today gonna go and watch this movie -
Kungfu Fighter -
i love kungfu movie --
sesiapa yang minat kungfu - MOVIE ni mesti best ni!!
tak sabar nak tengok bruce liang lagi -(he was in kungfu hustle
starring stephen chow) --
lepas tengok nanti i will write the review --

Title: Kung Fu Fighter
Starring: Fan Siu Wong , Vanness Wu , Liang Xiao Long , Lam Chi Chung , Emme Wong , Chan Kwok Kwan
Director: Yip Wing Kin
The star of the martial arts hit THE KUMITE, Vanness Wu, is back with more spectacular kung fu action in KUNG FU FIGHTER! Ma (Wu) travels to Shanghai to look for his father and to learn kung fu from him, and in the process Ma discovers that he has super human strength. He puts his extraordinary power to good use as he goes against the Shanghai gangsters and their band of ruthless fighters! Co-starring Terry Fan from RIKKI O: THE STORY OF RICKY and the legendary BRUCE LIANG from Stephen Chow's KUNG FU HUSTLE, KUNG FU FIGHTER is jaw-dropping kung fu fighting at its very best! |
just came back from the movie --
the plot a bit weak but the kungfu was AWESOME!!
best kungfu dia --
vaness wu tu tak pandai berlakon
macam kambing aje ---
tapi dia punya kungfu not bad at all -
banyak adegan lawak juga and kungfu yang fun juga -
pada sesiapa yang tak minat sangat kungfu memang
tak sesuai tengok --- sebab plot dia cari bapak dia tu
macam tak strong aje ---
pada yang suka kungfu macam saya - memang okay la tengok -- |
cite ni ada relate ke sikit2 dgn Kungfu Hustle? sbb blok huruf logo tajuk tu macam nak sama je dgn Kungfu Hustle.. |
dempol This user has been deleted
cerita kung fu memang tidak membosankan...kena tonton ni..
Truly...Dempol support your campaign...
Sistem Kuku Besi telah berputik di Bod CI ini...mana dia Demokrasi dan Hak Kebebasan Bersuara yg dilaung2 dan Diperjuangkan....Kenapa perlu ade Double Standart dan pilih bulu bila mahu menghukum seseorang...kenapa hanya segelintir sahaja dihukum..walhal ramai lagi berkelakuan sama malah lebeh teruk lagi...Pejuangkan Hak Kita...:@ :@ :@
Justice For Dunhill....:@ :@ :@
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Reply #1 dexa's post
citer kelas kungfu ke3......bosan..... |
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