Sudden as it was
That's how the waves came into my life
Softly beating on my beach, caressing me with love
I was caught in its' tantalizing web of words
Knowing by heart this is just a confusion
Just an infatuation
Just a short & sweet love passes by
But I could not help but wonder
Why the waves never stop at a place
Always changing, always come and go
Yet never stay... for good...
It was a beautiful day... when the waves passed by my beach
I wish I could keep the waves
Here at my beach forever
Yet the waves yearn for freedom
And in freedom it must stay |
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Yesterday, the waves came again
Whispering sweet nothing in my ear
Feels like a lullaby for me
Weaving me in its web of dreams
Yet I was ignorant
To its power to hurt
To its power to destroy
To its power to break my heart
But what's there to break?
What's there to destroy?
What's there to hurt?
When I got no heart to spare
When I have no emotion to feel
When I have no body to touch
All my feelings are numbed
All left is my bare soul
And my bare soul given to the waves
And waves still passes me by.... |
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Waves.. I've been thinking about you...
Thinking about us...
How awkward the situation is
When you are there
While I am here
Fate must be twisted
For bringing us together this way
Though I lamented this
It would never drive fate away
And you, waves... are suppose to go
And come as your heart wishes
My heart wishes too, waves...
Wishes for your happiness
Wishes that time could be turned around
To where it begin
When you and I
Could be together
For eternity.... |
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Eternity is a word
With no meaning
For people like you, waves
People who keep on wandering
Letting go is not easy
Yet I was destined to be
Here beside myself
Standing alone and waiting
I'm letting you go, waves
Wanting no more memories
Wanting no more caressing words
Wanting peace at last
Final moment comes
To say goodbye to you
I never hesitate
Though I regret
Time that we spent together
Lost in the sand of time
Good-bye... |
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waves! here me! i'm calling you!
i'm here again... with my heart broken
with tears streaming down my cheek
i've been to the land, waves
and they don't treat me kind
they hurled me around
they stepped on me
and scorned me..
i'm lonely, waves
and i'm tired..
sick and tired of my life
i just wanna stay beside you for a while, waves
just to breathe
just to close my eyes.. |
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.. i open my eyes.. sun shines on my face
remember that waves by my side
my heart speaks of quiet joy
my eyes shimmer with tears
for i hold in my arms..
waves that i treasure so dear
oh waves... oh my dear
leave me never
stay you must always be
even if they take you away
i won't be free of me
forget our past, waves
lets live for free
as you and me... again.. bound for eternity.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi