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Mari belajar membuat announcement di dalam pesawat..

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Post time 13-1-2008 08:14 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Announcement ini biasanya diberikan ketika pesawat berada di 'gate'

"Ladies and gentlemen, theCaptain/Captain Z has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If youhaven't already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneaththe seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seatand fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back andfolding trays are in their full upright position.

If you areseated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the specialinstructions card located by your seat. If you do not wish to performthe functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask aflight attendant to reseat you.

At this time, we request thatall cellular phones, pagers, radios and remote controlled toys beturned off for the full duration of the flight, as these items mightinterfere with the navigational and communication equipment on thisaircraft. We request that all other electronic devices be turned offuntil we fly above 10,000 feet. We will notify you when it is safe touse such devices.

(On non-smoking flights: We remind you that this is anon-smoking flight/??? Airlines is proud to offer its passengers asmoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited on the entire aircraft,including the lavatories. Tampering with, disabling or destroying thelavatory smoke detectors is prohibited by law.)

If you have any questions about our flight today, please don't hesitate to ask one of our flight attendants. Thank you."

Door closure

1.Sebelum pintu pesawat ditutup,
announcement ini akan diberikan:

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is/myname is X and I'm your chief flight attendant. On behalf of (Captain Zand) the entire crew, I would like to welcome you aboard ??? Airlinesflight ???, non-stop service from ??? to ??? (then continuing on to???/with an intermediate stop in ???). Our flight time will be of ???hours and ??? minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of ???feet/meters at a ground speed of ??? miles per hour/kilometers perhour. At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables are intheir full upright position. Also make sure your seat belt is correctlyfastened. Also, we advise you that as of this moment, any electronicequipment must be turned off. Thank you."

2. Apabila semua pintu sudah ditutup, dan pesawat bersedia untuk 'pushback', Kapten atau ketua peramugara akan membuat
announcement kepada semua anak kapal
    "Flight attendants/Cabin Crew, please prepare for gate departure".
    "Flight attendants/Cabin Crew, doors on automatic, cross-check and report. Thank you."

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2008 08:21 PM | Show all posts
Sebelum tayangan video keselamatan atau demonstrasi keselamatan

Bergantung kepada jenis pesawat..jika ada video, announcement ini akan diberikan:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to direct your attention to the television monitors. We will be showing our safety demonstration and would like the next few minutes of your complete attention."

Jika tiada video, dan demonstrasi keselamatan akan ditunjukkan..
announcement ini akan diberikan:

"Now we request your full attention as the flight attendants demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft".

Safety demonstration

Pada kebiasaannya ianya berbunyi begini:

"When the seat belt signilluminates, you must fasten your seat belt. Insert the metal fittingsone into the other, and tighten by pulling on the loose end of thestrap. To release your seat belt, lift the upper portion of the buckle.We suggest that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight,as we may experience turbulence.

There are several emergency exits on this aircraft (Optional on video demo, mandatory if live demo:??? forward, ??? aft, and ??? over each wing.) Please take a fewmoments now to locate your nearest exit. In some cases, your nearestexit may be behind you. If we need to evacuate the aircraft,floor-level lighting will guide you towards the exit. Doors can beopened by moving the handle in the direction of the arrow. Each door isequipped with an inflatable slide which may also be detached and usedas a life raft.

Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In theevent of a decompression, an oxygen mask will automatically drop from acompartment above your seat. (Only on flights where smoking is allowed:When you see the mask, please extinguish your cigarette). To start theflow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Place it firmly over yournose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathenormally. Although the bag does not inflate, oxygen is flowing to themask. If you are travelling with a child or someone who requiresassistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the otherperson. Keep your mask on until a uniformed crew member advises you toremove it.

In the event of an emergency, please assume the bracing position. (If the demo is live: Lean forward with your hands on top of your head and your elbows against your thighs. Ensure your feet are flat on the floor.)

A life vest is located in a pouch under your seat or between thearmrests. This is how you put it on. Open the plastic pouch and removethe and remove the vest. Slip it over your head. Pass the straps aroundyour waist and adjust at the front. To inflate the vest, pull firmly onthe red cord, only when leaving the aircraft. If you need to refill thevest, blow into the mouthpieces. Use the whistle and light to attractattention. (Also, your seat bottom cushion can be used as a flotationdevice. Pull the cushion from the seat, slip your arms into the straps,and hug the cushion to your chest.)

The following electronic devices (calculators, CD players,laptop computers) may be used when the seat belt sign is off, or whenpermitted by your crew. Cellular/mobile telephones, remote-controlledtoys or any electronic device operating with an antenna must be turnedoff at all times.

(Smoking flights: Smoking is permitted only when seated in the smoking area, and when the No Smoking sign is off./Non-Smoking Only:We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight.) Tampering with,disabling, or destroying the smoke detectors located in the lavatoriesis prohibited by law.

You will find this and all the other safety information in thecard located in the seat pocket in front of you. We strongly suggestyou read it before take-off. If you have any questions, please don'thesitate to ask one of our crew members. We wish you all an enjoyableflight."

[ Last edited by  ketua_pramugara at 14-1-2008 12:31 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2008 08:30 PM | Show all posts
Before Take-off

Biasanya apabila sudah hendak masuk runway, kapten kapal akan memberikan announcement ini kepada krew kapal:

"Flight attendants, prepare for take-off please."
"Cabin crew, please take your seats for take-off."


Selepas beberapa ketika, Kapten Pesawat akan memadamkan isyarat tali pinggang keledar.. tetapi pesawat masih 'climbing' ke 'cruising altitude'. Apabila isyarat tali pinggang keledar dipadamkan.. anak kapal akan memberikan announcement ini:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captainhas turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, and you may now move aroundthe cabin. However we always recommend to keep your seat belt fastenedwhile you're seated. You may now turn on your electronic devices suchas calculators, CD players and laptop computers.

In a fewmoments, the flight attendants will be passing around the cabin tooffer you hot or cold drinks, as well as breakfast/dinner/supper/alight meal/a snack. Alcoholic drinks are also available at a nominalcharge/with our compliments. (On long flights with inflight entertainment: Also, we will be showing you our video presentation.) Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Thank you."


Pada kebiasaannya, 'terbulence' akan berlaku semasa penerbangan. Bagi memastikan keselamatan penumpang, isyarat tali pinggang keledar akan dinyalakan, dan diikuti dengan announcement ini:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captainhas turned on the fasten seat belt sign. We are now crossing a zone ofturbulence. Please return your seats and keep your seat belts fastened.Thank you."

Jikalau turbulence teruk, annoucement ini akan menyusul..

"Flight attendants/Cabin crew, please be seated."


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 Author| Post time 13-1-2008 08:39 PM | Show all posts

Sebelum 'descent' kapten kapal akan membuat announcement waktu jam tempatan, suhu di tempat destinasi and waktu yang tinggal sebelum ketibaan. Kemudian ia akan diikuti oleh announcement oleh anak kapal:

    "Ladies and gentlemen, we havestarted our descent/in preparation for landing, please make sure yourseat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Makesure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage isstowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins.Please turn off all electronic devices until we are safely parked atthe gate. (Smoking flights only: Also, please put out yourcigarettes now.) The flight attendants are currently passing around thecabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cupsand glasses. Thank you."

Final approach

Apabila kapten sudah mendapat 'clearence' untuk landing daripada control tower, Kapten akan memberikan announcement berikut:
    "Flight attendants, prepare for landing please."
    "Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing."
dan diikuti oleh announcement daripada krew kapal
    "Ladies and gentlemen, we have justbeen cleared to land at the ??? airport. Please make sure one last timeyour seat belt is securely fastened."
Selepas itu, tanda isyarat talipinggang keledar dan merokok akan mengelip dan bunyi 'ding dong..ding dong..'

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2008 08:44 PM | Show all posts
After Landing

Apabila pesawat sudah mendarat dan hendak keluar daripada active runway..memasuki taxiway, menuju ke bangunan terminal, anak kapal akan membuat announcement terakhir kepada penumpang..

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to??? airport. Local time is ???. For your safety and comfort, we askthat you please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until theCaptain/Captain Z turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This willindicate that we have come to a complete stop at the gate and it issafe for you to move about. (Since this is the termination of flightnumber ???,) Please check around your seat for any personal belongingsyou may have brought onboard with you and please use caution whenopening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted aroundduring the flight. If you require deplaning assistance, please remainin your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crewmembers will then be pleased to assist you. We remind you to pleasewait until inside the terminal to use any electronic devices (or tosmoke in the designated areas.)

On behalf of ??? Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank youfor joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to see you onboard again in the near future. Have a nice day/evening/night/stay!"

Apabila sudah dock di terminal..kapten akan memberikan announcement kepada anak kapal bagi mengarahkan pintu dibuka.

"Cabin Crew, disarm all doors..thank you"

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Post time 13-1-2008 09:02 PM | Show all posts
pastu nk wt pe plak nih??

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2008 09:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 sweet_charcoals's post

lepastu.."tuan-tuan dan puan-puan..dengan segala hormatnya dipersilakan ke bangunan terminal"

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Post time 13-1-2008 11:29 PM | Show all posts
kekekeke... btw. encik airlines mana~??? kaa dah pencen..

tak pernah plak aku suruh house mate aku buat demo dpan aku.. housemate aku stewardess.. upss steward.. tapi aku baca some of his book laa banyak jugak new thing aku discover.. hahahaha. pas nih kalau aku tak tau nak buat papa bleh aku apply steward.. gagaga.. chicken or fish sir~???

[ Last edited by  promulgate at 13-1-2008 11:31 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2008 12:30 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 promulgate's post

belum pencen lagi.. chicken or fish? kalau kita tau fish dah habis pun still kena tanya tau:

Steward   : Chicken or fish sir
Passenger : I would like to have the fish..plz..
Steward   : I'm sorry sir, only chicken is left..
Passenger :  Then why u ask me "Chicken or Fish" if you don't have the fish anymore? :@
Steward   : Erm..erm..   (prosedur biasa)

hah? you punya housemate tu stewardess?? eh..itu kawan I la.. dia ada cerita kat i pasal you.. you buat rumah or dewan guna computer ape ntah dia crita.. and dia kata you nak buat latihan amali kat ke ape..ntah  I dah lupa...

[ Last edited by  ketua_pramugara at 14-1-2008 12:33 AM ]

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Post time 14-1-2008 09:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 promulgate's post

kirim salam kat housemate awk tu ye...

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Post time 14-1-2008 05:01 PM | Show all posts
cik,saya nak tukar seat kat first class pease????

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2008 05:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 aku_figo's post

kalau points 'Nrich' cukup..kita boleh upgradekan..

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Post time 14-1-2008 07:29 PM | Show all posts
bagus punya topik ni ..

tapi encik ketua_peramugara aku nak tanya apasal kalo lelaki yang wat announcement sore dia cam spesis sotong je ..   ----> aku refer kat MAS

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2008 09:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #13 bRaBus_23's post

Apa? MAS? Mana Ada Sotong !! haha,just joking.
Er..bunyi macam spesis sotong? tak tahula.. tapi time bagi announcement tu actually kena cakap dengan lemah lembut sebernanya.
Cara nak bercakap nak berikan anouncement diajar di akedemi.
takkan la nak bagi announcement dengan suara yang kuat dan terlalu garau..
nanti first timer yang naik akan panik !!

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Post time 14-1-2008 10:01 PM | Show all posts

mula2 tu kena hafal ke...atau baca skrip jek..heheheh.

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2008 11:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 tina's post

baca skrip..tapi kalau dah selalu bca..hafala..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ketua_pramugara at 14-1-2008 12:30 AM
hah? you punya housemate tu stewardess?? eh..itu kawan I la.. dia adacerita kat i pasal you.. you buat rumah or dewan guna computer ape ntahdia crita.. and dia kata you nak buat latihan amali kat ke ape..ntah  Idah lupa...

salah orang laaa bro..

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Post time 15-1-2008 12:36 AM | Show all posts
kekadang kapten yang bagi announcement tu pun cakap cam nak taknak je ..

apa yang dia cakap tah aku pun tak tau .. memang style cakap pun kena camtu ke?

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2008 02:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18 bRaBus_23's post

memang macam tu..macam style malas-malas sikit kan.
selalunya captain kasi first officer jer cakap.
tapi ada some local pilots kita memang suka sangat buat announcement ni..
very energetic..
kengkadang ada yg buat lawak buat time announcement..

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Post time 15-1-2008 03:10 AM | Show all posts
ko ni steward eh..

nak tanya kalo korang buat safety demo pastu passanger wat bodo je contoh baca sokabar ke (cam aku selalu buat ) apa perasan korang eh ..

kalo aku mau aku sekop oxygen mask tu kat muka sesekor

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