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Pelanggaran Satellite USA-Russia: Wujudkan Sampah - Update: Ancam Bumi

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Post time 15-2-2009 09:54 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Pelanggaran satelit AS-Russia wujudkan 'sampah' angkasa

MOSCOW: Pakar angkasa lepas berkata pelanggaran dua satelit kelmarin menyebabkan lebih 10,000 serpihan 'sampah' di angkasa yang mengelilingi bumi dan bakal memberi ancaman kepada satelit lain untuk 10,000 tahun lagi.

Pakar berkenaan menyifatkan pelanggaran satelit komersial Amerika Syarikat dan satelit tentera Russia itu sebagai nahas angkasa yang memberi kesan berpanjangan.

Beliau berharap presiden Barrack Obama akan memberi penekanan terhadap insiden itu kerana ia mewujudkan serpihan bahaya di ruang angkasa.

Ketua Kawalan Misi Angkasa Russia, Vladimir Solovyov, berkata pelanggaran dua setelit itu mewujudkan satu kawasan sibuk yang dipenuhi serpihan kira-kira 800 kilometer (km) di atas ruang angkasa bumi.

"Kawasan 800km adalah satu ruang orbit yang popular yang digunakan untuk satelit komunikasi dan penyelidikan lain," katanya.

Solovyov berkata, serpihan akibat pelanggaran itu akan kekal di orbit untuk tempoh lebih 10,000 tahun dan ia bakal memberi risiko kepada kapal angkasa yang turut menggunakan sistem orbit berkenaan. - AP


manusia ni macam tak cukup2 - buat sampah kat bumi....
sekarang letak satellite banyak2 kat space --- bila collided
buat sampah kat space la pulak --

[ Last edited by  dexa at 15-2-2009 09:56 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2009 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Pelanggaran dua satelit ancam bumi 10,000 tahun

Serpihan kelilingi planet turut bahayakan pesawat angkasa lain

MOSCOW: Pelanggaran dua satelit boleh menyebabkan anggaran berpuluh-puluh ribu serpihan sisa di ruang angkasa lepas mengelilingi bumi dan bakal menjadi ancaman kepada satelit lain bagi tempoh 10,000 tahun akan datang.

Seorang pakar angkasa lepas yang menyifatkan pelanggaran berkenaan sebagai 'satu malapetaka', berharap dapat memaksa pentadbiran Presiden Barack Obama menekankan isu yang diabaikan sejak sekian lama membabitkan serpihan di ruang angkasa lepas.

Ketua Misi Kawalan Russia, Vladimir Solovyov, berkata pelanggaran satelit tentera Russia dan satelit komersial Iridium Amerika Syarikat berlaku di bahagian paling sibuk berhampiran ruang bumi kira-kira 800 kilometer dari bumi.

"Jarak 800 kilometer adalah orbit paling popular yang digunakan oleh satelit komunikasi dan menjejaki bumi," kata Solovyov kepada pemberita, kelmarin.

"Serpihan berkenaan mendatangkan ancaman serius kepada kawasan terbabit." Solovyov berkata, serpihan pelanggaran berkenaan akan terus berada di orbit untuk lebih 10,000 tahun, walaupun ia amat kecil boleh mengancam kapal angkasa kerana kedua-dua berada pada kelajuan orbit tinggi berkenaan.

James Oberg, seorang jurutera angkasa lepas berpengalaman yang bekerja dengan program kapal angkasa NASA dan kini seorang perunding, menyifatkan pelanggaran di utara Siberia itu sebagai satu malapetaka.

NASA berkata, kejadian itu adalah pelanggaran berkelajuan tinggi pertama antara dua kapal angkasa membabitkan pesawat Iridium seberat 560 kilogram, manakala pesawat Russia seberat hampir satu tan.

David Wright daripada pertubuhan Union of Concerned Scientists Global Security berkata, pelanggaran berkenaan mungkin membentuk berpuluh-puluh ribu partikel lebih besar daripada satu sentimeter yang boleh menyebabkan kerosakan besar atau mungkin menghancurkan satelit.

Wright, dalam satu halaman web kumpulan itu berkata, dua blok serpihan besar daripada pelanggaran Selasa lalu boleh membentuk sebuah kelompok mengelilingi bumi.

Beliau menyifatkan serpihan itu umpama tembakan senapang yang boleh mengancam satelit lain. � AP

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2009 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Cloud of debris girdling the Earth could threaten Hubble telescope

High over Siberia

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Post time 15-2-2009 11:06 AM | Show all posts
sekali tengok lawa gak pemandangan....tapi aku duk u.s ni xder pun dgr citer pasal ni..mana sumber??

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Post time 16-2-2009 11:20 AM | Show all posts

Balas #3 dexa\ catat

cam grafik je,
tak rasa la pulakk mcm betul,

lagipun tak semua satelit besar,

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Post time 17-2-2009 01:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zairizain at 15-2-2009 11:06 AM
sekali tengok lawa gak pemandangan....tapi aku duk u.s ni xder pun dgr citer pasal ni..mana sumber??

suratkhabar tanah melayu..............

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2009 06:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zairizain at 15-2-2009 11:06 AM
sekali tengok lawa gak pemandangan....tapi aku duk u.s ni xder pun dgr citer pasal ni..mana sumber??

dari times  UK -

interesting tengok debris tu -

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Post time 17-2-2009 06:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by silver_nano59 at 16-2-2009 11:20 AM

cam grafik je,
tak rasa la pulakk mcm betul,

lagipun tak semua satelit besar,

memang graphic jek tuh

+ memang btol pon : tak sume satelit besor ..

gambar tuh cuma gambaran ntuk tunjukkan betapa semaknyer kat sekeliling bumi

dan kebanyakan daripada space debris tuh kekecik jek saiznyer

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Post time 17-2-2009 06:42 AM | Show all posts
Space Junk

Thousands of nuts, bolts, gloves and other debris from space missionsform an orbiting garbage dump around Earth, presenting a hazard tospacecraft. Some of the bits and pieces scream along at 17,500 mph.

When these objects fall back into Earth's atmosphere, which theyinevitably do, they behave just like any other meteor, lighting up thesky.

A 1999 study estimated there are some 4 million pounds of spacejunk in low-Earth orbit, just one part of a celestial sea of roughly110,000 objects larger than 1 centimeter -- each big enough to damage asatellite or space-based telescope.

Some of the objects, baseball-sized and bigger, could threaten thelives of astronauts in a space shuttle or the International SpaceStation. As an example of the hazard, a tiny speck of paint from asatellite once dug a pit in a space shuttle window nearly aquarter-inch wide.

Aware of the threat, the U.S. Space Command monitors space debris andother objects, reporting directly to NASA and other agencies wheneverthere's threat of an orbital impact.

As of June 21 2000, the agency counted 8,927 man-made objects in thegreat above and beyond; some are there more or less permanently. Of thetotal, 2,671 are satellites (working or not), 90 are space probes thathave been launched out of Earth orbit, and 6096 are mere chunks ofdebris zooming around the third planet from the Sun. The United Statesleads the former Soviet Union in the total quantity of orbital junk,but some companies and other organizations contribute significantly tothe count.

But there are more objects up there.

The Space Command's electronic eyes can spot a baseball-sized object upto about 600 miles high, officials say. But at 22,300 miles up, wheregeostationary satellites roam -- providing weather images used byforecasters -- an object has to be as big as a volleyball to be seen.These object, moving in fixed perches with the rotating Earth, mayremain in place for centuries, experts say.

And even with more than a dozen of these electronic eyes arrayed aroundthe planet, the agency admits to not being able to see the entire skyall around the world.

Danger of getting hit on the head?

The threat to satellites and Earth-orbiting deep-space telescopes fromorbiting debris is clear. But how much of this junk falls back into thesky? Does this poses a risk to the species responsible for putting thestuff up there in the first place?

In the first six months of 1999, 57 of the tracked objects re-enteredEarth's atmosphere, according to Major Michael Birmingham of the U.S.Space Command. Birmingham said that 91 objects fell into the atmospherein all of 1998, and 69 in 1997.

The most spectacular re-entry in the short history of the phenomenonwas Skylab. Launched in 1973 (two years after Russia put its firstspace station into orbit), the first and only U.S. space stationstumbled home six years later, part of it splashing into the IndianOcean and another portion ending up in Australia.

"Most objects that re-enter the Earth's atmosphere burn-up orre-enter over water," Birmingham said, noting that nearlythree-quarters of the planet is wet and a great majority of what's dryis uninhabited. "Since the space surveillance mission began, almost17,000 objects that we track re-entered the Earth's atmosphere.Catastrophic re-entries such as Skylab are rare and the exception."

Cool space junk facts

+ The oldest debris still on orbit is the second US satellite, theVanguard I, launched on 1958, March, the 17th, which worked only for 6years.

+ In 1965, during the first american space walk, the Gemini 4 astronautEdward White, lost a glove. For a month, the glove stayed on orbit witha speed of 28,000 km / h, becoming the most dangerous garment inhistory.

+ More than 200 objects, most of them rubbish bags, were released bythe Mir space station during its first 10 years of operation.

+ The most space debris created by a spacecraft's destruction was dueto the upper stage of a Pegasus rocket launched in 1994. Its explosionin 1996 generated a cloud of some 300,000 fragments bigger than 4 mmand 700 among them were big enough to be catalogued. This explosionalone doubled the Hubble Space Telescope collision risk.

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Post time 17-2-2009 08:39 AM | Show all posts
Junk ni memeningkan pemilik satelit (termasuk Astro...hehe) dan angkasawan sebab membahayakan 'lalu-lintas' kat atas sana (kita dah tahu kan apa jadi kat shuttle Columbia? - kena foam aje tu)

Tapi kita kat bawah ni tak perlu risau le....InsyaAllah takde apa2

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Post time 22-2-2009 08:50 PM | Show all posts
cet barang kecik nih bila masuk ket mesofera dah tentu burn dah tu!

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