to ICC |
JK's Digest No. 34 of April 2009 (55 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 18
When many projects are entangled in problems which end up in the Courts over very prolonged periods, how can the nation really overcome the economy woes? We cannot get those woes right if the Courts do not provide details of all those Court cases many of which are subject to several levels of appeals. We also cannot get them right when such woes are linked to corruption both visible and invisible.
Are not many cases going to the Courts due to corruption and abuses of power? It is indeed a bad sign that the Courts are loaded with many millions of cases hence the Courts have become very cash rich for the filing and attestation charges paid by the parties who bring them to the Courts.
Actually it is also a bad sign that the Courts are busy because economical activities of the Courts are not productive for the nation. Can real wealth be really generated from cases arising from practices of corruption? The legal fraternity may benefit from the legal fees but businesses generally go through economic decline after litigation. Many Court cases also make many parties bankrupt hence certain production agents of the economy would be left disabled and obsolete possibly from genuine mistakes and other ignorance.
The other downside of many Court cases is that the Courts lacking in facilities and supporting staff at all levels would not be in the position to deal with them efficiently and genuine justice for the people. I would like to leave it to the public to assess the neutrality of the Courts although I had been a victim of biased treatment in two General Election Court cases.
Now we have just seen how some very senior (possibly veteran) judges had been appointed to the Appeal and Federal Courts. Do we think that such appointments would be adequate to deal with the increasing complicated cases which do reach such levels in the Courts?
As it is corruption that needs to be addressed urgently by the Courts, it is likely more and more such obvious cases are entering the Court chambers and halls. Corruption cases are generally dragging on for a long time depending on the players concerned.
There is a revived expectation in 2009 with the revamped Anti Corruption Agency (ACA) now known as Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission MACC with more muscle to address all corruption cases. MACC may deal with more cases once untouchable but still not good enough to reach the higher levels.
It is worthy to wonder if MACC really go about its responsibility, there would be thousands and more cases of high profile ones in the Courts. Such accused would be quite rich to engage several defending lawyers and likely to drag the cases to the highest levels in the Courts. So would the Courts at all the levels be capable to handle these high profile cases within reasonable time to restore justice in the nation? Unless MACC does it, there is no way that we can see genuine economic revival in the nation rotting in its self inflicted system.
Take the case of the ex Labuan MP, that alleged bank cheating case had occurred 13 years ago and it may take another decade to resolve the issue. While the bank is lauded for its action albeit belated, is there any charge coming from the Election Commission over his status in electoral contest? Even his UMNO party mired in lots of illegals and illegalities still want to keep the ex MP as the Chairman of Labuan Corporation hence ignoring the double charges in the Courts - one of the many foxes kept as guards of 'chicken houses'.
I am still waiting for the Election Commission to bring charges against those elected representatives who could be using project IC or questionable IC as candidates at the nomination centres.
Even the Royal Commission Inquiry on the Judiciary over bribed judges, there is a disquiet over the action against the 'guilty' big ones who even challenged the findings of the RCI.
Maybe some people don't believe in the judiciary (part of the profligacy) to bring justice to the nation as there is a policy to keep the Malays in power according to the corrupted ex EC Chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid.
Our illegal Governments (Federal and States) have nothing to shout about as rigged General Elections for a long time have given rise to the rotten system irreparable today.
We don't need to imitate the RED shirts of Bangkok in Malaysia to cause further profligacy. Our YDP Agong's Governments must be beyond challenge.
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty. This opportunity is still available.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance (now blocked)
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// MENACE
Http:// Lodgement to ICC |
JK's Digest No. 35 of April 2009 (55 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 19
God loves all his creations and up to us to respond accordingly. Our welfare is sustained by how we manage the creations of God on earth.
So our economy recovery depends on animals, dogs and God and how we treat God's creation and God.
Did thousands of dolphins block Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden against the China's commercial ship on 13th April, 2009 - the actual anniversary of Good Friday? The report was carried by the China Radio International.
So if we appreciate such unusual phenomenon coming from the creatures of the wild, then we need to appreciate how God had placed all the animals in our midst for us to take care according to Genesis.
Are not animals wild and tame part of the global economy? Undeniable, most of these animals have also been the sources of our daily food. So in this world we are living on recycled material like it or not. Man comes from dust and go back to dust but our spirits may end up somewhere else.
So the whole world and its inhabitants are surviving on such divine recycling. The vegetables and other foods are sustained by recycling of the raw material but really not so raw. The vegetables grown from tiny seeds are fed by all sorts of material of dusts and water to end up in our dining tables.
Foods are such a big economical factor for 6 billions and more people on earth and so isn't this the biggest industry often taken for granted until recently with Food and Fuel Prices Upheaval (FFPU) has awakened us.
We may not like some animals but we do not really know what they can do for our survival.
Whether we appreciate the existence of dogs, God has a good reason for that as dogs have taught us many lessons as they are pets everywhere doing many activities man cannot do alone. Dogs may be noisy especially at nights and that is their business to bark. We tend to blame them for the noise nuisance when actually it is the evil people who dabble in sorcery and demonic activities which cause the animals and dogs to react to such invisible scenarios.
We may not know why there are birds in our midst. Birds are also nuisance with their droppings but swift lets can generate much wealth with their saliva. Actually, without those birds who fly around the earth, we may not have the varieties of vegetation. This is my first time that I witnessed on Friday in the busy streets of Kota Kinabalu where a moving vehicle smashed a pigeon which had gone under the wheel. Then some vehicles passed by without smashing it further. I thought it was to be reduced to 'pancake' but someone after many passed that place came by to pick it up and placed the carcass on the pavement. So there is someone who cares for the creation of God in such small way.
Coming back to the dogs - stray or otherwise - where there is hatred, something weird can happen as it was with those tens of thousands of disposed off by simply shooting them as in Johore and elsewhere in 2006 (see below). Then the worst great floods occurred in 2006/2007 only to be followed by the unlicensed ferry known as "Seagull" (dead dogs in Chinese as a reminder) to be on fire from Tioman Island in Pahang to Mersing in Johore.
The prevailing illegal Governments with it SHIT - Selfish Hideous Illegal Trap- can only take care of themselves so much so the natural environment is only given lips service. The illegal Governments have no qualm to further destroy the environment and its flora and fauna because they stir the SHIT in every opportunities. Yayasan Sabah and its subsidiaries or associated companies are still destroying the forest reserves with the excuse of sustainable forest management causing repeated floods. The President of WWF is personally involved with the destruction of large area of mangrove swamp for a housing project in Kota Kinabalu. So who should be shot without trial?
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty. This opportunity is still available.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance (now blocked)
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// MENACE
Http:// Lodgement to ICC |
JK's Digest No. 36 of April 2009 (56 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 20
Fomca's "It Starts With Myself" campaign in addressing issues on price increases, but how far can it go when the real issues of food and fuel prices upheaval (FFPU) is not identified and fundamental items are not addressed accordingly?
How much can this approach reduce the FFPU as per statement below:-
"The customer is the one who determines the prices," Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry's consumer division chief Dr Mohd Mokhtar Tahar. said while launching Fomca's "It Starts With Myself" campaign in addressing issues on price increases.
Fomca president Datuk N. Marimuthu said the campaign was aimed at raising awareness in spending habits.
He said attitude change includes changing from branded products to lower quality but usable goods, buying from shops with cheaper products, staying at budget hotels, travelling via low-cost flights and using public transportation".
So our economy woes are also largely our consumerism issues which are more complicated than that as "It starts with Myself" or "It starts with ourselves".
Yes. "It starts with Myself" or "It starts with ourselves" in the following manners:-
1. This Famous Quote: "If you speak, you are dead, If you keep silent, you are dead, so speak and die." Horria Saihi - Algerian Journalist 1995 is truly relevant. So the consumers have been largely indifferent and quiet for fear of the demons who have been in illegal power since 1957/1963. We blame ourselves for the FFPU.
2. We are too comfortable, complacent or ignorant of the rotten system mainly due to this scourge linked to GREED-TWIN in Malaysia. GREED-TWIN are Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) in RAHMAN and Governments' Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction (GREED) resulting in profligacy of RM30 trillions in rotten system. With this come SHIT or Selfish Hideous Illegal Trap of UMNO and illegal elite gang.
3. I have spoken and written enough and even brought two big cases on the General Election 2004 and General Election 2008 to the Courts but somehow the Judiciary is in favour to legitmate the illegal Governments set up by the most corrupt ex Election Commission Chairman over 35 years by striking out my very costly effort and priceless personal sacrifice. You can read them here in this link.
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
4. The rotten system is evident from the facts and figures of my 27+ Police Reports not acted upon by the relevant authorities as per link worth RM30 trillions. Http://
5. In many questionable scenarios, we cannot trust the Judiciary to give Justice (proper order of things) and instead the Highest Courts do legitimise certain illegalities even going against the Federal Constitution because such judges are appointed to be the special subservient 'slaves' of the illegal leaders. If the Judiciary really cares for justice, then it is their duty to bring a case against the illegal Federal Government and the Parliament for passing an irresponsible Petroleum Development Act 1974 [Act 144] PDA. At least the Judiciary should review such illegal statute in contradiction of the Federal Constitution. If ordinary people bring such a case to the Courts, it is likely ignored by the Judiciary with all kinds of excuses. Isn't it an irony that the Federal Court - highest - had interfered with the Perak Legislative Assembly and its affairs when the PDA is obvious an illegal and corruption bent statute causing lots of profligacy?
There are lots of pressing issues which have given rise to the prevailing FFPU and you can name them yourself when "It starts with you NOT with me."
The crux of the matter is that when many are already desperate barely at the bottom of survival, how do we expect them to change their spending habits? Are we heading to half the population in the next decade?
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty. This opportunity is still available.
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance (now blocked)
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// MENACE
Http:// Lodgement to ICC |
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Category: Belia & Informasi