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Mahir Add Math/Calculus, is it gifted or boleh diasuh??

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isaura This user has been deleted
Post time 24-10-2005 08:10 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Me ni tak pandai math my hubby pun sama,

apa pendedahan terbaik yg me boleh beri pada anak2 utk bagi mereka pandai math

coz me tengok kursus2 kritikal kat U e.g. medic/engine sume kena pandai add math/calculus ni.

Sekarang ni ramai parents atas kesedaran pentingnya math

berlumba2 hantar anak pergi kumon/mental arithmetic classes dgn harapan nak

bg anak2 kuasai math. Kalau pergi kelas2 ni gerenti ker anak2 ni pandai add math/calculus?

Oleh kerana my family background lemah in math, adakah menjadi kewajipan for me utk hantar
my children ke tempat2/tuisyen macam ni?

Mungkin korang boleh kongsi pengalaman korang masa kecik2 dulu.

Pendedahan yg parents beri pada korang etc.

Ada ke zaman korang kecik2 dulu pergi kelas2 tuisyen?

Sepatutnya tanya kat board parenting, tapi soalan2 macam ni

me rasa better discuss direct dgn korang yang pandai science and math.

I've met a lot of people yg rajin but still tak leh nak score calculus.

Please..really need feedback from all of you.

Jazakallah :tq:

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Post time 24-10-2005 06:13 PM | Show all posts
i dont know. from my personal experience, i think it's like 50% work 50% gift (and of course 100% rezeki).

true, math is important. almost every major i know requires some math.

but you dont have to be really really good at math to survive.

in pure sciences, yes, math is very important most of the time. that's where talent really comes into play.

tapi tak semestinya tak amik pure science takkan berjaya. you can succeed in anything that you do.

so, my advice is, do not force your child to be exactly what you want him/her to be. for example, dont force her to become and engineer, but instead, force her to be successful. not everyone can be an engineer, but everyone can be successful. i say forget about critical courses. your child wont be anywhere if he doesn't like those courses. one has to like what he's doing.



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Post time 24-10-2005 06:20 PM | Show all posts
and yes. i did go to tution classes.

this is my history.

No tadika. Standard 1-5, ponteng gile gile. Standard 6, still had the worst attandence in school, but attended many tution classes. Form 1-5 boarding school, no tution classes, except for compulsory extra classes organized by school in Form 5.

honestly, i did not think that any tution classes i attended in standard 6 was necessary. i did not think that it contributed a lot to my achievement. but it did make me get used to working hard, that's necessary when it comes to higher education. (i had to attend the tution classes because my mom taught i was lazy).

but that's me. different people have different needs. some poeple are weak at math but good at something else. you just have to find out what that something else is. and it's very important as a parent to stimulate the child's interest in learning, learning about anything. a set of encyclopedia would be awesome.



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isaura This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 24-10-2005 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 24-10-2005 06:20 PM
and it's very important as a parent to stimulate the child's interest in learning, learning about anything. a set of encyclopedia would be awesome.

Thank you so much! Allah Bless you...

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Post time 24-10-2005 09:33 PM | Show all posts
Utk belajar matematik ni...yg penting latih tubi ..buat byk latihan..contoh2 soalan jer...mesti bleh scorenya...tak kisah la
subjek add math ker, calculus ker..kalau budak2 tu jgn pressure sgt...slow2...tak der masalah...yg penting rajin...tu ajer



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Post time 25-10-2005 01:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lurza at 24-10-2005 09:33 PM
Utk belajar matematik ni...yg penting latih tubi ..buat byk latihan..contoh2 soalan jer...mesti bleh scorenya...tak kisah la
subjek add math ker, calculus ker..kalau budak2 tu jgn pressure sgt... ...

i've seen some (sort of) genius people who don't have to practice math. but that's a special case. we all have to practice it real hard to do well in it.

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Post time 25-10-2005 01:18 AM | Show all posts
Oleh kerana my family background lemah in math, adakah menjadi kewajipan for me utk hantar
my children ke tempat2/tuisyen macam ni?

i would say send you kids to those classes. discover their potential. if it's not there, dont be disappointed (but make sure they try). as i said, not everyone can do well in it. we're all created equal (in terms of potential to succeed) but different (in terms of areas of interest).

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Post time 25-10-2005 01:25 AM | Show all posts
and yeah. if you need to know, i got C6 for sejarah and P7 for Bio in SPM and A's for other subjects. that shows that my weakness is memorization. but i'm doing very well in Mechanical engineering right now, since in engineering, you dont have to remember almost anything, just deep understanding of the materials. you see, one doesn't have to be good in everything. that's what i argued with them in interviews for scholarships (since they always asked why i got those grades for those classes). and thankfully they all agreed with me. just do your best at whatever you're doing.



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Post time 25-10-2005 01:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isaura at 24-10-2005 08:45 PM

[quote]Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 24-10-2005 06:20 PM
and it's very important as a parent to stimulate the child's interest in learning, learning about anything. a set of encyclopedia would be awesome.

Thank you so much! Allah Bless you...

i really thank my mom for buying us a set of encyclopedia when i was a kid though we're quite poor. it really did made me want to learn more.

and to my dad too for buying me a real toolbox with hammers and stuff when i was 7 and encouraging me to learn bertukang and be creative. after 15 years, the knowledge, experience and creativity is still very very useful, especially in the lab.

[ Last edited by BeanDiesel at 25-10-2005 01:37 AM ]

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Post time 25-10-2005 02:17 AM | Show all posts
lagi satu kalau ada duit lebih nk hantar g tuisyen bagus la...yg penting sbg ibubapa kita perlu memerhatikan kemajuan anak
dlm pelajaran...jgn serah bulat2 kat cikgu jer...tapi saya percaya anak puan akan menjadi seorg berjaya kerana puan begitu
concern ttg masa depan mereka...tapi jgn paksa mereka memilih course yg mereka tk suka bila kt u nanti..

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lenori This user has been deleted
Post time 25-10-2005 11:32 PM | Show all posts
actually, math ni kena ada minat la. so, if guru yg ajar anak2 ni hampeh je.anak2 pun tak minat nak belajo. dulu i tak minat pun, tp bila dah masuk sekolah menengah tu, ada la guru satu ni ajar math best la... sejak tu i rajin buat latihan2, tak pegi tuition sebab membazir je duit. I beli buku math latih tubi yg dterbitkan oleh pelangi kot. soalan2 dia agak mencabar la pada masa sekolah men tapi sebab minat nak buat kan. dulu dlm bas sekolah pun sempat juga buat 2-3 soalan. so, kena bagi anak2 tu minat yg mendalam lah dlm math ni,kalau gifted tu memang lagi baik la sebab mcm tu yg dpt menghasilkan peyelidik2 yg dpt menaikan nama negara.



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Post time 26-10-2005 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Belajar Add Math nie mesti kena praktis selalu... macam kita ajar anak kita makan... mula mula kita suap, pakai tangan ker sudu ker (pelbagai kaedah pengajaran), bila dah usia semakin matang kita kena bimbing dia macam mana cara gunakan garfu pulak.... dan bila nak menghadiri sessuatu function, bagaimana cara nak makan cara beradap.. jadi belajar Add Math kena mula dari perignkat yang paling awal.........

1. Pertama sekali minat kena ada (kalau tak minat kita leh nak paksa dia buat, even dia akan buat tapi tak sama dengna yang kita harapkan). Jadi untuk memupuk minat dia, kita berilah contoh dalam masalah harian kita...

2. Kaitkan Math dengna masalah harian. contohnya : jika kita beri dia dua keping duit syiling 50 sen, satu dia bagi kat adik berapa lagi tinggal?... mungkin nie boleh merangsang pemikiran dia dan dia akan enjoy dengna apa yang dilakukan...

mungkin bnayak lagi kaedah lain ....

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Post time 26-10-2005 08:59 AM | Show all posts
Di sini ada article...... pasal higher thinking

Interventions At School
All students need to have discussions related to concepts and what they are.  A student who struggles with higher order thinking may often get confused by the differences between facts and opinions.  Students should be taught how to recognize a concept by highlighting a concepts critical features, giving examples of the concept, giving false examples of the concept, and connecting it to other related concepts.  (Using a concept map, as described in Educational Care, can help.)
Be sure the student understands the difference between concrete concepts (like juice or snow) versus abstract concepts (like generosity or democracy).
Provide multiple examples when introducing a new concept.
The student should be forewarned when a key concept is being introduced in a book, lecture, etc.
The student should be asked to describe the concept in his/her own words before, during, and after applying it.  Talking about concepts help to develop a better understanding of them.
Teachers should use the student's strengths to his/her advantage when teaching concepts.  For example, a student who is highly verbal may be best off using spoken or written language to understand the concepts of geometric shapes.  Visual cues may not add as much support as one supposes for the strong verbal learner.
Students who have not fully mastered specific concepts may need a tutor to review them.   Often times, the slow mastery of a concept means that it will take longer before it can be put into long term memory.  Frequent review with a tutor can help.
The student may need to develop a system of highlighting key concepts when reading textual information.  He/she should develop the habit of mapping and reviewing all the key concepts introduced in a passage or chapter.  It is important for the teacher to model this learning behavior for the student rather than leaving him/her on his own to do it.  

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wasted This user has been deleted
Post time 31-10-2005 05:43 AM | Show all posts
very few people can excel at maths without much effort. most of us require lots of practice patience and persistence. as for your children, i assume maths is not their greatest strength, given your family background. i advise you to send them for extra classes and tutorials if they are still in school. this is primarily because their exam resultswill  pretty muchdetermine how they will fare in our edu system. dont be too worried about getting them into these crucial courses, tell them to follow their passion and interests as soon as theyre done with school and give them the support they need.its more important to inculcate values of hard work and integrity in them rather than drilling maths skills so they could excel in their exams. those values will take them much further in life than anything else. best of luck.



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Post time 1-11-2005 09:04 AM | Show all posts
from my experience pulak, it's just practice! saya dulu anti giler dengan math dan add math. sekarang, senang senang saya boleh buat kertas ujian SPM, dapat 80-100%, yg salah tu pun kira cuai  cam salah salin soalan atau tekan butang calculator salah, bukan tak reti buat. iq saya bukan tinggi mana, tapi kalau kita banyak practice math, mmg boleh latih otak kita jadi cerdas! slrg for me, add math tu kacang je! subjek hafal hafal macam sejarah lagi parah!

pokok pangkalnya, buat banyak practice!



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Post time 9-11-2005 10:05 PM | Show all posts
masa form 2, angin buat semua latihan dalam buku teks.  lepas tu tak yah susah2 lagi buat latihan byk2 sampai la masuk U. sebab asas2 tu dah ada.

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Post time 15-11-2005 10:24 AM | Show all posts
pengalaman flower lak,
bermula dgn minat...parent flower asuh supaya minat maths...mereka sentiasa mengingatkan betapa pentingnya ilmu maths dalam kehidupan seharian..... masa kecik dulu, mak akan tanya hari ni belajar apa?... kalau bab pecahan, so ari tu masa lakukan aktiviti seharian, mak akan kaitkan dgn pecahan....

flower sendiri pun sentiasa tanamkan dalam diri yang math tu mudah... teringat masa darjah 3... pas 3 bulan sekolah flower dah siapkan semua latihan buku teks.... rasa seronok sangat....



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Post time 25-11-2005 10:26 AM | Show all posts
my experience.. tak de pegi tuition pon.

for math.. kene buat banyak soalan latih tubi.

add maths lagi la....buat banyak2 soalan latih tubi... sebab soalan yg kluar kat exam... walaupon ayat soalan tu lain sikit. but cara penyelesaian adalah sama saja. sebab tu kene buat banyak soalan latihan, untuk get familiar dgn formula2 dan cara2 penyelesaian.



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witzurai This user has been deleted
Post time 29-11-2005 08:40 PM | Show all posts
witz punye xperience...witz baru lepas spm 2 tahun lepas n now mik kos engin...bagi witz n untuk diri witz, power math nie is a gift....witz pemalas tapi math xpenah jatuh result...witz xsuke wat latihan math but result still maintain..dari amik add math sampai aar skang amik calculus...xpenah dapat math slain dari a...tapi kena berjaga2 gak aar..tetibe ilang ke'power'an tuh....bagi witz n experience kekawan yang kantoi math nie, diorang memang banyak wat latihan aar...dan paling penting dalam math nie ialah asas die...witz leh wat pape soalan yang kuar pon coz witz paham btul ngan asas die..klo dah master ngan asas, insyaAllah pape soalan pon leh jawab..tu bagi witz ar..n latihan banyak2 nie bagi witz tujuan die nak mempercepatkan kite jawab soalan tuh...coz kite dah jumpe banyak soalan mungkin kite penah wat soalan yang lebih kurang camtuh...xyah pk panjang2 sangat....
1st---mastering konsep in math
2nd--wat banyak latihan
sesape pon leh berjaya....



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Post time 1-12-2005 10:14 AM | Show all posts
bagi org cam aku....
cikgu tu penting....
aku ingat time skolah menengah.. aku nyampah tul ngan sume cikgu maths aku...
tak paham ke benda... pehtu cam singa lak tuh
waktu skolah rendah... math asyik kantoi je

masuk skolah menengah.. kebanyakkan cikgu aku suka...
padahal math skolah menengah lagi laaa susah...espescially addmaths...
tapi addmaths laaa yg aku dok score...
sampai laaa bila aku amik degree aku amik engineering.. mmg knowledge in addmaths very helpful
so skarang giliran aku ngajar bebudak engineering lak.. hehehe

bagi aku yg penting

kepandaian tu tak penting sangat



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