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JESUS IS COMING BACK according to an email titled "Time is up!!!!!" see below
Surprisingly, I was thinking when I saw the same title of two emails I received at the same time, that I have intention to start a political group with the initial UP. So time is for UP to takeover Sabah.
Actually when I opened the attachment, I read of the wonderful end time story of the world and not the earth.
The message of "Jesus is coming back" has different interpretations according to the Bible. Is time really up? Up for what? Is it the end of the earth or the world?
If you ask the Bible teachers, they may tell us that is NOT the end yet as we have NOT reached that stage yet according to the book of Revelation. When was the last trumpet that was sounded?
So it is more like the end of the world in its worldly system presently allowed by God to be controlled by Satan in its deception aplenty. The Bible also tells us that Jesus would reign with us for a thousand years. So are genuine Christians prepared to reign with Jesus Christ on earth for a moment when most Christians want to avoid real politics blaming others and the fake leaders as dirty in the nasty political systems so often with ugly manifestations.
Without a doubt Jesus in the spirit is always with us on earth and it is us who do not recognise Him. It is funny that there is a song "Every one wants to rule the world" and with the turn of the millennium a powerful group of 1.3 billions really applied its intention to rule the world but God in Christ forbids that hence a terrible failure resulting in a backlash self created with the consequences of suicide bombers to destroy the only things that God treasure and that is the LIFE in human body started with the first Adam in the Garden of Eden. Yet these terrorists would call that a divine mission to destroy God's creation in the name of Allah. God also tells us in the Bible that a house divided within would not be sustained. If Allah and God are exchangeable as so often used by some pseudo politico-religious groups, then that is exactly a person or house divided within.
If you don't believe that Jesus Christ is already here all the time as He is the living God, I don't blame you because Jesus did say that not many would know his presence. He is having a back seat to see how our Governments which proclaim themselves as righteous and just via whatever systems like democracy or dictatorship or socialism or communism or theocracy how they actually perform to bring real holy and natural justice for all on earth.
So when Jesus is coming back, it can mean that he is physically back like what he did when he went into Jerusalem Temple - the Temple of the City of God and took actions against those who had desecrated the Holy Temple with great wrath.
So when Jesus is coming back, it is time up for those failed Governments of the world that have brought so much degradation and rottenness to the earth and people created by God for our enjoyment as it was in the Garden of Eden. Do we want to respect Jesus Christ? Can we stop Jesus Christ doing what he wants to do when He is back? We are obvious incapable to handle the return of Jesus Christ as this was seen in the little girl dying within hours after the surgery of the pair of praying hands, to expose the holy message of "Jesus is coming back" which had sort of conviction of sin in us by the unusual outburst of cries and tears uncontrollable so much so that the doctors and the hospital staff plus the mother of the child could not
realise that they had neglected the child. The child must have to be attended to with
special treatment and this is likened to Jesus Christ coming back and we do not know how to handle such sudden scenario unless we are prepared in the body, mind, emotion, soul and spirit to welcome Jesus Christ back on earth as well as into our hearts. No more superficial attitude is acceptable - you either have Jesus Christ in your hearts or you don't have. So start working in that area by praying hard. Those stubborn people who want to stick to their own understanding of their own holy books may perish as it is endtimes for them not qualify to reign with Jesus Christ.
Actually there have been great expectation of Jesus return at the turn of the new millennium but not to be as delayed any longer by our own disbelief in earth.
So in 2007, there had been much speculations of many changes in political and social leaders throughout the world. Would such expectations be coming true? At the mid year, how many leaders have already lost power? Even Tony Blair has to crawl out of power suddenly in 2007 after a delay of earlier promise to do so. The world bank chairman is sacked suddenly. The Real Madrid's coach is sacked despite winning the much coveted trophy in 2007 in Spain. Japan may see a change of the Prime Minister. Such changes may be irrelevant as far as Jesus Christ is concerned.
Some of the powerful nations and leaders had been talking since World War 2 about the new world order but this order is still elusive as much deception is involved.
You may not want to believe this about the unusual event on 11th September 2001 on the twin tower in New York which had led me to write a book "Fire" with a verse as "As when fire sets twigs ablaze and cause water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you." Isaiah 64: 2. The fire did reveal the enemies but the grandiose plan of the enemies failed miserably. So this was the end of the people who had been ruling in many new countries established after the second world war. There was sort of a powerful group of theocracy called OIC but never such a Christian group organised as such although many countries are accused of being run by Christians also known as western powers. Despite the massive wealth of the OIC, we have also seen the weakness of that group when handling the worldly affairs. Bible says all authorities on earth come from God but what we see are at variance with much suffering for most people including those socalled leaders.
(see next part)
Joshua Y. C. Kong - [email protected] P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu. Sabah Borneo Malaysia [email protected]; [email protected] (disabled for unknown reason). NB: Greater intercession is still needed all the times.
----- Original Message ----- From: Richard SG To: Richard SG
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 3:05 PM Subject: Fwd: TIME IS UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!
"And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, and are the called according to His purpose". Rom 8:28 Mobile: 232 33 363480 In the public hospital of Itagua |
the next part
NB: her antistatic.= her anaesthetic in the earlier post.
God is good and right as all groups had been allowed to govern their countries as God promised Abraham to Isaac and Ishmael. But such privileges have been abused for a long time as governments have deviated from the original concept of genuine governing. We have seen from the Bible how Kings had reigned, how some Kings were replaced by Judges, and now we have Presidents and Prime Ministers with or without ceremonial kings.
So when Jesus Christ then came back two thousands years ago, every one had great expectation he was to be new King of justice to reign the world as he was considered God the Son. But his purpose was fulfilled in thirty three years. Nobody was wrong, and God is right as God rules us without a physical presence as God is omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence. So again today we witness the weaknesses and some total failures of many Governments. So it is time that the worldly systems on earth must end and only Jesus Christ can do that to give us a new beginning.
So be prepared to reign with Jesus Christ truly in that perfect sense. The earth had a perfect order at the beginning but that perfect order had been interpreted in various ways over time. Then recently there was a mission of a new world order and how that would be put in place we do not know.
But suddenly I was inspired by God in Christ to write a little book titled "New Wealth Order". We all know that the Governments and the people are still feudalistic and land based. We may have what ever political and social systems but we know the world is faced with great wealth disparities so much so that a third of the world people live under one us dollars each daily while the world also boasts of a few hundred billionaires and a few millions of millionaires. So we are in need of a new wealth order for all inhabitants of the earth and only Jesus Christ can steer us into that kind of natural justice. Is that any surprise that the world's two richest men have been very much involved in charities with one of them giving up most of his wealth to a public trustee foundation? So we need more charitable devotion from more billionaires and nations on earth. So it is now timely for Jesus Christ to make that happen as He had inspired my writing of my first book "New Wealth Order" on 4th July 1999 and finally published on 11th September 2001.
If this is not anarchy of sort, I do not know what. The world's nations has been engaged in very costly wars and conflicts disposing of the trillions of dollars and yet we find ourselves unable to feed the world's people properly with quality foods.
So we have seen how the Governments of whatever persuasions of the world have performed but one thing is commonly noticed is this "the threat of anarchy needs to be addressed quickly to stamp out organized crime, money laundering and corruption and to prevent the spread of drug use that could cause havoc across all continents already plagued by many other tragedies". We need Jesus to help us here.
Many with burden for a better world on earth have been praying very hard throughout all those recent global intercessional events of prayers warriors in Christ for this expected return to be possible. Praise God for his Word would not return to us void.
I am sure the latest message of "Jesus Christ is coming back" has a variety of purposes - personal and otherwise. Jesus Christ has to touch each and everyone of us in our lives so that the earth can be a better place for all. Even with a new earth and new heaven, it is futile if the people maintain the old stance. So it is symbolic that the Governments of the nations must be led by people who believe Jesus Christ is the crux of all things. It is no coincidence that I receive the same message from two persons - one a long time medical doctor friend ( James) of two decades and a retired banker (Joseph) who only got in touch with me a couple of days earlier. Both persons have expressed great political concern for the welfare of Sabah and about the next General Elections. Together with Joshua K, it is 3 J. So if the successive State Governments in Sabah dominated by federalism and theocracy, have failed us in 44 years, then it is timely that Jesus Christ must reign in Sabah Borneo (I have written several times before). Then how would he reigns in Sabah? Isn't it through his people who have strong spiritual conviction that Jesus Christ as God and Son of God can make a significant difference in Sabah and other nations on earth. The message from Richard SG titled "The time is UP". When I saw that the first impression in my mind was that the much rumoured General Elections is here. Richard is about the richness of Jesus Christ in all aspects and wealth and SG can mean Sabah Government.
So I call once again that convicted Christians to be prepared to reign with Jesus Christ for the good of all for a new beginning. People have been urging me to join this and that party and not to be a lone ranger but I cannot do that except to join DAP for a few months. It was for a religious issue that I had to leave that set up. So I am very encouraged by the latest message of "Jesus Christ is coming back" for you and me for all purposes to transform our lives in real politics.
We also are fully aware that Jesus Christ is coming back for our salvation and well beings.
Thank God for this sharing with great joy in Christ.
[ Last edited by 13Friday at 30-6-2007 02:35 PM ] |
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 5-7-2007 07:17 AM 
Maybe he need to be guided to C and C board
What is C and C? |
Originally posted by SONofODIN at 5-7-2007 01:23 PM 
What is C and C?
Christian and christianity board laa |
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 5-7-2007 04:07 PM 
Christian and christianity board laa
Ooooooooooooooooooo |
Reply #6 wei_loon5063's post
I tot Cycle and Carriage. |
Originally posted by SONofODIN at 5-7-2007 05:17 PM 
I tot Cycle and Carriage.
You have muslim and muslimat.. M n M
Cn C
but never B n B
or H n H
why arr? |
 H&H Bagels was founded in 1972 by Helmer Toro and has grown to become one of the largest bagel manufacturers in the world. From its original location at Broadway and 80th Street in New York City, H&H has expanded to a plant on 46th Street at 12th Avenue where bagels are produced for shipment throughout the United States and around the world. H&H produces millions and millions of bagels each year.
H&H Bagels has been featured on numerous television shows and movies. Most recently H&H appeared on NBC's "Seinfeld" and on the feature film "You've got Mail" staring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Other television shows that have featured H&H include NBC's "Friends", "Saturday Night Live", and "LA Law", CNN, Good Morning America, ABC's Wide World of Sports, USA Network's US Open and many, many, more. |
eat well
die well as well but what happen thereafter? |
Originally posted by 13Friday at 6-7-2007 01:42 AM 
die well as well but what happen thereafter?
Does it matter? |
Originally posted by SONofODIN at 7-7-2007 08:35 AM 
Does it matter?
they want their pleasure to snowball to thereafter....
that is why heaven exist |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi