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Former Bloodhound missile sites at Butterworth
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Waktu British pull out dulu, depa bagi missile ni kat ATM ke? Hebat juga kalao ada menatang ni. Tak macam sekarang, harapkan Jernas yang paling jauh je.  |
semua tinggal kenangan, yang indah hanya mimpi... |
Originally posted by curryjames71 at 13-3-2008 02:39 PM 
Waktu British pull out dulu, depa bagi missile ni kat ATM ke? Hebat juga kalao ada menatang ni. Tak macam sekarang, harapkan Jernas yang paling jauh je.
kalo kasi pon rasanya missile tuh dah expired dah. |
Sg gunakan Bloodhound sampai tahun 1990s. Ozzy pun kalo tak salah. Waste. RMAF shld ask for it daripada pihak british. Bloodhound a renge 80km ke-atas.
[ Last edited by belacan79 at 16-3-2008 03:29 PM ] |
Reply #7 spiderweb6969's post
uik missile bloodhound pernah berada di bumi Malaysia???
baru tau...tq bro for the info.. |
Agak menghairankan masa era 70an, Malaysia ada medium range air defence capability dgn adanya Bloodhound ni, fast forward dan menjelang abad ke-21 the best AD yg kita ada adalah Jernas dan various types of vshorads... |
At that time the purchased of Bloodhound Missile is considered to be a militaryly wrong but politically right for singapore...we prefer the Hawk missile from the american...below are the reasons....
Spidy, I-Hawk is medium renge SAM but renge is shorter than Bloodhound. I-Hawk renge is 40 km. Kompare to Bloodhound renge of 80 km. But one thing, more hawk missel can be put on one luncher.
SAF baru sahaja upgred I-hawk as gap-filler. SG new upgreded I-hawk can target and lunch attack on many enemey missel and rocket and aircraft at same time. It is call saturation SAM counter-attack. Tat why Sg also buy Isreal Spyder to replace Rapier. Saturation SAM counter-attack. Dengar dengar SG will buy Aster 30 SAMPT land sistem(100km renge) to replace I-hawk or Patriot with new MSE missel with renge of 70-80 km.
SG layered air defend missel sistem:
Top-most layer is kombat jet of course: F15SG, F16 and F5S/T with AWAC and UAVs(including possibel future Globalhawk).
1) Future Anti-balistic missel sistem and Long Renge sistem:
Isreal Arrow? S-400? Thaad? Renge will be more more than >150-200 km
SG PM has say SG is looking into buying such sistem.
2)Medium renge sistem
Current sistem: Upgreded I-Hawk(Renge 40km)
Replacement: Aster 30 SMPT land sistem or Patriot(after 2010)(Renge > 80-100km)
3) Short renge sistem
Current sistem: Rapier Mk2(similar to Jernas)(Renge 7-8 km)
Replacement: Reported in press of purchase. Isreal Spyder using Pythons and Derby missels. (Renge 15-20 km)
4) Very Short renge sistem
Current sistem: Mistral, Iglas, RBS-70, Oerlikon 35mm anti-aircraft guns.(Renge <10 km)
Replacement: Star-streak to replace RBS-70? Millenium gun to replace Oerlikon 35mm anti-aircraft guns?
[ Last edited by belacan79 at 28-12-2008 12:40 AM ] |
tapi majalah tempur edisi Dec08 ada satu artikel "sejarah" menunjukan ATM tiada bloodhound ini. wa sudah confuse ni dgn artikel itu!  |
Reply #12 nando's post
my understanding is the Bloodhound at Malaysia belong to British, when they withdraw they took the missile away......
[ Last edited by spiderweb6969 at 29-12-2008 08:16 PM ] |
Balas #12 nando\ catat
artikel sejarah yang menarik sebagai rujukan.
cabaran sewaktu peringkat awal mewujudkan ATM
termasuk isu 'double-standard' daripada negara pembekal
senjata |
Balas #13 spiderweb6969\ catat
betul tu.
tiada sebarang penyerahan @ pindahmilik dibuat
kecuali tinggalkan kesan tapak kosong je..  |
Balas #10 areguard\ catat
Ehh... hang salah faham nih, depa bawak bloodhound tu bukan nak protect kita (malaysia) tapi nak protect diri depa sendiri, get it ? terutamanya kat Butterworth AB yang ketika tuh memang milik depa pun.
So, tak heran la depa bawak balik bila perang dah tamat. |
Reply #14 d'zeck's post
true....malah penyerahan Bloodhound ke singapura pun dianggap terpaksa, political pressure, by the time the brits withdraw the Bloodhound is considered obsolete, we prefer the HAWK buatan amerika. Read the article i posted, the reason is given..... |
nice info ..
tak pernah dgr nama mende ni .. |
Dan kalau tak salah, Bloodhound tu bertujuan untuk protect V-Bomber RAF..sebab tu tak semua Airbase, hatta di UK yang dilindungi Bloodhound. Dalam kes Butterworth, masa Konfrontasi, Vulcan dan Victor ditempatkan di sana, |
Balas #19 alphawolf\ catat
Yups, berbaloilah dengan nilai aset yang ada kat situ. |
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