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how to avoid lightning disasters - a must read!
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Safety rules: How to avoid lightning disasters
By : ZAHAR, Kuala Lumpur
WHILE watching the Breakfast Show on ntv7 on Thursday, I read the newscrawler about a Year Six pupil who was in a coma after being struck bylightning while playing football.
[table=200][/table]I hope schools, colleges, universities, clubs andoutdoor event organisers will ensure that those involved take shelterin a large building as soon as the first thunder is heard.
The following 10 tips should prevent unfortunate incidents during a thunderstorm:
-Stop all outdoor activities and seek shelter as soon as you seethunderclouds on the horizon or over the hill. Lightning can strike upto 15km away from the thundercloud, even before the rain starts.
- Run for shelter if you can hear thunder or see a lightning bolt. You are in danger of being struck by lightning.
- Do not wait for rain to fall before you act. Sometimes,lightning occurs before the rain starts to fall. Never use an umbrellain a thunder storm.
-Do not take shelter under a tree or in a tent, a shed, a rotunda or aroadside food stall. For small shelters, make sure they have beeninstalled with a lightning-protection system before you take shelter.
-Take shelter inside a sturdy or large building (a shop or house),inside a metal-roofed vehicle (bus, van or car) or under a largestructure (bridge).
- If there is no shelter nearby, get downfrom an elevated position (mound, hill top or platform). Get into adepression in the ground or in a dry drain.
- Get into a lightning-defensive position, squat down with your feet together and close your ears with your hands.
- If it rains, get your clothes wet because wet clothing reduces serious injuries to the lightning-struck person.
- Inside a shelter, do not touch any metallic object, electricequipment or cable. Keep away from the balcony, verandah, doorway,window, wall or pillar.
- Stay inside your shelter for 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard. |
gud info...very informative  |
beringat sebelum kena berjimat sebelum habis |
aku kalu bab bab lightning ni..... memang sentisive sikit.. teringat kat kawan aku yang kena strike by lightning.. masa duk bawah pokok nak tunggu hujan reda......... mati serta merta kena panah petir... 
since then memang aku beringat ingat sangat...... kita semua dapat kongsi safety rules ni... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi