memang langsung tak sangka rupa2nya ni pun sukan gak.. sampai ke olympic lagi...
masa saya study kat oversea dulu.. sokmo main trampoline ni kat rumah kawan -
kat backyard dia... besar trampoline tu -
so apa lagi... duk lompat siap buat somersault masa lompat tu macam gymnastic la pula
tapi rasa safer sebab jatuh kat atas trampoline tu -- TOING TOING....
memang fun - siap kitorang ambil video camera lagi.....
ada few times jatuh kat tepi pastu jatuh bawah... tapi tak ada la sakit cuma kalau main
trampoline ni kena careful gak... takut tergeliat terseliuh kalau tak biasa --
sapa2 yang ada main trampoline ni --- share cerita -
gambar yang saya paste kat bawah - exactly the trampoline yang saya sokmo
main dulu -
A trampoline is a gymnastic and recreational device consisting of a piece of taut, strong fabric stretched over a steel frame using many coiled springs to provide a rebounding force which propels the jumper high into the air. In a trampoline, the fabric is not elastic itself; the elasticity is provided by the springs which connect it to the frame.