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macam mana nak hack account YAHOO!!

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sensasiii This user has been deleted
Post time 11-7-2006 04:03 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
ahahahaha hati-hati bila anda terdapat email semuanya penipu.....

ni adalah email yang baru aku dapat yang mengatakan macam mana nak hack yahoo user account...

harap korang semua tak terpedaya dengan janji kosong...

Hey, there! I spent many years and countless hours, but I've
finally found a way to get any Yahoo! user's username and
password information, and it's remarkably easy to do!

Here is the procedure:
Write an e-mail [email protected] with "MemberPW"
(without the quotes) as the subject.

In the text field, type the screen name (not the e-mail address)
of the person you want the password of all in lowercase letters.

Press [enter] once (leaving no blank lines).

Type in your own yahoo account information.
(Your login)Your password).

Send the e-mail.
This prompts the automated secure password bot to send the
desired information to your yahoo account, rather than to the
person you're hacking.

For example, the person you wish to hack has a Yahoo! account
named "cindyhot4you" with your screen name being "roger513"
and your password "nyrangers"

Your finished e-mail message should look like this...
To: [email protected]
Subject: MemberPW

Once Yahoo! discovers this "glitch" in their system, they
will undoubtedly fix it.  PLEASE use this carefully, and
intelligently.  If you are going to read someone else's
mail, remember to use "MARK AS UNREAD" before you logg out
of their account so they don't know anyone was there.
Also, don't change their password, or else they will for
sure know something fowl is happening with thier account.
One other thing, don't send any mail using thier account.
This will backfire because eventually the person the mail
is sent to will contact your target and it will be known
that someone else had access to their mail.  Have fun, but
be smart and safe!

[ Last edited by  padlie at 11-7-2006 08:29 PM ]

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Post time 11-7-2006 07:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 sensasiii's post

hahha.... Social engineering.  Tapi orang yg buat ni budus sangat. Terlalu obvious.

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Post time 11-7-2006 02:59 PM | Show all posts
benar2 boleh hack ker?

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Post time 11-7-2006 03:11 PM | Show all posts
newbie to internet akan mudah terpengaruh.

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momo800 This user has been deleted
Post time 11-7-2006 03:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 JohnDeSouza's post

tipu punya lah

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Post time 11-7-2006 05:45 PM | Show all posts
budusnya...kalo nak hack nape kene letak login n password sendiri..hahahaha nice try
lagipun wat per nak hack orgnye akaun..jaga tepi kain sendiri lagi baikla..

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Post time 11-7-2006 08:05 PM | Show all posts
org guna keylogger la baru mengancam... dapat trace pass email, maybank2u etc.. apa yg ditaip guna keyboard sure dapat trace... kecuali yg guna engine browser firefox, keylogger x byk dapat detect...

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Post time 11-7-2006 08:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 dimiez's post

yg ni kena install dan running kat komputer mangsa. X mengancam sbb bilangan sasaran kecik :nana: Social engineering is stil one of the best method.  Kalu mcm contoh kat atas tu, dia buleh hantar kepada mana2 email yg ada. Hopefully there are ppl who are stupid enough to believe that prank

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Post time 12-7-2006 11:51 AM | Show all posts
jangan tertipu...nanti email korang yang kena hack..langsung x boleh buka......bercakap dari pengalaman..hehhe

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Post time 17-7-2006 06:19 AM | Show all posts
hotmail pon ada....konon nak update password through passport lol suh wa click on link aproval...bodo punya lalat wahahaha....

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Post time 17-7-2006 06:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 neotoxin's post

social exploit nih byk berlaku dlm online games hehehe ada website lagih wahahaha....

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