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Dr M and Nobel prize nominee

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Post time 9-2-2007 07:19 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Dr M can kissed Nobel prize goodbye
Dr A Mohanraj, Banda Aceh
Feb 9, 07 6:41pm
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[/td][/tr][tr][td]Apropos to the letter [url=]Dr M抯 憌ar crimes tribunal

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2007 09:23 AM | Show all posts

more kisses of good bye

JK's Digest No. 3 of February 2007 (20 of 2007)  A burst from the past

After moving to the Iramanis (Sweet Era)  from the Regent Place (Ruler), I have managed to prepared the latest Police Report of 37 pages packed with solid materials to claim a worth of Trillion Ringgit.
        Since moving I had to search for files and came across this very old monthly Aliran bulletin in Vol 9, No. 5, 1989 in which the headline "Selling Arms with aid ....  page 40" in which 100 millions pound sterling were paid up front to UMNO Baru (60 million) and the agent and ruling families - 40 million (royalty).
         In that report at the back page of Aliran, it was reported "Dr. M has dismissed THE OBSERVER report on the aid-arms scandal as mischievous."
        That report was by Adam Raphael of THE OBSERVER -7th May, 1989 titled "Thatcher used aid to sell arms".
        So it is strange that after the initial debacle with the milk issue started by the article of 5th September 1987  in Sabah Times, and I was arrested on 19th January, 1989 where a few great miracles happened in the Police Cells ( Kota Kinabalu and Tanjung Aru) - an unjustified detention.   It was reported in the Daily Express - front page of 20th January 1989 sharing a special page with the exPrime Minister where he admitted the failed NEP.
        Then suddenly I found myself in London leaving Kota Kinabalu on 1st April 1989 after the adjourned trial in March 1989.
        After a month in London, I went up to Cambridge when I stay with a relative.  On the next morning and that is Sunday, I was given THE OBSERVER's newspaper cutting of 7th May, 1989.
        Now that I know the published scandal in Malaysia after the Aliran item in my 'cold storage' since 1989 when I returned to Sabah as I used to subscribe to Aliran then.  I never had the time to read that piece although I had carried that burden in moving houses since 1989 in Kota Kinabalu.
        That is a piece of HELL-like experience for the British and Mahathir who did not challenge that serious accusation in the Aliran and THE OBSERVER.
        So that is the truth and what happened when the deal was not fulfilled?  I read somewhere in the newspapers that Daim took with him in a plane a bag containing a Billion Ringgit to Switzerland.  Is that true?  Maybe to repay that upfront money?
        Meanwhile you can add a string of heartaches for Malaysia via 22 years of misled years in addition of what we can read below.  
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
Latest Book: Biodiversity Challenge-Haze Health Hell ISBN983-2653-24-X
Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,
EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service.
EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,
Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, A Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006).
Dr M, here are 17 more
Norman Fernandez
Jul 5, 06 6:23pm
For a man who held in complete contempt anyone who dared to question his policies and decisions, it comes as a complete surprise that in retirement, Dr Mahathir Mohamad has suddenly taken the high moral ground and is now unrelenting in his pursuit for answers for decisions taken by the present government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Since Mahathir demands answers, it is only right and justified that the same ordinary public which he now claims to be part of also requires him to answers the following questions:
What was the basis of inviting Libyan-American Sadeq Mustaffa to Malaysia to set up InventQjaya Sdn Bhd and to also give him a grant of RM440 million? What was the benefit for Malaysia and how has Malaysia benefitted?

What was the justification for privatising profitable state-owned enterprises like Telekom Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional and Pos Malaysia?

What was the basis of granting Indah Water Konsortium a concession to manage the national sewerage system? Could you explain the RM1.4 billion soft loan to IWK which is clearly has irrecoverable losses?

You insinuate Khairy Jamaluddin. Did you not assist your son Mirzan by rescuing Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad (then owned by Mirzan) and which had debts of RM1.7 billion using funds from Petronas? Was it not your administration which forced Malaysian International Shipping Company (MISC) to acquire the assets of Konsortium Perkapalan Nasional?

Did your government not sell Malaysian Airlines System without an open tender to Tajuddin Ramli who had no knowledge whatsoever about running an airline? Why did your government then later bail out Tajuddin by paying RM8 per share when the shares were trading at only RM3.60 in the open market.

Did your administration not bail out Time Dotcom Bhd which was saddled with a RM5 billion debt? Why did your government bail out Time DotCom Bhd using RM904 million from Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen to buy up 273.9 million unwanted Time Dotcom shares incurring an instant loss of RM280 million?

Did you not force the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to buy 81.6 million unsubscribed public portion of the initial public offering (IPO) of Time Dotcom Bhd at RM3.30 per share when the shares were trading at only between RM1.95 and RM2.10 and in the process incurring an instant loss of RM100 million?

Did you not bail out the light rail transit operators Projek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd (Putra) which belonged to Renong and Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Sdn Bhd (Star) using almost RM600 million from EPF which still resulted in EPF having to write off RM135 million with a share loss of RM96 million?

Did your administration not award North South Expressway concession to UEM (who then formed Plus) and then provide them with a loan of RM1.6 billion which was half of the tender price of RM3.2 billion. What was the justification for your administration to grant Plus such overgenerous terms which included annual increment of toll rates and guaranteed traffic volumes?

What was the justification of your administration in 1998 in awarding a RM24.3 billion contract to PSC Industries Berhad, together with an advance of more than RM2.5 billion to build naval patrol boats? Why were they also given exclusive rights to service the Malaysian navy's entire fleet? Could you confirm that the first two ships built by PSCI could not even pass pre-delivery trials? How would you answer to the Public Accounts Committee's revelation that it will cost the government another RM120 million just to salvage the first two vessels nearing completion after seven years?

What was the basis of awarding Ekran Bhd the contract to build the Bakun Hydroelectric Dam in Sarawak? Why did your administration take over the construction of the dam by bailing out Ekran by almost RM200 million for 'work done'?

What was the justification for your administration in Maminco to corner the London tin market which instead resulted in Maminco losing RM150 million?

Was your administration not vitriolic about George Soros and other currency traders and hedge fund managers but yet presided over speculation in the foreign exchange markets which ultimately cost Bank Negara almost RM9.3 billion in losses?

What are the total losses of Perwaja Steel and how much of public funds have been used to cover these losses of Perwaja Steel?

What was the basis for your administration, at the expense of Malaysian taxpayers, to force Tenaga Nasional Berhad to accept such grossly unfair and unjustified terms in purchasing energy from independent power producers?

What was the justification of privatising the government medical stores to Southern Task Sdn Bhd which then hiked up the prices of medicines?

Perhaps you could also reveal how much of Petronas monies have been used by your administration in bailouts and projects of folly.
Naturally there are many more questions the Malaysian public would want answers to but answering these questions first would be a good start.

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 Author| Post time 26-2-2007 01:12 AM | Show all posts

Project Mahathir

why silent on this allegation?

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2007 11:45 PM | Show all posts

great pretenders for PRIZE

Mr Smith wrote:
I remember when PBS defeated Berjaya, there was an attempt to usurp the Chief Ministers post and give it to the losers!!!!!!.
However, Musa Hitam who was the DPM then saved the day. Mahathir was overseas.
Mathair was mad, real mad that a Christian could defeat the BN.
Thus this 1 milion Project which was an open secret. THIS IS TREASON!!!
By the way are these 1 million immigrants accorded Bumiputra status. That would mean the Chinese and Indians are wose off than illegal immigrants.
05/03 14:00:00  read there

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 07:52 PM | Show all posts

good news for the nominee


Watchdog wants Dr M tried for 憁ini genocide

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 07:56 PM | Show all posts

trial for three cases

JK's Digest No. 2 of March 2007 (28 of 2007)  Tun Dr Mahathir taken to UN for mini genocide

    Dear friends,

    Since this case is now brought before UN (see article below), so it is the best opportunity for UN to also hear my
    complaint to the International Criminal Court against the Agung, the Government of Malaysia,
    Tun Dr. Mahathir. the Governor of Sabah over ethnic cleansing and apartheid phenomenon in Sabah.

    Basically, it is now confirmed that the Project IC or Project M had been solely the device of Tun Dr. M.
    Tun Dr. M and his greedy cronies are already exposed.
       So I would appeal to ICC and UN to hear the cases TOGETHER for Justice for Sabah.
    Today's news is really God's way of telling me when in July 2002, when God told me to bring it to World Court after
    publishing EPIC of Sabah.

    Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

Latest Book: Biodiversity Challenge-Haze Health Hell ISBN983-2653-24-X
Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,

EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service.

EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,

Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, A Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006).

Watchdog wants Dr M tried for 憁ini genocide

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2007 01:51 PM | Show all posts

Project Mahathir

N13 Likas Election Courts proceeding as reported
"Voters given cash and goodies"  
Daily Express 10 Nov 1999
The court also heard that the 19 names in the objection list still appeared in the electoral rolls and listed in five voting centres in the Likas constituency.
"The 19 names were found appearing in the name list of voting centres of Bandar Selatan, Likas Timur, Bandar Utara, Likas and Pulau Gaya," Chong told Judge Datuk Mohammad Kamil Awang.
Chong said during a hearing on objections on the revised Likas Constituency 1997 Electoral Rolls on Nov 11 last year, Aminah bte Selamat, a Filipina with an IC-H0555317, turned up and admitted casting her vote twice in the State election in Kudat using the IC of which she confessed as fake.

Aminah, who is now staying at Kampung Pondo, Pulau Gaya, claimed that she obtained the IC through "Project Dr Mahathir" about eight years ago and other foreigners also managed to possess similar documents as a result of the "project IC campaign" during the same year.

The court heard Aminah was born in the Philipines and came to Sabah 10 years ago but in her IC it was stated that she was born at Kampung Sembulan here.

'35 Lahad Datu Umno branch heads foreigners'  Daily Express 13 Nov 1999
KOTA KINABALU: Mutalib Mohd Daud, author of the controversial book "IC Palsu Merampas Hak Anak Sabah" told the High Court Friday that 35 branch chairmen and 75 Umno members in Lahad Datu were allegedly registered as voters even though they were clearly foreigners.
"While I was still executive secretary of Umno Youth for Lahad Datu division we had 34,026 members. But then it rose to 34,788 after I resigned," Mutalib said.
Answering to a question, Mutalib said only about 14,000 party members there possessed IC while the rest he doubted.

He told the court that 10,211 people had applied to get new ICs through a special project called "Project Dr Mahathir".

"However, only 180 managed to obtain their new ICs while the others failed," he said adding that people who wished to get the IC do need to propose their original IC or IC receipts or other documents.
The court heard that the other documents included passport, red IC, supporting docuemnts as well as voting slips issued by the Election Commission and party components.
Before being the executive secretary of the Umno Youth Movement, Mutalib said he was a public relations officer with the Sabah Rubber Fund Board in Lahad Datu.
He was testifying in a consolidation hearing of two petitions filed by defeated Likas candidates in the March State Election, Dr Chong Eng Leong (PBS) and former Chief Minister Datuk Harris Salleh (Bersekutu).
In their petitions, Chong and Harris seeking to nulify the March election result of the constituency won by Datuk Yong Teck Lee who was on Barisan Nasional ticket.
They claimed the alleged existence of phantom voters, double voting, corrupt practices, among others, to have influenced the constituency election result.
Chong was represented by Counsel Yunof Maringking while Harris by Counsel Ansari Abdullah.
Earlier, Judge Datuk Mohd Kamil Awang heard that Mutalib was initially from Kedah but became a Permanent Resident of Sabah after he applied and had an IC which he had to wait for 23 years.
"For a foreigner to get an IC is easy, but for Malaysians like me it is difficult," Mutalib pointed out.
From his findings, Mutalib said a company, Tadus Enterprise, wrote a letter to the Immigration Department in Lahad Datu on July 30, 1987, applying to the department to extend a work permit for one of its workers, Abdul Wahid Ahmad Soloko, with copies to the Counsul of Indonesia, Malaysian Migration Fund Board and the Labour Department there.
"In the letter, it stated that Abdul Wahid had a work permit with serial number 39522. However, the man had an IC which he allegedly used to become a member of Umno in Sabah," he told the court.
"This proved that that there is a syndicate or conspiracy of a higher level," Mutalib added.
"I stayed in Kampung Burung at Lahad Datu...but I'm confused because my neighbours happen to be Filipinos and Indonesians," he said.
"When there is a police raid one can hardly see these neighbours of mine wandering around the kampung," Mutalib told the court. "But I'm not scared of the raids because I'm a Sabahan," he said.

Please read "EPIC of Sabah" in 3 editions by Joshua Y. C. Kong

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2007 09:15 AM | Show all posts

why quiet?

JK's Digest No. 9 of March 2007 (35 of 2007) Hassnar  Ibrahim and Project IC

Don't use that excuse (non cooperation by Hassnar) to delay the completion of the Police investigation into Project IC and Project Mahathir of 1-2 million dubious citizens in Sabah.  The Police had already 28 statements and that is enough.

Hassnar had already done enough of Police reports and Police statements when he was detained under ISA.  
What had happened amongst NRD, the Police and the Hassnar with population explosion of illegal people becoming dubious citizens is obvious. Hassnar had admitted his mistakes and repented for them and Royal Commission must proceed so that Hassnar can be a witness there to provide his evidence already aplenty in Court and elsewhere.
We do our individual IC personally, but under Project IC that was in bulk.

The fact cannot be denied any more and the Police should now strongly recommend a Royal Commission of Inquiry to settle the case of EPIC once and for all.
Long overdue since 1980s as there had been enough of sufferings for Sabahans.
Another observation is that Tun Dr Mahathir (also nominee for Nobel Prize) has been 'quiet' over the allegation  of Project Mahathir (the mastermind) even appearing in the newspapers in 1999.   So long ago?  He cannot pretend he did not know.  But he was attacking the Judge for the N13 Likas Elections Court Case in 2001 in Sabah.  So he cannot plead ignorance of a grievous humanity crime against Sabahans.  
Also it was reported about two years ago, that Tun Dr. M was not receiving any money from the Petronas as advisor.  He was reported as saying that he was given an office and other facilities to use.  Now in Parliament it was reported that he is remunerated with a monthly allowance of RM15,000.
So you draw your own conclusion and can we now proceed to the Courts for Mahathir to state his case of Project M and Project Petronas as Election Commission has challenged unhappy people to bring them to Courts over rigged elections.
So we need to yet to establish the Royal Commission of Inquiry on IC and misconduct of General Elections and in the Sabah case the first one since 8th April 1967.
DO that now. ... wth-rate-worlds.htm - abu sayyap and the Sabah connections in high places.  Project M: False ICs for foreigners in Sabah

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
Latest Book: Biodiversity Challenge-Haze Health Hell ISBN983-2653-24-X
Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,
EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service.
EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,
Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, A Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006).

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2007 09:18 AM | Show all posts

why quiet?

JK's Digest No. 9 of March 2007 (35 of 2007) Hassnar  Ibrahim and Project IC

Don't use that excuse (non cooperation by Hassnar) to delay the completion of the Police investigation into Project IC and Project Mahathir of 1-2 million dubious citizens in Sabah.  The Police had already 28 statements and that is enough.

Hassnar had already done enough of Police reports and Police statements when he was detained under ISA.  
What had happened amongst NRD, the Police and the Hassnar with population explosion of illegal people becoming dubious citizens is obvious. Hassnar had admitted his mistakes and repented for them and Royal Commission must proceed so that Hassnar can be a witness there to provide his evidence already aplenty in Court and elsewhere.
We do our individual IC personally, but under Project IC that was in bulk.

The fact cannot be denied any more and the Police should now strongly recommend a Royal Commission of Inquiry to settle the case of EPIC once and for all.
Long overdue since 1980s as there had been enough of sufferings for Sabahans.
Another observation is that Tun Dr Mahathir (also nominee for Nobel Prize) has been 'quiet' over the allegation  of Project Mahathir (the mastermind) even appearing in the newspapers in 1999.   So long ago?  He cannot pretend he did not know.  But he was attacking the Judge for the N13 Likas Elections Court Case in 2001 in Sabah.  So he cannot plead ignorance of a grievous humanity crime against Sabahans.  
Also it was reported about two years ago, that Tun Dr. M was not receiving any money from the Petronas as advisor.  He was reported as saying that he was given an office and other facilities to use.  Now in Parliament it was reported that he is remunerated with a monthly allowance of RM15,000.
So you draw your own conclusion and can we now proceed to the Courts for Mahathir to state his case of Project M and Project Petronas as Election Commission has challenged unhappy people to bring them to Courts over rigged elections.
So we need to yet to establish the Royal Commission of Inquiry on IC and misconduct of General Elections and in the Sabah case the first one since 8th April 1967.
DO that now. ... wth-rate-worlds.htm - abu sayyap and the Sabah connections in high places.  Project M: False ICs for foreigners in Sabah

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
Latest Book: Biodiversity Challenge-Haze Health Hell ISBN983-2653-24-X
Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,
EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service.
EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,
Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, A Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006).

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