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Another crisis in the process?

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Post time 29-9-2006 04:08 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Khabarnya tentera Amerika di Iraq bakal menjadi tebusan sekiranya Bush mengambil jalan perang dengan Iran. Lapuran tak rasmi dalam site ni menyatakan 15000 ashkar Amerika dah meninggalkan dunia ni kat sana. Very nice and informatic reading albeit panjang sikit, siapa yg berminat: ... st+Powerful+in+M.E.

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Post time 29-9-2006 04:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 windof's post

figure tu too high...aku rasa ni lagi betul..

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2006 04:15 PM | Show all posts
Any update and info on Syria, Indonesia and Venezuela procurement synchronisation of late as mentioned by one of the forumers there? And the purpoted delivery of Raad and RPG29 to the Iraqis insurgents mainly Sadr's army? This is sure a well planned war going to take shape if Bush and his foolish congress opted for it.

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2006 04:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 mmc's post

Untuk angka rasmi aku setuju ngan hang MMC. Tapi syok pulak tengok angka tak rasmi tu, walaupun mmg macam tak logik. But in war, anything can happen. Wallahualam bi sawab.

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Post time 29-9-2006 04:35 PM | Show all posts
tapi still too high for a 'non-war' ..anyway wa chow dulu, selamat berbuka...

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2006 04:42 PM | Show all posts
selamat berbuka Muchi.

Lagi satu cerpen:

Why Bush Will Nuke Iran
by Paul Craig Roberts

The neoconservative Bush administration will attack Iran with tactical nuclear weapons, because it is the only way the neocons believe they can rescue their goal of U.S. (and Israeli) hegemony in the Middle East.

The U.S. has lost the war in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Generals in both war theaters are stating their need for more troops. But there are no troops to send.

Bush has tried to pawn Afghanistan off on NATO, but Europe does not see any point in sacrificing its blood and money for the sake of American hegemony. The NATO troops in Afghanistan are experiencing substantial casualties from a revived Taliban, and European governments are not enthralled over providing cannon fodder for U.S. hegemony.

The "coalition of the willing" has evaporated. Indeed, it never existed. Bush's "coalition" was assembled with bribes, threats, and intimidation. Pervez Musharraf, the American puppet ruler of Pakistan, let the cat out of the bag when he told CBS' 60 Minutes on Sept. 24, 2006, that Pakistan had no choice about joining the "coalition." Brute coercion was applied. Musharraf said Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage told the Pakistani intelligence director that "you are with us" or "be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age." Armitage is trying to deny his threat, but Dawn Wire Service, reporting from Islamabad on Sept. 16, 2001, on the pressure Bush was putting on Musharraf to facilitate the U.S. attack on Afghanistan, stated: "'Pakistan has the option to live in the 21st century or the Stone Age' is roughly how U.S. officials are putting their case."

That Musharraf would volunteer this information on American television is a good indication that Bush has lost the war. Musharraf can no longer withstand the anger he has created against himself by helping the U.S. slaughter his fellow Muslims in Bush's attempt to exercise U.S. hegemony over the Muslim world. Bush cannot protect Musharraf from the wrath of Pakistanis, and so Musharraf has explained himself as having cooperated with Bush in order to prevent the U.S. destruction of Pakistan: "One has to think and take actions in the interest of the nation, and that's what I did." Nevertheless, he said, he refused Bush's "ludicrous" demand that he arrest Pakistanis who publicly demonstrated against the U.S.: "If somebody's expressing views, we cannot curb the expression of views."

Bush's defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel's defeat by Hezbollah in Lebanon have shown that the military firepower of the U.S. and Israeli armies, though effective against massed Arab armies, cannot defeat guerillas and insurgencies. The U.S. has battled in Iraq longer than it fought against Nazi Germany, and the situation in Iraq is out of control. The Taliban have regained half of Afghanistan. The king of Saudi Arabia has told Bush that the ground is shaking under his feet as unrest over the American/Israeli violence against Muslims builds to dangerous levels. Our Egyptian puppet sits atop 100 million Muslims who do not think that Egypt should be a lackey of U.S. hegemony. The king of Jordan understands that Israeli policy is to drive every Palestinian into Jordan.

Bush is incapable of recognizing his mistake. He can only escalate. Plans have long been made to attack Iran. The problem is that Iran can respond in effective ways to a conventional attack. Moreover, an American attack on another Muslim country could result in turmoil and rebellion throughout the Middle East. This is why the neocons have changed U.S. war doctrine to permit a nuclear strike on Iran.

Neocons believe that a nuclear attack on Iran would have intimidating force throughout the Middle East and beyond. Iran would not dare retaliate, neocons believe, against U.S. ships, U.S. troops in Iraq, or use their missiles against oil facilities in the Middle East.

Neocons have also concluded that a U.S. nuclear strike on Iran would show the entire Muslim world that it is useless to resist America's will. Neocons say that even the most fanatical terrorists would realize the hopelessness of resisting U.S. hegemony. The vast multitude of Muslims would realize that they have no recourse but to accept their fate.

Revised U.S. war doctrine concludes that tactical or low-yield nuclear weapons cause relatively little "collateral damage" or civilian deaths, while achieving a powerful intimidating effect on the enemy. The "fear factor" disheartens the enemy and shortens the conflict.

University of California Professor Jorge Hirsch, an authority on nuclear doctrine, believes that an American nuclear attack on Iran will destroy the Nonproliferation Treaty and send countries in pell-mell pursuit of nuclear weapons. We will see powerful nuclear alliances, such as Russia/China, form against us. Japan could be so traumatized by an American nuclear attack on Iran that it would mean the end of Japan's sycophantic relationship to the U.S.

There can be little doubt that the aggressive U.S. use of nukes in pursuit of hegemony would make America a pariah country, despised and distrusted by every other country. Neocons believe that diplomacy is feeble and useless, but that the unapologetic use of force brings forth cooperation in order to avoid destruction.

Neoconservatives say that America is the new Rome, only more powerful than Rome. Neoconservatives genuinely believe that no one can withstand the might of the United States and that America can rule by force alone.

Hirsch believes that the U.S. military's opposition to the use of nuclear weapons against Iran has been overcome by the civilian neocon authorities in the Bush administration. Desperate to retrieve their drive toward hegemony from defeat in Iraq, the neocons are betting on the immense attraction to the American public of force plus success. It is possible that Bush will be blocked by Europe, Russia, and China, but there is no visible American opposition to Bush legitimizing the use of nuclear weapons at the behest of U.S. hegemony.

It is astounding that such dangerous fanatics have control of the U.S. government and have no organized opposition in American politics.

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2007 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Are they going for war? Kalau tengok cerita "300" tuh, nampak gayanya macam paluan perang ke atas Parsi sedang dipukul oleh amerika. Tambh pulak ngan kehadiran 2 aircraft carrier untuk "latihan" dekat Iran...
AS lancar latihan perang terbesar di Teluk Parsi
DUBAI 27 Mac

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2007 10:10 PM | Show all posts

dan lagi

Blair arah bebas askarnya, atau Iran hadapi 憈indakan

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Post time 29-3-2007 07:24 AM | Show all posts

Live: April 6???

Operation Bite - April 6 Sneak Attack
By US Forces On Iran Planned
- Russian Military Sources Warn

General Ivashov Calls For Emergency Session Of
UN Security Council To Ward Off Looming US Aggression
By Webster G. Tarpley

WASHINGTON DC -- The long awaited US military attack on Iran is now on track for the first week of April, specifically for 4 AM on April 6, the Good Friday opening of Easter weekend, writes the well-known Russian journalist Andrei Uglanov in the Moscow weekly "Argumenty Nedeli." Uglanov cites Russian military experts close to the Russian General Staff for his account.

The attack is slated to last for twelve hours, according to Uglanov, lasting from 4 AM until 4 PM local time. Friday is a holiday in Iran. In the course of the attack, code named Operation Bite, about 20 targets are marked for bombing; the list includes uranium enrichment facilities, research centers, and laboratories.

The first reactor at the Bushehr nuclear plant, where Russian engineers are working, is supposed to be spared from destruction. The US attack plan reportedly calls for the Iranian air defense system to be degraded, for numerous Iranian warships to be sunk in the Persian Gulf, and the for the most important headquarters of the Iranian armed forces to be wiped out.

The attacks will be mounted from a number of bases, including the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Diego Garcia is currently home to B-52 bombers equipped with standoff missiles. Also participating in the air strikes will be US naval aviation from aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, as well as from those of the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. Additional cruise missiles will be fired from submarines in the Indian Ocean and off the coast of the Arabian peninsula. The goal is allegedly to set back Iran's nuclear program by several years, writes Uglanov, whose article was re-issued by RIA-Novosti in various languages, but apparently not English, several days ago. The story is the top item on numerous Italian and German blogs, but so far appears to have been ignored by US websites.

Observers comment that this dispatch represents a high-level orchestrated leak from the Kremlin, in effect a war warning, which draws on the formidable resources of the Russian intelligence services, and which deserves to be taken with the utmost seriousness by pro-peace forces around the world.

Asked by RIA-Novosti to comment on the Uglanov report, retired Colonel General Leonid Ivashov confirmed its essential features in a March 21 interview: "I have no doubt that there will be an operation, or more precisely a violent action against Iran." Ivashov, who has reportedly served at various times as an informal advisor to Putin, is currently the Vice President of the Moscow Academy for Geopolitical Sciences.

Ivashov attributed decisive importance to the decision of the Democratic leadership of the US House of Representatives to remove language from the just-passed Iraq supplemental military appropriations bill which would have demanded that Bush come to Congress before launching an attack on Iran. Ivashov pointed out that the language was eliminated under pressure from AIPAC, the lobbing group representing the Israeli extreme right, and of Israeli Foreign Minister Tsipi Livni.

"We have drawn the unmistakable conclusion that this operation will take place," said Ivashov. In his opinion, the US planning does not include a land operation: " Most probably there will be no ground attack, but rather massive air attacks with the goal of annihilating Iran's capacity for military resistance, the centers of administration, the key economic assets, and quite possibly the Iranian political leadership, or at least part of it," he continued.

Ivashov noted that it was not to be excluded that the Pentagon would use smaller tactical nuclear weapons against targets of the Iranian nuclear industry. These attacks could paralyze everyday life, create panic in the population, and generally produce an atmosphere of chaos and uncertainty all over Iran, Ivashov told RIA-Novosti. "This will unleash a struggle for power inside Iran, and then there will be a peace delegation sent in to install a pro-American government in Teheran," Ivashov continued. One of the US goals was, in his estimation, to burnish the image of the current Republican administration, who would now be able to boast that they had wiped out the Iranian nuclear program.

Among the other outcomes, General Ivashov pointed to a partition of Iran along the same lines as Iraq, and a subsequent carving up of the Near and Middle East into smaller regions. "This concept worked well for them in the Balkans and will now be applied to the greater Middle East," he commented.

"Moscow must expert Russia's influence by demanding an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to deal with the current preparations for an illegal use of force against Iran and the destruction of the basis of the United Nations Charter," said General Ivashov. "In this context Russia could cooperate with China, France and the non-permanent members of the Security Council. We need this kind of preventive action to ward off the use of force," he concluded.

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2007 08:28 AM | Show all posts

hari ni 29/3/07 dr berita harian

[quote]Keadaan Teluk mula tegang

TEHERAN: Keadaan di Teluk semakin tegang dengan kemungkinan tercetus perang baru di antara Iran, Britain dan Amerika Syarikat, selepas Washington memperhebat latihan ketenteraan di rantau itu, manakala London dan Teheran terus bertikam lidah mengenai penahanan 15 tentera laut British.

Khabar angin juga tersebar bahawa tentera Iran melancarkan serangan peluru berpandu ke arah sebuah kapal perang Amerika selepas Britain bertindak untuk membebaskan askarnya semalam.

Washington dan London menafikan berita itu, tetapi menyalahkan Iran atas ketegangan di Teluk. Pergeseran tiga negara itu dan khabar angin berkenaan dilaporkan menjadi punca kenaikan harga minyak dunia kepada AS$69 (RM241.50) setong.

Perbadanan Penyiaran Britain (BBC) menyifatkan latihan perang tentera Amerika di Teluk sebagai yang paling besar sejak melancarkan serangan terhadap Iraq pada 2003.

Ia membabitkan kapal USS Dwight D Eisenhower yang berada di Teluk, sebagai menyokong operasi ketenteraannya di Iraq, manakala kapal USS John C Stennis membantu misi Washington di Afghanistan.

Walaupun menafikan tindakannya itu sebagai cubaan menggertak Iran, Amerika nyata menunjukkan kekuatan lautnya di mata dunia.

揂pa yang perlu difahami oleh Iran dan semua pihak ialah latihan itu bertujuan menjaga kestabilan dan keselamatan serantau.

揔apal ini bertujuan menunjukkan sekali lagi pandangan kami dalam perkara ini. Jika berlaku kesan yang membawa kepada ketidakstabilan, itu disebabkan Iran,

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Post time 29-3-2007 08:40 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by windof at 28-3-2007 10:10 PM
Blair arah bebas askarnya, atau Iran hadapi 憈indakan

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Post time 29-3-2007 09:09 AM | Show all posts

MOD briefing shows Royal Navy personnel were in Iraqi waters

Military Operations

MOD briefing shows Royal Navy personnel were in Iraqi waters
28 Mar 07

The Ministry of Defence has presented evidence which shows that the fifteen personnel detained by Iranian authorities on Friday 23 March 2007 were operating in Iraqi waters when they were seized.

Picture shows GPS location of the incident, as seen from a Royal Navy helicopter over the merchant vessel after the event
[Picture: MOD]

The briefing, at defence headquarters in London, was given by Vice Admiral Charles Style, Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Commitments). Vice Admiral Style, who is responsible for providing strategic advice to operational commanders, explained in detail where the Royal Navy personnel were located when they were seized:

"The aim of this brief is to provide a factual account of the incident during which fifteen Royal Naval personnel were seized by the Iranians last Friday. By way of background, HMS CORNWALL was in charge of the coalition force, which - alongside the Iraqi Navy - is operating in the Northern Persian Gulf.

"This force maintains the sovereignty and integrity of Iraqi territorial waters under UN Security Council Resolution 1723, and with the approval of the Iraqi Government. The ship

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Post time 29-3-2007 09:10 AM | Show all posts
See Slide

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Post time 29-3-2007 09:11 AM | Show all posts
See Slide

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Post time 29-3-2007 09:14 AM | Show all posts

Vice Admiral Charles Style, Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Commitments)
[Picture: CPO Colin Burden]

"On Sunday morning, 25 March, HMS CORNWALL's Lynx conducted an overflight of the merchant vessel, which was still at anchor, and once again confirmed her location on Global Positioning System equipment. Her Master confirmed that his vessel had remained at anchor since Friday, and was in Iraqi territorial waters.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my primary message is clear. HMS CORNWALL with her boarding party was going about her legal business

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Post time 29-3-2007 10:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #12 jofizo's post

Aik, dan dan lak amik gambar GPS depa..macam sudah dirancang jer..sbg bukti kunun2 yer depa dalam perairan Iraq...takperla, dah US dan UK beria2 benar untuk sending their young boys and girls to their death in a foreign land

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Post time 29-3-2007 10:35 AM | Show all posts
tunjuk la iran punya GPS pulak.. kalau ye kat dalam kawasan
perairan iraq pun bukannya kawasan derang jugak..
tah hape la derang ni..

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Post time 29-3-2007 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Nie lebih kurang macam kes Ambalat laa... tapi memandangkan keadaan yg semakin tegang kat teluk Parsi mmg tak patut Royal Navy kat kawasan tsb, sepatutnya bagi kat Iraqis yg buat

Maybe ni salah satu cara Tony Blair nak join Bush & mewajarkan U.K utk take part dgn U.S serang Iran

Conflicting territorial claims and disputes over navigation rights between Iran and Iraq were among the main factors for the Iraq-Iran War that lasted from 1980 to 1988, when the pre-1980 status quo was restored. The Iraqi cities of Basra and Umm Qasr are situated along this river, both of which are major ports, as well as the Iranian cities of Abadan and Khorramshahr.

Control of the waterway and its use as a border have been a source of contention between the predecessors of the Iranian and Iraqi states since a peace treaty signed in 1639 between the Persian and the Ottoman Empires

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Post time 29-3-2007 01:04 PM | Show all posts

Footage Of British Sailors Broadcast By Iran W/ Audio

TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian state television showed video footage Wednesday of a British servicewoman and a group of seized British sailors and marines.

The video showed the sailors and marines eating. The woman, 26-year-old Faye Turney, was shown wearing a white tunic with a black headscarf draped loosely over her hair.

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Post time 29-3-2007 01:08 PM | Show all posts

UK Sailors Admit Trespassing on Iranian Waters?

Sedutan daripada CNN yg mengatakan crew UK memang memasuki perairan Iran, agaknya apa respond blair? crew tu dipaksa mengaku agaknya

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