With all the news about places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine taking over the tube, you'd think just about anybody could pinpoint these countries on a map, right? Whatever! A recent National Geographic Society survey shows young Americans are completely lost when it comes to geography and current events. The survey tested the knowledge of youths in nine countries, and Americans scored a big fat D! OK, not being able to find Iraq on a map is bad, but a whopping 49 percent couldn't even locate New York! But...34 percent of Americans surveyed knew the last season of Survivor took place in the South Pacific.
ps: how about us? berapa percent penduduk forum nie tahu mana letaknya Iraq, New York atau Singapore?
ps2: jika korang ada terjumpa artikel mcm nie, sila jangan malu dan segan pastekan kat sini kekekeke |
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Category: Belia & Informasi