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Gagal Certificate In Legal Practice(CLP)
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my sister's son baru2 ni kalo tak silap, on Monday dpt his CLP results.gagal nampak nya.
ini kira kali pertama he sat for the exam.
apa pendapat kalian? nasihat aku utk dia tu,pi buat full-time study balik tapi budak tu punya lah degil asyik nak cari kerja.College pulak offer dia tu jadik pensyarah.
tak dengar langsung budak tu.Mana boleh jadi pensyarah?pensyarah pun kena buat reading up sebelum masuk kelas.i knew it coz sebelum kahwin, i was a lecturer too. i told him that he will not have the time.baik pi study full time.
any advice i can have for him? maybe i should ask Khairy masuk dan baca forum ni! |
Reply #1 twinstar's post
dia fail brapa CLP papers? |
nyatha lah.all i know is fail! nama pun takde dlm passing list,that was what he told me. |
Reply #3 twinstar's post
perhaps budak2 yg pernah amik CLP lagi reti nak advice.. anyway, i assume dia failed more than 1 paper.. coz if 1 paper jer fail, the status is conditional pass.. u repeat that paper only.. tapi if failed 2 papers dan keatas, u've gotta repeat all 5 papers...
kawan2 i yg amik CLP dulu ada yg part time, ada yg full time.. they said that it doesnt really matter pun part time or full time coz CLP takes 9 months.. n method of lecturing bukan mcm zaman degree lagi. yg membezakan part time dgn full time cuma budak full time datang siang, budak parttime datang mlm/petang.. classes pun bukan everyday.. in their timetable tu.. ada certain period yg they attend classes 3 times a week jer ie 2 hari weeknd n lagi satu hari weekday.. n ada certain period tu plak kena datang 3 kali on weekdays (depends on lecturers availability).
anyway, ni semua is up to ur anak sedara la.. dia confident ker bole pass semua papers kalau dia amik lagi sekali? u know la bila keje.. kita mula bz.. nak study n concentrate pun susah..byk benda nak fikir.. bila lagi nak kejar masa to do assignments n nak study.. if dia tak confident, better dia buat full time jer la.. for that 1 whole year (i mean 9 months) dia concentrate betul2 on CLP rather than buat partime. but if dia ada strong will power n confident bole pass, then apa salahnya amik parttime. must be able to juggle masa la..
but CLP ni kalau malas study mmg senang jer nak fail.. very high failure rate.. sudah2nya tak amik ler CLP tu.. |
terima kasih bebanyak fairy_hobbit.
i will tell Khairy bout it. |
Reply #5 twinstar's post
amik ko.. siap bgtau nama tu :jeling: |
Kallau ur nephew tu susah sangat nak study fulltime suruh dia ambil kelas part time.. masa pun flexible..
Dia pun boleh bekerja sambil belajar..
Tapi tough sikit kena rajin & mesti ada minat..
Dulu i ambik CLP part time..:nyorok:
Time tu sedang bekerja di legal firm so tak jadi masalah sbb apa2 kemusykilan ramai lawyer2 yg sedia membantu.. |
emm CLP hehe...kene study betul2..kwn i ada sorang yg tak amik CLP..tapi tak taula dier x amik or fail but then masuk laa 1year llbhons kat uitm...sian dier.... |
thanks guys.
i thank you guys on behalve of my nephew. |
Purpose of CLP exam - you tell me
Julian Puvenaswaran
Oct 20, 06 6:02pm Adjust font size:
I refer to the recent Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) results and I share the concerns with the many people who have written to the daily newspapers about the lack of transparency in dealing with the examination.
It is difficult to comprehend that out of over 1,000 students sitting for the examination, only 107 passed this exam. This pass rate of 10% cannot be fair and there is no basis to it. What is ironic and not mentioned is the fact that the 10% pass rate this year also includes those re-sitting the exam. This means, of the 107 who passed, many of them have sat for the CLP exam several times.
Thus the figures of 10% is misleading. It should be more appropriately said that for first-timers who sit the CLP examination the pass rate is from 6% to 10%. Assuming the quoted figure of a 10% pass rate, surely the remaining 90% of students who fail the Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) cannot be that unintelligent enough to pass?
One must keep in mind that 90% of the 1,000 over students who sit for the CLP yearly are foreign graduates or foreign degree holders. Are we saying foreign universities, namely those in the UK, do not train their law degree holders well?
In most professional examinations, the pass rate or difficulty bar is raised to prevent an influx of entrants into a certain profession either because of the large volume of entrants yearly or due to the fact that they want to maintain a high quality.
In the case of the legal profession in Malaysia however, the purpose of making this exam ridiculously difficult does not achieve this goal.
This is because of the fact that every year, thousands of local law graduates enter the legal profession. In fact UiTM alone churns out over 1,000 law graduates a year who automatically enter the legal profession as they are exempt from the taking the CLP course.
So what is the purpose of making the CLP examination extremely difficult? It seems like a concerted effort to penalise foreign-graduated students for being 慺oreign-graduated students |
Originally posted by chipmunk at 24-10-2006 05:39 PM
Purpose of CLP exam - you tell me
Julian Puvenaswaran
Oct 20, 06 6:02pm Adjust font size:
I refer to the recent Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) results and I share the concerns with t ...
mmg elok pun kalau betulla the passing mark of CLP is raised.. this will avoid the influx of half past six lawyers from entering the legal profession in malaysia. what makes the writer think that the malaysian syllabus in the CLP shud be easier? heh......
anyway this writer shud do his homework coz hell... no way wud uitm produce 1000 law grad per year... uitm la yg paling sikit produce law grad (setau aku) with crazy paper marking yg menyusahkan hidup sebagai student. to uitm lecturers n the external examiners.. keep up the crazy paper- marking standard yg buat ramai org kena kick from uni or kena repeat papers sampai extend byk semesters tu... biarla org kata such strictness tak membantu bumi or watever school of thot yg pernah gaduh pasal the strictness tu...
another thing is.. why say that uitm or any local uni.. iium, um, ukm grads are exempted from taking CLP as one of his supporting facts? the local students spend 4 yrs to complete the LLB hons degree... bukan 3 tahun toktektoktek punya degree..... watever that budak2 CLP belajar.. we cover them all if not more. and most local unis punya final year cover professional syllabus. so that supporting reason failed terribly la... go and read ur Legal Pro Act (LPA) b4 nak hantar article kat suratkhabar . sheesh...
chipmunk may i know the source and date of this article? would like to fwd it to some ppl. thanks dear. |
Ada ke kater UiTM keluar graduan law 1000 orang setahun....dia nak pandang rendah kat UiTM...UiTM punya law papers paling susah
di dunia siap 30% coursework...kena buat 3rd language lagi, ko lagi...pastu honest setahun lagi...
tapi aku setuju CLP marking terlalu ketat dan mungkin patut dipastikan sekurang2nya minima 30% pass...
[ Last edited by herman at 30-10-2006 04:02 PM ] |
CLP memang susah pun, yg lepas pun rata2 3rd class jek...2nd class lower ada 5,6 orang, 2nd class upper hampir takde, kalo ada pun rare sangat nak jumpe tiap2 tahun...1st class memang takdela aku rasa...
baru2 ni kuar the star ada artikel yg bengang pasal CLP ni, konon2 takde purposela, yg aku marah tu, dia pegi sindir lak local grads yg tak payah amik CLP...kalo camtu dia kata, lagi baik amik 3rd year course kat UK or elsewhere, pastu final year diorang amik kat uni. local, uia ke, um ke...kepala hotak dia
penghalang paling utama nak lulus CLP of coursela law yg ko amik kat UK TAK SAMA dgn law kat malaysia...takyah jauh2la, criminal law dah cukup...UK ada penal code? tu blom lagi citer pasal land law, kot2 la kan UK ada national land code...tu blom cakap consitutional law, malaysian legal system (yg sah2 memang tak sama dgn UK)...budak2 kat malaysia pulun 4 tahun macam nak mati tau belajar course tu semua, bile diorang dah grad, at least diorang tau differencenye...
jadik kpd twinstar, tell ur sister's son, stadi la law balik...btw, kolej tu amik LLB holder as lecturer utk ajar subjek yg applicationnye utk practise law kat malaysia ke, UK? jangan cuba2la, lecturer law ni berat bebannye, unless kalo ada master or phd (tu dah kira stadi balikla kan) |
nak add lagi observation senior aku sendiri bile dia jadik lawyer kat 1 of the firm kat KL
dia grad law kat uia, chambering pastu jadik lawyerla..kat firm tu, junior lawyer cuma dia sorang je yg grad local, yg lain semua grad overseas & yg menyakitkan hati dia, junior lawyers lain semua underestimate dia, kalo bab2 argue tu, memang tak pandangla opinion senior aku ni...yg geramnye senior aku kata diorang tu bukannye pandai sangat pun, bongkak semacam je bile grad oversea, cgpa pun tak bagus (padahal senior aku ni 2nd class upper yg sikit lagi nak masuk 1st class), CLP pun cukup2 makan...luckily bos dia tak kisah pasal benda tu sebab bos dia tau senior aku ni memang tau buat kejer...yg beza pun (kalo ada), senior aku cakap BI biasa, klik dia cakap BI berabuk nottingham, tu jek...bukan bole buat judges impress pun...
aku rasa tak semua overseas law grad berlagak, tapi memang ada yg camtu, jadik maybe CLP ni bagus as barrier utk diorang supaya jgn berlagak lebih2... |
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 25-10-2006 03:07 AM
mmg elok pun kalau betulla the passing mark of CLP is raised.. this will avoid the influx of half past six lawyers from entering the legal profession in malaysia. what makes the writer think th ...
fairy i quote that article from malaysiakini...skrg nie heboh org dok pertikai 10% lulus CLP... |
Originally posted by herman at 25-10-2006 06:54 PM
Ada ke kater UiTM keluar graduan law 1000 orang setahun....dia nak pandang rendah kat UiTM...UiTM punya law papers paling susah
di dunia siap 30% coursework...kena buat 3rd language lagi, ko lagi ...
yeke plg susah...hehe..patutlah x masuk dalam 200 terbaik..ops..sorry...raya beb...(mesti kna beng lpas ni).. |
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