"Akhirat", very poignantly, shows the relentless strife of a woman, Mira (Vanidah Imran), who struggles her entire life after knowing she is surrounded by the biggest enemy on earth which is going to attack her body. After being diagnosed with a frightening and mysterious disease, she was burdened with the almost impossible - to face the community and most importantly, to bear the responsibility for her whole family.
Mira has to go through the bitterness of her life secretly. By knowing that she is no longer important and could not fulfil her duty as a wife, she tried to avoid and neglect her husband, Amran (Tony Eusoff) so that he could find a replacement and tries her best to get him married to her cousin, Noni (Nabila Huda), but Amran is not keen about Noni and accuses her of being the black sheep of the family. At the same time Noni becomes wild after knowing that her partner, Ari, who smuggles luxury cars, has been arrested by the police.
Finally, the truth was revealed at last by Mira that her life is coming to an end, "Akhirat". And what defines one's life between right and wrong?
Can Mira motivate herself to fight against the biggest enemy? How will Amran overcome the biggest enemy in his family? What will happen to Ari after being arrested? Will Nabila end her wild lifestyle of sex and everything bad? How will Dato' Shamsudin face all these?
"Akhirat"...Judgment Day is in your hands!
(Source: Sinema Malaysia)
Release Date: 20 March 2008
Language: Malay
Classification: U
Running Time: N/A
Director: Syed Mohamed
Cast: Vanidah Imran, Tony Eusoff, Ady Putra, Nabila Huda, Jins Shamsudin.
ari tuh tgk the making citer ni...si nabila tuh siap puji diri sendir gi....dier kuar statement camni" bukan semua orang bleh bawak watak ni"- aku trpk la..ala..kalo takat bawak watak gedik terkinja..mmg la senang dier nak kasi feel...real life mmg camtuh
aku tgk dah smalam/....tak best sangat..cam citer drama jerk..dari segi scrip pon cam baru blajo buat scrip..siap ader tiru sket sket bahan dalam internet.....watak sedey dier dibuat buat ....nak buat sedey tp tak menjadi..jalan citer ader..cuma pengolahan citer tuee hampeh....skali tgk citer cam citer dulu dulu....masa time sharifah aini rambut kembang dan kurus agi tuee
dah tgk cite ni.. baru aku tau rupenye film ni ada koloborasi dgn India macam cite Diva, jadi bile menonton film ni aku terasa aura (kononnye la) macam tgk cite Diva.. very hindustani.. part sedih dan sakit bnyk dibuat2 sampai aku rasa ganjil lak babak tsb.. cuma tak seteruk Diva la..
overall tak best sgt sbb bnyk part over (over apa aku taktau, tapi kalau korg tgk Diva mmg tau la ada over sbb apa, eg over babak sedih, cuma dalam ni tak seteruk Diva)..
awal2 dah nak wat audience terpaku, siap ada dialog "jangan luoe tutup 'sangkar', nnt 'terbang' keluar pulak"
pastu ni maybe spoiler skit.. masa baca sinopsis dan poster aku terasa watak nabila tu bitchy dan jahat sgt, tapi sebeanrnye takde la jahat sgt pun..
dan jgn lupe saksikan watak tempelan Azza AF1, heheh..