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Why murder? NEW CASE of child killing
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I was at my foreman's workshop to service my car this morning. There were uniformed policemen at my foreman's neighbor. Upon enquiring, I was told there was a dead body in the office next door. It was a small little girl naked body found in a bag which was left in the office. How could these b^$%*#ds killed that little girl?
Why people resort to murder to solve problem?:@
[ Last edited by seribulan at 7-11-2007 08:42 AM ] |
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I post this once at another board...
all of these series are on murder...
Law and Order: SUV...usually involved crime on kids...
a channel just about any crime....CI...
To name some series on murder...
Law n Order
Criminal Minds
Recipe for Murder
Angela's Eyes
etc etc etc... |
Reply #1 SONofODIN's post
one factor would be for a believer...
People can't actually sense the presence of God...if they do __________ |
bila sesebuah negara tu meningkat maju manusia menjadi semakin keji.... |
My foreman once told me that nowadays parents spend too much time sending and picking up their children to and from school. During his time, most of the school children walked to school on their own.
I told him that it was safer during those days. There were no kidnapping and rape cases those days.
Nowadays girls as young as 7 are target of rapists. What a world we are living in now. |
Reply #5 SONofODIN's post
my sis-in-law teman anak2 daranya ke sekolah, mula-mula naik basikal...
lepas tu dia blajar bawak kereta...kerana risaukan keselamatan anak2...
nampaknya memang dia ada asas lerr...dgn jenayah yg makin menjadi2... |
Reply #3 seribulan's post
Strongly agree - a strong sense of belief that God is watching, listening - will hinder people from involving in inmoral activities. To me, we shoudn't forever put the blame on development - yes to certain extent yes - life has change - family structure, society - we become very individualistic - Physical development shouldnt stop us from being caring. The belief of God's existence regadless of time and place is one of the most effective ways to ensure a harmony life. |
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My car was on news. TV3 shot my car.
I wonder why the parents refused to recognised their dead daughter? DNA test has proven the dead girl belongs to them. |
penjenayah di negara maju membunuh untuk keseronokan... kerana ingin melepaskan tekanan hidup. lagi mangsa tu mengelupur kesakitan, lagi nikmat bagi pembunuh. pembunuh pulak tak segan silu meletakkan mayat yang dibunuhnya ditempat awam sebagai trophy kemenangannya... ia juga sebagai tanda amaran bagi polis bahawa penjenayah itu hebat dan berkuasa, simbolik - hey, polis! cubalah tangkap aku .... |
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She left the body there by accident. She was waiting in the staircase of the shop for someone to dispose the body.
The occupants of the shop above some how appeared. That lady came out from the staircase without the bag.
The occupants of the above shop locked the gate when they went up. That lady had to leave the bag containing the body behind. |
It's been a long time since I last cried but seeing TV3 coverage made me cry...
Why would anyone do this?
We have to take personal action to make sure that our loved ones are safe. |
Hope that the girl did not die in vain. Luckily my foreman installed CCTV and the suspects were caught on it.
Too bad couldn't see their face clearly. The accomplice car no plate was not captured on CCTV. Hope that the cops could arrest these animals. I have actually seen the CCTV. |
Reply #12 SONofODIN's post
odin.. waa ko antara org yg ader time diorg jumper nurin tuh ker... |
Reply #13 True-X's post
When I reached there, there were only a few policemen. CID, CSI, forensic team and reporters were not there yet. I saw the bag but couldn't see the body. The area was sealed by police so nobody could go in.
From the CCTV the incidence happened in the afternoon on Sunday. Someone came with the bag. A lady supposed to wait for others to come in a car to dispose the body. Then the staffs from the shop above came and locked the gate. The lady left the bag on the staircase. Since she couldn't retrieve the bag she left in a car which came later. |
why murder? humans committed murder to escape from being recognized, being punished, unknowing to them that sooner or later, guilt will catch up with them..
the worse scenario: some humans murdered their fellow beings so they could feel like God.. have power to take others' lives as they deem fit.. |
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why murder eh?
murder ni boleh dijustifikasi ker?
some ppl commit murder, untuk cover apa yg dah dibuat ..
some ppl commit murder, in a fit of passion ..
some ppl commit murder, coz they're mentally sick ..
some ppl commit murder, coz they're just plain sadistic ..
rasa-rasa ...if kita tanya diri kita ....
deep deep down in the darkest corners of our hearts,
would we be capable of taking a life?
of course, under normal conditions kita takkan buat ..
of course, under normal conditions kita takkan rasa tergamak untuk buat..
but what if we are seriously threatened?
to a point where all reason and sanity flee?
fearing for ourselves or for people we hold dear ..
to a point where we could think nothing but eliminating that source of fear ..
would we .. subconsciously be capable of committing murder?
[ Last edited by Mansairaku at 26-9-2007 09:34 PM ] |
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why murder? only the murderer can say for sure why a humanbeing
can become a beast |
Kisah terbaru di Casa Mila, Selayang...
Kakak kawan saya adalah guru budak perempuan ini...kawan saya beritahu cerita kakak dia...mak budak ini baru 1 bulan bekerja...condo itu dikatakan selamat...budak ini balik kenderaan sekolah hantar sampai kondo...pak guard perhati dia naik sampai masuk condo...dia buka pintu kondo...tapi tak tutup pintu...silap itu sahaja...dia jadi mangsa...kawasan selamat tu...kesian...dia dicampak sewaktu masih bernyawa...kejamnya manusia zaman sekarang...
Kawan saya punya teori...mungkin porno yang amat mudah didapati sekarang merangsang kanak-kanak menjadi mangsa salahlaku seksual ini... |
pada aku the a few main reasons orang buleh nak bunuh budak kecik
1. SAKIT MENTAL- mungkin dia nih penagih. atau masa keciknyer pernah kena dera ngan orang sekeliling dia.
2. TAKDAK IMAN - takyah citerla..dah sah2 tak takot tuhan, apa lagi nak takot kat manusia
3. LETAK OTAK MERATA2 - letak otak kat kaki, lutut atau tpt2 lain yang tak sepatutnya. |
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i ma curious about onme thing.... put away notion of satan or iblis...
if a person lost control of jhimself and do outragous thing, who control him if it is not him?
what drive him to do such? |
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