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Where did you guys learn business knowledge?
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Hi, I have a plan to have my own business in the near future, now working in an online business company, I can learn a bit how this company operates.
But wanting to know more. Ho do yu guys get these business knowledge?
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Started selling my things on instagram and facebook since last year. Mostly i look around forums and youtube. |
Learning things by yourself without tutor is very hard la.
Have tried going to seminar? Pretty good investment for me so far.
Can learn by urself but also need tutor, both is important. Especially when u encounter some business jargon that will be hard if learn by urslelf. I prefer to learn in a real class. Easier to interact.
which seminar did you attend? mind to share?
Still looking, but im not very familiar which I have to take. Some i see only give introductionary level knowledge?
I just want to know how long does a class or seminar usually runs? Working person dont have much time to have so much classes.  |
I went with a friend. Coz the price package for pair is different from going for 1 person. These knowledge also uses for my job scope only since i work as marketing exec. But the knowledge is applicable for start up company and business.
I think you need to review the topic they are going to teach you first. From masterclass i took before is pretty interesting, alot of new things to me. For me personally i need the coverage on what to do when having too much competitors and good way of advertising.
Up to you lah, maybe u can find one day or several hours seminar. What i attend was 2 days seminar, that also abit too much info for me. But okay for the price paid.
Why i feel this is like a 'iklan'? hehehe comel. what sort of business? and what preferences classes u interested to attend? and how old are u?
Best of luck
Edited by LucyHarvey at 20-1-2021 07:06 AM
It is best to get a job in the company and learn everything from the inside. For example, you can go to sales. Using my own example, I can say that from selling sneakers, selling school courses, selling mobile phones, I have reached the sale of IT services.
Each direction requires the study of the product. The most difficult product for me is Saas, Iaas, Paas. The complexity of selling IT services is the complexity of the features of the Saas product itself, it is business knowledge, knowledge of saas cases. It is very important to know your product in detail, in the flesh, before understanding how this product is made and why it appeared on the market.
For example, Newbalace sneakers are made specifically for comfortable everyday walking, have a history of appearing in restaurant waiters, because work requires constant movement on the feet, etc. If we talk about saas software development, iaas infrastructure and paas as a platform, then it is also necessary to know for each case the best and worst solutions that are implemented and you can look at them.
If you want to create your own business, try to sell something for business, you will talk to businessmen who will be very interesting and useful for you to create a business.
If I knew what I know now back in 2011 when I first start my business. I will do these to start.
For the record, I learn to sell and start and online business without attending any seminar or classes.
The best way is to learn is by doing.
This method is avoiding Selling on Shopee because that is the last place that you want to go. You will not learn how to sell online by going to SHopee in the first place because everything is ready for you at Shopee.
I suggest you follow these routes so that you can gain more knowledge and learn so many things.
When you succeeded in these steps then Shopee will be kacang goreng for you.. In fact any platform is kacang goreng for you.
1. learn to sell online first by doing - just put any product that you think will sell on the FB marketplace. This is to validate your product demand, to learn how to respond to inquiries, learn to follow up, learn to make compelling product copywriting.
2. After you have make few sales in short period, then create a FB page to start selling using paid advertising. Here you will learn how to setup your brand name properly, the photos, the video.
3. Start building E-commerce website not Shopee.. Go for services like Shopify, Bigcommerce here in Malaysia services like shoppegram is also a good place to start.
4. Start paid advertising using the website and facebook ads. Here you will learn even more. From ads optimizing, the copywriting, the sales page, the images, video and many more.
5. After all of the process is optimize then start scalling your advertising budget.
6. Then expand to other channel like SHopee and Lazada.
This is only my 2 cents if you follow these step you can build your empire and you will go far.
Follow my writing on this blog |
farhanmo89 replied at 16-2-2021 01:29 AM
If I knew what I know now back in 2011 when I first start my business. I will do these to start.
Nice advice...from your opinion which better dropshipping or create our brand to sell in shopify? |
I closed this thread as i sense its an ads. Please pm me if the author need to appeal. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi