The Haunting of Sharon Tate is a 2019 United States horror thriller film written and directed by Daniel Farrands. It stars Hilary Duff, Jonathan Bennett, Lydia Hearst, Pawel Szajda, and Ryan Cargill.
It was released domestically on April 5, 2019, by Saban Films.
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Post time 8-5-2019 02:38 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Wahhhhh! iol lama tertunggu movie pasal sharon tate. iol follow kisah her haunted house tu years ago. siap dengar lagi suara dia merintih dlm video tu (her ghost begging) kalau paranormal seekers tu tipu, iol tertipu lah. Tapi seems like too many haunting reported seems legit.
and rumah tu pun dah kena roboh and rebuilt sebab susah nak sell. Walaupun lawa and area exclusive privacy orang kaya2 celebs2.
charles manson & the gang yg dtg bunuh die dgn 4 org lg kenalan kt rmh tu
actually die nk bunuh penerbit album yg xjd buat album dgn die
ms tu penerbit tu yg sewa rmh tu
cuma ms kejadian, rmh tu disewa oleh sharon dgn suami die
pengarah filem terkenal, roman polanski (antara the pianist, adrien brody dgn carnage, kate winslet & jodie foster)
arahan die bunuh je semua yg ada kt rmh tu
ada yg kena tembak, ada yg kena tikam smpi 28 kali
even tate sendiri kena 16
mmg gila lah
btw, quincy jones, penerbit terkenal yg bnyk terlibat dgn album michael jackson adlh kwn dorg yg xjd nk dtg rmh dorg mlm tu
klu x, harus jd mangsa jgk
plus, roman polanski pun xde jgk kt rmh mlm tu sbb shooting filem kt europe
anyway, filem psl kejadian horror ni jgk ada lg satu yg akn keluar dijangka bln 7/2019 arahan quentin tarantino
tajuk : Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood
lakonan a-list actor/ess hollywood - leonardo dicaprio, brad pitt & margot robbie
for time being blh tonton jgk filem ni utk tau serba sedikit kisah yg berlaku ni
tp iol suka lagi satu filem psl kejadian mlm tu, wolves at door
versi filem ni sgt fast & gory ttg kejadian mlm tu
Post time 8-5-2019 02:48 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
the video kat youtube if anyone search now is not the one i heard years back. It was a different one. The ghost begged for her life, sangat2 mendayu and sayu. Caught on tape. Taktau why takda dah that video
Lawa Sharon Tate ni. Tragis betul cara mati. Wolves at Door tu ada tengok kat astro sekali je sebab lepas tu macam tak pernah pulak nampak ada repeat atau pun iols yang terlepas pandang.
Memang patut kontroversi pun sebab diorang buat cerita seram pasal gangguan roh orang mati kena bunuh dengan kejam berdasarkan kisah benar, siap quote nama lagi.