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Beware of false prophets

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me This user has been deleted
Post time 21-1-2005 01:05 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Matthew 7:15   

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

anyone wants to share their thoughts on who these false prophet might be?

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Post time 21-1-2005 02:00 AM | Show all posts
The Zionist Freemasons(Dajjal)....:ah:

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.....

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 21-1-2005 06:19 AM | Show all posts
john ankerberg

billy graham

ken copeland

john avanzinni

BENNY HINN (repeat 3 times)

Oral roberts

all prosperity prophets ..all merchandisers .. all on tax breaks.
so give until it hurts u'all suckers.

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Post time 21-1-2005 06:58 AM | Show all posts
I think Mohamad was a false prophet.
Not only did he fail mant times the signs of a prophet, he broke the rules of God.

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Post time 21-1-2005 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Many peoples mis understood about false prophet. some say paul some says chrisitans.

let us examine who is really the false prophet

True prophets are:

Moses and Jesus both observed sabbaht (dut 18:18)
Paul observed Sabbath as well.
The Bible mentioned marriage is 121
Worshipping towards Jerusalem
Several name of God mentioned in Bible expect allah
None of our prophets b4 muhammad pay pilgrims in mecca (click here :]%20Room%20inside%20Ka抌a%20is%20a%20forbidden.Why?)
None of our earlier Prophets b4 muhammad did not claimed there is non stop sex, houris and etc in paradise.
None of prophets b4 muhammad did not bring system of worshipping of god.
None of prophets b4 says that u should killed the unbelievers.
Jesus mentioned all the  prophets are dead and will be resurrected until HIS secondly coming and Jesus mentioned non hve seen God.Muhammad claimed seen ancient prophets by riding buraq and spoke to his god.

The false prophet is breaking God laws  and brining things that hve not told by our ancient prophets

So who real false prophet?  The answer in u

As for Benny Hill he still believed Jesus is son of God. That doesn抰 mean we should follow him. Just observed how  he bring healing or telling event of the world which not happening. So, for me Benny hill is hoax. U can visit his false prophecies at

Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, (See update below)
Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

Rev 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

As for me I do not believed him as he drive expensive car and expensive house. Did Jesus care about all those when preaching the truth???? NO. He walk in dry land with hot sun to preach the truth.

If u need healing, just post ur prayer request online or ask others to pray for u.

[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-1-2005 at 11:27 AM ]

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 21-1-2005 11:29 AM | Show all posts

those 'longhorn' hand signs are back - again! god damn it.

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 21-1-2005 01:38 PM | Show all posts
beware of 'false kings' too while u are at it.

got it from the mail.

quote: Tomorrow, I will take an oath and deliver an inaugural address. You'll be pleased to hear I'm not going to deliver it twice. But I will speak about freedom. This is the cause that unites our country and gives hope to the world and will lead us to a future of peace. We have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom, and America will always be faithful to that cause.

Now don't get me wrong folks, but there is something this simple man cannot do, and that is improvise a speech.

This reference to "Beyond the stars" is a little more than a turn of the phrase, it's completely intentional innuendo. President Bush stumbled at this point in his speech, which is something he always does when trying to stress a point that he has considered himself beforehand to be important. That caught my attention, and when I finally found the transcript my suspicions were confirmed.

Just what, pray tell, does an American President know about things that come from "Beyond the stars?" Either we have proof that the UFO loonies aren't actually loony at all, and there HAS been a massive global conspiracy about aliens and their interactions with modern governments is real, or George really has Beelzebub gnawing at his ear.

Now I sympathize with the poor man, as his spiritual awareness is almost nil, and any discarnate voice that wants to bother the president has a chance of being thought "god" or an angel. That's what gave us the war in Iraq, and probably a good deal more paranoia and silly activities on behalf of our executive branch.

Nothing in this inauguration comes by chance - every image, every sound, every speech is a carefully staged and aligned event. Most disturbing was the shot that appeared on for a few hours where Lady Bush was standing directly under the bottom point of a great big inverted pentagram. These things aren't chance alignments and inverted stars of such prominence are quite out of place in a major event like this. Even spiritually retarded people know that is a malevolent symbol, and doesn't appear in the camera by chance. Having studied it a little more, and the other alignments, I am quite convinced that this administration is beset with all manner of occult foolishness, all the more troubling because of the nature and ignorance of this president and the gross materialism of his staff. They would likely be very susceptible to any shadowy forces that would want to press their influence on these poor people.

I am well aware of America's dirty little occult secret, and it gives me shivers to think of how deeply engrained and secretive occult practices are in America's leadership and elite classes. I don't happen to be very fond of the black lodge, and I detest the Bushes involvement in the occult and their silly nods towards the darker parts of the occult forces that are running rampage through our culture.

Any thoughts on the speech? And, if possible, can anyone find the shot of Lady Bush under the Big Inverted Star on the day before the inauguration? It's a big panel of stars, rather oddly proportioned and mingled that hanging way up on top of a stage where the first couple are standing. Occultists will immediately recognize this "chance" alignment and might have something to say about it.


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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 21-1-2005 01:41 PM | Show all posts
On January 29th1991, Father Bush gave his state of the union address. Among the myriad of words that came out of his mouth he mentioned this unique phrase:

'We can find meaning and reward by serving some purpose higher than ourselves梐 shining purpose, the illumination of a thousand points of light'

George H. W. Bush's State of the Union Address

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me This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 21-1-2005 02:25 PM | Show all posts
common guys...

prophets please...

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Post time 21-1-2005 02:58 PM | Show all posts
adam never had sabbath etc so he is a false prophet??

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 21-1-2005 04:19 PM | Show all posts
The Zionist Freemasons(Dajjal)....
1) Who are the prophets in Freemason?
2) How does Freemason originated in Britain's stonemason organization linked with Zionism in Israel?

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Post time 21-1-2005 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by snipersnake at  02:58 PM:
adam never had sabbath etc so he is a false prophet??

Moses, Zakaria, David and right up Jesus kept Sabbath.

Muhammad changed that. ?? false or true prophet

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Post time 22-1-2005 12:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 20-1-2005 10:27 PM:

Moses, Zakaria, David and right up Jesus kept Sabbath.

Muhammad changed that. ?? false or true prophet

i was enquiring about adam..he never had a is he a false prophet??

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Post time 22-1-2005 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by snipersnake at  12:39 AM:

i was enquiring about adam..he never had a is he a false prophet??

Does God gave scriptures to Adam? NO

Does God gave HIS own hand written 10 commandments to Moses ? Yes

Does the 10 commandment made it clear Sabbath to be observed? Yes

Does our ancient prophet抯 frm Moses rite to Jesus observe Sabbath? Yes.

Does Muhammad came after 600yrs broke that God Hand written Sabbath after listings to that spirit in cave of hira ? Yes. So  who is allah  and that spirit? U hve brain and again THINK

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Post time 22-1-2005 12:23 PM | Show all posts
Peace Truth.8

Compilation of the word sabbath from the Quran
Yusof Ali

Al-Baqara [The Cow]
002.065 And well ye knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said to them: "Be ye apes, despised and rejected."

(An-Nisa [Women])
004.047 O ye People of the Book! believe in what We have (now) revealed, confirming what was (already) with you, before We change the face and fame of some (of you) beyond all recognition, and turn them hindwards, or curse them as We cursed the Sabbath-breakers, for the decision of Allah Must be carried out.

(An-Nisa [Women])
004.154 And for their covenant we raised over them (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai); and (on another occasion) we said: "Enter the gate with humility"; and (once again) we commanded them: "Transgress not in the matter of the sabbath." And we took from them a solemn covenant.

(Al-Araf [The Heights])
007.163 Ask them concerning the town standing close by the sea. Behold! they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath. For on the day of their Sabbath their fish did come to them, openly holding up their heads, but on the day they had no Sabbath, they came not: thus did We make a trial of them, for they were given to transgression.

And last but not least

An-nahl[The Bee]
016.124 The Sabbath was only made for those who disagreed; But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment, as to their differences.

I hope this helps...

002.062 Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

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Post time 22-1-2005 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lolipop9 at  12:23 PM:
Peace Truth.8

Compilation of the word sabbath from the Quran
Yusof Ali

Al-Baqara [The Cow]
002.065 And well ye knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said  ...

what is ur point????

are u saying ur god giving different meaning when my God who wrote HIS own finger writings to Moses asking us to observed Sabbath and ur god twisting ur fact????

Tell me if ur Muhammad indeed true prophet, he would respect Sabbath which observed by Moses, Zechariah,Daniel,David and right to Jesus. Even in Dut18:18 the verses apply to Jesus not Muhammad because he came to break it and Jesus came to fullied the laws of Moses , when Jesus mentioned "I am the Lord of Sabbath and Sabbath was made for men".
Men mean all nations; which include arabs, indians, chineses, white guys and etc. Does ur arabs nations muslims observed Sabbath? NO because they listen to Muhammad who broke that Sabbath keeping kept by our ancient prophets. Now u know why I reject Muhammad is not prophet. he not seal of all prophet but he is seal of breaking God hand written laws.

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Post time 22-1-2005 02:24 PM | Show all posts

Peace Truth.8

what is ur point????

are u saying ur god giving different meaning when my God who wrote HIS own finger writings to Moses asking us to observed Sabbath and ur god twisting ur fact????

Actually my God and your God is the same truth.8..

029.046 And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."

as far as the sabbath is concern, Yes the followers of prophet Moses are commanded to observe the sabbath..but most of them transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is nothing but only a test for the follower of Mosses. To test them whether they are willing to obey God's orders. Thats All..Observe.. let the Quran enlighten you..

007.163 Ask them concerning the town standing close by the sea. Behold! they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath. For on the day of their Sabbath their fish did come to them, openly holding up their heads, but on the day they had no Sabbath, they came not: thus did We make a trial of them, for they were given to transgression.

Tell me if ur Muhammad indeed true prophet, he would respect Sabbath which observed by Moses, Zechariah,Daniel,David and right to Jesus. Even in Dut18:18 the verses apply to Jesus not Muhammad because he came to break it and Jesus came to fullied the laws of Moses , when Jesus mentioned "I am the Lord of Sabbath and Sabbath was made for men".
Men mean all nations; which include arabs, indians, chineses, .....

Yes, Muhammad respect the Sabbath..if you want to, you can still observe the sabbath and still go to heaven.. the only thing is that you must find the original Injil/gospel and follow it..observe..

005.047 Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.

Isnt that respect to the previous scripture truth.8?

But unfortunatly many Christians follow every other gospel except the only real gospel, that of Jesus, the Anointed (God bless him) as seen in your very Scriptures! . So lets consider your scriptures & what your scriptures have recorded about Jesus.

Christians take other than Jesus as their teachers but according to the book called Matthew, Jesus commanded his followers:

[Mat 23:8- 10] But you are not to be called 'rabbi', for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.  Neither be called masters, for you have one master, the Anointed.

Whoever you follow under is your lord, superior, rabbi or master. But when you take your lord, superior or master in disregard to God, this is where the wrong is incurred.
truth.8, have you taken your doctrines, and thereby your church fathers, pastors and priests, and even the anonymous authors of the gospels you possess as lords in disregard to God?

They tell you that Jesus is the Lord, that he is God. This is not in line with how Jesus told you?  According to your very records Jesus said, "Not every one who says to me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21,

"Do not cling to me, for I have not yet asended to my Father; but go to my bretheren and say to them I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God." [John 20:17]

According to your records, "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. [Mat 4:1.8]

Can God be tempted by the devil, by evil? Of course not.

So you see truth.8 is all just logic...wheather you want to use your logic or not..that s all...


[ Last edited by lolipop9 on 22-1-2005 at 02:49 PM ]

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Post time 22-1-2005 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lolipop9 at  02:24 PM:

Actually my God and your God is the same truth.8..

029.046 And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them w ...

anyway, i like the way u wrote  without much anger in u. keep it up.
the question here is Sabbath was corrupted even Christian faith which replaced by Roman to sunday and ur Muslims replaced by Friday.

Tell me why then God wrote his own finger on Sabbath?  doe HE made mistake or humans??

So nice to debate about Sabbath today because today is Sabbath. I just finished my Sabbath  worshipped. Worshipping sabbaht is simple, there is song on Sabbath in Bible Psalm 92.1 but no song on Friday or Sunday & praying. U c Sabbath has meaning why God want us to observed.

[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 22-1-2005 at 03:06 PM ]

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Post time 22-1-2005 03:36 PM | Show all posts

Peace truth

anyway, i like the way u wrote  without much anger in u. keep it up.

Thats the beauty of the Quran..

029.046 And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation),

the question here is Sabbath was corrupted even Christian faith which replaced by Roman to sunday and ur Muslims replaced by Friday.

im sorry..did i say the muslims observe sabbath? i think u missed my point there,

An-nahl[The Bee]
016.124 The Sabbath was only made for those who disagreed; But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment, as to their differences.

As far as the Quran is concern, i dont need observe the sabbath on friday, saturday or sunday..
I let u in a little secret..I'm not a sunni ;)

Tell me why then God wrote his own finger on Sabbath?  doe HE made mistake or humans??

No..God did not make a mistake..I think i already answer that question..sabbath is enforced for a test. pls look at Quran 7:163.. tQ.

So nice to debate about Sabbath today because today is Sabbath. I just finished my Sabbath  worshipped. Worshipping sabbaht is simple, there is song on Sabbath in Bible Psalm 92.1 but no song on Friday or Sunday & praying. U c Sabbath has meaning why God want us to observed.

Good for you..
Observe the sabbath and uphold the original Gospel.

Could you please answer my question on [Mat 23:8- 10],[Matthew 7:21],[John 20:17] and [Mat 4:1.8]..

Thank you in advance..

[ Last edited by lolipop9 on 22-1-2005 at 03:39 PM ]

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Post time 22-1-2005 04:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lolipop9 at  03:36 PM:
Could you please answer my question on [Mat 23:8- 10],[Matthew 7:21],[John 20:17] and [Mat 4:1.8]..


as for ur question, I already posted in C&C about Holy Sabbath. Pls hve time to visit but I only managed to post few. Later I will finished off that topic.

btw , ur verses
An-nahl[The Bee]
016.124 The Sabbath was only made for those who disagreed; But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment, as to their differences.

I could not accept the above verse because it not stated in my Bible. The frm OT right to NT mentioned numerous time about Sabbath. Those refused obey the Sabbath, God will deal with them accordingly.

I am observing Sabbath becasue it was practised by our anicent prophets as well it stated in 10 commandment. I dare not challenged HIS hand written commadment.

Can i ask u, does ur god wrote Friday to be observed?? can i hve that verses.


[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 22-1-2005 at 04:08 PM ]

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