Ever run short of breath? Have trouble reaching those high notes? The Complete Breathing CD is the beginning of your solution. Singers who learn good breath control can sing higher, lower and for longer periods of time without hurting the voice. Efficient breathing also opens the door to vocal excellence... in all musical styles. The principles and exercises in this CD will condition your mind and breathing muscles. You will soon be getting the right amount of air for each phrase. No more. No less. This will help you relax and focus on the message, not on whether you will have enough breath. Join us for this exciting and fulfilling journey into the world of breathing. The fun and challenging accompanied exercises will take you to that next level of vocal effeciency.
Posture Part 1
Posture Part 2
Breathing Begins
Breathing Part 2/Side Expansion
Breathing Part 3/Back Expansion
Breathing Initial Exercises
Breathing Part 4
Extended Exercise Introduction
Exercise 1 Mum
Exercise 2 Ha Ha
Exercise 3 Mee May Mah
Exercise 4 Mee May Mah Moh Moo
Exercise 5 He He
Exercise 6 Nu Wah
Exercise 7 He Yah
Exercise 8 Mum Mum
Exercise 9 1 & 2...13
Exercise 10 1 & 2.....17
Exercise 11 1 & 2.....25
Exercise 12 Mee May Mah Mee Moh Mee Moo Mee Mah Ha
Kids Vocal Rap
Does your voice tire? Is your singing inconsistent and unpredictable? Should you be able to sing higher, lower and longer than you do? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, there's a good chance that you need to improve your vocal warm-ups. Athletes warm-up and cool down to maximize performance and avoid injury. If you are a singer you are a vocal athlete. The principles and interactive exercises on this CD will help you develop a routine of effective vocal warm-ups. The proven exercises have helped singers around the world maximize vocal performance and reduce vocal injury. They can do the same for you.
Warm-Up Principles/Hum-Chew
Warm-Up Principles/Moving Head
Warm-Up Principles/Proper Preparation
Warm-Up Principles/Buzzing face
Warm-Up Principles/The Runner-Athlete
Warm-Up Principles/Diction
Warm-Up Principles/Breathing & Diction
Exercise: Nah
Exercise: Bee-Ah/Mee-Ah/Zee-Ah/Nee-Ah
The 'Bubble'/Lip Trill
The Hum
Exercise: Hum/Hoo/Ha
Exercise: Ah
Exercise: Bah bah
Exercise: Bee-Yah
Exercise: Min-Ee-Ah
Exercise: Ha
Exercise: Chromatics Hm/Mee/Hoo/Yah/Hum
Exercise: Ha-Ha
Exercise: Ha-Ha
Cooling Down
Do you feel limited in your vocal range? Does your Throat lighten as you sing higher or sometimes break or crack? Here is a chance to discover, and utilize your full vocal range. Because the voice is physical the right exercises can help maximize your range from top to bottom. Be the best you can be and enjoy all your voice has to offer.
Getting Started
Determining Current Range
Voice Classifications
Age and Range
Exercise Rules
Grab Your Tongue
Expressionless Statue/Siren
Mah Mah Mah
Mah Bah Pah
Lip Trill/Bubble