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Area 51 uncovered....US SECRET BASE
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Every weekday morning, at least 500 people arrive at the guarded terminal owned by EG&G on the northwest side of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here they board one of a small fleet of unmarked Boeing 737-200s. Using three digit numbers prefixed by the word "Janet" as their callsigns, the 737s fly off North every half hour.
Their destination is Groom Lake, also known as Area 51, an installation so secret, its existence is denied by the government agencies and contractors that have connections there. By late 1955, the facility had been completed for flight testing of Lockheed's U-2 spyplane. Since that time, Groom Lake has undergone vast expansion, catering to the needs of testing the most advanced aircraft projects in the world. Forty-four years after it was created, Groom Lake has hosted flight testing of the aforementioned Lockheed U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-117 stealth fighter, Northrop's B-2 stealth bomber, the mysterious Aurora Project, and possibly even alien spacecraft.
Tony LeVier, Lockheed's test pilot assigned to test-fly the U-2 spyplane, claims the credit for recognizing Groom Dry Lake as a suitable test site. The CIA gave U-2 designer Kelly Johnson the task of choosing and building a secure test site. In March 1955, Johnson sent LeVier and Skunk Works foreman Dorsey Kammerer to visit potential test sites in the deserts of southern California, Nevada, and Arizona. After two weeks, LeVier presented Johnson with his impressions, and Johnson chose Groom Lake.
The Groom Lake facility has been known by many names since its construction. Kelly Johnson named the place " Paradise Ranch". When his flight test team arrived in July 1955, they simply called it "The Ranch". In fact, the secret base was formally named Watertown Strip, after the town in upstate New York where CIA director Allen Dulles was born. In June 1958, it was officially designated Area 51 by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The adjacent AEC proving grounds became known as the Nevada Test Site and divided into such numbered areas. The base is now known worldwide as "Area 51" (thanks to numerous mentions in Hollywood shows and movies), though officially this designation was dropped in the 1970s.
By 1970, the USAF Systems Command took over the operation of Groom Lake. At this time, the U-2 and A-12/SR-71 spyplanes had both been tested and in service on reconnaissance missions. Unmanned high-speed drones were also being tested, including the Model 147 Lightning Bug, Model 154 Firefly, and D-21 Tagboard. In 1967, the United States acquired its first Soviet MiG-21 and the US efforts to acquire Soviet weapons technology expanded.
In 1975, the Red Flag series of realistic air warfare exercises started at Nellis AFB, using large portions of the ranges surrounding Groom Lake. The box of airspace surrounding Groom Lake was strictly off-limits to Red Flag aircrews. It became known as "Red Square" at this time, but later acquired the semi-official title of "Dreamland" as a series of new exotic aerospace projects evolved in the late 1970s. These included the Have Blue and Tacit Blue stealth technology demonstrators. The testing of these aircraft brought extreme security measures at Groom Lake.
The Groom Lake base was considerably expanded in the 1980s. The main runway (14/32) was extended to the south, and then a huge northernly extension built out onto Groom Dry Lake, today having a length of 27,000 feet. A smaller parallel runway was built in the early 1990s. Semi-recessed "scoot and hide" shelters were built on the main taxiway so that secret aircraft could be more easily hidden from spying satellites overhead. New ra**, satellite telemetry and other communications facilities were installed, and extra warehouse and assembly areas constructed. The base housing area was completely rebuilt, accomodating up to 2,000 people, and an extensive recreational facility provided. Today, Groom Lake seems to be administered by Detachment 3 of the Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards AFB. [lrec]
Perimeter securtiy was also increased. Until 1984, it was easy to view the base from Bald Mountain and other hills in the Groom Range to the north of the lakebed. The USAF then extended the Nellis range military reservation to cut off the view...or so they thought! Two hillsides to the south of the Groom Range still offered a view of the base from 12 miles away. White Sides Peak and Freedom Ridge, these points were annexed by authorities in 1995.
Clearly marked but not actually fenced, the entire boundary of the base is patrolled by an anonymous security force equipped with high-tech surveillance gear. Remote electronic sensors detect movement along known dirt tracks and roads leading towards the installation. It has been thought for quite a while now that the surveillance equipment is so advanced that certain sensory equipment has the ability to smell a person coming near the boundary, and distinguish him/her from other animals nearby. The ground patrols, often called "Cammo Dudes", are assisted by FLIR-equipped Sikorsky MH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters.
more stories here....
and here.....
PS: epos kita tak nak buat ke area ala2 area 51 nih? 
[ Last edited by tangopapa at 7-4-2008 04:03 PM ] |
Special Accesss Programs that have been conducted at Groom Lake in recent years:
* High Altitude Stealth Reconnaissance: Large subsonic long-endurance vehicle jointly developed by Lockheed and Boeing to replace the SR-71's ability to overfly denied territory at will. Based on the Skunk Works failed bid for the Advanced Tactical Bomber (ATB) - the B-2, it was cancelled in 1992 after at least $300 million had been spent, and replaced by the Tier 3 Minus UAV (Lockheed's Darkstar).
* Covert Assault Transport: Probably a delta configuration with advanced V/STOL capabilities but with very low noise as well as radar signature. Probably cancelled in 1993 in favor of further Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey development.
* Stealth Helicopter: Different designs with emphasis on low blade and transmission noise, also exploring new technology to reduce blade and efflux signature. (Sikorsky's new attack helicopter, the successor to the Apache - the Comanche, incorporates stealth technology, but this is being tested elsewhere.)
* Cloaking Technology: Cloaking technology in the form of electrochromatic panels mounted to aircraft has been revealed as being tested at the Area 51 installation.
PS: antara teknologi yg dibangunkan...mungkin telah dibangunkan  |
Reply #1 tangopapa's post
ask ur bosses ler....  |
Reply #3 yipun78's post
no need bosses leh, area 51 pakai kelulusan ahli kongres je....
lu potong stim wa la yip, wa baru nak JV jd subkon projek baru nih.... |
Reply #3 yipun78's post
best la dpt kerja kat groom lake tu, hari2 naik acft.....mesti stwds dia cun2... |
"Cloaking Technology: Cloaking technology in the form of electrochromatic panels mounted to aircraft has been revealed as being tested at the Area 51 installation"
Cloaking lebih kurang macam Klingon punya teknologi yang boleh melenyapkan terus pesawat to be invisible and extremely difficult to detect with normal sensors.  |
Reply #3 yipun78's post
best la dpt kerja kat groom lake tu, hari2 naik acft.....mesti stwds dia cun2... |
Reply #6 areguard's post
depa dah try cloaking frigate pakai fog ala2 chronosphere..... ramai anak kapal hilang misteri, silap2 balik ke zaman batu.....
[ Last edited by tangopapa at 7-4-2008 03:53 PM ] |
Philadelphia experiment.......
Operation Ghost was an alleged naval military experiment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943, in which the U.S. destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible to human observers for a brief period of time. It is also referred to as Project Rainbow. The story is widely regarded as a hoax.[1][2][3] The U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment occurred, and furthermore, details of the story contradict facts about the Eldridge.[4] It has nonetheless caused ripples in conspiracy theory circles, and elements of the Philadelphia Experiment are featured in other government conspiracy theories.
PS : that was in 1943 all the nucleus project may be started at A51.... |
Also in aussie.......
and another UFO and other conspiracy theories concerning Area 51
Its secretive nature and undoubted connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a focus of modern UFO and conspiracy theories. Some of the unconventional activities claimed to be underway at Area 51 include:
* The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft (including material supposedly recovered at Roswell), the study of their occupants (living and dead), and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology.
* Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials.
* The development of exotic energy weapons (for SDI applications or otherwise) or means of weather control.
* The development of time travel technology.
* The development of unusual and exotic propulsion systems related to the Aurora Program (see Aurora aircraft).
* Activities related to a supposed shadowy one world government and or the Majestic Twelve organization. |
Kalau betul depa dapat reverse engineer teknologi propulsion alien ships yg terhempas hopefully we can be exploring the stars before the end of the century..lebih kurang macam Star Trek heh heh..Helms, Warp 1, Engage!! |
Reply #11 areguard's post
Kau jangan buat aku kempunan..aku memang dah kempunan dari tahu 1985 bila first time watching A New Hope..kan nanti aku nak 'synthesizer' macam dari Star Trek tu baru tahu.. |
[quote]Originally posted by DarkBaron at 7-4-2008 06:25 PM
Hang ni Trekkie jugaklah ye macam R6..dia memang fan abis kat Captain Jean Luc Picard.. |
Reply #11 areguard's post
Aku rasa kalau betul ada alien, aku rasa baiklah bersedia...entah..entah tu 'Dabatul Ard'. |
[quote]Originally posted by RainbowSix at 8-4-2008 04:06 AM 
Aku lebih risau kalau the Borg...Your civilization will be assimilated..Resistance is Futile!!. |
haha...ok lets talk abt star wars..what are ur favourite modes of transportations in it capital ships, starfighters, land vehicles etc..and provide detail description and pics please such as model, used by which organisation, made by which company. |
Reply #16 DarkBaron's post
errrr...nie citer pasal Area 51 ke Star Trek ke Star Wars...aku dah pening..... : |
Philadelphia Experiment tu bukan urban legend aje ke? |
Reply #18 alphawolf's post
Bab nie lagilah pening...Roswell + Majestic 12..Project Rainbow lah...Operation Ghost lah...masuk sekali Unified Field Theory...campur Bermuda Triangle....hmmm conspiracy theory! |
Alangkah baiknyer kalo alien-alien tuh boleh klon-kan aku. Boleh merayap tak balik rumah jumpa bini.  |
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